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Thai Government Ready For More Talks With Red Shirts

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Yup. Government has offered talks on many occasions. They've tried to put together a group of 4 previous PMs to act as arbitrators. Heck, Chavalit was one of them, and he's essentially a red shirt. The reds still said no.

If this was just propaganda, all the red shirts had to do was accept the talks and watch the government backtrack. Obviously the reds thought the government was sincere.

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Just watched Arisaman's escape on TV. He managed to climb down a rope from a 3rd floor balcony, run accross the courtyard and climb over the wall.

Plenty of Red Shirts. Plenty of photgraphers and TV cameras. Not a policeman to be seen.

Surely they cannot be that inept?

I think that perhaps in my opinion I will only speculate that perhaps

swat moved in with a few man hoping to get in to SC and make arrests

an get out quick before red mobs arrived.


"Deputy Metropolitan Police Chief, Police Major General Panu Kerdlarppol, has been tasked with supervising traffic around the area and negotiating with UDD core leaders to facilitate traffic at Pathumwan and Pratunam Intersections as they are linked with other important roads."

I would think backing up traffic should be the least of their worries


The rank and file wait for the keywords that motivate them and cheer on cue.

But some also listen and believe more intently and act on those words... therein lies the real problem.

it is normal that the Officers are resting better than the troops because they have to keep a fresh mind and think ahead. Basic reason in most of armies.

But today the situation is escalating... Nobody listens to each other, Proposal of negotiation are rhetoric, propaganda...no gesture for cooling down the situation on contrary...the opposite.

If there is nobody to whistle the end of the playtime between Government and Red Shirts, we are heading to the worse: this is my main concern.

The environment is there: army cracking with internal divisions, PAD guards appearing now on the scene with weapons, attempt to arrest red Shirts leaders... at the first spark the fire will extends to all Thailand. The slot is narrowing for Good Will people to bring back everybody to reason.

We have to stop discussing about what divide, we have to talk about what unite... I am afraid that the Land of Smile will become the Land of bereavements.

Our beautiful and charming Thailand is on the verge of precipice

On this I agree. The government made all the moves to de-escalate the situation until they had no choice but to act. These last few days the government has proffered the olive branch only to have it snatched from their hands, broken in two, and thrown back in their faces.

Jerry, are you beginning to understand now what the redshirt position truly is? Do you understand now that they are completely unwilling to negotiate? Do you understand now that they will do anything, including the use of snipers and grenades on security forces to achieve their aims? Do you now understand that they are the unreasonable ones, and are actively seeking violence and destruction?

MCOT: All Red Shirt leaders escape from police custody at SC Park Hotel; Protesters surround police, demanding they disarm

Another botched police operation.

Just watched Arisaman's escape on TV. He managed to climb down a rope from a 3rd floor balcony, run accross the courtyard and climb over the wall.

Plenty of Red Shirts. Plenty of photgraphers and TV cameras. Not a policeman to be seen.

Surely they cannot be that inept?

Are you sure about that? Yes they can. The police are hopeless, and to be honest it's now clear that any organised group of criminals is above the law because the police are too thick to do anything about them. God help us all. Thailand is on the edge of the abyss.


the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel


Red shirts send survival kit to Abhisit

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A red-shirt supporter showed up at the 11th Infantry Regiment yesterday with some food for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but this was by no means a gesture of goodwill.

Attached with the noodles, cans of coffee and bottles of water was a message from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, which read: "Let the prime minister eat so that he can survive at least until he dissolves the House of Representatives and pays for his bad deeds as a murderer."

Chantisa Rojanapimuk, who was accompanied by her boyfriend, said core red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua had assigned this duty to her. She left the food and the message with the guards at the gate.


Lone woman challenges red shirts

by the Nation

An unidentified lone woman turned up behind the Rajprasong rally stage of the red-shirts at 9 am Thursday and criticised the leaders for causing trouble to the public.

Worachai Hemma met her and tried to explain the causes of the red shirts while other protesters started to boo her.

Eventually, red-shirt guards had to escort her out of the area to a spot in front of the President Hotel.

Reporters saw some protesters with sticks in hands running after her.

despite the current murderous reputation of the Army, who seemed to behaved better here and respected another parties right to have an opposing opinion?

come on you red shirt apologists and sympathisers

please rise up as one and have the committment to the red cause to tell me that you think its ok for red shirt protestors to chase a woman down the street with sticks who had the courage to challenge the red shirt leadership and tell them that she thought what they were doing was wrong

doesn't democrasy allow opposing parties to have a differing opinion to yours without suffering penalty for doing so?

please tell me where the democrasy you are supposed to be seeking was when this happened?

or is just a red democrasy you are seeking?

if so i think they call that by another name

For the red leaders it´s not about democrasy. It´s all about money and power but 95-99% of the reds think they protests for "true Democracy" a word invented by Mr. T


If anybody still trust the Nation News paper:

Their breaking news at 10.43 stated that red shirt leaders were arrested at SC Park (Probably a tip from an anonymous source in the not so competent government), while the Bangkok post had reported 2 minutes before that the red shirt leaders had escaped from the third floor by using a rope.

It took the Nation almost 2 hours to tell the world that they had fooled their audience again. THis is probably always the case when you are no longer independent.

Another message told that thousands of people fooled themselves by thinking they were doing the soldiers a pleasure by demonstrating at the army camp and giving them moral support. I was there and in fact there were a few hundred and most soldiers are in the camp of the reds. They are poor, underpaid, and screwed by the people who came to sheer them on because they had not the money to buy themselves out of the army like their sons and daughters did.


Red shirts send survival kit to Abhisit

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- A red-shirt supporter showed up at the 11th Infantry Regiment yesterday with some food for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, but this was by no means a gesture of goodwill.

Attached with the noodles, cans of coffee and bottles of water was a message from the Democratic Alliance against Dictatorship, which read: "Let the prime minister eat so that he can survive at least until he dissolves the House of Representatives and pays for his bad deeds as a murderer."

Chantisa Rojanapimuk, who was accompanied by her boyfriend, said core red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua had assigned this duty to her. She left the food and the message with the guards at the gate.


Lone woman challenges red shirts

by the Nation

An unidentified lone woman turned up behind the Rajprasong rally stage of the red-shirts at 9 am Thursday and criticised the leaders for causing trouble to the public.

Worachai Hemma met her and tried to explain the causes of the red shirts while other protesters started to boo her.

Eventually, red-shirt guards had to escort her out of the area to a spot in front of the President Hotel.

Reporters saw some protesters with sticks in hands running after her.

despite the current murderous reputation of the Army, who seemed to behaved better here and respected another parties right to have an opposing opinion?

come on you red shirt apologists and sympathisers

please rise up as one and have the committment to the red cause to tell me that you think its ok for red shirt protestors to chase a woman down the street with sticks who had the courage to challenge the red shirt leadership and tell them that she thought what they were doing was wrong

doesn't democrasy allow opposing parties to have a differing opinion to yours without suffering penalty for doing so?

please tell me where the democrasy you are supposed to be seeking was when this happened?

or is just a red democrasy you are seeking?

if so i think they call that by another name

For the red leaders it´s not about democrasy. It´s all about money and power but 95-99% of the reds think they protests for "true Democracy" a word invented by Mr. T

The reds rank and file are protesting because Thaksin helped them while previous governement did not give a rat ass bout them , and because Thaksin was undemocraticaly removed . End of the story

The reds rank and file are protesting because Thaksin helped them while previous governement did not give a rat ass bout them , and because Thaksin was undemocraticaly removed . End of the story

You can't really call what they are doing "protesting" anymore. They have gone well beyond that innocent word.

Yes the violent red thugs think that have it all won. But they are playing a dangerous game not negotiating. They demand all or nothing. That may have good odds to get all, but by not talking, they risk getting nothing. There are still powerful forces in play here not ready to cave to this red mob terror wave.

Jingthing - I don't know where you're located - but if you live in BKK - take some time out and go to Rajaprasong - any day of the week - and view all those "violent red thugs".

In fact - what you'll see are ordinary decent Thai people of all ages - tens of thousands of them - gathering as one to show their disdain and contempt for this current government. A government and PM that are nothing more than proxies for the the ruling elite and what it truly represents - repression and exploitation of the Thai people.

And as you so rightly say - they are indeed powerful forces.

Excellent post bullmercke , secunded 100% :)

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