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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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good on them.

trying to arrest political leaders just a few hours after offering the next round of political talks, was a bad move from the government. Who is going to take them seriously?

ps great publicity for the hotel, they would be on every tv news around the world - advertising worth tens of millions $

the SC Park Hotel

this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

Don't be absurd - the government is offering talks and you rant on? This is worse than keystone cops – if they wanted to get them no doubt they would have. This is not the answer – election to bring this to a close is. Bet you weren't shouting about cutting electricity and water at the airport seige (I was).

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If things continue flaming like on this forum...We have to think to the Boundaries between Red and yellow Thailand. As obviouly Bangkok is circled by a red shirt belt, we have to think at the division, like Jerusalem.....

This is what we are heading for. We are westerner Farangs with a supposed good education, instead to use our brain to try bringing back the peace, everybody is excited and send banderillas to the others... We should use our brain for defusing the situation, I know ....the smell of blood and powder are exciting, but the day after....very sad.

Hmm so how exactly are we to use our brainpower to defuse this situation. Were are merely spectators and nothing more.

If terrorists are hiding among civilians (I count terrorists as people who carry grenade launchers and ak47s and use them) how do you take them out without harming civilians? It's a tough call.

The latest news has Red Shirt guards opened fire at the police as the leaders resisted arrest.

They are certainly getting a lot of practice in.


Thai wife just got off the phone laughing

Mother and friend had to go to Bangkok from Udon to pick up some things

They all dressed in Red shirts and drove well above the speed limit

Police just let them drive past not stopping

Arriving back in Udon they all laugh

Police scared of Red shirts, now they rule the roads


Remember how the reds tried to distance themselves from the Black shirted commandos during the violent clashes? These guys were supposedly not part of the real reds and were to blame for any violence. Did any one else see what color the men lowering Arisman from the hotel were wearing? Hint (it was black).

CS gas in a high concentration dropped onto the protesters from Helicopters .... a few hundred rubbish collecting trucks ... they'd be lying on the floor throwing up and not offer any resistance what so ever ... get rid of this rubbish .....

Any pick up heading towards Bangkok with red shirts in or on it should be confiscated at police check points not to be returned to the owner .. any bus transporting red shirts should be treated the same ... see how many pick up owners and bus companies will bring more of this scum to Bangkok

Remember, they are breaking the law, kill people and want to have a convicted gangster to come back to rule the country

And you wonder why so many people despise you arrogant BKK would-be hi-sos? :)

exactly... but they have their head so far up their a**e they will never understand or have the ability to empathise with the rural poor nor understand why they are so frustrated and angry - it's beyond their comprehension - really


"After arriving at Rajprasong rally site, Arisamun told the cheering crowds, "From now on our mission is to hunt down Abhisit and Suthep. Our patience is at its limit. This is a war between the government and the red shirts,'' he told the cheering crowds.

"Police kicked the door open and threw smoke and stun grenades into the room. Luckily I ran to the window and used an electric cord to climb down," he said.

The protesters welcomed him like a hero. He also acted like a hero.

Arisamun escaped the commando raid at the SC Park Hotel on Luang Praditmanutham road by using an electrical cord to climb down from balcony of his room which is on the third floor."

That simply can't be true... I'm sure he was down that rope before the police ever got to his door.


Sickening...when will the government lies and incompetence stop?

And why are we focussing so much on who killed the 5 army personnel, and not on who killed the 19 innocent unarmed demonstrators? Terrorists indeed? I'd lay money that these government sponsored agents provocateur.

Abhisit has become a dictator who will stop at nothing and tell any amount of lies to hold on to power. Where are the 'terrorists' who were at the hotel? Did they escape as well?

Why doesn't he just call an election for God's sake? The red-shirts only want an election in a reasonable timeframe...one could be put together in 2 months and all the bloodshed would stop immediately....but no, we have more lies and dissembling from the government....

"No Live rounds were fired" and "Please give us the 580 rubber bullets and 6000 rounds of live ammunition that we left behind when we fled"...didn't we hear that the army only gave a few live rounds to each soldier to defend himself...where did the 6000 come from? If it was mainly rubber bullets how come there weren't 580 live rounds and 6000 rubber bullets?

What a stinking farrago of lies and deceit by Abhisit and his shadowy masters...

Wow, SC Park... That is real luxury. I hear they have those hot water jugs so you can make your own tea and instant noodle. Unlimited shower water too.

How normal red shirt sleep (a Democracy Monument bedroom)


How normal red shirt leaders sleep (a SC Park Hotel bedroom)


That looks a bit like a farang redshirt... you by any chance? LOL

Thai wife just got off the phone laughing

Mother and friend had to go to Bangkok from Udon to pick up some things

They all dressed in Red shirts and drove well above the speed limit

Police just let them drive past not stopping

Arriving back in Udon they all laugh

Police scared of Red shirts, now they rule the roads

That is the kind of stupidity that leads to 100's of deaths every

year on Thai roads ... "ya'll might be a redneck ............."

Sorry, should that be 1000's of deaths?


Our mission is to hunt down Abhisit government : Arisamun


BANGKOK: -- Red shirts leader Arisamun Pongruengrong who escaped arrest on Tuesday morning declared war on Abhisit government.

After arriving at Rajprasong rally site, Arisamun told the cheering crowds, "From now on our mission is to hunt down Abhisit and Suthep. Our patience is at its limit. This is a war between the government and the red shirts,'' he told the cheering crowds.

"Police kicked the door open and threw smoke and stun grenades into the room. Luckily I ran to the window and used an electric cord to climb down," he said.

The protesters welcomed him like a hero. He also acted like a hero.

Arisamun escaped the commando raid at the SC Park Hotel on Luang Praditmanutham road by using an electrical cord to climb down from balcony of his room which is on the third floor.


-- The Nation 2010-04-16


According to government sources, the crowds reached 30k yesterday, but dropped to 3k by this morning. Presumably a large portion of the protesters go sleep back at home or with family members during the night.

Why aren't the police/army running their operations in the wee hours of the morning? Surely its much easier to disperse 3k reds than 30k, and it would make it much harder for any armed reds to hide amongst the old women who make up the bulk of the protesters. And then once the 3k is dispersed it should be a lot easier to keep a large group from forming again.

Why wait until its nearly noon to go after the leaders in the hotel and allow the red numbers to build back up?

They are home sleeping? :)


Personally I think Abhisit may be doing the only sensible thing, getting his family to safety and himself too. I'm not sure the Thai PM's job is something any peaceful person would want. It's now of interest only to those who line their own pockets and the occasional tyrant. Btw for those who are interested, have a look through Wikipedia's list of Prime Ministers of Thailand, it's fascinating reading.

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man.

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

Funny as, Jingthing. But you reinforce your ignorance every time you open your mouth.






Flash bangs followed up by a wall of fire- but Arisman was already out the window. Another Red Shirt guard is in ICU after what was clearly a failed assassination attempt. Very funny indeed.


Update: :)

Prior to the raid on the hotel, General Somchai Whattacockup had briefed the troops. They would approach the hotel in cars with small wheels that would only steer in circles. Using the shock-troop tactic of cheap sounding bubble horns, wearing big frizzy ginger wigs and black bowler hats, they would then storm the building shouting their battle cry of “BEHIND YOU!” before breaking out the ordnance. Armed with buckets containing feathers the troops are to approach the targets from behind, blow into a kazoo and then kick the target up the bottom with the supplied outsize shiny boots until he either submits or dies laughing. Should this wheeze fail, the troops are instructed to deploy the trick plastic squirty flowers attached to their battle fatigues. These will propel copious amounts of Jonnie Walker Black Label at the confused Somchai’s, thus subduing them. The General had given his explicit orders to his subordinates who, in turn, were confused as to how it was possible to be subordinate to someone who’d just had a brain transplant from a Halibut. Further covert operations are planned using the abandoned GT200 gizmo’s which will be used to trip the fiendish Somchai’s up.

good on them

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

No shame on you for supporting a system that oppresses the majority so a selected minority can have a comfortable lifestyle.

So 50.000 is a majority in a country of 60.000.000 these days??

Sickening...when will the government lies and incompetence stop?

And why are we focussing so much on who killed the 5 army personnel, and not on who killed the 19 innocent unarmed demonstrators? Terrorists indeed? I'd lay money that these government sponsored agents provocateur.

Abhisit has become a dictator who will stop at nothing and tell any amount of lies to hold on to power. Where are the 'terrorists' who were at the hotel? Did they escape as well?

Why doesn't he just call an election for God's sake? The red-shirts only want an election in a reasonable timeframe...one could be put together in 2 months and all the bloodshed would stop immediately....but no, we have more lies and dissembling from the government....

"No Live rounds were fired" and "Please give us the 580 rubber bullets and 6000 rounds of live ammunition that we left behind when we fled"...didn't we hear that the army only gave a few live rounds to each soldier to defend himself...where did the 6000 come from? If it was mainly rubber bullets how come there weren't 580 live rounds and 6000 rubber bullets?

What a stinking farrago of lies and deceit by Abhisit and his shadowy masters...

How do you know they were innocent and unarmed?

What makes you think that the Reds even care about the dissolution of the house? Because They say so? Many of the Thais I know think they want a lot more.

Why did they have to run from peaceful unarmed protesters?

BANGKOK: -- Red shirts leader Arisamun Pongruengrong who escaped arrest on Tuesday morning declared war on Abhisit government.

After arriving at Rajprasong rally site, Arisamun told the cheering crowds, "From now on our mission is to hunt down Abhisit and Suthep. Our patience is at its limit. This is a war between the government and the red shirts,'' he told the cheering crowds

The Nation

There the reds go again, declaring war on the legal government of the Kingdom of Thailand, yet again. In case there was any doubt. Peaceful non-violent red shirts indeed.

On helicopters: They didn't even use helicpoters last year during the violence around victory monument when they were pusing the Reds out of the area while Molotov cocktails were being thrown at them, buses set on fire and people running down little sois. I was in the area where the action took place and I remember being amazed they used no helicopters at all. This was with hundreds of troops marching south towards Ratchaprasong and no way of knowing where their opponents were hiding, which roads they had run down etc. Just another sign of either unbelievable incompetence or no real desire to actually win.


History has given us TERRORISTS who KILL demand $millions$ of dollars, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the deaths of peoples/races of people, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the release from prison of other TERRORISTS.

The Reds have killed nobody except in self-defense and they demand only one truly outrageous thing: that the people of Thailand be able to select their leader NOW via an election.

Hardly terrorists by anybody's definition.

Your posting is not correct

The parliement has already agreed to an early election

and what is this People of Thailand

Please show me the proof you have that 51% of all Thai want this

Oh sorry you have had the red indoctrination

Time to return to White brain now I think

welcome to the "Poeples Republic of Thailand",with Taxin as our Dear Leader (or Fuehrer) Heil-nobody!

Or" Heil Mary",better.

No wonder with all these commie countrys having borders with thauland and embassys Agent provocateures to indoctrinate the low-lives.

Along with the PROT.PoeplesR...of T. comes some concentration camps.

I did not know that Pol Pot ( a close friend of taxin) wrote a book,like Mein K,or a travelguide to the Killing Fields?

These reds are atheists,no respect for live,fellow citizen, religion etc. Now fake monks are mingling with them, maybe with a bazooka under their robe,or the odd MK47,

hoping like the suicidebombers, when they die they are going to Nirwana for a while,then Karma-reborn,some as dogs maybe?

If terrorists are hiding among civilians (I count terrorists as people who carry grenade launchers and ak47s and use them) how do you take them out without harming civilians? It's a tough call.

The latest news has Red Shirt guards opened fire at the police as the leaders resisted arrest.

They are certainly getting a lot of practice in.

Oh really, where can I see that news?

good on them

shame on you

another red shirted bleeding heart who thinks lawlessness, murder and bully boy intimidation is acceptable

No shame on you for supporting a system that oppresses the majority so a selected minority can have a comfortable lifestyle.

So 50.000 is a majority in a country of 60.000.000 these days??



The protesters didn't know their leaders were staying at that fancy hotel,yet there are loads of them waiting downstairs to help the fat guy escape.

Did the army do a phone in last night or something?


The monks were about trying to fool the international media that the reds were the moral equivalent of the heroic non-violent Burmese protesters. Also a human shield of course. (How brave!) Sadly, some of the international bought that crap. The red/Thaksin movement has no moral authority whatsoever.


sounds like a PR stunt to me

Checking into any hotel with no luggage,,,,, well ok ...... but with 40 - 50 feet of rope ????

a truck waiting under with red shirts to haul him in after decending all of 2 stories into a truck who then is lowered to the ground to get into a waiting car...... to speed off...... pretty good organizing in just a matter of a couple minutes that it would take the commandos to get up 3 floors...

He said it was an electrical cord. How many rooms have you ever been in that have a 40 - 50 foot loose extension cord...


All made up for the media

.... and further more he should have put a girdle on first...... to hide his fat a$$ and stomach

Next time he should check in with an airline evacuation slide...... would be more dramatic...

exactly... but they have their head so far up their a**e they will never understand or have the ability to empathise with the rural poor nor understand why they are so frustrated and angry - it's beyond their comprehension - really

If only this group of rural poor had a group leader who was rural poor and not some billionaire fugitive running it.

If only this group of rural poor had leader's lieutenants that didn't stay at ritsy hotels owned by the same billionaire fugitive.

If this group of rural poor want credibility for the cause of the rural poor then they need to depose their billionaire fugitive leader.

Until such time, this is not about the rural poor.

Pretty fair rope work for a fat man. Do you reckon he trained for that?

He does a funny verbal dance too, a real Renaissance man.

THE NATION: "They planned to kill me. They planned to kill me," Arisman has told foreign press. "There were two (unexploded) bombs in my room"

Funny as, Jingthing. But you reinforce your ignorance every time you open your mouth.






Flash bangs followed up by a wall of fire- but Arisman was already out the window. Another Red Shirt guard is in ICU after what was clearly a failed assassination attempt. Very funny indeed.

You must be joking. Flashbangs and a wall of fire. Where is the firedamage in the room?

Wow, SC Park... That is real luxury. I hear they have those hot water jugs so you can make your own tea and instant noodle. Unlimited shower water too.

How normal red shirt sleep (a Democracy Monument bedroom)


How normal red shirt leaders sleep (a SC Park Hotel bedroom)


That looks a bit like a farang redshirt... you by any chance? LOL

Well what I want to see is the mini-bar! :):D:D

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