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How Thai Girls And Thai's In General Think?


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This is my OPINION, so no need to get worked up if disagree, but sometimes I think Thai's never progress mentally from their teenage years.

Certainly a lot of the ones I have met act like teenagers ( me, me, me ) with no thought for the consequences of what they do. But then, for me that's part of the charm of Thai women.

Finally a pragmatist, grin and bear it, your in an adult disney land expect minimouse and goofy. Did you come here to find things the same as where you came from.

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There has been some pure gold posted here. I think this thread should be pinned for newbies. It would be a real shame if someone posted some stupid crap and got it closed before it ran its course... :)

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Ah, we are talking abut bar girls. There are available, non bar girls out there you know?

Agree... Maybe what people have mistakenly assume is that Bargirls represent all Thai women. First of all there are about 30 million women in Thailand and during your visit the few women in a certain trade have molded your mind. People are so different they can not be put in one bag. You can find any type of woman you want in Thailand. They do not all sit and work in bars, so if you want something different you must go out and be adventurous. Broaden the mind Skywalker.

Belive it or not some Thai women are Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Technicians, Librarians, merchants, farmers, cooks, house keepers, and waitresses ( bargirls ) etc etc.

Maybe another topic but I have never had a Lady Taxi driver in Thialand?

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Ah, we are talking abut bar girls. There are available, non bar girls out there you know?

Agree... Maybe what people have mistakenly assume is that Bargirls represent all Thai women. First of all there are about 30 million women in Thailand and during your visit the few women in a certain trade have molded your mind. People are so different they can not be put in one bag. You can find any type of woman you want in Thailand. They do not all sit and work in bars, so if you want something different you must go out and be adventurous. Broaden the mind Skywalker.

Belive it or not some Thai women are Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Technicians, Librarians, merchants, farmers, cooks, house keepers, and waitresses ( bargirls ) etc etc.

Maybe another topic but I have never had a Lady Taxi driver in Thialand?

+1 On the good responses, I thought this post would have faded by now!

-1 On the "Thailand only place to meet multiple girls!" Because of my worked in Russia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and it is just as easy, but less complicated (well at least for Mexico, where the girl pretty much demanded you to meet the family and attend Church with them, after that, anything is fair game)

+1 On the short term thinking!

+1 On the girls who sit in the internet cafe's, they crack me up! "You send money today teerak? rak na jub jub (or joop joop, no one knows what is correct) then to ATM Card owner number 2, then ATM Card owner number 3, 4, 5, 6! I think I just need to hire a bunch of cute girls to sit on the internet and look pretty to scam desperate foreign guys of their hard earned money!

-2 On the barl girl stuff! When I first got the Thailand, I looked down upon them and really thought they were the most disgusting creatures on the face of the earth, but now that I have been here and gotten to know some of them as friends, living in the same building etc, they have a few options, somehow find the money to attend a University, or give in to what seems like a ton of pressure from the family to "MAKE MONEY FOR FAMILEEEEE" (cuz we don't care that you have to sell your body and soul, we need a new house, SUV, motorbike just like the Neighbors to turn into rubbish in a few years so daughter #2 can do it all over again) or hitch up with a Thai guy, and deal with his drunken laziness and running off after they have their first kid and then there is pretty much only one option, become a bar girl!

-10 On the abuse! I can think of one friend, woman, in Brazil who was sexually abused until she was about 12, and where they lived seem more civilized than most of the Thai Villages I have seen, so I hate to even begin to imagine what goes on in these villages, with all these drunk, horny Thai men walking around and nobody seems to care, and enough of that subject thanks!

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Well to be honest, most Thai's are not smart in terms of knowledge of the outside world and like most foreigners ( I'm not using the racist falang word here ) learned in their home countries. However when it comes to money and practical survival in Thailand they know very well what they are doing. Most of all Thai's will think they are the superior race and treath you like a walking ATM / Rent a boyfriend. Because what happens to most of the foreigners when they speak up against the girl? The girl walks away... ( may get upset first ).

For now, it will not change, in the future? Maybe.

I know it's difficult when butterflies are taking over, and you have to learn from your faults. There are good woman out there. The most simple advise is, if your looking for a serious relationship: learn the language first ( or at least a good decent amount of it ) then start finding a girl, thrusting your own instincts, and NEVER make her a lazy girl, by giving her everything she wants.

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I have been married to a Thai woman for the past 18 yrs.

I still can't work her out.

It's very complicated. However, I will say that there are a number of obsrvations I can share:

1. Your wife/girlfriends group of friends will pick-and-choose the best bits of all the husbands/boyfriends and expect you to be all of those things.

2. They will often say how clever, handsome, hardworking, all of your friends are, but never tell you how ..clever, handsome, hardworking you, or the children are.

3.They will leave the stickers on expensive items!

4.They wont clean the house above shoulder hight.

5. They are incapable of organising anything.

6. They are obssesive about smells!

7. Everything is dirty!

I can't remeber why I'm still married, but....there must be something there!!!! :)

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Ah, we are talking abut bar girls. There are available, non bar girls out there you know?

Agree... Maybe what people have mistakenly assume is that Bargirls represent all Thai women. First of all there are about 30 million women in Thailand and during your visit the few women in a certain trade have molded your mind. People are so different they can not be put in one bag. You can find any type of woman you want in Thailand. They do not all sit and work in bars, so if you want something different you must go out and be adventurous. Broaden the mind Skywalker.

Belive it or not some Thai women are Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Technicians, Librarians, merchants, farmers, cooks, house keepers, and waitresses ( bargirls ) etc etc.

Maybe another topic but I have never had a Lady Taxi driver in Thialand?

Yes, there are such women, but VERY FEW are interested in a relationship with a foreigner. Particularly if they are young & cute, a rare situation.

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I have been married to a Thai woman for the past 18 yrs.

I still can't work her out.

It's very complicated. However, I will say that there are a number of obsrvations I can share:

1. Your wife/girlfriends group of friends will pick-and-choose the best bits of all the husbands/boyfriends and expect you to be all of those things.

2. They will often say how clever, handsome, hardworking, all of your friends are, but never tell you how ..clever, handsome, hardworking you, or the children are.

3.They will leave the stickers on expensive items!

4.They wont clean the house above shoulder hight.

5. They are incapable of organising anything.

6. They are obssesive about smells!

7. Everything is dirty!

I can't remeber why I'm still married, but....there must be something there!!!! :)

I agree with all of that Iwad, you got it exactly right on all points. The sticker thing drives me nuts, and yes my house is clean below the 5 foot mark.

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Ah, we are talking abut bar girls. There are available, non bar girls out there you know?

Agree... Maybe what people have mistakenly assume is that Bargirls represent all Thai women. First of all there are about 30 million women in Thailand and during your visit the few women in a certain trade have molded your mind. People are so different they can not be put in one bag. You can find any type of woman you want in Thailand. They do not all sit and work in bars, so if you want something different you must go out and be adventurous. Broaden the mind Skywalker.

Belive it or not some Thai women are Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Technicians, Librarians, merchants, farmers, cooks, house keepers, and waitresses ( bargirls ) etc etc.

Maybe another topic but I have never had a Lady Taxi driver in Thialand?

Yes, there are such women, but VERY FEW are interested in a relationship with a foreigner. Particularly if they are young & cute, a rare situation.

not foreigners 20 years older then them, no :)

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The recipe I've used for most of my life in all relationships, male or female, is meeting people 'halfway'. If you have to continually go beyond that point then the relationship won't last. If you expect and demand that your girlfriend, wife, etc., meet you at 'your level' because you're paying the bills, you're more intelligent, etc., etc., then the relationship is doomed.

Since most westerner's are better educated and consequently have a better income we can hardly expect someone with a lot less education to come up to our level of experience & understanding.

Living with a Thai woman isn't easy and the more rigid you are the less chance of success you'll have. Trying to 'understand' someone else and why they think the way they do, in my opinion, is a waste of time....making an honest effort to meet halfway, and going a bit beyond, will allow the other to do the same....after 16 years with the same girl this has worked for me.

It's easier & possible for us to meet them closer to their level and impossible for them to come up to our level of understanding since they didn't go to the same schools or grow up in the environment we did....so expecting and demanding that she understand your way of thinking is a dead end......just my humble opinion :)

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The recipe I've used for most of my life in all relationships, male or female, is meeting people 'halfway'. If you have to continually go beyond that point then the relationship won't last. If you expect and demand that your girlfriend, wife, etc., meet you at 'your level' because you're paying the bills, you're more intelligent, etc., etc., then the relationship is doomed.

Since most westerner's are better educated and consequently have a better income we can hardly expect someone with a lot less education to come up to our level of experience & understanding.

Living with a Thai woman isn't easy and the more rigid you are the less chance of success you'll have. Trying to 'understand' someone else and why they think the way they do, in my opinion, is a waste of time....making an honest effort to meet halfway, and going a bit beyond, will allow the other to do the same....after 16 years with the same girl this has worked for me.

It's easier & possible for us to meet them closer to their level and impossible for them to come up to our level of understanding since they didn't go to the same schools or grow up in the environment we did....so expecting and demanding that she understand your way of thinking is a dead end......just my humble opinion :)

Well said Tomissan....

I've seen too many farang who live here after adopting their Thai family and don't feel it's necessary or make any attempt to try and understand local customs. Learning to speak, read & write Thai will help a great deal in understanding not to mention eliminating the frustrations of trying to communicate without a babysitter . I know some farang who have lived here for many years who don't speak or understand much at all and "can't be bothered".

They wear their shoes in the house and don't bother to wai older people. Get angry when people don't understand them, expect and demand VIP service wherever they go, etc., etc.

Even if you're not religious or agree with the local customs, it doesn't require much effort to accept the fact, that's the way things are here, and no matter what I think or how upset I get, isn't going to change things except for the worse if I don't come down from my White Horse.

All those things Iwad2010 mentioned may be true, but are they that big a deal? Most things should be laughed at or forgotten quickly. So you live with a little more dust, smells, noise (that's a big one), lies (but they're honest), etc.

I think part of the recipe should include a whopping portion of 'acceptance' & 'humility'.

Certainly a sense of humor is needed or you end up trying to fly off of balconies or live in resentment & denial.

I like your recipe for a harmonious relationship. good on you mate.....

Edited by JRinger
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they learn alot of their behaviour and situational responses from brain dead soaps on t.v.

they can be changed, but it takes a lot of work, and the girl has to be worth the investment.

yes, you have to choose wisely and carefully, in my experience, i suggest starting with a girl

who doesnt smoke or drink or have tattoos, that will point you very far in the right direction.

Good advice, Poster obviously is finding the wrong girls by going to the wrong places. I met mine several years ago, took a while for rules to be established, now living in Chiang Mai suburbia, both happy as (I think, who can tell for sure)

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Well to be honest, most Thai's are not smart in terms of knowledge of the outside world and like most foreigners ( I'm not using the racist falang word here ) learned in their home countries. However when it comes to money and practical survival in Thailand they know very well what they are doing. Most of all Thai's will think they are the superior race and treath you like a walking ATM / Rent a boyfriend. Because what happens to most of the foreigners when they speak up against the girl? The girl walks away... ( may get upset first ).

For now, it will not change, in the future? Maybe.

I know it's difficult when butterflies are taking over, and you have to learn from your faults. There are good woman out there. The most simple advise is, if your looking for a serious relationship: learn the language first ( or at least a good decent amount of it ) then start finding a girl, thrusting your own instincts, and NEVER make her a lazy girl, by giving her everything she wants.

What a sad life you seem to have had

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I have been married to a Thai woman for the past 18 yrs.

I still can't work her out.

It's very complicated. However, I will say that there are a number of obsrvations I can share:

1. Your wife/girlfriends group of friends will pick-and-choose the best bits of all the husbands/boyfriends and expect you to be all of those things.

2. They will often say how clever, handsome, hardworking, all of your friends are, but never tell you how ..clever, handsome, hardworking you, or the children are.

3.They will leave the stickers on expensive items!

4.They wont clean the house above shoulder hight.

5. They are incapable of organising anything.

6. They are obssesive about smells!

7. Everything is dirty!

I can't remeber why I'm still married, but....there must be something there!!!! :D

I agree with all of that Iwad, you got it exactly right on all points. The sticker thing drives me nuts, and yes my house is clean below the 5 foot mark.


I see exactly the same thing in my hotel accommodation. I just look up and I can see cobwebs in all the corners. :D

I was STARTING to remove a sticker at a friend's place and was stopped. The lady of the house obviously wanted to impress someone. :)

But, there are many similarities to North American women... or women in general. Yah gotta luv em. :D

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This is my OPINION, so no need to get worked up if disagree, but sometimes I think Thai's never progress mentally from their teenage years.

Certainly a lot of the ones I have met act like teenagers ( me, me, me ) with no thought for the consequences of what they do. But then, for me that's part of the charm of Thai women.

I don`t know if you where referring to me but I am not saying you are wrong but do you have the same exposure to western girls as you do to Thai girls ? If you don't then how can you make the comparison ?

Is 28 years in a female dominated occupation ( in western countries ) sufficient? I have worked with hundreds of western, African and Phillipino women, enough to know the difference between a western woman and a Thai woman. Prefer Thai ( or Phillipino ) women any day. Much more sanuk.

Easy to understand. A woman from another country wouldn't even look at you. What's the difference between a western and a Thai woman? The Thai you're talking about is poor, easy to manipulate.

You're so psychic! You know all about me from just a couple of things I've written, LOL.

FYI, I've tried the "western" woman, being the "good husband" and all that, got the usual exploitation rap.

Yes, Thai women are probably no different when it comes to "exploitation", but so long as one doesn't lose one's head ( unless you want to discuss particle physics etc ), they are way more sanuk, IMO.

At least I don't have to be handsome and rich before they'll even talk to me!

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and don't bother to wai older people.

The wai issue is a total minefield, you must never initiate a wai with anyone below your social status .... makes you either low class or a fool.

I only initiate a wai to my mother-in-law, me being old and high-so means they have to start!

Most foreigners make a total ass of themselves with an inappropriate wai.

(If in doubt, don't do it)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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and don't bother to wai older people.

The wai issue is a total minefield, you must never initiate a wai with anyone below your social status .... makes you either low class or a fool.

I only initiate a wai to my mother-in-law, me being old and high-so means they have to start!

Most foreigners make a total ass of themselves with an inappropriate wai.

(If in doubt, don't do it)

What total Rubbish....a wai to anyone shows respect....of course the timing is important as when a child wai's you, you simply return the wai; if walking into a room with elders you 'initiate' the wai and also when leaving....."minefield", "fools"....hmmmm

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Jringer, I think the previous post is good advice about the Wai. It is actually far more complicated than your simple post suggests. For starters you mention nothing about the height of the thumbs in your Wai. I agree it is a minefield and your post is symptomatic of posters trying to educate the forum while not having a very sound grasp of their surroundings... Sorry to be so grumpy.

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Jringer, I think the previous post is good advice about the Wai. It is actually far more complicated than your simple post suggests. For starters you mention nothing about the height of the thumbs in your Wai. I agree it is a minefield and your post is symptomatic of posters trying to educate the forum while not having a very sound grasp of their surroundings... Sorry to be so grumpy.

no need to be sorry although some people like to make a serious issue out of nothing.

As foreigner's we're allowed/expected to make mistakes so where's the minefield? and nothing complicated about it at all.

Sure, I've seen farang wai children first and that's not appropriate but certainly no explosion. I have a different philosophy, when in doubt, do it....it won't be the end of the world but if you're a hi-so and think everyone should wai you 'first' then your attitude will be observed and you won't get the respect you think you deserve........ever see a speaker, politician, etc., walk up to the podium and wai everyone? followed by all the na Krups ? It's a very simple thing....you wai elders and return wais to whovever wai's you, why?, why not? unless you're afraid of losing your social status?

and as a note, my intention wasn't to try and educate anyone....just my thoughts after half a lifetime here...

Edited by JRinger
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Ah, we are talking abut bar girls. There are available, non bar girls out there you know?

Agree... Maybe what people have mistakenly assume is that Bargirls represent all Thai women. First of all there are about 30 million women in Thailand and during your visit the few women in a certain trade have molded your mind. People are so different they can not be put in one bag. You can find any type of woman you want in Thailand. They do not all sit and work in bars, so if you want something different you must go out and be adventurous. Broaden the mind Skywalker.

Belive it or not some Thai women are Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Technicians, Librarians, merchants, farmers, cooks, house keepers, and waitresses ( bargirls ) etc etc.

Maybe another topic but I have never had a Lady Taxi driver in Thialand?

Yes, there are such women, but VERY FEW are interested in a relationship with a foreigner. Particularly if they are young & cute, a rare situation.

not foreigners 20 years older then them, no :)

Age only one factor. They don't want to ruin their chances to find a proper THAI husband. How many educated professional Thai women do you see with a Farang husband (living in Thailand)? Almost zero.

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they learn alot of their behaviour and situational responses from brain dead soaps on t.v.

they can be changed, but it takes a lot of work, and the girl has to be worth the investment.

yes, you have to choose wisely and carefully, in my experience, i suggest starting with a girl

who doesnt smoke or drink or have tattoos, that will point you very far in the right direction.

Brain dead indeed. I have always thought that an appropriate punishment for pedophiles in Thailand would be a choice between walking blind folded across Sukhumvit Rd at midnight or having to watch 100 hours of Thai TV soaps, though for certain most would choose the Sukhumvit option.

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The recipe I've used for most of my life in all relationships, male or female, is meeting people 'halfway'. If you have to continually go beyond that point then the relationship won't last. If you expect and demand that your girlfriend, wife, etc., meet you at 'your level' because you're paying the bills, you're more intelligent, etc., etc., then the relationship is doomed.

Since most westerner's are better educated and consequently have a better income we can hardly expect someone with a lot less education to come up to our level of experience & understanding.

Living with a Thai woman isn't easy and the more rigid you are the less chance of success you'll have. Trying to 'understand' someone else and why they think the way they do, in my opinion, is a waste of time....making an honest effort to meet halfway, and going a bit beyond, will allow the other to do the same....after 16 years with the same girl this has worked for me.

It's easier & possible for us to meet them closer to their level and impossible for them to come up to our level of understanding since they didn't go to the same schools or grow up in the environment we did....so expecting and demanding that she understand your way of thinking is a dead end......just my humble opinion :)

Well said. This has worked for me also but with some modification according to the situation.Thai culture of course differs from the west. I must also add that in my experience it works this way with Thai females all across the socioeconomic classes,not just those who are less well off financially or with less education than we may have. In the last 20 years I have had very serious relationships with three Thai females.All very different in many ways. The first a very less wealthy & less educated young cute Thai girl for a short period whose family are rice farmers from Ubon Ratchattani. The second one for ten years ,referred to by Thai's as "HiSo". A very attractive educacted abroad Chinese Thai who's families wealth is exceptionally enormous by western standards and far more than mine,even though I've accumulated IMHO likely more wealth than then 99.9 % + of most westerners ,although starting from very humble beginnings.Kids of my generartion usually didn't know when they were "financially disadvantaged". The final Thai female is my current wife. I finally got lucky for once! Introduced by a mutual friend. Just an acquaintance (spelling ?)at first .It was a still a long period by western standards before becoming her "boy friend". If the girl excepts you fast be aware and open your eyes ...& use your head & not your emotions! Getting into the realationship with my current wife was even longer than with the former HiSo Thai female whom I first met in the states and whose family took about 3 years before excepting me in to their traditional Chinese family as a farang member. They then accepted & admired me as a person & for what I am, a doctor, someone who can think some what like a Thai( their opinion not mine) and some what for some business acumen as also being at the time in the footware & garment manufacturing industry in Thailand. Also go slower in establishing a relationship with a Thai female if you are looking for some one you would want to present to your friends and family. They will see your fast advances as some what aggressive although you will not be told.Then the third and my current & final wife. For the last ten years, my Thai wife, a very caring,great wife and mom is a middle class Thai. A graduate of Chiang Mai Universty & MBA from the states. We have two great children. Her family members are average working for a living Thai middle class people,be they teachers,in the medical field,with positions in small or large companies or as traditionally in her family military officers like her Dad and my brother in law Generals in the Royal Thai Air Force. It has not always been easy to live with any of the three. One must respect others feelings ,beliefs,culture and not have an attitude of intolerence in my opinion. One must be polite,respectful, open minded ,caring & understanding of others feelings, emotions, beliefs & culture or you will not get to 1st base yet alone make a home run with any Thai female except perhaps (?) if lucky a short term unbalanced relationship with a bar girl. In return your Thai girl friend will do the same and you may eventually have a happy relationship & marriage. It has worked for me. Actually their are alot of very good Thai woman here. Get to know the real Thai people if you are able too...Thai social activities, The Thai Society( on soi Asoke) membership ,etc..they will not set you up with anyone but you may accidently meet some one really great that way.

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Jringer, I think the previous post is good advice about the Wai. It is actually far more complicated than your simple post suggests. For starters you mention nothing about the height of the thumbs in your Wai. I agree it is a minefield and your post is symptomatic of posters trying to educate the forum while not having a very sound grasp of their surroundings... Sorry to be so grumpy.

no need to be sorry although some people like to make a serious issue out of nothing.

As foreigner's we're allowed/expected to make mistakes so where's the minefield? and nothing complicated about it at all.

Sure, I've seen farang wai children first and that's not appropriate but certainly no explosion. I have a different philosophy, when in doubt, do it....it won't be the end of the world but if you're a hi-so and think everyone should wai you 'first' then your attitude will be observed and you won't get the respect you think you deserve........ever see a speaker, politician, etc., walk up to the podium and wai everyone? followed by all the na Krups ? It's a very simple thing....you wai elders and return wais to whovever wai's you, why?, why not? unless you're afraid of losing your social status?

and as a note, my intention wasn't to try and educate anyone....just my thoughts after half a lifetime here...

agree mate :)

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The recipe I've used for most of my life in all relationships, male or female, is meeting people 'halfway'. If you have to continually go beyond that point then the relationship won't last. If you expect and demand that your girlfriend, wife, etc., meet you at 'your level' because you're paying the bills, you're more intelligent, etc., etc., then the relationship is doomed.

Since most westerner's are better educated and consequently have a better income we can hardly expect someone with a lot less education to come up to our level of experience & understanding.

Living with a Thai woman isn't easy and the more rigid you are the less chance of success you'll have. Trying to 'understand' someone else and why they think the way they do, in my opinion, is a waste of time....making an honest effort to meet halfway, and going a bit beyond, will allow the other to do the same....after 16 years with the same girl this has worked for me.

It's easier & possible for us to meet them closer to their level and impossible for them to come up to our level of understanding since they didn't go to the same schools or grow up in the environment we did....so expecting and demanding that she understand your way of thinking is a dead end......just my humble opinion :)

Well said. This has worked for me also but with some modification according to the situation.Thai culture of course differs from the west. I must also add that in my experience it works this way with Thai females all across the socioeconomic classes,not just those who are less well off financially or with less education than we may have. In the last 20 years I have had very serious relationships with three Thai females.All very different in many ways. The first a very less wealthy & less educated young cute Thai girl for a short period whose family are rice farmers from Ubon Ratchattani. The second one for ten years ,referred to by Thai's as "HiSo". A very attractive educacted abroad Chinese Thai who's families wealth is exceptionally enormous by western standards and far more than mine,even though I've accumulated IMHO likely more wealth than then 99.9 % + of most westerners ,although starting from very humble beginnings.Kids of my generartion usually didn't know when they were "financially disadvantaged". The final Thai female is my current wife. I finally got lucky for once! Introduced by a mutual friend. Just an acquaintance (spelling ?)at first .It was a still a long period by western standards before becoming her "boy friend". If the girl excepts you fast be aware and open your eyes ...& use your head & not your emotions! Getting into the realationship with my current wife was even longer than with the former HiSo Thai female whom I first met in the states and whose family took about 3 years before excepting me in to their traditional Chinese family as a farang member. They then accepted & admired me as a person & for what I am, a doctor, someone who can think some what like a Thai( their opinion not mine) and some what for some business acumen as also being at the time in the footware & garment manufacturing industry in Thailand. Also go slower in establishing a relationship with a Thai female if you are looking for some one you would want to present to your friends and family. They will see your fast advances as some what aggressive although you will not be told.Then the third and my current & final wife. For the last ten years, my Thai wife, a very caring,great wife and mom is a middle class Thai. A graduate of Chiang Mai Universty & MBA from the states. We have two great children. Her family members are average working for a living Thai middle class people,be they teachers,in the medical field,with positions in small or large companies or as traditionally in her family military officers like her Dad and my brother in law Generals in the Royal Thai Air Force. It has not always been easy to live with any of the three. One must respect others feelings ,beliefs,culture and not have an attitude of intolerence in my opinion. One must be polite,respectful, open minded ,caring & understanding of others feelings, emotions, beliefs & culture or you will not get to 1st base yet alone make a home run with any Thai female except perhaps (?) if lucky a short term unbalanced relationship with a bar girl. In return your Thai girl friend will do the same and you may eventually have a happy relationship & marriage. It has worked for me. Actually their are alot of very good Thai woman here. Get to know the real Thai people if you are able too...Thai social activities, The Thai Society( on soi Asoke) membership ,etc..they will not set you up with anyone but you may accidently meet some one really great that way.

One must be polite,respectful, open minded ,caring & understanding of others feelings, emotions, beliefs & culture or you will not get to 1st base yet alone make a home run with any Thai female ????

If they have any interest in a foreigner in the first place, which they usually do not. More important is how handsome you are, how much money you have, and your age (close to theirs).

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Its been said a thousand times before. If you want a relationship with a Thai you had better find a real middle class one.

The working classes in Thailand are basically brainwashed from a very early age to believe Thailand is the best country in the world, and their people, ways and beliefs are superior. You will not change them. This type of state brainwashing gives them a sense of belonging and makes them good workers keeping the higher classes well fed.

If you want a relationship with a Thai better choose a middle class one... and no i done mean one who "is not a bar girl and works in a shop and has been to university".

Probably better luck looking in your own country for someone. But if you want a Thai lady.. you need to find a middle class one.

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