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Safari World Orangutan Kickboxing Getting Hammered In Uk Press.....again!

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Don't know why the text is bold after I put this article in quote marks, but the Daily Mail is reporting about Safari world again.


<H1>Barbaric spectacle: Orangutans kickbox and parade in bikinis for cheering tourists

By Mail Foreign Service

Last updated at 4:52 PM on 9th April 2010

Dressed in garish shorts and boxing gloves, orangutans trade punches and spin-kick each other in a boxing ring. Horrifying footage shows cheering tourists drawn to the barbaric sport at a theme park called Safari World on the outskirts of Bangkok in Thailand. The same company was banned from doing exactly the same thing just six years ago.

While an orangutan pretends to be knocked out of the boxing ring, others, dressed in bikinis are trained as round card girls and bell ringers. The apes kickbox each other as a spectacle for tourists in a show lasting more than 30 minutes, before being returned to their dark cages. It is not known how many orangutans have been captured and trained by Safari World. Animal campaigners say the apes - weighing up to 250lbs - could do themselves serious damage in the boxing ring.

They warn it is hastening the end of the orangutan, which experts claim could be extinct in the wild in several years. Dr Grainne McEntee, head of operations at Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS), said: 'It is heartbreaking that such practices still go on. 'Increasing awareness of the impact of deforestation in the Western world is crucial to helping bring this trade to an end.' He said the continued devastation of the Bornean rainforest fuels this illegal trade in orangutans, both as pets and for use in entertainment.

In 2004, the Thai government banned Safari World from conducting these controversial shows after the centre was found to be using illegally smuggled orangutans from Indonesia. The issue was exposed by Monkey World in Dorset and after Safari World was closed 48 orangutans were rescued and taken to a refuge in Nyaru Menteng, Indonesian Borneo. BOS, which cares for 1,000 orangutans at the refuge, was instrumental in the successful repatriation. 'When they arrived in Nyaru Menteng they always protected their face and head whenever people tried to get closer to them, said Hardi, the assistant project manager. 'Maybe, because their trainers often beat them. 'But no longer do they cover their faces and head as they have started trusting us.' According to the staff at the project, the orangutans are healthy and disease-free.

Dr Grainne said: 'These orangutans now enjoy a semi-wild life on one of the islands close to the project. 'We will soon release some of these rehabilitated orangutans back to safe protected rainforest - a future we strive towards for all the orangutans.' Wild orangutans are now only found in the jungles of Malaysia and Indonesia. The Sumatran species is critically endangered while the Bornean species is endangered, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/...lor]


Not sure what point this post is trying to make?

I quickly 'googled' Safari World Thailand, and they're advertising a kick boxing show by orangutans, but it is dated 2006.


I have seen this show many times with my 10 year old son

They mock fight and it is not violent at all

A 2 year old hits harder and they cannot even kick each other worth a hoot

For anyone to claim any different if full of BS

Before the boxing match, the same orangutans are playing instruments in a band

I am sure Safari World might be guilty where they get the orangutans

But this article is slanted away from the real problem which is smuggling animals

Take a look at the photo there is nothing violent about this and they are so uncoordinated they cannot do anything

The whole match lasts less than a minute


I have seen this show many times with my 10 year old son

They mock fight and it is not violent at all

A 2 year old hits harder and they cannot even kick each other worth a hoot

For anyone to claim any different if full of BS

Before the boxing match, the same orangutans are playing instruments in a band

I am sure Safari World might be guilty where they get the orangutans

But this article is slanted away from the real problem which is smuggling animals

Take a look at the photo there is nothing violent about this and they are so uncoordinated they cannot do anything

The whole match lasts less than a minute

Agree - if they are smuggling orangutans then they need to be closed down.

BUT, I've still no idea whether this is happening or what the OP was trying to point out?


It seems comical that Thailand makes the Headlines in The Daily Mail but for ape boxing, it is almost as if they believe their readers are too ignorant to understand the Redshirt fight that has now hit its peak...

This has the conseqeunce that The Daily Mail reader, a common retiree in Thailand, has determined that England has gone to 'hel_l in a Handbasket', but literally through their utter ignorance are able to have a pleasant, complacent and satisfied life in Thailand.


Having seen the show at Safari world, I posted the article to make the point that press coverage usually precedes intervention and we can expect some action to be taken in the near future. I quite enjoyed the show when I saw it two years ago but remember thinking 'How is this allowed?'. Then I read the article...

‘In 2004, the Thai government banned Safari World from conducting these controversial shows after the centre was found to be using illegally smuggled orangutans from Indonesia. The issue was exposed by Monkey World in Dorset and after Safari World was closed 48 orangutans were rescued’

I came to LOS in 2005, so was unaware for this 2004 action. When I read it I posted it to draw attention to the fact that similar things are likely to happen again, just out of interest. No hidden agenda, just thought others might learn something also. And yes, I note the irony of such a trivial issue recieving coverage in the face of the protests, but life goes on.

I have seen this show many times with my 10 year old son

They mock fight and it is not violent at all

A 2 year old hits harder and they cannot even kick each other worth a hoot

For anyone to claim any different if full of BS

Before the boxing match, the same orangutans are playing instruments in a band

I am sure Safari World might be guilty where they get the orangutans

But this article is slanted away from the real problem which is smuggling animals

Take a look at the photo there is nothing violent about this and they are so uncoordinated they cannot do anything

The whole match lasts less than a minute

You take your 10 year old son “many times” to watch intelligent, naturally non-aggressive, captive animals subjected to this degradation, what a wonderful role model you are!

To put the situation into a context your simple mind may understand (since I am sure you think Star Wars is real) ; how would you feel if your beloved son – 10 years old, remember - was kidnapped by an Alien race and taken to their Planet, then forced to dress in a ridiculous “Martial Arts” costume and take part in a mock fight with some other unfortunate captive - unless of course he appeared immature or feminine, in which case he would be obliged to wear a bikini and parade around for the amusement of a cheering Mob whose language and behaviour was incomprehensible to him?

I truly despair for the future of these and other endangered species when people like you take their children to such displays. thus perpetuating the idea that animals our ours to exploit and humiliate as we wish.


I have seen this show many times with my 10 year old son

They mock fight and it is not violent at all

A 2 year old hits harder and they cannot even kick each other worth a hoot

For anyone to claim any different if full of BS

Before the boxing match, the same orangutans are playing instruments in a band

I am sure Safari World might be guilty where they get the orangutans

But this article is slanted away from the real problem which is smuggling animals

Take a look at the photo there is nothing violent about this and they are so uncoordinated they cannot do anything

The whole match lasts less than a minute

You take your 10 year old son "many times" to watch intelligent, naturally non-aggressive, captive animals subjected to this degradation, what a wonderful role model you are!

To put the situation into a context your simple mind may understand (since I am sure you think Star Wars is real) ; how would you feel if your beloved son – 10 years old, remember - was kidnapped by an Alien race and taken to their Planet, then forced to dress in a ridiculous "Martial Arts" costume and take part in a mock fight with some other unfortunate captive - unless of course he appeared immature or feminine, in which case he would be obliged to wear a bikini and parade around for the amusement of a cheering Mob whose language and behaviour was incomprehensible to him?

I truly despair for the future of these and other endangered species when people like you take their children to such displays. thus perpetuating the idea that animals our ours to exploit and humiliate as we wish.


Go home, Patrick! One thing I love about this place is that all the overbearing "political correctness" has not yet arrived. Some, but not all. So Patrick, just go home!

I have seen this show many times with my 10 year old son

They mock fight and it is not violent at all

A 2 year old hits harder and they cannot even kick each other worth a hoot

For anyone to claim any different if full of BS

Before the boxing match, the same orangutans are playing instruments in a band

I am sure Safari World might be guilty where they get the orangutans

But this article is slanted away from the real problem which is smuggling animals

Take a look at the photo there is nothing violent about this and they are so uncoordinated they cannot do anything

The whole match lasts less than a minute

You take your 10 year old son "many times" to watch intelligent, naturally non-aggressive, captive animals subjected to this degradation, what a wonderful role model you are!

To put the situation into a context your simple mind may understand (since I am sure you think Star Wars is real) ; how would you feel if your beloved son – 10 years old, remember - was kidnapped by an Alien race and taken to their Planet, then forced to dress in a ridiculous "Martial Arts" costume and take part in a mock fight with some other unfortunate captive - unless of course he appeared immature or feminine, in which case he would be obliged to wear a bikini and parade around for the amusement of a cheering Mob whose language and behaviour was incomprehensible to him?

I truly despair for the future of these and other endangered species when people like you take their children to such displays. thus perpetuating the idea that animals our ours to exploit and humiliate as we wish.


Go home, Patrick! One thing I love about this place is that all the overbearing "political correctness" has not yet arrived. Some, but not all. So Patrick, just go home!

Ummm, Patrick has a point. Although (until I hear otherwise) I'm willing to give Safari World the benefit of the doubt, his response is a valid point of view - albeit a touch harsh.

Trying to win an argument with "Go home" is always a bad idea as it merely proves that the poster is unable to formulate a cohesive argument against the points raised.

I'm not saying you don't have a valid point of view, just that you need to post a reasoned response to a post that you disagree with!


animal rights has always been a problem in thailand; the problem isnt that the ornaguatangs get hurt or not; it is from where they get the orangutangs (a protected CITES species) and the conditions they are kept in. it is also the message behind the place: they do not keep oranguatangs for release in to the wild' programs but for pure entertainment.

keep the discussion civil and factual (not speculation). it is also the right for people to want to go see entertainment. since i was formerly a manager and worker of a petting zoo, i always felt stuck in the middle with my wish to educate the public by allowing handling of our animals including some zoo born non domestics, and my concern about commercialization and lack of awareness of most of the public towards the same animals.... a thin line to walk.

as for closing down, there is always a difference between what the law requires and what really happens when concerning animal rights etc. usually due to lack of manpower to enforce law and because it usually isnt on the main agenda of important/influential parties.

what also can happen is that people boycott a place, the place loses money and the animals are neglected , not fed properly, nor taken care (first thing that always gets cut back is quality of food, after, vet bills, after, general maintenance)and/or animals are 'turned lose/ released' improperly.



animal rights has always been a problem in thailand; the problem isnt that the ornaguatangs get hurt or not; it is from where they get the orangutangs (a protected CITES species) and the conditions they are kept in. it is also the message behind the place: they do not keep oranguatangs for release in to the wild' programs but for pure entertainment.

keep the discussion civil and factual (not speculation). it is also the right for people to want to go see entertainment. since i was formerly a manager and worker of a petting zoo, i always felt stuck in the middle with my wish to educate the public by allowing handling of our animals including some zoo born non domestics, and my concern about commercialization and lack of awareness of most of the public towards the same animals.... a thin line to walk.

as for closing down, there is always a difference between what the law requires and what really happens when concerning animal rights etc. usually due to lack of manpower to enforce law and because it usually isnt on the main agenda of important/influential parties.

what also can happen is that people boycott a place, the place loses money and the animals are neglected , not fed properly, nor taken care (first thing that always gets cut back is quality of food, after, vet bills, after, general maintenance)and/or animals are 'turned lose/ released' improperly.



When this happens (and I've no doubt it does), its appalling for the animals concerned - but hopefully the place is closed down and new animals aren't being brought in to perpetuate the cycle of misery.

I feel the same way about pet shops, I feel so sorry for the animals (especially those that look unhappy) but know that if I buy them in an attempt to rescue them, the pet shop will just replace them and the cycle is continued.

Education is the only answer.

Personally, I think (hope) that the 'petting zoos' do more good than harm. Hopefully the children are made aware that these are sentient beings - and cuddly to boot! Unfortunately, it seems to be down to individual human nature, some people care and others don't...... or - some people appreciate other species as important whilst others believe only human beings deserve consideration.

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