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Thai Foreign Minister Slams International Community Over Crisis

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Kasit is a <deleted>. He was not suitable to be a part of this government. Shooting off his mouth like this is totally unbecoming of the nation's chief diplomat.

Why don't you just say what you think - instead of sitting on the fence. :)

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Kasit is the most stup*d guy I have ever seen.. I saw his interview on the aussie ABC channel last year when the red were on the street. He called the red terrorist then and when the interviewer asked what he was doing at the air-port with yellow.. he simply had no answer and simply ignore the question. Ch*cken! It is a shame that thailand has such a foreign minister. :)

"Everyone is playing naive, closing their eyes and so on..." Kasit said.

isn't just this one of the finest, most developed traits of the highly esteemed Thai social culture?

An extremely brave thing to say. Well scripted.

"Everyone is playing naive, closing their eyes and so on..." Kasit said.

isn't just this one of the finest, most developed traits of the highly esteemed Thai social culture?

An extremely brave thing to say. Well scripted.

Agreed. A breath of fresh air. It is time for TALKS and negotiations. But the red shirts don't want to talk. They want it all or more bloodshed. A shameful, irresponsible, force of destruction for Thailand.

Well, another foreign minister in Thailand who just has no idea about what a foreign minister job is.

I do not even pity him. He does not deserve it.

I strongly doubt whether Thailand could ever have a truely successful and respected foreign minister. Compared with some other S.E. Asian countries yes maybe acceptable able to fit right in, but compared to some savvy, experienced, well educated western counter-part, he wouldn't measure up. Generally providing comic relief. A laughing stock.


what he didnt understand is MONEY RULES THE WORLD so foreign governments will pay court to Mr. Thaksin as long as he is alive.

German massmedia has no clue whats going on here but obviously they think the REDs are in the right since some Buddhist monks walking around with them, no word about bribes paid to the bighead reds from Thaksin.

seems the Thai foreign minister is kind of brave with all the other things he mentioned today

Maybe anyway we should be more carefull about typing here in future, IF Mr. T comes back for sure some heads will roll. :)


Sorry, apparently did something wrong with the quotations. this post is a reply to mr. Vicco. Just as I thought. Still no answers, just general statements. Well documented "facts"? Where...what facts:"? That is what I'm talking about. I have read pages and pages of "facts" and nothing comes close to answering my simple question. My post asked the specific question: How does a relatively minor conviction for a white collar crime place Thaksin in the Hitler, Stalin, Polpot category....(.....)[/i][/i]


Sir, in no post I ever placed anybody in one of the categories you mentioned nor was I comparing anybody with the massmurderers you mentioned. And in relation with mr. Thaksin i wasn't mentioning the corruption charges either. Your post makes the impression of being written in anger, so I advise you to calm down and read my post more carefully. For the writings of other people I am not responsible.


There was an excellent half hour special on the Thai crisis on Al Jazeera English today. The best coverage I have ever seen and very balanced with all sides given a voice and the background to it brilliantly explained. That's what international people should see.

Thaksin is literally Adolf Hitler to some people. I get the impression some expat posters or "proxies" may be getting a little under the table graft from a few yellow PR reps.

That's total BS. Several polls here over many months have shown consistently that expats are OVERWHELMINGLY anti-red, by a ratio of about 2 to 1. I doubt that has changed much (except probably more anti-red now) as the red shirts stubbornly refuse to go to peace talks at all!

Thaksin is literally Adolf Hitler to some people. I get the impression some expat posters or "proxies" may be getting a little under the table graft from a few yellow PR reps.

That's total BS. Several polls here over many months have shown consistently that expats are OVERWHELMINGLY anti-red, by a ratio of about 2 to 1. I doubt that has changed much (except probably more anti-red now) as the red shirts stubbornly refuse to go to peace talks at all!

Yet, strangely enough, most wives/defactos/girlfriends of expats in Thailand are from Issan - REDS????????????????????????

"Everyone is playing naive, closing their eyes and so on..." Kasit said.

isn't just this one of the finest, most developed traits of the highly esteemed Thai social culture?

An extremely brave thing to say. Well scripted.

Agreed. A breath of fresh air. It is time for TALKS and negotiations. But the red shirts don't want to talk. They want it all or more bloodshed. A shameful, irresponsible, force of destruction for Thailand.

Don't the Reds just want what the Yellows got, after their protest? Nothing more, nothing less???? Same Same.

What's your point? I said 2 to 1, not all.

..and most of them hold a grudge against Thaksin because of the beer bar closing hours he enforced back in the day.

What's your point? I said 2 to 1, not all.

I don't call 2 to 1 "overwhelming."

In politics, it is. Massively.

A completely unscientific uncontrolled poll on a forum filled with reprobates and other shady characters is hardly a definitive slice of the expat population in Thailand.

What's your point? I said 2 to 1, not all.

I don't call 2 to 1 "overwhelming."

In politics, it is. Massively.

A completely unscientific uncontrolled poll on a forum filled with reprobates and other shady characters is hardly a definitive slice of the expat population in Thailand.

Not one poll. Many, many, polls with consistent results. Not scientific but a clear indication. It makes sense really. Why would civilized Europeans support an anti-democratic, totalitarian, massively corrupt, free press suppressing, implicated in mass murders, cowardly convicted fugitive? Interestingly right wing George W Bush supporting Americans tend to like Thaksin, who like Bush had redneck Texas USA connections. Also both men share a massive arrogance not backed up with much intellect.

Not one poll. Many, many, polls with consistent results. Not scientific but a clear indication. It makes sense really. Why would civilized Europeans support an anti-democratic, totalitarian, massively corrupt, free press suppressing, implicated in mass murders, cowardly convicted fugitive.

Many many many polls on the same forum with similar results..you don't say? :)

Really your outrage over Thaksin and the red shirts is almost comical at this point because it's so over the top. Your emotional involvement in Thai politics should be a subject for one of those Thai variety shows where you can demonstrate your ranting for others.


backing the wrong horse, that horse is then shown to be inept, then shown to be corrupt, yet certain people will still argue black is white rather than admit they are wrong, even talking about nonsensical polls that matter not one jot, it does not matter if the ratio is 10:1 as we have no say anyway.

I think certain posters are more thai than we give them credit for, they have all the thai traits, except the ability to vote.

What's your point? I said 2 to 1, not all.

I don't call 2 to 1 "overwhelming."

In politics, it is. Massively.

A completely unscientific uncontrolled poll on a forum filled with reprobates and other shady characters is hardly a definitive slice of the expat population in Thailand.

Is that to be added to your hero Thaksin's attack on mentally unstable homosexuals?

Not one poll. Many, many, polls with consistent results. Not scientific but a clear indication. It makes sense really. Why would civilized Europeans support an anti-democratic, totalitarian, massively corrupt, free press suppressing, implicated in mass murders, cowardly convicted fugitive.

Many many many polls on the same forum with similar results..you don't say? :)

Really your outrage over Thaksin and the red shirts is almost comical at this point because it's so over the top. Your emotional involvement in Thai politics should be a subject for one of those Thai variety shows where you can demonstrate your ranting for others.

And the funniest thing of it all is that he supports a leader who has been caught doing the same things as his arch enemy... and fails to see the hypocrisy :D :D :D


Jingles, time for you to take a deep breath and accept that you and many of the forum bullies not only misjudged but completely misunderstood what was going on. You are in good company because it seems Mr. Abhisit et al, missed the boat as well. (And no, I am not calling you a bully. Excitable though :) )

What is up with the references to Bush? We get it, you don't like him. That's swell, but it has no relationship to this situation.

You reference polls in TV as if they were definitive. Unfortunately, they are not. How many active members of TV are there? And how many actually responded to one of the Thaksin is the devil incarnate type polls? Out of how many members of TV? (excluding the multipersonalities types :D ) The polls were not structured to allow an unbiased indication of anything substantive. You cannot extrapolate based upon the opinions of less than 100 people.

There are plenty of TV members that have never voiced an opinion on the subject and won't because they don't have time for the nastiness of the lying bully brigade. You have mistaken the loud, pushiness of a few as a consensus of many. Please understand that a large number of people with real world experience and/or an education have no patience for the hysterics and the lies. Nor did they need to read how their wives/girlfriends were nothing more than Issan hookers. Those people just passed the nasty threads and went on to something more useful like the auto, visa, farming etc. threads. Alot of people got tired of the Thaksin obsession long ago. This is something the Thai government did not want to admit to itself for a long time. The international community was fed up with the back and forth. They did not care because they could see it for what it was. It was never about Thaksin's corruption, but the desire of an entrenched oligarchy to hang onto power as long as possible.

Wake up and get out of Pattaya. Get on a bus and travel the country. Go and visit your buddies JD in Chiang Mai or Animatic on Samui and get a feel for the nation. You may have an epiphany just as Paul had on the way to Damascus. (No need to look for me in Phuket. It's dangerous in Patong and I don't want you traumatized by a lippy tuk tuk driver.)

Jingles, time for you to take a deep breath and accept that you and many of the forum bullies not only misjudged but completely misunderstood what was going on. You are in good company because it seems Mr. Abhisit et al, missed the boat as well. (And no, I am not calling you a bully. Excitable though :) )

What is up with the references to Bush? We get it, you don't like him. That's swell, but it has no relationship to this situation.

You reference polls in TV as if they were definitive. Unfortunately, they are not. How many active members of TV are there? And how many actually responded to one of the Thaksin is the devil incarnate type polls? Out of how many members of TV? (excluding the multipersonalities types :D ) The polls were not structured to allow an unbiased indication of anything substantive. You cannot extrapolate based upon the opinions of less than 100 people.

There are plenty of TV members that have never voiced an opinion on the subject and won't because they don't have time for the nastiness of the lying bully brigade. You have mistaken the loud, pushiness of a few as a consensus of many. Please understand that a large number of people with real world experience and/or an education have no patience for the hysterics and the lies. Nor did they need to read how their wives/girlfriends were nothing more than Issan hookers. Those people just passed the nasty threads and went on to something more useful like the auto, visa, farming etc. threads. Alot of people got tired of the Thaksin obsession long ago. This is something the Thai government did not want to admit to itself for a long time. The international community was fed up with the back and forth. They did not care because they could see it for what it was. It was never about Thaksin's corruption, but the desire of an entrenched oligarchy to hang onto power as long as possible.

Wake up and get out of Pattaya. Get on a bus and travel the country. Go and visit your buddies JD in Chiang Mai or Animatic on Samui and get a feel for the nation. You may have an epiphany just as Paul had on the way to Damascus. (No need to look for me in Phuket. It's dangerous in Patong and I don't want you traumatized by a lippy tuk tuk driver.)

Thaksin apologist gets philosophical and says nothing.

Nothing at all.

Sorry, apparently did something wrong with the quotations. this post is a reply to mr. Vicco. Just as I thought. Still no answers, just general statements. Well documented "facts"? Where...what facts:"? That is what I'm talking about. I have read pages and pages of "facts" and nothing comes close to answering my simple question. My post asked the specific question: How does a relatively minor conviction for a white collar crime place Thaksin in the Hitler, Stalin, Polpot category....(.....)[/i][/i]


Sir, in no post I ever placed anybody in one of the categories you mentioned nor was I comparing anybody with the massmurderers you mentioned. And in relation with mr. Thaksin i wasn't mentioning the corruption charges either. Your post makes the impression of being written in anger, so I advise you to calm down and read my post more carefully. For the writings of other people I am not responsible.

Truce OK? You responded to a post which contained very specific questions. You did not answer the questions you just gave general statements which do nothing to answer anything that I asked. If you do not have an answer to a specific question, you should not answer at all. Now you have decided that I am angry? Far from being angry my friend. I am actually feeling a bit amused that all the Thaksin experts so far have completely ignored, or failed to provide any kind of answer to what I am asking.

It should not be that difficult for those who claim to know so much.... I do not claim to know and that is why I ask such questions. I have found that asking hard questions and not just accepting what I hear or read leads to better understanding. Nothing I have said is aimed at you or anyone in particular. I don't want to repeat the questions again...they are for anyone who would like to take a crack at a sensible, non biased answer. Is that asking soooo much?? Maybe it is but we can live in hope.


Thaksin apologist gets philosophical and says nothing.

Nothing at all.

Then I suggest you take a remedial course in reading comprehension.

Give it up. You backed the wrong horse and you misread the political situation. The use of the term Thaksin apologist is the typical snide bitter type of comment to expect from your group. Nowhere in my statements did I apologize on behalf of Thaksin. The protests are not about Thaksin, even Thaksin says that. Hence the need for you to get yourself back to secondary school to brush up on basic reading skills. Change is coming. Deal with it.

Thaksin apologist gets philosophical and says nothing.

Nothing at all.

Then I suggest you take a remedial course in reading comprehension.

Give it up. You backed the wrong horse and you misread the political situation. The use of the term Thaksin apologist is the typical snide bitter type of comment to expect from your group. Nowhere in my statements did I apologize on behalf of Thaksin. The protests are not about Thaksin, even Thaksin says that. Hence the need for you to get yourself back to secondary school to brush up on basic reading skills. Change is coming. Deal with it.

Good for a laugh man sitting on Thaksin horse.

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