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Thai Election Commission Calls For Dissolution Of Democrat Party

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-- No, the corruption of the democratic party is CLEARLY not at the same level or the same charges as against Thaksin.

Yet apparently a level of corruption involving Bt258 million is acceptable for you. Strange for someone campaigning so hard on anti-corruption.

So what level of corruption would become unacceptable and cause you to drop your support ? Bt500 Million ? Bt1 Billion ? Bt100 Billion ?

Did you bother to read my posts? No, not OK.

I have said a number of times over the last few days that I respect the rule of the law of the EC and that the democrats should face justice, pending of course the final review of the constitutional court.

I have also explained my continued support of the Thai democrats many times. This is the last time I reply to you on the SAME questions.

Also, I have implicitly asked you more than once to comment on the reds lack of demand that Thaksin accept justice and also the criminally charged red leaders of the recent violent revolution attempt. You said nothing. Really, sir, it is time for you to respond to questions, rather than continue to pester me on topics I have already responded to.

-- No, the corruption of the democratic party is CLEARLY not at the same level or the same charges as against Thaksin.

Yet apparently a level of corruption involving Bt258 million is acceptable for you.

OK. Quote where he has said that.

^where will the yellows protest? Might be a mess if that happens....

I guess they will be seeking confrontation, I hope they have their own black shirt armed army, or perhaps the blue shirts of Pattaya would like to join in as well. Talk about civil war! tragic that its all about money.

^where will the yellows protest? Might be a mess if that happens....

I guess they will be seeking confrontation, I hope they have their own black shirt armed army, or perhaps the blue shirts of Pattaya would like to join in as well. Talk about civil war! tragic that its all about money.

Whichever color thinks they are losing will probably try to precipitate a coup. Keep an eye on both colors for this.

I'm betting that Green will win.

I will add it is also a reason why the proposal to amend the Charter is no more on the Agenda..... No drift, no risk in such a matter.

Yes ^ , as we drift closer and closer the Red victory the talk about democracy will become more and more muted. Instead the leaders will be squabbling about the spoils.

-- No, the corruption of the democratic party is CLEARLY not at the same level or the same charges as against Thaksin.

Yet apparently a level of corruption involving Bt258 million is acceptable for you.

OK. Quote where he has said that.

He still supports the leader of a party involved allegations of corruption involving Bt258 million baht.

of course I have supported Abhisit rather than them, and STILL do!

Yes they are allegations but when 4/5 members of the Electoral Commission think there is enough proof to dissolve the Democrats on corruption charges, perhaps it is time to start thinking about dropping your support for such a party, or at least suspending support until the final verdict.

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

You don't support Thaksin? OK. Good. You could have fooled me. Abhisit IS facing the EC decision like a man, he spoke on that. Compare to Thaksin, who has acted for years now like a big baby coward. You do realize that the law is the law but different violations glean different legal consequences? If not, think on that for a minute. There is nothing in the EC decision that will mean one day of jail time for Abhisit. Compare to Thaksin. You can try to paint this as a simple simon type of situation, it may fit your experience and understanding of the history here or maybe actually facing the massive complexity makes your brain hurt, but that simply does NOT reflect the reality.


Yet apparently a level of corruption involving Bt258 million is acceptable for you.

OK. Quote where he has said that.

He still supports the leader of a party involved allegations of corruption involving Bt258 million baht.

of course I have supported Abhisit rather than them, and STILL do!

Yes they are allegations but when 4/5 members of the Electoral Commission think there is enough proof to dissolve the Democrats on corruption charges, perhaps it is time to start thinking about dropping your support for such a party, or at least suspending support until the final verdict.

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

Thailand is decades away from the kind of due process you seem to think occurs here. You should stick to what IS and get your head out of the clouds.

What's more interesting rix is that you started off with an anti-corruption stance against Thaksin, ignoring all the corrupt people like Saprang, Newin, Banharn, and the generals that installed Abhisit into his job. Then you morphed into an anti-corruption stance against all sides, justifying Mr. Clean Abhisit's usurping of Thaksin's elected position job as part of your anti-corruption agenda, while dodging discussion of Abhisit's seedy cronies as off-topic.

Don't know where you dreamt all that up. I've always been anti-corruption, period, providing of course it is substaniated and proved in court. Previous threads concerning activities of the reds you have got upset because my condemnation of Thaksin has not gone on to mention condemnation of every other corrupt Thai person, as if condemnation of Thaksin is condoning others. It is not. That is simply the product of the way your mind works - anyone against Thaksin must be a yellow/Dem/PAD supporter.

And now, the Democrat party has been exposed as corrupt on a massive scale, and the Electoral Commission has recommended its dissolution.

Everyone knew that elements of the Democrat party were corrupt. This wasn't news to me. As for the scale and who the guilty parties are, i'll wait for the Thai justice system to speak on that matter. Those guilty should get punished. I don't share your previously expressed belief that corruption is simply the way it works here and as such we should choose the best of a bad bunch.

You certainly have a lot more faith in the Thai courts than most.

Careful - rix's favourite tactic when he is at a loss for words is to manoeuvre the discussion around to court decisions, then point to the TV rules (questioning a court verdict is against Thai law) and tell the moderators to delete posts that don't agree with him.

It's rix's home grown version of cioercion and media censorship. Shows that he embraces the yellow 'we know better' re-education philosophy to the letter.


You certainly have a lot more faith in the Thai courts than most.

Careful - rix's favourite tactic when he is at a loss for words is to manoeuvre the discussion around to court decisions, then point to the TV rules (questioning a court verdict is against Thai law) and tell the moderators to delete posts that don't agree with him.

It's rix's home grown version of cioercion and media censorship. Shows that he embraces the yellow 'we know better' re-education philosophy to the letter.

I have now seen two yellows employ a different tactic today - one claiming 'harrassment' by two posters and we could also see this 'impugning' word that JD likes to use.

I sincerely hope this is not the start of a trend - trying to get posts deleted and/or people banned because they do not like the tide turning.

At the end of the day we are all adults and 'big boys' right? we can take a little bantering without recourse to Mods right?


A few days ago the Red were threatening to burn them (EC or CCC) down. I guess now they are praising them. A lot of things we see here would seem hypocritical in our own countries/cultures but not here in Thailand. Who knows, Abhisit may end up being the next Red leader and Jakraporn may end up on the Board of Bangkok Bank and Sae Daeng enters the monkhood ..

You guys making personal attacks against each other over this situation just look foolish.

Careful - rix's favourite tactic when he is at a loss for words is to manoeuvre the discussion around to court decisions, then point to the TV rules (questioning a court verdict is against Thai law) and tell the moderators to delete posts that don't agree with him.

It's rix's home grown version of cioercion and media censorship. Shows that he embraces the yellow 'we know better' re-education philosophy to the letter.

Why not attempt addressing the points i made rather than trying to flame with invented BS?

A few days ago the Red were threatening to burn them (EC or CCC) down. I guess now they are praising them. A lot of things we see here would seem hypocritical in our own countries/cultures but not here in Thailand. Who knows, Abhisit may end up being the next Red leader and Jakraporn may end up on the Board of Bangkok Bank and Sae Daeng enters the monkhood ..

You guys making personal attacks against each other over this situation just look foolish.

I know you're being facetious, but truly that would be a good outcome. He has been their only champion in all this.

Do you actually know who Russell Hantz is?

What on earth does that matter? Who is anybody here?

Deary me, this has obviously all gone over your head.


This thread is getting way off-topic and way too personal.

I am inclined to start issuing warnings and posting holidays.

Please exercise a modicum of respect for others and stop flaming.

A few days ago the Red were threatening to burn them (EC or CCC) down. I guess now they are praising them. A lot of things we see here would seem hypocritical in our own countries/cultures but not here in Thailand. Who knows, Abhisit may end up being the next Red leader and Jakraporn may end up on the Board of Bangkok Bank and Sae Daeng enters the monkhood ..

You guys making personal attacks against each other over this situation just look foolish.

I know you're being facetious, but truly that would be a good outcome. He has been their only champion in all this.

Yes I started the post with a facetious frame of mind but as I wrote it I realized that something like this really wouldn't surprise me ... well yes I think Khun A becoming the red leader would be a stretch even for Thailand. But when elections roll around, all these politicians and "leaders" will as usual become chameleons and not only in regard to the color of their shirts. Everyone wants to be on the winning side. But they can't ALL be. So the losers will probably come up with a new color .... hmmm what color is left? ha ha sorry I slip back into my facetiousness ; )

-- No, the corruption of the democratic party is CLEARLY not at the same level or the same charges as against Thaksin.

who are you to judge which level is acceptable.

May be Thaksin should have taken job in TV cooking show. THAT should consider serious crime to you.

A few days ago the Red were threatening to burn them (EC or CCC) down. I guess now they are praising them. A lot of things we see here would seem hypocritical in our own countries/cultures but not here in Thailand. Who knows, Abhisit may end up being the next Red leader and Jakraporn may end up on the Board of Bangkok Bank and Sae Daeng enters the monkhood ..

You guys making personal attacks against each other over this situation just look foolish.

I know you're being facetious, but truly that would be a good outcome. He has been their only champion in all this.

Yes I started the post with a facetious frame of mind but as I wrote it I realized that something like this really wouldn't surprise me ... well yes I think Khun A becoming the red leader would be a stretch even for Thailand. But when elections roll around, all these politicians and "leaders" will as usual become chameleons and not only in regard to the color of their shirts. Everyone wants to be on the winning side. But they can't ALL be. So the losers will probably come up with a new color .... hmmm what color is left? ha ha sorry I slip back into my facetiousness ; )

You make an amusing point particularly re the red about-turn on the EC.

There is, however, an iron point which to date is not flexible on either side.

It is the date of the elections.

Not because of 'face'.

But because the issue is about the army reshuffle which takes place in the latter half of the year.

The forum red apologists have been instructed that under no circumstances must they respond to this point.

It is however, the fundamental point which has guided Thaksin and his red leaders in the current campaign.

It is the reason for the no-compromise.

And it is the reason for the red escalation of violence.

But they must keep quiet that all those deaths are in the line of duty for Thaksin to get his family/cronies into the army.

And capture the state.

Individuals may mess around positioning themselves, but when the fog clears, Thaksin's objectives are clear.

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

It's impossible to be a redshirt supporter without being a Thaksin supporter. The redshirts support Thaksin. There is no gray area here.

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

News Flash

It's impossible to be a redshirt supporter without being a Thaksin supporter. The redshirts support Thaksin. There is no gray area here.

That is a fact, for sure.

-- No, the corruption of the democratic party is CLEARLY not at the same level or the same charges as against Thaksin.

who are you to judge which level is acceptable.

May be Thaksin should have taken job in TV cooking show. THAT should consider serious crime to you.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. People with other opinions will think them wrong-headed, but nevertheless, it is up to each of us to look at the evidence and judge for ourselves.

Interesting to note all those who previously expressed extreme skepticism at the dissolving of the PPP, insisting that it was unfair and politically motivated, are now celebrating this as a victory for justice. How weird.

Hardly a "victory for justice" for it to have taken so long to be decided. I see it more as a comedy of errors. The 2007 constitution was nothing but a total disaster for Thai political life, the blunt instrument of disbandment for political parties has been used to emasculate the opposition time after time, I find it nothing short of hilarious that it is now going to chop Abhisit's knackers off! What is even more amusing is that the Dems were so in favor of those provisions of the 2007 constitution, even though they must have known that it could rebound on them for what they did in 2005! Typical of their smug arrogance that they never thought anyone would dare to investigate their brand of corruption.

One could add....."Interesting to note all those who previously applauded the dissolving of the PPP, insisting that it was fair and not politically motivated, are now bemoaning this as a travesty of justice. How weird." :)

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

It's impossible to be a redshirt supporter without being a Thaksin supporter. The redshirts support Thaksin. There is no gray area here.

Absolute rubbish - it's far beyond Thaksin - I personally do not want him back (I know many do) but your comment really is not well thought out

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

News Flash

It's impossible to be a redshirt supporter without being a Thaksin supporter. The redshirts support Thaksin. There is no gray area here.

That is a fact, for sure.

it is not a 'fact' you really do not understand at all - it's frightening

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

It's impossible to be a redshirt supporter without being a Thaksin supporter. The redshirts support Thaksin. There is no gray area here.

Absolute rubbish - it's far beyond Thaksin - I personally do not want him back (I know many do) but your comment really is not well thought out

Thaksin's money is the main force behind the red shirt movement as well as all of the Thaksin puppet parties. For a red to say they don't support Thaksin is the same as for a Nazi to say they don't like Hitler. If you believe in idealistic issues for reform in Thailand, (as I do) you really have to divorce yourself completely from the reds as they are eternally tainted with Thaksin, and with violent and terrorist tactics as well.

And no, I don't support Thaksin. He should take responsibility for any wrongdoing he has done, just like Abhisit and the hypocritical Democrats.

It's impossible to be a redshirt supporter without being a Thaksin supporter. The redshirts support Thaksin. There is no gray area here.

A very, very politically naive statement. :)

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