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Bangkok: 10+ Dead, Hundreds Hurt In Bangkok Clashes

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The fact is, Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country. That is impossible to refute....

Let's be frank here, Thaksin was a successful and ambitious man. Like many men in his position, he misused and abused his power.

But he's not worst than the others....

Two things about the quote above: 1) Thaksin not worst than the others? You forgot the 2500 people killed without trial in the drug war and the others who died by suffocate during the war in the south. So, so far Abhisit has killed much much less people than thaksin.

Now, 2) Did "Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country"? Yes, and it is indeed impossible to refute. And i think the BIG mistake of the current government has been to don't do for these people the same help than Thaksin did. If they were using the 43 billion baths they take from Thaksin wealth to help the poor people, that would be smart.

Good point about the war on drug, but not the whole 2,500 where executed. I mean, if they were shot in actions, we cannot blame the army not to bring them into trial.. they are already KIA. But yes, a certain number were executed, which is bad. The good part is, the drug did decline in Thailand.

I'm political about Thailand simply because the family of my wife is political. And you see, those living in Bangkok are pretty much Yellow supporters and those living in Tak (where most of them live) are heavy red partisans.

I can't say I fully approve the Red cause.. but at the same time I'm sympathetic to their cause, considering the huge gap between Bangkok and other regions wealth. In my home country (Quebec, Canada) I notice a huge political apathy where people say "well.. there is nothing we can do about it.. fuc_king government". At least in that situation, we see people standing up to defend their cause.. for the better and unfortunately, the worst.

I'm one who is with the poor but I also think about the motives of hard core reds.

While we are witnessing Thaksin's illegal private army from the date on the war on drugs onwards, which is most likely the same throwing grenades simultaneously during red shirt demonstration and even assassinate a targeted army commander and again kill innocent people, ignorance within the reds is skyrocketing.

Why you think the media was chased away, even when it's a public property? Think about the armed thugs that don't want to be identified. The red leadership is well aware of their existence. This is a private army from Thaksin. The gov needs to get tougher.

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What I find interesting is the 'crackdown' is justified by many as been due to the undeniable fact the 'Reds' were breaking the law.

Has it suddenly become acceptable to begin executing random perpetrators, without trial, for breaking the law?

Ah, you mean like Thaksin did with his"war on drugs?"

Another silly thing is how did the reds get those bodies back? Shouldn't their be autopsies? Maybe they were afraid that the rounds recovered wouldn't be military issue?

Spot on, I didn't think about that! UDD drags the bodies around BKK for a few days, then gets rid of them on their own terms. No evidence left!

The reason for this is during the last red protest in 2009, the red claimed dead in their ranks but the police claims there was no dead. Then they found 2 red protesters dead in the river, tied up and beaten.

So, it is widely believed by the red that army want to dissimulate the death toll, explaining why they were fighting for the bodies.

Interesting... but we'll never know what the Reds actually died from? Can't say they were shot by the troops if you can't produce the rounds can you?

Listen, it's very simple: Abhisit offered to had election in six months instead than next year or so. Why the hel_l the reds didn't accept this and been back their home, waiting peacefully for the new elections?

The reds don't want to wait six months!?! Well, okay, here is the price to pay SIMPLY because they don't want to wait: 19 dead, 807 injured.

If their leaders had accept Abhisit proposal all these people will not be dead or wounded. Abhisit tried everything he could to resolve the crisis peacefully, he could not leave a minority of people destroying the country's economy. He had to defend the law and not let the country going into chaos simply because 50000 people can't wait six months for a new election!!! Is this difficult to understand!?!

You want no more dead people? Accept Abhisit proposal and get the fuc_k out of Bangkok! It's just as simple as that.

With all due respect bagheera65, you would make a very poor political leader. It is not "simple" like you imply. The last legislative were in 2007. All Abhisit is doing is trying to buy time. Don't just think he does that from kindness of heart.

And by the way, the UDD is more than 50,000 persons. Those 50,000 persons are simply the vanguard of over 10,000,000 supporters of the PTP everywhere up-country.

Assuming your pie-in-the-sky figures were accurate, which I don't, that would make them 15% of thailand's population. That would give them the right to peacefully protest without disrupting the lives of others, and to wait for the next election. It's called democracy.

^well the red lad who had top of his head missing - pretty confident it was blown off. :)

There is a video in an other thread where it looks like he is shot from behind. You can look it up your self

Another silly thing is how did the reds get those bodies back? Shouldn't their be autopsies? Maybe they were afraid that the rounds recovered wouldn't be military issue?

Spot on, I didn't think about that! UDD drags the bodies around BKK for a few days, then gets rid of them on their own terms. No evidence left!

The reason for this is during the last red protest in 2009, the red claimed dead in their ranks but the police claims there was no dead. Then they found 2 red protesters dead in the river, tied up and beaten.

So, it is widely believed by the red that army want to dissimulate the death toll, explaining why they were fighting for the bodies.

Interesting... but we'll never know what the Reds actually died from? Can't say they were shot by the troops if you can't produce the rounds can you?

Honestly, I don't even think the Reds actually think about autopsy.

Yesterday night I was watching channel 3 and noticed that the news were more emphasizing on soldiers casualties. I thought that it was fair, considering the government would be stupid to make people have sympathy for the Reds.

Then this morning I read in the Nations that the red leaders asked to chase away the reporters because they were giving biased news.

The People Channel is up again since this afternoon. You will most definitely see the dead bodies exposed on this channel.

So the guy who got hit in this clip - was he an active combatant at the time?

The link has been taken away, but I have seen a vidoe with a guy getting shot and it looks like the shot comes from behind. Little bit strange because the army is the other way.

^well the red lad who had top of his head missing - pretty confident it was blown off. :)

Yes it was. But an M16 round doesn't do that. Looks a bit more like he got in the way of a M79 grenade fired at close range. They don't detonate at close range to protect the person firing the weapon. But it would take the top of a head off in that manner? And who has been using those?


from the video clips bangkok looks like a war zone now dirty and filty!

Nah... Dirty and Filthy is the norm for Bangkok.... The dirtiest, smelliest, most dis-repaired and run down city I have ever lived in. A real Pit.

Maybe this situation will be an excuse to clean it up.


People shouldn't underestimate the power of disinformation.

The disinformation which hurt the most the Red Shirt is about the allegations of corruption of Thaksin.

He is labelled as "Corrupted" so instantly relegated as the bad guy.

But as everything else, corruption is quantifiable.

People usually watch the superficial, official story and make up their mind with that. Corrupted=Bad.

The truth is much more subtle and complex than that.

Just like the Temasek-Shin Corp deal. People think Thaksin evaded taxes illegally. It is false. The deal was legal. Where he did wrong was that he used his power and political influence to bend the law to allow a foreign company to own a telecommunication company of Thailand, which was impossible before.

The other corruption accusations.. his wife buying from the IFDF, the appointment of relatives to key positions, etc. Those are relatively bad, but also relatively harmless. Someone overly by the book could argue that no corruption at all should be tolerated in any circumstances, but it wouldn't fit in the real world as corruption is practically everywhere, including in the West. We could argue that the US Republicans were infinitely more corrupted than Thaksin and that caused wars but thats another story.

This story of corruption was tightly knit by his opponents. This is simply politic warfare, nothing less.

The fact is, Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country. That is impossible to refute.

His opponents were mainly middle-class from Bangkok, who felt left-out with "region-oriented" policies of Thaksin.

Let's be frank here, Thaksin was a successful and ambitious man. Like many men in his position, he misused and abused his power.

But he's not worst than the others. He's not worst than the current prime minister, Abhisit Vejajiva who cunningly found his way to the top. Abhisit was also charged for a lot of corruption cases (bribes, inflated prices, conflit of interests and shuch) , with the difference that tribunal ruled against Thaksin and cleared Abhisit. He is still under investigations for other cases of corruption.

Let's not forget that Thaksin got ousted by the military, which is highly undemocratic.

The Commander-in-Chief at the time of the coup d'état was openly opposed to Thaksin (because Thaksin appointed relatives in the Army) and it explain why the coup happened.

Let's also not forget that Abhisit party got less seats than the UDD supported Pheu Thai Party and only got power because of a coalition of 5 parties.

How would you feel if the party who helped you get out of poverty, helped you to get better access to health care won the elections but didn't govern ?

Most likely, if you are politically active, you would be protesting in the street, like the UDD is doing.

Now are they right, are they wrong, that's not for us to judge, but its definitely justified.

+1 approve totally

Your right about disinformation, and this a classic piece. Thaksin used the parliament to change laws for his own personal gain, here and with the Burmese loan, and other occasions, costing the people of Thailand billions. Are you saying that he did pay the tax on capital gains?

Why then use the gardner, the maid , relatives as nominees? can you spell CORRUPTION?

Then he starts to stack the courts, police and army with relatives and mates. This is the path to dictatorship, and the army (one of the independent powers in a democracy) wouldn't wear it. I applaud then for doing it peacefully, but in hindsight, many will agree it's a pity that they didn't shoot the mongrel, even if he is a nice guy.

Listen, it's very simple: Abhisit offered to had election in six months instead than next year or so. Why the hel_l the reds didn't accept this and been back their home, waiting peacefully for the new elections?

The reds don't want to wait six months!?! Well, okay, here is the price to pay SIMPLY because they don't want to wait: 19 dead, 807 injured.

If their leaders had accept Abhisit proposal all these people will not be dead or wounded. Abhisit tried everything he could to resolve the crisis peacefully, he could not leave a minority of people destroying the country's economy. He had to defend the law and not let the country going into chaos simply because 50000 people can't wait six months for a new election!!! Is this difficult to understand!?!

You want no more dead people? Accept Abhisit proposal and get the fuc_k out of Bangkok! It's just as simple as that.

With all due respect bagheera65, you would make a very poor political leader. It is not "simple" like you imply. The last legislative were in 2007. All Abhisit is doing is trying to buy time. Don't just think he does that from kindness of heart.

And by the way, the UDD is more than 50,000 persons. Those 50,000 persons are simply the vanguard of over 10,000,000 supporters of the PTP everywhere up-country.

Assuming your pie-in-the-sky figures were accurate, which I don't, that would make them 15% of thailand's population. That would give them the right to peacefully protest without disrupting the lives of others, and to wait for the next election. It's called democracy.

Well, actually, its true I threw this number pretty quickly as it is very hard to evaluate the real support the UDD has.

The official numbers I have :



The PPP won 233 seats out of 480 and got 36.63% of the votes.

I don't say that 100% of them support the UDD... but the vast majority does, even if they are only passive supporters.

To compare, the Democrats of Abhisit won 165 seats and got 30,30 % of support. But by combining the 5 running-up parties.. you get the 242 seats out of 480 to form a majority government.

Oh yeah, that is democracy... not at its best.


from the video clips bangkok looks like a war zone now dirty and filty!

Nah... Dirty and Filthy is the norm for Bangkok.... The dirtiest, smelliest, most dis-repaired and run down city I have ever lived in. A real Pit.

Maybe this situation will be an excuse to clean it up.


And it's as clean as it's every been. :)

Mark already have 2 televised chances. It is too late to talk now that people are dead.

Once people is dead, it is dead; there is no 2nd chances.

err, thanks for the life lesson :D:)

There is more to this than the obvious - paid protesters do not die for smth they do not believe in. They die for a cause. There is blood on everyone's hands - govt/red shirts/military. Let's hope common sense on all sides will come into play and thailand can be a peaceful place again.

Hopefully out of this tragedy, some real democratic champions will appear - and consign the likes of Jatuporn, Arisman, Thaksin , military, yellow shirts and those that are "invisible" to the dustbin. The sad thing is, that probably the majority of people in this country support neither red or yellow - but would certainly support an inclusive political party that has no ties to all the old established corrupt, power hungry political cliques.

I agree Khun Toad - lock the red leaders, abhisit/cohorts and the military leaders w/Khun T all in the monkey house. They all are to blame for this BS.

I agree with both of you ...

I do too, but back to REALITY gentleman, last time I checked they didnt manage to lock one of these fellows up successfully, yet alone all of them :)

^well the red lad who had top of his head missing - pretty confident it was blown off. :)

Yes it was. But an M16 round doesn't do that. Looks a bit more like he got in the way of a M79 grenade fired at close range. They don't detonate at close range to protect the person firing the weapon. But it would take the top of a head off in that manner? And who has been using those?

Nah a grenade hit would have blown his head off. Looks like a high caliber round either from an M60 or sniper rifle.

People shouldn't underestimate the power of disinformation.

The disinformation which hurt the most the Red Shirt is about the allegations of corruption of Thaksin.

He is labelled as "Corrupted" so instantly relegated as the bad guy.

But as everything else, corruption is quantifiable.

People usually watch the superficial, official story and make up their mind with that. Corrupted=Bad.

The truth is much more subtle and complex than that.

Just like the Temasek-Shin Corp deal. People think Thaksin evaded taxes illegally. It is false. The deal was legal. Where he did wrong was that he used his power and political influence to bend the law to allow a foreign company to own a telecommunication company of Thailand, which was impossible before.

The other corruption accusations.. his wife buying from the IFDF, the appointment of relatives to key positions, etc. Those are relatively bad, but also relatively harmless. Someone overly by the book could argue that no corruption at all should be tolerated in any circumstances, but it wouldn't fit in the real world as corruption is practically everywhere, including in the West. We could argue that the US Republicans were infinitely more corrupted than Thaksin and that caused wars but thats another story.

This story of corruption was tightly knit by his opponents. This is simply politic warfare, nothing less.

The fact is, Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country. That is impossible to refute.

His opponents were mainly middle-class from Bangkok, who felt left-out with "region-oriented" policies of Thaksin.

Let's be frank here, Thaksin was a successful and ambitious man. Like many men in his position, he misused and abused his power.

But he's not worst than the others. He's not worst than the current prime minister, Abhisit Vejajiva who cunningly found his way to the top. Abhisit was also charged for a lot of corruption cases (bribes, inflated prices, conflit of interests and shuch) , with the difference that tribunal ruled against Thaksin and cleared Abhisit. He is still under investigations for other cases of corruption.

Let's not forget that Thaksin got ousted by the military, which is highly undemocratic.

The Commander-in-Chief at the time of the coup d'état was openly opposed to Thaksin (because Thaksin appointed relatives in the Army) and it explain why the coup happened.

Let's also not forget that Abhisit party got less seats than the UDD supported Pheu Thai Party and only got power because of a coalition of 5 parties.

How would you feel if the party who helped you get out of poverty, helped you to get better access to health care won the elections but didn't govern ?

Most likely, if you are politically active, you would be protesting in the street, like the UDD is doing.

Now are they right, are they wrong, that's not for us to judge, but its definitely justified.

+1 approve totally

Clear consise intelligetn post shame more posters cant follow suit

+1 more

Very well put deejay! You can add me as another +1.

People shouldn't underestimate the power of disinformation.

The disinformation which hurt the most the Red Shirt is about the allegations of corruption of Thaksin.

He is labelled as "Corrupted" so instantly relegated as the bad guy.

But as everything else, corruption is quantifiable.

People usually watch the superficial, official story and make up their mind with that. Corrupted=Bad.

The truth is much more subtle and complex than that.

Just like the Temasek-Shin Corp deal. People think Thaksin evaded taxes illegally. It is false. The deal was legal. Where he did wrong was that he used his power and political influence to bend the law to allow a foreign company to own a telecommunication company of Thailand, which was impossible before.

The other corruption accusations.. his wife buying from the IFDF, the appointment of relatives to key positions, etc. Those are relatively bad, but also relatively harmless. Someone overly by the book could argue that no corruption at all should be tolerated in any circumstances, but it wouldn't fit in the real world as corruption is practically everywhere, including in the West. We could argue that the US Republicans were infinitely more corrupted than Thaksin and that caused wars but thats another story.

This story of corruption was tightly knit by his opponents. This is simply politic warfare, nothing less.

The fact is, Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country. That is impossible to refute.

His opponents were mainly middle-class from Bangkok, who felt left-out with "region-oriented" policies of Thaksin.

Let's be frank here, Thaksin was a successful and ambitious man. Like many men in his position, he misused and abused his power.

But he's not worst than the others. He's not worst than the current prime minister, Abhisit Vejajiva who cunningly found his way to the top. Abhisit was also charged for a lot of corruption cases (bribes, inflated prices, conflit of interests and shuch) , with the difference that tribunal ruled against Thaksin and cleared Abhisit. He is still under investigations for other cases of corruption.

Let's not forget that Thaksin got ousted by the military, which is highly undemocratic.

The Commander-in-Chief at the time of the coup d'état was openly opposed to Thaksin (because Thaksin appointed relatives in the Army) and it explain why the coup happened.

Let's also not forget that Abhisit party got less seats than the UDD supported Pheu Thai Party and only got power because of a coalition of 5 parties.

How would you feel if the party who helped you get out of poverty, helped you to get better access to health care won the elections but didn't govern ?

Most likely, if you are politically active, you would be protesting in the street, like the UDD is doing.

Now are they right, are they wrong, that's not for us to judge, but its definitely justified.

+1 approve totally

Also agree.

Accurate summary.



A long time ago, I was taught by a logig professor that when someone uses nonsense in an argument that a quick way to stop their nonsense was to reply with nonsense.

So I read, someone here saying that it is not the fault of the ruling regime, all the dead and wounded on the streets of Bangkok.

Now you can go look at the video and you will hear at least 5000 clips unloaded into a crowd by Thai military traitors to the people. In less than 45 seconds, over 10 were dead and over 800 wounded.

What does the Regime say? It used only rubber bullets. HAAAA HAAAAA


Say--yeah and all the dead and wounded are all faking it.

Might I suggest that the Love of the people the Regime always talks about is obviously nonsense. They love the people when the people are crawling on the ground or working in the fields. They do not like it when the people vote. over 20 coups and the ruling regime says it needs time to get it right. HAAAAAA HAAAAA

To hear it from the propaganda used by Thais here or mislead farangs, one would think that the reds had all the money and that their vote buying was they got power.

But wait?

The ruling class here obviously has most of the land and money in Thailand. The wealth of the regime makes taksin look poor in comparison. FACTS

So we are all to believe that the REDS buy votes and the ruling class does not? HAAAA HAAA

We are all suppose to believe that the group with more money is so so honest that they never buy votes because of their strong belief in true democratic rule?

This is the same group with over 20 coups and they are above vote buying?


You really are funny you know.

So the problem here for your argument is that you must make us all believe you on the regime side have not tried to buy the elections. HAAAA HAAA

No one with anything other than a pea for a brain would believe that.

You tried to by the Reds and they are still against you--the regime.

You have now shot them down like dogs in the street while hiding on rooftops with snipers. Still they reds stand and do not run. You can kill 1000 or 20000, and they will not run.

if I were in the regime, I might be worried about now that I might lose control of large factions in the military. I know for a fact that people in the military seeing their Issan brothers shot down like dogs are not too happy.

People are guilty of murder.

Where are the arrests?

People shouldn't underestimate the power of disinformation.

The disinformation which hurt the most the Red Shirt is about the allegations of corruption of Thaksin.

He is labelled as "Corrupted" so instantly relegated as the bad guy.

But as everything else, corruption is quantifiable.

People usually watch the superficial, official story and make up their mind with that. Corrupted=Bad.

The truth is much more subtle and complex than that.

Just like the Temasek-Shin Corp deal. People think Thaksin evaded taxes illegally. It is false. The deal was legal. Where he did wrong was that he used his power and political influence to bend the law to allow a foreign company to own a telecommunication company of Thailand, which was impossible before.

The other corruption accusations.. his wife buying from the IFDF, the appointment of relatives to key positions, etc. Those are relatively bad, but also relatively harmless. Someone overly by the book could argue that no corruption at all should be tolerated in any circumstances, but it wouldn't fit in the real world as corruption is practically everywhere, including in the West. We could argue that the US Republicans were infinitely more corrupted than Thaksin and that caused wars but thats another story.

This story of corruption was tightly knit by his opponents. This is simply politic warfare, nothing less.

The fact is, Thaksin clearly improved the living conditions of the often forgotten people living up-country. That is impossible to refute.

His opponents were mainly middle-class from Bangkok, who felt left-out with "region-oriented" policies of Thaksin.

Let's be frank here, Thaksin was a successful and ambitious man. Like many men in his position, he misused and abused his power.

But he's not worst than the others. He's not worst than the current prime minister, Abhisit Vejajiva who cunningly found his way to the top. Abhisit was also charged for a lot of corruption cases (bribes, inflated prices, conflit of interests and shuch) , with the difference that tribunal ruled against Thaksin and cleared Abhisit. He is still under investigations for other cases of corruption.

Let's not forget that Thaksin got ousted by the military, which is highly undemocratic.

The Commander-in-Chief at the time of the coup d'état was openly opposed to Thaksin (because Thaksin appointed relatives in the Army) and it explain why the coup happened.

Let's also not forget that Abhisit party got less seats than the UDD supported Pheu Thai Party and only got power because of a coalition of 5 parties.

How would you feel if the party who helped you get out of poverty, helped you to get better access to health care won the elections but didn't govern ?

Most likely, if you are politically active, you would be protesting in the street, like the UDD is doing.

Now are they right, are they wrong, that's not for us to judge, but its definitely justified.

+1 approve totally

Clear consise intelligetn post shame more posters cant follow suit

+1 more

Very well put deejay! You can add me as another +1.

If he is such a fine and decent guy, why then does he finance and orchestrate a bloodshed like that?

OK, that was just me putting two and two together. For everyone who is not that fast, why did he not tell the poor people, being all wound up by the dynamics of a large number of people, to stop and not get drawn into an inevitable bloodshed, being quite a bit away from it all and able to keep a cool head?

How come he only offered his condolences to the families of the killed red shirt supporters and not the military, although they are all Thai and might have even been quiet supporters of his? Well, I guess because he is just a hel_l of a great guy, he is!


We saw the video clip.

Over 800 killed and wounded in a minute. Thai snipers from the military firing from all sides.

You are OK with this?

It was self defense you say?

The video shows different.

The crowd was quiet and not attacking anyone.

Why are some of you defending it?

Are you paid to post?

Get we work for the Thai Elite and get paid too for lies?

What I find interesting is the 'crackdown' is justified by many as been due to the undeniable fact the 'Reds' were breaking the law.

Has it suddenly become acceptable to begin executing random perpetrators, without trial, for breaking the law?

Ah, you mean like Thaksin did with his"war on drugs?"

You found that acceptable did you?..........takes all sorts I suppose!

What I find interesting is the 'crackdown' is justified by many as been due to the undeniable fact the 'Reds' were breaking the law.

Has it suddenly become acceptable to begin executing random perpetrators, without trial, for breaking the law?

Ah, you mean like Thaksin did with his"war on drugs?"

You found that acceptable did you?..........takes all sorts I suppose!

So is it acceptable to shoot 800 people?

Yes or no?

Your silence tells us you say YES.


We saw the video clip.

Over 800 killed and wounded in a minute. Thai snipers from the military firing from all sides.

You are OK with this?

It was self defense you say?

The video shows different.

The crowd was quiet and not attacking anyone.

Why are some of you defending it?

Are you paid to post?

Get we work for the Thai Elite and get paid too for lies?

And your proof of this statement?


21 people dead, hundreds injured and I keep asking myself is waiting 6-9 months for an election worth the human cost?

To some apparently not.

I wonder why that is. Sad.

^well the red lad who had top of his head missing - pretty confident it was blown off. :)

But blown off by who? One of Abhisit's boys or one of Seh Dang's boys?

We saw the video clip.

Over 800 killed and wounded in a minute. Thai snipers from the military firing from all sides.

You are OK with this?

It was self defense you say?

The video shows different.

The crowd was quiet and not attacking anyone.

Why are some of you defending it?

Are you paid to post?

Get we work for the Thai Elite and get paid too for lies?

And your proof of this statement?

Go on the net and seaarch and watch the video clip. Youtubes has it.

All of us here already did you know.

Too bad for you and your propaganda job.

You say something but others go and watch the truth.

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