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One wonder if the Red leadership is out collecting dead bodies of its followers so no proper forensic investigation can be carried out. Greater than even odds IMO they have done it to themselves as outlined in Thanong's scenario of a few days ago.

"Weng suggesting the red shirts are prepared to risk laying waste to the country."

You are thinking way too deep they are simply verifying the carnage in full undeniable view to rally sympathy and support.

Given that the deaths are being widely reported, they can only be displaying them for their own propaganda.

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I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

Yes. I didn't see many charming, smiling, toothless grins/smiles from the Udon pensioners association.

I pray to God that the pensioners got out already.


There is one reason only why sadly it was necessary to show the dead: To keep them from being disappeared by the army. At least their death will not be forgotten.

I think Abhisit is done; Thais and foreigners murdered by the army. It's sick.

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

Using dead people to feed your pitiful propaganda now ?

Yu are the one disgraceful

And for all those who keep saying throughout this thread " an immediate election won't solve the problem "

- I say give it a go .....surely its better than people fighting each other like this.........who knows

Thailand might become remarkably stable ? :)


This Country is imploding due to Thaksin's efforts to meet his own ends. He has created the divide between North and South. He just can not leave the isaan people alone because they are too easily manipulated. He is the one that exploits poor uneducated people. he was the one that gave them no education when he had every opportunity to do so. He has ripped these people off for many years. why do they follow him? because there has never been anyone to follow. He took their trust and crapped all over them,loans , medical schemes etc, but they just can not see this..

He is sat there a billionaire when the poor are dying for him. What kind of man can do this to his own people. I use that term loosely because he is of Chinese origin.

The sad thing Thaksin is you will never see your home again. A sad thing for a rich man but we all have a price to pay for our past. Som nam na!

Cheers, Rick

It is time for the major world leaders to speak out in support of PM Abhisit and against terrorism, anarchy in Thailand, as well as the villainous puppet master, Thaksin.

Oh dear, someone still likes those old fashioned westerns when the cavalry comes over the hill at the 11th hour.

One wonder if the Red leadership is out collecting dead bodies of its followers so no proper forensic investigation can be carried out. Greater than even odds IMO they have done it to themselves as outlined in Thanong's scenario of a few days ago.

"Weng suggesting the red shirts are prepared to risk laying waste to the country."

You are thinking way too deep they are simply verifying the carnage in full undeniable view to rally sympathy and support.

A couple of days ago they were playing a doctored tape that to falsely claim Abhisit ordered troops to fire last April. Why would it be beyond them to doctor photos or steal bodies from hospitals so autopsies cannot be done?

You are entitled to your opinion, my more balanced explanation you have already had the pleasure of reading. :)

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

It takes 2 - no army sent in - no bloodshed..............historic evidence........previous days of the demonstration since it first appeared no deaths!!!

No Jutuporn is how that should read. Do you get it? I don't think you give a rat's <deleted> ass about the people killed tonight. You're obsessed with an adopted cause.

Cheers... Have you ever heard Holiday in Cambodia by the Dead Kennedys? Well they are singing about you!


To the moderator or the powers that be!!!

Sorry, for posting this here, but your system does not allow me to start a new topic and news is not by the minute....

Where are the reds right now? Where are the govt troops/hot spots right now? I need to travel out of Bangkok tomorrow (to go to another city) and I don't know what is happening (as things are changing by the minute)? Forgive me, but the Bangkok post and The Nation do not have a nice interactive live map on the front page... ding... might be a good idea!

I have heard on Channel 3 Annu Sawari (Victory Monument) mentioned many times... is this now closed?

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

It takes 2 - no army sent in - no bloodshed..............historic evidence........previous days of the demonstration since it first appeared no deaths!!!

In a peaceful protest you don't confront the army. You don't break in to a parliament. You don't break into a government TV facilty. You don't try to get into the army compounds.

The reds have been ratcheting up there "peaceful protest".

They have brought this on themselves.

They have caused the deaths of 9 people.

It is time for the major world leaders to speak out in support of PM Abhisit and against terrorism, anarchy in Thailand, as well as the villainous puppet master, Thaksin.

Oh dear, someone still likes those old fashioned westerns when the cavalry comes over the hill at the 11th hour.

Verbiage. You have a point to make ?

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

It takes 2 - no army sent in - no bloodshed..............historic evidence........previous days of the demonstration since it first appeared no deaths!!!

In a peaceful protest you don't confront the army. You don't break in to a parliament. You don't break into a government TV facilty. You don't try to get into the army compounds.

The reds have been ratcheting up there "peaceful protest".

They have brought this on themselves.

They have caused the deaths of 9 people.

No army nobody to confront.........no deaths.........the army came to clear the area....to uphold a law recently invoked, on the insistence of the goverment.......no army no deaths.

Abhisit's ego and lack of patience has shown through.

Are you kidding?!? Abhisit has shown patience to a fault. As for ego: Abhisit has a smidgen the amount of ego as Red shirt leaders and their paymaster/puppetmaster.

It takes 2 - no army sent in - no bloodshed..............historic evidence........previous days of the demonstration since it first appeared no deaths!!!

Ummmm, are you suggesting the security forces should continue to do nothing (as they did earlier) while downtown Bkk is systematically destroyed by a band of loud thugs? I'm glad you're not in charge of security for Bkk. You'd just give all your men pink colored plastic squirt guns, and tell them to hand out lollipops, while Bkk got looted.

Thai army is famous for having hundreds of generals, and promotions for all ranks are not skill-based, but instead based upon 'who you know,' 'who you're related to,' and how much you're willing to pay to get promoted.

This is the same army which had a commander which gave the order to shoot protesters to death at Krue Se, and which gave the order to stack arrested protesters like cordwood at Tak Bai - both incidents, by the way, which happened under the direct minute-by-minute watch of 'Mr. Hands On' 'CEO' caretaker PM Thaksin.

Garbage in / garbage out. If Thailand wants well-functioning security troops, it has to find better ways to promote people in its ranks to top positions. Suggest: promotions based on skills, wisdom, and leadership abilities.

Abhisit on TV now.

He should be in jail.

No. ALL of the blood is on the red shirts hands. They were warned for several days and they deliberately provoked this violence. Not to mention their terrorist leader threatening mass murder of innocent Bangkok commuters. The red apologists can spin it all they want, but ONLY red shirt true believers are buying it. The red shirt movement is permanently tainted.

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

Using dead people to feed your pitiful propaganda now ?

Yu are the one disgraceful

I'd like to say you're an idiot, but last time I did that the post got deleted.

Maybe you can tell me what part of a non-violent protest involves confronting the military with sharpened sticks, and what part of a non-violent protest causes deaths to soldiers.

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

Using dead people to feed your pitiful propaganda now ?

Yu are the one disgraceful

And for all those who keep saying throughout this thread " an immediate election won't solve the problem "

- I say give it a go .....surely its better than people fighting each other like this.........who knows

Thailand might become remarkably stable ? :)

Whilst I don't share your optimism I agree 100% its what is needed now. Needed because its hard to see another way in which both sides can withdraw from the brink.

And for those who would say yes there is another way, shoot the reds etc, believe me you wouldn't want to spend any time in the country you would inherit.

To the moderator or the powers that be!!!

Sorry, for posting this here, but your system does not allow me to start a new topic and news is not by the minute....

Where are the reds right now? Where are the govt troops/hot spots right now? I need to travel out of Bangkok tomorrow (to go to another city) and I don't know what is happening (as things are changing by the minute)? Forgive me, but the Bangkok post and The Nation do not have a nice interactive live map on the front page... ding... might be a good idea!

I have heard on Channel 3 Annu Sawari (Victory Monument) mentioned many times... is this now closed?

Oh this is appalling! You mean these historic events are interfering with your travel plans! Oh that's just too awful. I'm shocked! Appalled! If I were you I would get on the phone to the Government/Red shirts immediately and tell them to stop this nonsense. I have no doubt they will comply and stop the demos, provide you with an escort, and make sure you get to your destination on time. Probably they will offer you a public apology, send flowers, a box of chocolates, etc.

Abhisit on TV now.

He should be in jail.

And the red leaders with bodies on the stage are heroes - right?

And the red idiots firing live rounds into the soldiers are misunderstood - correct?

And Thaksin is actually a nice guy with Thailands best interests at heart - yes?

It doesn't really matter what I think about Thaksin, it matters what Thai people think. I can muster some respect for the differing viewpoints out there.

But there's just no way around the ugly facts, that the army has produced another black Songkran. Dead is dead, argue about Thaksin until the cows come home if you will. :)

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

It takes 2 - no army sent in - no bloodshed..............historic evidence........previous days of the demonstration since it first appeared no deaths!!!

In a peaceful protest you don't confront the army. You don't break in to a parliament. You don't break into a government TV facilty. You don't try to get into the army compounds.

The reds have been ratcheting up there "peaceful protest".

They have brought this on themselves.

They have caused the deaths of 9 people.

No army nobody to confront.........no deaths.........the army came to clear the area....to uphold a law recently invoked, on the insistence of the goverment.......no army no deaths.

You're correct. The army came in to uphold the law. The red protestors were breaking the law. While they were peaceful, they were tolerated. When they started forcing their way into government institutions, they were breaking the law.

And for all those who keep saying throughout this thread " an immediate election won't solve the problem "

- I say give it a go .....surely its better than people fighting each other like this.........who knows

Thailand might become remarkably stable ? :)

No it won't.

Nice thought though...


Please explain why not ?

So you think its better for Abhisit to cling onto power despite what might still happen

than to hold an election ?

What justification has he got to remain in power ?

It is time for the major world leaders to speak out in support of PM Abhisit and against terrorism, anarchy in Thailand, as well as the villainous puppet master, Thaksin.

Oh dear, someone still likes those old fashioned westerns when the cavalry comes over the hill at the 11th hour.

Verbiage. You have a point to make ?

Like the 'major world leaders' really give a shit about Thailand's perpetual struggle between whoever's brand of sycophantic feudal patronage is best? Really? The only thing the Thai's have done recently is 'color code' the principals in some vain attempt to make the game somehow more interesting.


Abhisit's ego and lack of patience has shown through.

Are you kidding?!? Abhisit has shown patience to a fault. As for ego: Abhisit has a smidgen the amount of ego as Red shirt leaders and their paymaster/puppetmaster.

It takes 2 - no army sent in - no bloodshed..............historic evidence........previous days of the demonstration since it first appeared no deaths!!!

Ummmm, are you suggesting the security forces should continue to do nothing (as they did earlier) while downtown Bkk is systematically destroyed by a band of loud thugs? I'm glad you're not in charge of security for Bkk. You'd just give all your men pink colored plastic squirt guns, and tell them to hand out lollipops, while Bkk got looted.

Thai army is famous for having hundreds of generals, and promotions for all ranks are not skill-based, but instead based upon 'who you know,' 'who you're related to,' and how much you're willing to pay to get promoted.

This is the same army which had a commander which gave the order to shoot protesters to death at Krue Se, and which gave the order to stack arrested protesters like cordwood at Tak Bai - both incidents, by the way, which happened under the direct minute-by-minute watch of 'Mr. Hands On' 'CEO' caretaker PM Thaksin.

Garbage in / garbage out. If Thailand wants well-functioning security troops, it has to find better ways to promote people in its ranks to top positions. Suggest: promotions based on skills, wisdom, and leadership abilities.

A peaceful negotiated solution....over time if necessary, was the only way both sides would come out without casualties...I don't deny the actions and sabre rattling of the reds were provoking....... but the elevation of the situation to confrontation came with the decision not to control....but to attempt to remove.

And for all those who keep saying throughout this thread " an immediate election won't solve the problem "

- I say give it a go .....surely its better than people fighting each other like this.........who knows

Thailand might become remarkably stable ? :D

It will dissolve the current crisis but the same will happen down the road and the place will never properly move forwards. Unfortunately, the only way to deal with this lot is to get them on their knees... God forbid they would ever wield any power!

He should be in jail.


Some very odd thinking going on here. I'm wandering if it's the booze or more a case of trolling... moresome and 4223, or whatever you are, enough of the crap already!

I've been out for a few hours ... and I come back to this .... disaster.

The reds were supposed to keep this peaceful. Now look what the *&^% they've done.

The army have tried to avoid confrontation for weeks, but the reds couldn't help themselves.

I hope the protesting farmers are safe out there. This isn't their fault.

It's the thugs, probably taxi drivers and motor cycle taxis. They've been itching for a fight since this started.

How are soldiers being killed from this supposedly 'non-violent' protest?

It's disgraceful.

Using dead people to feed your pitiful propaganda now ?

Yu are the one disgraceful

You seriously typed this?

Are you on stage right now?

Ah, other people have you on ignore.

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