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EXACTLY! but some of the yellow fellows on here just don't get it - strange really strange

Most Farang have problems grasping what goes on in Thailand after living in comfy corner for most of their lives.

Perhaps in the not too distant future this board will be free to speak its mind and paint a clearer picture to those that think the Red Shirt mob are brain dead country folk.

So what you are saying is that the way the reds are acting is a sign of brains and brilliance?

Take your red bandana off and get a grip on reality

Well you're right on one point.

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@ parryhandy,

Why you ask the Red Shirts to answer your questions?

Why you ask them to think?

If you live in Thailand for some years then you know Thai people CANNOT THINK.

If you live in Thailand for some years then you know that there are NO fair elections. It is called vote buying. Last election up to 2.000 Baht per vote. Thai people like the money but not the work to get the money nor the abailibility to think about things. It is their culture.

Futhermore, all Red Shirts are payed to demonstrate. ALL. Up to 1.000 Baht a day by Thaksin to bring him back. Their leaders are staying at the Hyatt Regency in suites at 20.000 Baht a night while the crowd is sleeping, cheering, urinating on the streets. They took all ID"s from the Reds Shirts so they cannot go home.

Red Shirts just follow the stupid Hitler orders from the leaders because they receive a salary to do the most bad and stupid things.

End of story. This is Thailand and no one can change. Only long time and good education. Two things Thai people don't want.

You are an ignorant liar spewing bullsh*t. I state this because;

1. Thai people CANNOT THINK.

You prove it all with that one racist ignorant comment. It is as accurate as saying that all farangs in Thailand are depraved pedos.

2. Futhermore, all Red Shirts are payed to demonstrate. ALL. Up to 1.000 Baht a day by Thaksin to bring him back.

NO. Not all Reds have received compensation. More specifically you have repeated the same lie that has been told every day since the protests began. The monies distributed to the Redshirts are intended to cover the costs of housing, food and fuel. How do you expect an impoverished farmer or merchant from a far off province to make it to an event if destitute? The monies distributed are a Thai version of political financing as seen in western countries. Yes, that's right. In many countries, the government distributes funds to political parties. In democracies like the USA, special interest groups actively contribute to pay for rallies, television time and some very nasty attack ads. There are special interest lobbying groups in all western countries. What is seen in Thailand pales in comparison.

3. Their leaders are staying at the Hyatt Regency in suites at 20.000 Baht a night while the crowd is sleeping, cheering, urinating on the streets.

Not exactly. There has been a dispersal. It defies common sense to put all leaders in one hotel. If you had any common sense you would realize that a concentration of leaders in one place would make it easier to arrest or harm those leaders. D-uh.

4. They took all ID"s from the Reds Shirts so they cannot go home.

Another blatant lie. Prove it. Some cards were surrendered by protestors so that they could be held in safety. Think about it. If the protestors are arrested, not having the id card makes it more difficult to process and charge them. Thinking isn't a strong suit of yours is it? Maybe the comment you made in item 1 applies to you.

5.Red Shirts just follow the stupid Hitler orders from the leaders because they receive a salary to do the most bad and stupid things. Are you as stupid in person as your statements make you out to be? Where does Hitler come into this? There is no evidence of anything done by the Redshirts to suggest a parallel to hitler. No invasions of foreign countries, no genocides, no bogus pseudo race laws, no murders, no theft of private assets, nothing. Where do you get off with an offensive lie like this?

Receiving a salary to do the most bad and stupid things? Again, another bogus claim.

6. This is Thailand and no one can change. Only long time and good education. Two things Thai people don't want.

How do you know what people want or do not want? my friend starts classes at 8AM this morning. He is pursuing his masters degree part time. How about you try cramming the 6 day work week into 5 days, forgoing holidays as well and then going to school Saturday and Sunday, all the while being on call for your employer and then come back and tell me that Thais do not want a good education or are "lazy". If he was in a western country, he would benefit from a 5 day work week and generous employer and government assistance to improve his skills. This being Thailand, because he is not the scion of the Bangkok elite, he faces the same predicament that all poor workers face that seek to improve themselves: Obstacles set up by the haves to block the progress of the have nots.

Your post was disgusting.

Secunded . Yes .... disgusting

I will third that, disgusting.

Here is Thailands balance sheet 2005 to 2009(q3)


I suppose I should put the change (in colour) in % change, and compare to other countries... but i cant be bothered.

Considering the world situation of the last 2 years, this doesn't look bad at all.

God knows what it will be like with Mingkwan back at finance....

EXACTLY! but some of the yellow fellows on here just don't get it - strange really strange

Most Farang have problems grasping what goes on in Thailand after living in comfy corner for most of their lives.

Perhaps in the not too distant future this board will be free to speak its mind and paint a clearer picture to those that think the Red Shirt mob are brain dead country folk.

So what you are saying is that the way the reds are acting is a sign of brains and brilliance?

Take your red bandana off and get a grip on reality

well considering they are bringing the case to the world stage and are making progress with earlier-than-planned elections they aren't doing too bad for country bumkins are they? all we see is the yellow PM holed up in Army Barraks saying he's in control (not the Army haha - he just lives there).


Publicly causing the army to lose face? I would say thats the end of Abhisit . Shame really things were going along nicely just a few weeks back


@ geriatrickid

"Your post was disgusting."

That's your opinion, and everybody has a right to have an opinion, correct?

Let me guess... I think you even don't speak their language so you don't know what they are talking about. Am I right?

Are you a "farang" living here for many years but don't feel the need to understand or speak the language? Don't get offend by this, it is just a question like another.

Don't let angry mobs force new elections. In every democracy there are people who will be dissatisfied. If they are allowed to take to the streets and force new polls it will happen over and over. If the Reds actually value democracy they should wait for the next scheduled elections, but it's really about Thaksin's money isn't it. If the Reds use terror and intimidation when they are only protesters imagine how much worse they would be as the government. Then you'd see what a real dictatorship is like.

The Democrat Party took over the Government after:

• Continuously criticising the Taksin Government for using state funds for the poor

• Refusing to take part in the elections of 2006 because they knew they would lose

• A military coup in September 2006

• A military Constitution was introduced in 2007 which decreased the democratic space

• They lost the December 2007 election

• They supported the PAD violent demonstrations which seized Government House and closed down the international airports

• The Royalist Courts were used twice to dissolve Red Shirt parties which won majorities

• Corrupt politicians were bullied and bribed by the army to change sides and support the Democrat Party

you think this is democratic?

I don't think either side has been particularly democratic. But using angry mobs to force elections every 6 months won't solve things either. Thaksin used the government for his own benefit and caused deep divisions in the country. Neither side is blameless. I would rather see new elections called for six months from now to allow both sides to organize rather than have chaos in the streets and have people get killed. But if the Red side wins the elections the yellow side will know they can force more elections by protesting. Maybe the Thai government needs to amend the constitution to set fixed election dates so that protests cannot trigger elections. In the USA or Canada the majority of citizens oppose the sitting government at any given time. But they have to live with it and allow it to function until the next vote.

Don't let angry mobs force new elections. In every democracy there are people who will be dissatisfied. If they are allowed to take to the streets and force new polls it will happen over and over. If the Reds actually value democracy they should wait for the next scheduled elections, but it's really about Thaksin's money isn't it. If the Reds use terror and intimidation when they are only protesters imagine how much worse they would be as the government. Then you'd see what a real dictatorship is like.

The Democrat Party took over the Government after:

• Continuously criticising the Taksin Government for using state funds for the poor

• Refusing to take part in the elections of 2006 because they knew they would lose

• A military coup in September 2006

• A military Constitution was introduced in 2007 which decreased the democratic space

• They lost the December 2007 election

• They supported the PAD violent demonstrations which seized Government House and closed down the international airports

• The Royalist Courts were used twice to dissolve Red Shirt parties which won majorities

• Corrupt politicians were bullied and bribed by the army to change sides and support the Democrat Party

you think this is democratic?

What a pretty list with bullets and everything,

to bad much of the content is at best semi-correct.

And you figure trying to take back the government via street rioting is democratic...

PS they boycotted the 2006 election because it was a sham to validate Thaksins sale of Shin Corp

and Thai national assets to a foreign power... by buying the vote yet again.

There is no law stating that a party must run in every election.

Not running is a democratic as running.

Those 'red shirt parties' got caught cheating enough to be disbanded, tough tits.

TRT was assembled by bribing those SAME politicians by Thaksin himself.

Apples and Apples... the same ones for sale to the highest bidder EVERY election cycle.

EXACTLY! but some of the yellow fellows on here just don't get it - strange really strange

Most Farang have problems grasping what goes on in Thailand after living in comfy corner for most of their lives.

Perhaps in the not too distant future this board will be free to speak its mind and paint a clearer picture to those that think the Red Shirt mob are brain dead country folk.

So what you are saying is that the way the reds are acting is a sign of brains and brilliance?

Take your red bandana off and get a grip on reality

well considering they are bringing the case to the world stage and are making progress with earlier-than-planned elections they aren't doing too bad for country bumkins are they? all we see is the yellow PM holed up in Army Barraks saying he's in control (not the Army haha - he just lives there).

Yes and warnings from every western and most asian nations about traveling here.


What's happening downtown now? the Nation has not posted many updates this morning. What are the protesters up to, where are they going today? Is the government taking any action?

[This could mean that a crackdown is on the cards and bloodshed will happen, then Abhisit steps down..

Army has already said they will not hurt thai people, so I don't think that will happen.

And surely you can believe what the army says. The same thugs who said there'd be no coup a week before the last coup. The army does what the army wants regardless of what the army says. This ain't Kansas (or Bristol, or Melbourne, etc.) anymore, folks. :)

What's happening downtown now? the Nation has not posted many updates this morning. What are the protesters up to, where are they going today? Is the government taking any action?

Abhisit woke up late. Army nannies changed his nappies, fed him, put the yellow tie tightly around his neck in preparation for the speech they had him memorize for later today.


Thanong is usually way out there, but his talk of a national untiy government being planned may be one of the more sensible things we read today even if he would oppose it I think. Right now it is looking for a way out that keeps stability and there arent too many options left. Of course a peaceful clearance would also be one in the short term but would it be possible and how long would the short term last and it wouldnt solve underlying problems?

All we can do is watch events unfold and hope they dont get too out of control and that the adults do actually come up with something every side can accept

Even a blind man can see what's needed here, and has always been the case. The government elected by the people has to be allowed to serve out it's term without military or any other intervention. Any other scenario and the voters are bound to take to the street, especially when supporters of the opposing party have been treated with kid-gloves in the past. I'm farang, but I'd get very pear shaped if the government in the UK was ousted by the army and another, unelected, party was put in in it's place.

Exactly right .

In Thailand they have a law in the constitution that allows a court to ban an ENTIRE political party if one or more executive of that party are found gulty of breaking the law . Of course no general election right after are mandatory .

Imagine should Gordon Brown be found of getting kickbacks , the entire labor party beeing banned , and the conservative coming to power without general elections of course :):D:D .

pardon me, but wouldn't that be an exceptional good thing for the UK ?

Even a blind man can see what's needed here, and has always been the case. The government elected by the people has to be allowed to serve out it's term without military or any other intervention. Any other scenario and the voters are bound to take to the street, especially when supporters of the opposing party have been treated with kid-gloves in the past. I'm farang, but I'd get very pear shaped if the government in the UK was ousted by the army and another, unelected, party was put in in it's place.

Exactly right .

In Thailand they have a law in the constitution that allows a court to ban an ENTIRE political party if one or more executive of that party are found gulty of breaking the law . Of course no general election right after are mandatory .

Imagine should Gordon Brown be found of getting kickbacks , the entire labor party beeing banned , and the conservative coming to power without general elections of course :):D:D .

pardon me, but wouldn't that be an exceptional good thing for the UK ?

Thats not funny ... no no :D

Don't let angry mobs force new elections. In every democracy there are people who will be dissatisfied. If they are allowed to take to the streets and force new polls it will happen over and over. If the Reds actually value democracy they should wait for the next scheduled elections, but it's really about Thaksin's money isn't it. If the Reds use terror and intimidation when they are only protesters imagine how much worse they would be as the government. Then you'd see what a real dictatorship is like.

The Democrat Party took over the Government after:

• Continuously criticising the Taksin Government for using state funds for the poor

• Refusing to take part in the elections of 2006 because they knew they would lose

• A military coup in September 2006

• A military Constitution was introduced in 2007 which decreased the democratic space

• They lost the December 2007 election

• They supported the PAD violent demonstrations which seized Government House and closed down the international airports

• The Royalist Courts were used twice to dissolve Red Shirt parties which won majorities

• Corrupt politicians were bullied and bribed by the army to change sides and support the Democrat Party

you think this is democratic?

No its not democratic ,I concurr .But dont say the ROYALISTS courts .

At most self declared royalists , elistist if you want .

There is no greater advocate of democracy that HM in Thailand

Edit : Typo mistake

agreed - it is actually a cut-and-paste from another poster not my original thoughts (alas) but I agree it is not right to use Royalist - I apologise for my error in repeating that phrase

Thanong is usually way out there, but his talk of a national untiy government being planned may be one of the more sensible things we read today even if he would oppose it I think. Right now it is looking for a way out that keeps stability and there arent too many options left. Of course a peaceful clearance would also be one in the short term but would it be possible and how long would the short term last and it wouldnt solve underlying problems?

All we can do is watch events unfold and hope they dont get too out of control and that the adults do actually come up with something every side can accept

A national unity government *may* be good, but whether it is good or not, Thaksin won't accept it, so it won't happen.


In my humble opinion the problem in Thailand lies far deeper. Those people who are now demonstrating and proclaiming that they want democracy are the culprits causing a democracy in Thailand not to work. It is exactly those red shirts who have always been selling their votes to the highest bidder and therefor destroying the basis of any democracy.

Right now they are trying to force the one person out of office who seems to be more interested in the good of his country than in filling his pockets. The only reason is that they are again being paid by someone who wants to come back, recover his billions and turn Thailand into his own personal cash generator.

The last coup took place because Mr. T was in the process of placing his firm supporters within the army into the right positions for him to achieve full control over the country without having to fear a coup. had the coup not happened Thailand would have become Thaksinland.

The sad thing is that right now that same person seems to be winning, having once again paid those IQ challenged Issanies who have no clue what that "democracy" actually means they are shouting for and are in the process of removing the last remnant of such.

As long as a majority of Thai's sell their soul for a few hundred or thousand baht this country will not come to peace

What's happening downtown now? the Nation has not posted many updates this morning. What are the protesters up to, where are they going today? Is the government taking any action?

Abhisit woke up late. Army nannies changed his nappies, fed him, put the yellow tie tightly around his neck in preparation for the speech they had him memorize for later today.

but the Army (his home) is not in control oh no no no no no


Talk about the Monarchy is not allowed in a political context in Thailand. Speculation on any faction's loyalties included. Several posts were removed.

Yellows are a small yet very vocal minority of thais i think . They dont even believe in democracy and general elections.

I don't agree. The Yellows are not a small minority, and they do believe in elections. ...and their type of democracy is more real than the Red's type. There was a dust up a few years ago when someone on a Yellow stage said something stupid about some peoples' votes counting more than others (I can't recall the quote), but that nonsense was quickly refuted by the Yellow leaders. However, that little hiccup has become fodder for anti-Yellows - even though it was an anomaly.

It was a lot more than someone just saying something stupid, one time on stage.

It was their concept of "New Politics."

New Politics involves 70% appointed MPs and 30% elected MPs.

If it is nonsense refuted by their leaders, please explain why their new political party is called "New Politics."

Don't let angry mobs force new elections. In every democracy there are people who will be dissatisfied. If they are allowed to take to the streets and force new polls it will happen over and over. If the Reds actually value democracy they should wait for the next scheduled elections, but it's really about Thaksin's money isn't it. If the Reds use terror and intimidation when they are only protesters imagine how much worse they would be as the government. Then you'd see what a real dictatorship is like.

The Democrat Party took over the Government after:

• Continuously criticising the Taksin Government for using state funds for the poor

• Refusing to take part in the elections of 2006 because they knew they would lose

• A military coup in September 2006

• A military Constitution was introduced in 2007 which decreased the democratic space

• They lost the December 2007 election

• They supported the PAD violent demonstrations which seized Government House and closed down the international airports

• The Royalist Courts were used twice to dissolve Red Shirt parties which won majorities

• Corrupt politicians were bullied and bribed by the army to change sides and support the Democrat Party

you think this is democratic?

What a pretty list with bullets and everything,

to bad much of the content is at best semi-correct.

And you figure trying to take back the government via street rioting is democratic...

PS they boycotted the 2006 election because it was a sham to validate Thaksins sale of Shin Corp

and Thai national assets to a foreign power... by buying the vote yet again.

There is no law stating that a party must run in every election.

Not running is a democratic as running.

Those 'red shirt parties' got caught cheating enough to be disbanded, tough tits.

TRT was assembled by bribing those SAME politicians by Thaksin himself.

Apples and Apples... the same ones for sale to the highest bidder EVERY election cycle.

oh so you don't agree with selling national assets? like the good ole' USA doesn't allow foreign companies to own things right? all the manufacturing is owned within the USA right? they wouldn't dream of allowing US citizens to sell to other countries right?

Thanong is usually way out there, but his talk of a national untiy government being planned may be one of the more sensible things we read today even if he would oppose it I think. Right now it is looking for a way out that keeps stability and there arent too many options left. Of course a peaceful clearance would also be one in the short term but would it be possible and how long would the short term last and it wouldnt solve underlying problems?

All we can do is watch events unfold and hope they dont get too out of control and that the adults do actually come up with something every side can accept

A national unity government *may* be good, but whether it is good or not, Thaksin won't accept it, so it won't happen.

first, the Red Shirts are less and less Pro Thaksin, a large part has other motivations and are not Thaksinist followers. I think that the recent events proceed to the emancipation of the Reds from the Thaksin influence. Obviously new leaders are surfacing...

second point and the most important argument, I know that General Chavalit is promoting the idea of National Unity since months... IMHO, I do believe it will be at the core of the discussions between Anand, Banharm, Chuan Leekpai and Chavalit next week....


Great, so now the Reds have got M16's, ammo and CS gas. This could turn very nasty very soon if nothing is done to curb the situation.

Cheers, Rick

Thanong is usually way out there, but his talk of a national untiy government being planned may be one of the more sensible things we read today even if he would oppose it I think. Right now it is looking for a way out that keeps stability and there arent too many options left. Of course a peaceful clearance would also be one in the short term but would it be possible and how long would the short term last and it wouldnt solve underlying problems?

All we can do is watch events unfold and hope they dont get too out of control and that the adults do actually come up with something every side can accept

A national unity government *may* be good, but whether it is good or not, Thaksin won't accept it, so it won't happen.

Here you are again with that broken CD about Thaksin .

Thanksin is not even in Thailand why do you speak bout him all the time

Why dont you speak instead of the total lack of support that Abhisit has in the

country side , north of BKK (south am not sure ) .


highly-respected figures have sent a signal to the prime minister and Gen Prayuth to end the demonstration before the Songkran festival, which starts on Tuesday.

today the D day, thanks father :)

highly-respected figures have sent a signal to the prime minister and Gen Prayuth to end the demonstration before the Songkran festival, which starts on Tuesday.

today the D day, thanks father :)

WHO? are the highly respected figures.....and how do you come by this information!

Don't let angry mobs force new elections. In every democracy there are people who will be dissatisfied. If they are allowed to take to the streets and force new polls it will happen over and over. If the Reds actually value democracy they should wait for the next scheduled elections, but it's really about Thaksin's money isn't it. If the Reds use terror and intimidation when they are only protesters imagine how much worse they would be as the government. Then you'd see what a real dictatorship is like.

The Democrat Party took over the Government after:

• Continuously criticising the Taksin Government for using state funds for the poor

• Refusing to take part in the elections of 2006 because they knew they would lose

• A military coup in September 2006

• A military Constitution was introduced in 2007 which decreased the democratic space

• They lost the December 2007 election

• They supported the PAD violent demonstrations which seized Government House and closed down the international airports

• The Royalist Courts were used twice to dissolve Red Shirt parties which won majorities

• Corrupt politicians were bullied and bribed by the army to change sides and support the Democrat Party

you think this is democratic?

What a pretty list with bullets and everything,

to bad much of the content is at best semi-correct.

And you figure trying to take back the government via street rioting is democratic...

PS they boycotted the 2006 election because it was a sham to validate Thaksins sale of Shin Corp

and Thai national assets to a foreign power... by buying the vote yet again.

There is no law stating that a party must run in every election.

Not running is a democratic as running.

Those 'red shirt parties' got caught cheating enough to be disbanded, tough tits.

TRT was assembled by bribing those SAME politicians by Thaksin himself.

Apples and Apples... the same ones for sale to the highest bidder EVERY election cycle.

oh so you don't agree with selling national assets? like the good ole' USA doesn't allow foreign companies to own things right? all the manufacturing is owned within the USA right? they wouldn't dream of allowing US citizens to sell to other countries right?

Not communications satellites and security tied in infrastructure.

They may make and sell OTHERS of them abroad but the USA controls theirs tightly held.

Some middle east country tried to buy the ports in Maryland, and that didn't fly.

Try and draw a distinction between national assets like Thailands ONLY satellite communications link,

and buying a generic but huge business office building in NYC....

Some things tied to national security are never for sale.

Thaksin breached that line big time.

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