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Thai Anti-Riot Squad Cut Up By Soldiers In Black

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If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

You should not be advocating murder on here. :D


I'm not sure if military snipers taking out terrorists is generally regarded as murder, rusty. :)

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If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

You should not be advocating murder on here. :)


That would be called preventing murder by taking out hostiles. Which would have happened, if the army had installed and used snipers the last time, instead of soldiers and regular mislead red sheep being taken out by this "unknown" force.

So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

And they reds just announced today that they would move all protesters from Pan Fah to Ratchprasong. Too difficult to defend two areas I would imagine. Also there are many thousands of 'innocent' redshirts at Ratch. And they big malls being held hostage. The damages to life and property would be enormous if the military tries to disperse the protesters from there.

Not sure but what about solving the concerns of the red shirt rank and file , better opportunities , better education , good job and so on ?

Bullets , even rubber ones , cant solve those . Of course those in BKK , dont give a dam_n i suppose

Do you mean like the debt forgiveness plans announced by the government just last week?

Have the reds suggested any policies that should be put in place to help the poor? Have the reds suggested any policies to reduce corruption?

Whatever the government has done, or will do, to help the poor, it's not what the red shirt leaders want. They don't want help for the poor. The want to be in power, so they can bring back their benefactor.

A good plan yes , if it materialises , yet obtained by pressure of the street you will notice . If no protests probably this plan would never have been announced . A good reason fo the red shirts to continue

Its the governement job to announce policies , though i see your point . Perhaps Abhisit may consider going further North then Rangsit one of those days just to improve his image . Well from what i hear from EC removing Abhisit would be a first step towards reducing corruption though of course another corrupted one would come as we both know .

Who does not want power , and who does'nt like his benefactor ?

So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

And they reds just announced today that they would move all protesters from Pan Fah to Ratchprasong. Too difficult to defend two areas I would imagine. Also there are many thousands of 'innocent' redshirts at Ratch. And they big malls being held hostage. The damages to life and property would be enormous if the military tries to disperse the protesters from there.

Not sure but what about solving the concerns of the red shirt rank and file , better opportunities , better education , good job and so on ?

Bullets , even rubber ones , cant solve those . Of course those in BKK , dont give a dam_n i suppose

They have a good job with regular pay working for Mr Thaksin thank you very much.

Thank you for showing your knickers that you hate the people of Bangkok.

Good excuse then for trashing the place.

Charming red cheerleader.

I dont hate anyone . I am just realistic

I guess it is in the public media now..

Why cant these scumbags take this pissing match out of town..

I want to go back to work...

Don't these red shits have jobs and family's to go home to?

Oh dear, or dear,you are inconvenienced are you? Tough shit, Then them sort it out one way or the other, you are a farang who cannot vote or have any say in the matter except whinge on this forum. If you don't like it leave.mad.gif

I guess it is in the public media now..

Why cant these scumbags take this pissing match out of town..

I want to go back to work...

Don't these red shits have jobs and family's to go home to?

Oh dear, or dear,you are inconvenienced are you? Tough shit, Then them sort it out one way or the other, you are a farang who cannot vote or have any say in the matter except whinge on this forum. If you don't like it leave.mad.gif

Ok mate please tell us where your business is located and we'll fire off a memo to the PAD or next group to protest to ensure your place of work is on the must shut down list.

Go eat some pla ra and take a nap.

If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

You should not be advocating murder on here. :)


So Mr. "RusselHantz", if the army puts snipers out to protect its troops (and also protect the reds BTW), if such a sniper sees a masked black-shirt armed with an AK47 or an M16 readying his weapon and pointing it to soldiers or protesters, should he not pull the trigger?


The red leaders have burnt all the bridges behing them. They must win and get immunity. If they loose they will almost certain spend rest of their lives in jail.


OK, now we have a rumor that a General P. is going to stage a coup. It's really an accepted sort of fact that the Army is a government within the government, and the Army swears an allegiance but it's not to the government. (Warning: Do not even think about commenting on the a fore mentioned sentence) There was a great topic posted yesterday from Oldtimer and it was an interesting and insightful read in contemporary Thai culture . He explained how his wife felt about the Reds and the condition of the country from her perspective. Thais understand Thais... Thais understand their country and their leaders. They aren't really so naive as we sometimes see them. We in turn tend to be naive in our perception of Thais. I read a lovely comment once regarding the fact that Thailand had never been colonized by a western power. I can't remember the source at the moment but to paraphrase it went something like... If Thailand had been colonized... knowing Thais the way I do. It would have been the colonizers that were exploited and not the Thais.

I love these debates that we have here but in the end the Thais will settle their own future. We can only watch :)

About the comments of being shot from long range, the facts would appear to be different. Yesterday on the Nations Tweet , there was a statement that the Police Hospital Autopsy report states that most of the victims were shot from behind, one at very close range as there was gunpowder on the body.

Which could mean one guy walked in front of his neighbor just as he fired his pistol.

And the others were taken out from above and well behind by snipers on THEIR side.

Sacrificial lambs to help give the impression of army gone mad,

and stoke up their friends into a frenzy on the ground.

War is not fought with fair rules by all players.

In the clip shot by the deceased camera man, you can clearly see Red Shirts with their hands in the air, backs to the troops, calling for calm.

Is it also not possible that at some stages, some of the reds turned and ran.?

It was also obviouse that in the side streets, there was overlapping of both sides. Therefore anybody turing 90 degrees would also have had his back to soldiers.

The footage on CNN and BBC on Sunday morning also showed soldiers on overpasses firing downwards.

Whoa there tiger...........that would be a wholly unpalatable different interpretation for most posters on here to stomach.


This is just one huge propaganda war, trying to win over the hearts and minds of the GP - the other pawns in this power struggle - the government is absolutely terrified that the genie is out the bottle, so will use all channels to discredit and the reds will deny and accuse and do the same, as they are terrified that they might lose the media war and a tide could turn back against them, just as the neutral observers in the world's free press are beginning to sense a sea-change against the incumbents.

It seems worth noting that endless debate about who fired where, how, with what rifle by people in this forum, whilst fun and perhaps a chance for the war-types to show off their combat expertise, really gets no one anywhere fast.

Nobody knows what happened, it is all conjecture, all info and fact is being spun and distorted by both sides and in the midst of it it 23 have died who are almost incidental to all this now - they never got to enjoy Songkran, did they?

This is just one huge propaganda war, trying to win over the hearts and minds of the GP - the other pawns in this power struggle - the government is absolutely terrified that the genie is out the bottle, so will use all channels to discredit and the reds will deny and accuse and do the same, as they are terrified that they might lose the media war and a tide could turn back against them, just as the neutral observers in the world's free press are beginning to sense a sea-change against the incumbents.

It seems worth noting that endless debate about who fired where, how, with what rifle by people in this forum, whilst fun and perhaps a chance for the war-types to show off their combat expertise, really gets no one anywhere fast.

Nobody knows what happened, it is all conjecture, all info and fact is being spun and distorted by both sides and in the midst of it it 23 have died who are almost incidental to all this now - they never got to enjoy Songkran, did they?

Neither did the 100 + that were killed in traffic related accidents on this the 2nd day of Songkran. Kinda pales the deaths of the demonstrations. No disrespect intended



This is just one huge propaganda war, trying to win over the hearts and minds of the GP - the other pawns in this power struggle - the government is absolutely terrified that the genie is out the bottle, so will use all channels to discredit and the reds will deny and accuse and do the same, as they are terrified that they might lose the media war and a tide could turn back against them, just as the neutral observers in the world's free press are beginning to sense a sea-change against the incumbents.

It seems worth noting that endless debate about who fired where, how, with what rifle by people in this forum, whilst fun and perhaps a chance for the war-types to show off their combat expertise, really gets no one anywhere fast.

Nobody knows what happened, it is all conjecture, all info and fact is being spun and distorted by both sides and in the midst of it it 23 have died who are almost incidental to all this now - they never got to enjoy Songkran, did they?

Couldn't agree more. Good post.

If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

You should not be advocating murder on here. :)


hey samoa survivor guy (who lost 6 out of 7 challenges)

murder has already been committed by men in black working for the red leaders and it will only be a matter of time before that is proven

its retribution time

if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen..

If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

You should not be advocating murder on here. :)


hey samoa survivor guy (who lost 6 out of 7 challenges)

murder has already been committed by men in black working for the red leaders and it will only be a matter of time before that is proven

its retribution time

if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen..

Agree that they should be there to take out the Black shirt snipers if necessary.

Cheers, Rick

No surprise that it has got to this.

BPbreakingnews: P.Thai: Gen 'P' planning a coup

Cheers, Rick

not gonna happen, just a rumour to scare the black ops guys out into the open so the Army can take them out.

during the course of the day there will be a lot of misinformation circulating in the media

it is designed to confuse the enemy

it will also be monitored as to where it surfaces and by whom so that the government who generated it will be able to see which traitors they have in their midst

passed it on to the opposition

then those people can be used to send misinformation to the enemy about troop movements and scenario as to red dispersal

these are classic CIA tactics and its exciting to watch it develop

i am so happy that the EC commission party dissolution 'red' herring worked and gave the government time to think instead of having to be on the defensive all the time

now they are keeping the reds busy by giving them a media storm to defend themselves against whilst preparing a new offensive

once a ''man in black'' has thought about his current isolated life threatening position and turned himself in under a white flag, then it will all be over

if i were one of them i would be on the phone to Suthep making a deal right now.

new identity, new life for me and my family, new passports and 20 million baht in my pocket

the red menace would self distruct in 24 hours at the news that they were paid to shoot their own comrades by the red leaders and by Thaksin


Public urged to return army weapons seized during clashes

BANGKOK (TNA) -- Citizens holding army weapons taken from troops or abandoned during last weekend’s clashes between government security forces and anti-government protesters are urged to return them to the authorities or police, an army spokesman said Wednesday.

Hmmmm ... I doubt any red shirts will be returning weapons that could be used against them in the coming days.

Army officials are now conducting inventories of missing weapons and will then report the loss to police.

The army have become a little careless in losing its weapons of late.

Those who now possess the weapons should return them because such possession is illegal, he said. The army is concerned that the weapons could be used by ill-intentioned people later for actions which could be mistakenly credited to the army.

So, if its illegal, what are they planning to do about it? Issue more arrest warrants that will blow away in the wind?

The agency had ordered officials to provide adequate security for the public and protesters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) now rallying to oust the coalition government, said the spokesman.

What does that mean? The use of live ammunition? Shoot to kill?

Asked whether martial law should be imposed as suggested by the New Politics Party, Col Sansern said it is “still unnecessary as society still has confidence in the government.” (TNA)

Well, the last line is funny. Which society is that? The Songkran Deaf, Drunk and Dumb Society?

Forgive mylack of sincerity. I am not a red supporter. I find the comments from the government could be made by students in grade 5.

Welcome to 'Are you smarter than a 5th grader' featuring a cast of hundreds.

Black masked gunmen from weekend bloodshed identified

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Names of armed gunmen in black firing at authorities during the 10 April bloodshed have been identified by the Democrat party.

Democrat Party Spokesperson MD Buranaj Smutharaks stated that black clad gunmen spotted during the recent bloody clash between authorities and the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have been given names.

Security officials have been tasked with making the apprehension of the gunmen a priority. The discovery of the interlopers has lended an increased sense of unease to the already tense situation.

MD Buranaj used footage of the gunmen to indicate that they were trained and sent in disguised to exacerbate the engagement of authorities and protesters.

The spokesperson has asked all sectors cooperate and inform authorities immediately if have any information as to the whereabouts of the gunmen.


-- NNT 2010-04-14


The first place to look should be in the middle of a mass of red shirts.


Black masked gunmen from weekend bloodshed identified

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Names of armed gunmen in black firing at authorities during the 10 April bloodshed have been identified by the Democrat party.

Democrat Party Spokesperson MD Buranaj Smutharaks stated that black clad gunmen spotted during the recent bloody clash between authorities and the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have been given names.

Security officials have been tasked with making the apprehension of the gunmen a priority. The discovery of the interlopers has lended an increased sense of unease to the already tense situation.

MD Buranaj used footage of the gunmen to indicate that they were trained and sent in disguised to exacerbate the engagement of authorities and protesters.

The spokesperson has asked all sectors cooperate and inform authorities immediately if have any information as to the whereabouts of the gunmen.

come on men in black guys

they know who you are now and you are a liability to the red cause

it will only be a matter of time before you wind up dead in a ditch at the hands of your own comrades, who will be paid to shut you up.......permanently

not just you, your families will be slaughtered too, your wife,brothers, father,mother, sons and daughters will all be erased to save Thaksin and the red leadership.

just as as you showed no mercy to your victims, you know the reds will not show any consideration to you either

why not make a deal with the government?

they are your only chance of you and your family living through the next few days

give someone a call, make a deal, do something honorable

save this country from civil war and inform on your paymasters who ordered you to randomly kill innocent red supporters who thought they were there to protest peacefully, not be cannon fodder for an anarchic group trying to seize a country

come on black guy, make that call before its too late and the option dissapears with you and your family........

If the army goes on the street again, for once, military snipers should this time be used to take out the terrorists...

You should not be advocating murder on here. :D


I'm not sure if military snipers taking out terrorists is generally regarded as murder, rusty. :)

Soldiers are regarded as murderers.

But sometimes terrorists, conspirators, enemies of the state became later in history heroes and freedom fighters, subject of a Hollywood movie and played by Tom Cruise.

The red leaders have burnt all the bridges behind them. They must win and get immunity. If they loose they will almost certain spend rest of their lives in jail.

Seems pretty much so,

all or nothing at all to end your days...

Kinda motivating isn't it.

Black masked gunmen from weekend bloodshed identified

BANGKOK (NNT) -- Names of armed gunmen in black firing at authorities during the 10 April bloodshed have been identified by the Democrat party.

Democrat Party Spokesperson MD Buranaj Smutharaks stated that black clad gunmen spotted during the recent bloody clash between authorities and the United Front of Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) have been given names.

Security officials have been tasked with making the apprehension of the gunmen a priority. The discovery of the interlopers has lended an increased sense of unease to the already tense situation.

MD Buranaj used footage of the gunmen to indicate that they were trained and sent in disguised to exacerbate the engagement of authorities and protesters.

The spokesperson has asked all sectors cooperate and inform authorities immediately if have any information as to the whereabouts of the gunmen.

come on men in black guys

they know who you are now and you are a liability to the red cause

it will only be a matter of time before you wind up dead in a ditch at the hands of your own comrades, who will be paid to shut you up.......permanently

not just you, your families will be slaughtered too, your wife,brothers, father,mother, sons and daughters will all be erased to save Thaksin and the red leadership.

just as as you showed no mercy to your victims, you know the reds will not show any consideration to you either

why not make a deal with the government?

they are your only chance of you and your family living through the next few days

give someone a call, make a deal, do something honorable

save this country from civil war and inform on your paymasters who ordered you to randomly kill innocent red supporters who thought they were there to protest peacefully, not be cannon fodder for an anarchic group trying to seize a country

come on black guy, make that call before its too late and the option dissapears with you and your family........

Well...someone didn't get the C4 charges right on the power pylons... hence things didn't work out quite right for them.

What a joke :)

Someone using some dubious photos to scam the Red shirts ???

We can see for the first man in the black carry a M16 or Carbine with a Silencer Attached ! That means he's firing Blanks !

If you want to scam someone pls do your homework first :D

Me thinks you've got no idea what you are talking about.

1) What silencer?

2) How does a silencer "mean he's firing Blanks"?

Eaxactly! What is a silencer for? Absolutely nothing to do with blanks or live rounds.

So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

the government needs to find one of the shooters,(and do it fast before his own people kill him, on red shirt leader orders), turn him against his red leader paymasters and have him testify that he was told to shoot ordinary reds to make the army and the government look bad

the true red supporters will then kill the red leaders themselves

the rally will end, the red movement will end

Thaksin will be delivered up by one of the countries he hides out in

he will be brought back to Thailand, tried for treason and executed by firing squad

there will be new elections, Abhisit will win by a landslide

Or the reds capture one of the snipers and get him to confess to being paid by the govt to kill their own military and some reds to make the the red shirts look bad.

The govt will then resign if it hasnt already, house dissolved, Abhisit and his cohorts will be charged with treason/executed by firing squad.

there will be new elections and the red shirt supported party will win in a landslide.


One more thing... I couldn't figure out what was missing... and it occurred to me after my last post. I haven't seen time stamps on any of the videos. Is that weird? Have I just missed the relevant videos?

The agency had ordered officials to provide adequate security for the public and protesters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) now rallying to oust the coalition government, said the spokesman.

What does that mean? The use of live ammunition? Shoot to kill?....

Welcome to 'Are you smarter than a 5th grader' featuring a cast of hundreds.

That means the government believe :

Reds rank and file were targeted by a hard core red terrorist wing as sacraficial lambs,

and so they are essentially saying army snipers or such will be assigned to equally

protect rank and file reds, from being killed for Image Making purposes.

as well as protect the riot squads should they be used again.

Betcha anything that the next riot squad will be in FULL battle armor

to stop most rounds that could be hit with.

So the question now is, what should the government do?

They're in a horrible position, with "unknown" people amongst the red shirts killing soldiers and getting red shirts killed (got in the way of the black soldier, got in the way of military fighting back, whatever), and the reds doing nothing to help the government catch the shooters or even willing to negotiate an end to the protests.

the government needs to find one of the shooters,(and do it fast before his own people kill him, on red shirt leader orders), turn him against his red leader paymasters and have him testify that he was told to shoot ordinary reds to make the army and the government look bad

the true red supporters will then kill the red leaders themselves

the rally will end, the red movement will end

Thaksin will be delivered up by one of the countries he hides out in

he will be brought back to Thailand, tried for treason and executed by firing squad

there will be new elections, Abhisit will win by a landslide

Or the reds capture one of the snipers and get him to confess to being paid by the govt to kill their own military and some reds to make the the red shirts look bad.

The govt will then resign if it hasnt already, house dissolved, Abhisit and his cohorts will be charged with treason/executed by firing squad.

there will be new elections and the red shirt supported party will win in a landslide.

wow Brit, i am impressed, you wrote more than one line even if you plagerised my theory and turned it red

boy, i hope you get some cattle for your support, if these reds make it home

The agency had ordered officials to provide adequate security for the public and protesters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) now rallying to oust the coalition government, said the spokesman.

What does that mean? The use of live ammunition? Shoot to kill?....

Welcome to 'Are you smarter than a 5th grader' featuring a cast of hundreds.

That means the government believe :

Reds rank and file were targeted by a hard core red terrorist wing as sacraficial lambs,

and so they are essentially saying army snipers or such will be assigned to equally

protect rank and file reds, from being killed for Image Making purposes.

as well as protect the riot squads should they be used again.

Betcha anything that the next riot squad will be in FULL battle armor

to stop most rounds that could be hit with.

Ditto: I posted a bit earlier today about herding all the sheep into one pen for the slaughter, from Phan Fa Bridge to Ratchaprasong. I've talked to a few seasoned journalist over the past few days who have been in Bkk a long time and their feeling were something like there is something very, very bad in the air.

Cheers, Hummy

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