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Red Shirt Leaders Flee As Thai Forces Surround Hotel

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Why would very many of us Red supporters hang out at a newspaper's forum site that posts articles like this....currently the number 1 story in the pictures at the top of the main page...note the happy, happy joy joy music in the video:


We're not allowed to quote ANY other news source or link to ANY other news source. :)

Your accusations are false. Our forum rules give only 3 sources you cannot quote from or link to. All other newssources are allowed, provided they are in English and you only quote the first 3 sentences and name and provide a link to the source.

Maybe time to read the forum rules.

Yes. If he had bothered to read the rules that he agreed to when he registered he would have found.

31) All members are not allowed to quote news articles or material from Associated Press (AP), bangkokpost.com or phuketwan inside topics on thaivisa.com. Posts containing quotes will be deleted from the forum. Links referring back to the sites are also not allowed and will be deleted.

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Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many of the posters here are Thai (yellow shirt) and how many are falang?

I'll give you my perspective, as an outsider: the Red Shirts have won. World public opinion is on their side. You can't take a country's democracy at the point of a gun and think no one will remember.

At a minimum, Thailand will see new elections, sooner, rather than later.

I am sorry to disappoint you, but you are wrong. They didn't win anything, but lost. The rich masses are behind Abhisit and they do have more control than any red shirts. I agree with you that the new elections might be called before 2011, but the red shirts will lose again because their demands are not rational and their way to express their point of view is too violent.

I'll give you my perspective, as an outsider: the Red Shirts have won. World public opinion is on their side. You can't take a country's democracy at the point of a gun and think no one will remember.

You're entitled to your opinion, but you're simply wrong. What have the Red Shirts won? How can you speak for 'world opinion'? I doubt outside observers support a movement of between 20 and 30,000 (current crowd # estimates) which are camped out at a commercial intersection in Bkk - which has 'protectors' in their midst armed with automatic weapons and grenades, who wear ski masks and latex gloves. Protectors/guards who Reds deny exist, yet are standing there amongst them 24/7.

......a movement whose members are unabashedly paid to attend. A rally which talks about democracy, but practices none of it. A movement which talks about booting out elites, yet is bankrolled by, and avidly supports the biggest wanna-be elitist Thailand has seen in decades. I ask Red supporters: If Abhisit is forced to leave office, which of the Red leaders you'd pick to take his place? Can you say with a straight face that you'd tolerate Thailand run by any combination of the current Red leaders?

the SC Park Hotel


this hotel is known to be owned by the fugitive Thaksin

it should be closed forthwith for harbouring wanted fugitives

if they refuse to close then cut the power, water supplies, revoke all the drink, dining and dancing licenses and arrest the management for aiding and abetting fugitives

send the staff home on full pay at the hotels expense

this is a message that should be relayed to all other hotels anywhere in the kingdom, that accept red shirts under arrest warrant as hotel guests

if the red leaders want to be at one with their red brethren then let them sleep on the floor in the street with them instead of bunking up in a 4* hotel

You do know what country your in , right?


People keep calling the red shirts terrorists cause suthep dropped that word.

for What? They were peacefully demonstrating until the government used force.

They were merely defending themselves afterwards (the best defense is an attack)

if the army stays in the barracks, there will be no violence anymore.

So dont call these people terrorists just cause they ignore the isa and emergency degree.

It was bullshit imposing them cause they blocked a couple of roads.

Dissolve parliament! and dont say they cant do that so fast. Look and the netherlands! the government collapse almost every year (yes we have a stable country hahaha) ad they have elections 2 months later.

so stop complaining and hold new elections and let get this country right again, no matter who wins red yellow pink blue or green, maybe we also get brown and purple, we never know!!!

ps. i dotn support any color just giving my opinion of one of the biggest bullshit talker in thai history "Suthep" there are some more, but cant mention them.

People keep calling the red shirts terrorists cause suthep dropped that word.

for What? They were peacefully demonstrating until the government used force.

They were merely defending themselves afterwards (the best defense is an attack)

if the army stays in the barracks, there will be no violence anymore.

So dont call these people terrorists just cause they ignore the isa and emergency degree.

It was bullshit imposing them cause they blocked a couple of roads.

Dissolve parliament! and dont say they cant do that so fast. Look and the netherlands! the government collapse almost every year (yes we have a stable country hahaha) ad they have elections 2 months later.

so stop complaining and hold new elections and let get this country right again, no matter who wins red yellow pink blue or green, maybe we also get brown and purple, we never know!!!

ps. i dotn support any color just giving my opinion of one of the biggest bullshit talker in thai history "Suthep" there are some more, but cant mention them.

you dont deserve a reply

Why would very many of us Red supporters hang out at a newspaper's forum site that posts articles like this....currently the number 1 story in the pictures at the top of the main page...note the happy, happy joy joy music in the video:


We're not allowed to quote ANY other news source or link to ANY other news source. :)

Your accusations are false. Our forum rules give only 3 sources you cannot quote from or link to. All other newssources are allowed, provided they are in English and you only quote the first 3 sentences and name and provide a link to the source.

Maybe time to read the forum rules.

Yes. If he had bothered to read the rules that he agreed to when he registered he would have found.

31) All members are not allowed to quote news articles or material from Associated Press (AP), bangkokpost.com or phuketwan inside topics on thaivisa.com. Posts containing quotes will be deleted from the forum. Links referring back to the sites are also not allowed and will be deleted.

Thanks for the clarification. I'll keep that in mind in the future. I can't be imagining the memory I have of numerous past posts where people have complained they can ONLY post from the Nation. I guess that's where I derived the belief, since nobody ever corrected these other individuals.


The open letter from UDD to Thai media, thankfully posted a few pages ago - translated and in the original - is too long for an ad hoc analisys. What stroke me was already the first sentence beginning with " Stop....." . Being here for 8 years with Thai staff I would never dare to start a sentence with "stop this" or "do this"! Seems that the red leaders do not have any clue about manners. Or was the signing "prai" perhaps Mr. T?

It's hard to label the red movement because they have included so many seemingly contradictory elements. If they win, you truly do not know what you will get. Except the obvious of course, power shifted to the red terror leadership group led by Thaksin, the constitution changed (or much more), Thaksin getting what he wants as far as cleared charges and his ill gotten filthy lucre back. Perhaps simply BAD NEWS may do for the time being.

If he comes back, du you think he buy a "Popemobile" for safty?


Suspects begin reporting to CRES for questioning

BANGKOK (TNA) -- Persons in various professional fields, including ex-politicians and businessmen, suspected of involvement in financing the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) movement on Friday began to report to the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) for question, according to centre spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

The spokesman said that the emergency centre did not specify the reporting period, but it will last for an appropriate period and those summoned must appear only at the 11th Infantry Regiment.

Arrest warrants will be issued for those who fail to report, said Col Sansern, their names will be given in this process.


Red Shirts are engaged in battle for more justice. It takes different expressions depending on their Education. The poor level of education of some is mainly the result of the Opressing Elite who want to maintain his privileges. Revolutions start like that. Failure to understand the dangerosity of the situation and make the required concessions will be very expansive for Thailand. Stubbordiness ...they do not understand they have to make some concessions to avoid the worse.

Abhisit is not a big stateman: he does not understand the situation.

We are living at an accelerated speed a re-make of the Spanish years 1933-1936.... Behavior in the modern world have to be different from what was accepted under the feudal regime.

I do believe Thailand is living the emancipation from the feudal system, we are in the first steps of the process.... It will cost blood and will not be peaceful unfortunately.

Some Leaders in the world have succeeded to pass through such crisis and modernize their society. The blockages are obvious in Thailand today.

Unfortunately the only justice the reds are fighting for is the 'justice' for Thaksin the paymaster.

Talking of the Spanish Civil War, which I suspect you know very little, one of the key aspects was the Stalinist execution of members of their own side while supposedly fighting the other side.

Ring any bells?

To suggest that Thailand in 2010 is really the European 1930s in drag is not only crass, it also means that you understand nothing of the laws of uneven and combined development.

Going backwards may be a nice personal hobby for you, but the red cheerleaders mostly only go back to the reign of Thaksin and his subsequent exile.

Back to your history essay.

Except repeating endlessy "Thaksinist", 'cheerleaders... your vocabulary is limited. You repeat yourself at nearly every post with little variance. You are a stubborn partisan and it is of no interest to discuss with you because you are fully locked in your (very) limited ideology. Continue to protect the wealth of your Elite. Bye

And who has the most wealth Jerry? Who has died Jerry? Are the leaders of this movement at the front lines? Did they eat the bullets? Indeed they are neatly tucked away in hotels owned by a person hiding from a mere 2 year prison sentence and flying his private jet from Montenegro to wherever. This morning we see the balls of one of the Reds hard line leaders running from an arrest? His explanation to his peers for staying in a luxury hotel is that they have to change clothes? I'd expect that sort of nonsense from Paris Hilton... but a true revolutionary leader? Did he stand up and say... I have a cause like Nelson Mandela? naw.... he just gave the world a reason to laugh at him dangling on a rope.

You're clever I'll give you that, and you're well educated... and I can assure you that no one here is working for the elite Thais... they don't even talk to people like us. Furthermore, no one here is denying that the poor rural areas of this country have to be addressed. It's simply the means of how to do it. No different from any other country in the world.

Cheers, Hummy

There are also two facts that seem to be forgotten ;

those red are the same people who sold their votes to Thaksin when he was around - now they are yelling for democracy, not realizing that their own actions are totally undemocratic but that of a terrorist group - they should be treated exactly like a terrorist group - anyone here saying that Thailand is not a free country under the current government is either brain washed or has none - this is simply a provocative statement with no foundation what so ever -

CS them and get rid of this mob before Monday start of business please - any other civilized country would do so since they have refused any negotiation with the government - negotiation, the way of a democracy - another proof that this is nothing but an attempt by mostly one particular person to regain his money and power and the common reds are simply to thick to understand what they are being used for.

what an ignorant ker nob u really r!! thaksin is just the proxy for the real feelings of thailand. He is funding them and thank god he is! otherwise they would never have a voice. Most people understand that he is a corrupt man but his selfishness is paradoxically allowing the general population have a say over the archaic thai system. Over the last week we have seen cover ups, freedom of speech revoked, corruption from the dems, blundering army/political tactics etc etc. Thailand is a perfect example of an elitist country making sure the poor are kept down and out and desperate. If somebody is uneducated and poor, they do anything for money and abide by the system. Thaskin, although i dislike him has enabled these people to break out and show an opinion. I hasten to say if the thai people were well educated, a high percentage would not follow thaksin but they would most vehemently oppose the elite and what they stand for and thus a new following would be founded. Anti thaksin and anti elite, a real power for the people that would be stronger and better informed than the reds are now. Now that would be a movement that could allow Thailand to realise its potential without the Thaksin monkey on their back.

There are also two facts that seem to be forgotten ;

those red are the same people who sold their votes to Thaksin when he was around - now they are yelling for democracy, not realizing that their own actions are totally undemocratic but that of a terrorist group - they should be treated exactly like a terrorist group - anyone here saying that Thailand is not a free country under the current government is either brain washed or has none - this is simply a provocative statement with no foundation what so ever -

CS them and get rid of this mob before Monday start of business please - any other civilized country would do so since they have refused any negotiation with the government - negotiation, the way of a democracy - another proof that this is nothing but an attempt by mostly one particular person to regain his money and power and the common reds are simply to thick to understand what they are being used for.

what an ignorant ker nob u really r!! thaksin is just the proxy for the real feelings of thailand. He is funding them and thank god he is! otherwise they would never have a voice. Most people understand that he is a corrupt man but his selfishness is paradoxically allowing the general population have a say over the archaic thai system. Over the last week we have seen cover ups, freedom of speech revoked, corruption from the dems, blundering army/political tactics etc etc. Thailand is a perfect example of an elitist country making sure the poor are kept down and out and desperate. If somebody is uneducated and poor, they do anything for money and abide by the system. Thaskin, although i dislike him has enabled these people to break out and show an opinion. I hasten to say if the thai people were well educated, a high percentage would not follow thaksin but they would most vehemently oppose the elite and what they stand for and thus a new following would be founded. Anti thaksin and anti elite, a real power for the people that would be stronger and better informed than the reds are now. Now that would be a movement that could allow Thailand to realise its potential without the Thaksin monkey on their back.

Thaksin has not allowed the poor to break out and show an opinion

He has paid them to support his opinion


Red shirt leaders trying to leave the country?

Anupong in Suthep out...

Don't think they are as brave as they pretend, they think the police is on their side, put doesn't matter anymore. police won't dare to mess with the army. IMO showdown imminent...

Red Shirts are engaged in battle for more justice. It takes different expressions depending on their Education. The poor level of education of some is mainly the result of the Opressing Elite who want to maintain his privileges. Revolutions start like that. Failure to understand the dangerosity of the situation and make the required concessions will be very expansive for Thailand. Stubbordiness ...they do not understand they have to make some concessions to avoid the worse.

Abhisit is not a big stateman: he does not understand the situation.

We are living at an accelerated speed a re-make of the Spanish years 1933-1936.... Behavior in the modern world have to be different from what was accepted under the feudal regime.

I do believe Thailand is living the emancipation from the feudal system, we are in the first steps of the process.... It will cost blood and will not be peaceful unfortunately.

Some Leaders in the world have succeeded to pass through such crisis and modernize their society. The blockages are obvious in Thailand today.

Unfortunately the only justice the reds are fighting for is the 'justice' for Thaksin the paymaster.

Talking of the Spanish Civil War, which I suspect you know very little, one of the key aspects was the Stalinist execution of members of their own side while supposedly fighting the other side.

Ring any bells?

To suggest that Thailand in 2010 is really the European 1930s in drag is not only crass, it also means that you understand nothing of the laws of uneven and combined development.

Going backwards may be a nice personal hobby for you, but the red cheerleaders mostly only go back to the reign of Thaksin and his subsequent exile.

Back to your history essay.

That's a very silly thing to say don't you think?

Mind you, many of those saying that a major part of this ruckus 'isn't about Thaksin' are correct to precisely the same extent that it's correct to say that the American Civil War wasn't about Slavery.

Actually, the American Civil War was not about slavery, but was fought over States' Rights versus Federalism. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves was done to deliver a blow to the south's economy. It was also a very good political move in order to keep the non-slavery States happy.

But this forum is about Thailand. I just wanted to correct a common error.

Lincoln himself denied the war was about slavery. :)


I remain astounded that farangs can/will/do post their support for the Red Shi*ts here. Most of us come from stable democracies that are not perfect but allow us to have an understanding of what democracy is and about basic standards of human behaviour. What we have here is not a movement for the oppressed or for democracy. In fact what we have is so transparent that anyone who cannot see immediately what is going on really need a little education. First of all this movement would not exist if it were not for Mr T. He has inspired it and funded it. Now everyone knows that this gentleman is dishonest, devious and manipulative. He is great at creating illusions - such as the illusion that he alone helped the poor of the north. Lets remember some of the things that he got up to - some quite laughable - during his tenure as Prime Minister.

He manipulated the 30baht health care scheme when in fact it wasn't his but his predecessor's, he got rid of political opponents during his so-called war on drugs when 2500 people were murdered through extra judicial means. He created the illusion that it was HIS personal money that paid for the new infrastructure around Chiang Mai, he wanted to spend government money on buying Liverpool FC, he stated that he would end poverty within five years (!) in Thailand whilst at the same time stealing money in increasing volumes from the Thai state. The story goes on and on.

And now he has his own well-paid militia creating mayhem in the centre of BKK. We can only speculate about the deaths that occurred - I have no evidence but if I were to take a guess, I believe that Mr T may well have had a hand in the what happened on that bloody night. Because that is precisely the kind of tactic and manipulation at which he excels.

This government on the other hand is run by a man who appears to be clean but certainly hamstrung by his bedfellows. He has been walking on hot coals and Mr T yet again knows exactly how and where to apply pressure.

My ex-Thai wife, of chinese descent like Mr T shares the same characteristics. She can look at you in the eye and tell the most outrageous lies and it is so frustrating because she won't back down. But that only affected my son and I (and a few others she's damaged along the way)

But this is on a far bigger scale. Oh Mr T revenge is so sweet is it not? You have unleashed something which requires you to pull the puppet strings on an ad hoc basis - see where it goes eh? Doesn't matter about the bloodshed, that's just a small sacrifice that your cannon fodder has to put up with and besides if they die, it only costs you 100 grand a pop.

You couldn't manage a football club (the staff you left behind at Manchester thought you were an idiot, some impression you made there) and I don't think you'll ever be able to manage Thailand, so just go and spend your remaining millions in Montenegro and leave poor Thailand alone, eh? As for your swooning farangs .......... better not say!

I campaigned against Pinochet in the 1970s, idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, the Marcos dynasty and so on. I cannot see any difference between those nasty people and Mr T - they were all cut from the same set of genes.


This thread is really going nowhere, let's get it straight. The two sides are not trying to convince each other, rather just ping-ponging the "facts and speculations" cocktail back and forth. Just remember it's not up to either of any posters on this forum, but to the course of history to come.

Personally, I would love to have this tumult ended by 12am tomorrow and go have a beer with my friends and listen to some nice music wherever I like without bumping into a mob of drunken taxi drivers in red t-shirts.

Politics, democracy, freedoms etc. has nothing to do with what is going on right now. It's all about the money, percs, petit-metits or whatever you'd like to call it. Some people have too much, some people don't have the bare minimum, that's what it's all about and this should be the primary concent for any government of any colour. Taki Shinegar has already tainted himself by giving away a lot of false promises, and this government barely had time to work out the current burning issues of the economic crisis. The trend is that the rich is getting richer and the poor is going nowhere.

So stop juggling and enjoy what's left of our somewhat happy life here, because it doesn't look anything is going to get any better.


Wasn't everyone complaining recently that Anupong was sympathetic to the red shirts after meeting with them and making comments about dissolution? I keep reading and hearing that he's alternately 1) a dithering politician who wants to play both sides against the middle and 2) that he's a harsh authoritarian who wants to use the military to crush dissent. These can't both be true and I am therefore left confused.


It appears that the Thai Police haven't been watching the TV Show "SWAT". A professional swat team would not have allowed an escape by this kind of individual. I also agree, turn off all utilities to the hotel, which is guilty of harboring a terrorist and it should be razed to the ground ASAP. I hope they learn a lesson and next time send in a qualified Special Forces Unit who would not have allowed this to have happened. Quite an embarrassing event for them. I do also agree that they had no intention of grabbing this criminal in the first place. Time to end this thing before it's too late.


May I just remind all of you, that TOURISM, is the #1 industry in Thailand... responsible for more jobs than any other sector of the economy.

Killing Tourism is like Killing the Golden Goose.....



Tourism is certainly an important job provider, but Thailand is now an industrial Country, more income from automotive, electrics/electronics Industries Tourism weights now around 7% or 8% only.

Not Correct.... Better check your facts.

Tourism is Still #1... by a long shot.


Actually, you are incorrect. Tourism is 3rd or 4th.

Sorry to go off topic but..............

Guys this has been covered on TV so many times.


main industries Automobiles and Automotive parts (11%), Financial Services (9%), Electric appliances and components (8%), Tourism (6%), cement, auto manufacturing, heavy and light industries, appliances, computers and parts, furniture, plastics, textiles and garments, agricultural processing, beverages, tobacco

Also from Wiki as well...........

in 2008 agriculture, forestry, and fishing contributed only 8.4% percent to GDP. Thailand is the world's leading exporter of rice and a major exporter of shrimp. Other crops include coconuts, corn, rubber, soybeans, sugarcane and tapioca.

I am pretty sure I have read more than once that rice is Thailand,s biggest export.


Hey I got a question..

Some news articles say there was as many as 30,000 + reds in town a few days ago..

but, now they say there are only 3,000-4,000.

Is this true? did so many really leave, and, if so - why?

to enjoy Songkran with their families?

Perhaps this is why they were being moved on by Police (because they are currently low in numbers)

So, what is the deal?

Are the reds waiting for more of their people to come back into town or is nobody else coming?

I'm just interested in hearing from someone who knows these sort of details.

what was said is that there where as many as 30,000+ reds in town a few days ago but now there

are 3,000 - 4000 LESS, in other words 26 - 27,000 reds still here

Uh, are you sure? I was getting my info from this post.

Panithan denies govt plans to use force to break up rally Monday

BANGKOK: -- Deputy PM's Secretary-General Panithan Watanayakorn Thursday denied the government planned to use force to break up the red-shirt demonstration at Rajprasong on Monday.

Panithan said the red-shirt leaders were spreading the false rumours of the crackdown to try to retain the demonstrators' support for the rally.

Panithan said the government estimated that about 30,000 protesters joined the rally Wednesday night and the number of the demonstrators dropped to 3,000 Thursday morning.


Hear hear!

Patriots not terrorists. Red shirts, as they quit the worship of the souless Billionaire, are patriots fighting for democracy,,, a not altogether bad thing.



History has given us TERRORISTS who KILL demand $millions$ of dollars, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the deaths of peoples/races of people, TERRORISTS who KILL and demand the release from prison of other TERRORISTS.

The Reds have killed nobody except in self-defense and they demand only one truly outrageous thing: that the people of Thailand be able to select their leader NOW via an election.

Hardly terrorists by anybody's definition.

I did notice the story that Anupong is now the head man on the block.

I wouldn't expect anything less than very serious force being used in any future plan to remove the reds.

Maybe theya shouldn't have announced a war? Maybe they shouldn't announce head money? Maybe they shouldn't have said things like som-na-na after a corporal died?

Their love for democracy and their peacfullness are in doubt after their rethoric!

Unfortunatly english media is not reporting what they are saying on stage!

I'm watching PTV all this time and believe me this rethoric is frightening!

The open letter from UDD to Thai media, thankfully posted a few pages ago - translated and in the original - is too long for an ad hoc analisys. What stroke me was already the first sentence beginning with " Stop....." . Being here for 8 years with Thai staff I would never dare to start a sentence with "stop this" or "do this"! Seems that the red leaders do not have any clue about manners. Or was the signing "prai" perhaps Mr. T?

I remain astounded that farangs can/will/do post their support for the Red Shi*ts here. Most of us come from stable democracies that are not perfect but allow us to have an understanding of what democracy is and about basic standards of human behaviour. What we have here is not a movement for the oppressed or for democracy. In fact what we have is so transparent that anyone who cannot see immediately what is going on really need a little education. First of all this movement would not exist if it were not for Mr T. He has inspired it and funded it. Now everyone knows that this gentleman is dishonest, devious and manipulative. He is great at creating illusions - such as the illusion that he alone helped the poor of the north. Lets remember some of the things that he got up to - some quite laughable - during his tenure as Prime Minister.

He manipulated the 30baht health care scheme when in fact it wasn't his but his predecessor's, he got rid of political opponents during his so-called war on drugs when 2500 people were murdered through extra judicial means. He created the illusion that it was HIS personal money that paid for the new infrastructure around Chiang Mai, he wanted to spend government money on buying Liverpool FC, he stated that he would end poverty within five years (!) in Thailand whilst at the same time stealing money in increasing volumes from the Thai state. The story goes on and on.

And now he has his own well-paid militia creating mayhem in the centre of BKK. We can only speculate about the deaths that occurred - I have no evidence but if I were to take a guess, I believe that Mr T may well have had a hand in the what happened on that bloody night. Because that is precisely the kind of tactic and manipulation at which he excels.

This government on the other hand is run by a man who appears to be clean but certainly hamstrung by his bedfellows. He has been walking on hot coals and Mr T yet again knows exactly how and where to apply pressure.

My ex-Thai wife, of chinese descent like Mr T shares the same characteristics. She can look at you in the eye and tell the most outrageous lies and it is so frustrating because she won't back down. But that only affected my son and I (and a few others she's damaged along the way)

But this is on a far bigger scale. Oh Mr T revenge is so sweet is it not? You have unleashed something which requires you to pull the puppet strings on an ad hoc basis - see where it goes eh? Doesn't matter about the bloodshed, that's just a small sacrifice that your cannon fodder has to put up with and besides if they die, it only costs you 100 grand a pop.

You couldn't manage a football club (the staff you left behind at Manchester thought you were an idiot, some impression you made there) and I don't think you'll ever be able to manage Thailand, so just go and spend your remaining millions in Montenegro and leave poor Thailand alone, eh? As for your swooning farangs .......... better not say!

I campaigned against Pinochet in the 1970s, idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, the Marcos dynasty and so on. I cannot see any difference between those nasty people and Mr T - they were all cut from the same set of genes.

How the heck did you get the impression that I am supporting the red shirts???

Suspects begin reporting to CRES for questioning

BANGKOK (TNA) -- Persons in various professional fields, including ex-politicians and businessmen, suspected of involvement in financing the anti-government United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) movement on Friday began to report to the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) for question, according to centre spokesman Col Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

The spokesman said that the emergency centre did not specify the reporting period, but it will last for an appropriate period and those summoned must appear only at the 11th Infantry Regiment.

Arrest warrants will be issued for those who fail to report, said Col Sansern, their names will be given in this process.


Hmmmmm now that is scary? (something out of 1984)

Wonder if they did the same thing for the PAD backers?

There are also two facts that seem to be forgotten ;

those red are the same people who sold their votes to Thaksin when he was around - now they are yelling for democracy, not realizing that their own actions are totally undemocratic but that of a terrorist group - they should be treated exactly like a terrorist group - anyone here saying that Thailand is not a free country under the current government is either brain washed or has none - this is simply a provocative statement with no foundation what so ever -

CS them and get rid of this mob before Monday start of business please - any other civilized country would do so since they have refused any negotiation with the government - negotiation, the way of a democracy - another proof that this is nothing but an attempt by mostly one particular person to regain his money and power and the common reds are simply to thick to understand what they are being used for.

what an ignorant ker nob u really r!! thaksin is just the proxy for the real feelings of thailand. He is funding them and thank god he is! otherwise they would never have a voice. Most people understand that he is a corrupt man but his selfishness is paradoxically allowing the general population have a say over the archaic thai system. Over the last week we have seen cover ups, freedom of speech revoked, corruption from the dems, blundering army/political tactics etc etc. Thailand is a perfect example of an elitist country making sure the poor are kept down and out and desperate. If somebody is uneducated and poor, they do anything for money and abide by the system. Thaskin, although i dislike him has enabled these people to break out and show an opinion. I hasten to say if the thai people were well educated, a high percentage would not follow thaksin but they would most vehemently oppose the elite and what they stand for and thus a new following would be founded. Anti thaksin and anti elite, a real power for the people that would be stronger and better informed than the reds are now. Now that would be a movement that could allow Thailand to realise its potential without the Thaksin monkey on their back.

Thaksin has not allowed the poor to break out and show an opinion

He has paid them to support his opinion

everybody in the world is directly/indirectly paid for their vote! im from the uk and im pretty sure all the people claiming invalidity will vote labour because they have been paid to do so and may have to !! as the thais so eloquently put it 'same same'!! i can sit here and say that i think 40 million uk residents should not be eligible to vote due to being 'thick as pig <deleted>' but i dont. We let the democracy run its course. The PAD started all this and deserve their comeuponce.Everybody knew that as soon as the only 'real' international airport was taken over by terrorists then the repercussions would be immense. <deleted> thaksin, this is much bigger than him. This is about either having a democracy and getting rid of ridiculous old rules.

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