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Thai Army Says Planning Operation To Clear Protesters

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I think Thaksin has clearly found the problem of the rural poor Thais and is using it to his advantage. A smart move. Abhisit hasn't found the problem, or didn't think it was necessary to address it, and that's what's leading to his downfall.

Fully agree with your analysis

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So just one post eh CNX? Next you'll be telling me to learn more about Thai history and how Thailand's never been colonized. Why do I need to read more? Maybe you need to go on the streets more - open your eyes, see the disparities in society, see how one class treats, looks down on, and talks about the other. These are the issues. And your talk of the Electoral Commission's decision re the disbanding of an MP is all part of this mess - thanks for bringing this up. A different set of rules for each party depending on how much they suck up to the old money. The EC is not independant. They have their allegiances. So, if the game isn't fair, how can one play and stand a chance of winning? One more thing: why was no attempt made by the army to clear the Yellows from the airport in 2008? Who's pulling the strings?

I think Thaksin has clearly found the problem of the rural poor Thais and is using it to his advantage. A smart move. Abhisit hasn't found the problem, or didn't think it was necessary to address it, and that's what's leading to his downfall.

Fully agree with your analysis

OK Jerry can you please tell me just what Thaksin did for the poor people of Issan?

I wait with bated breath.

Cheers, Rick

Jerry you are talking crap. My wife of 10 years is from the NE and I have obviously spent time there. I am not talking about beer since you mentioned it. I am talking about 'white alcohol' the preferred tipple because it's very cheap. You missed my point completely about the vote buying and the lack of interest in politics, by the rank and file NE people. if you went around the village today and gave them all a gift you could also be elected head of the village. If you were Thai of course. Poor people are easily bought in any country and believe me I am not having a go at NE people. I am having a go at those who exploit them, the main one historically being Thaksin.

Cheers, Rick

I am not a supporter of Thaksin, but Abhisit has not adressed on time the Northern population issues and obviously is handling this conflict very poorly.

I have given him the credit that he has started something in Education but it was very lately and insuficient for defusing the situation. Rice Rubber prices, drought ... have not been adressed, only a small attempt (loans) when the conflict was already engaged: he has not anticipated the issues of the Northern population and he has not given a proper answer, he was focusing only on Economy.


Army crackdown starts at 6am tomorrow morning according to UDD gadgie on Facebook who was quoting comments tonight from Jatuporn.

Probably not true, but could be. Who knows? Perhaps they want to sort it out before Monday's downtown rush hour begins. Luckily the schools have almost another month off.

Jerry you are talking crap. My wife of 10 years is from the NE and I have obviously spent time there. I am not talking about beer since you mentioned it. I am talking about 'white alcohol' the preferred tipple because it's very cheap. You missed my point completely about the vote buying and the lack of interest in politics, by the rank and file NE people. if you went around the village today and gave them all a gift you could also be elected head of the village. If you were Thai of course. Poor people are easily bought in any country and believe me I am not having a go at NE people. I am having a go at those who exploit them, the main one historically being Thaksin.

Cheers, Rick

I am not a supporter of Thaksin, but Abhisit has not adressed on time the Northern population issues and obviously is handling this conflict very poorly.

I have given him the credit that he has started something in Education but it was very lately and insuficient for defusing the situation. Rice Rubber prices, drought ... have not been adressed, only a small attempt (loans) when the conflict was already engaged: he has not anticipated the issues of the Northern population and he has not given a proper answer, he was focusing only on Economy.

He has only been in power for a short time, so what do you expect he focuses on the NE people and forgets the economy. He can not even visit the Ne because of death threats and these are not given by the average NE people, but the red leaders. Thaksin left this country in a mess and it will take a long time to recover. Now the red shirts are doing the same which prolongs the situation. Corruption is not only in Bangkok, as it is rife in the local governments of the NE. I am surprised that you don't see this if you live there.

Cheers, Rick


It all starts with education and that's the most important issue in Thailand. No education, no chances.


Correct Laopo education is the key. It appears that some people on this board think that the NE Thais sit around the house at night discussing politics. In reality they sit around drinking Lao chaow watching Thai soap operas. Politics in my experience never enter their minds because they are too busy trying to make ends meet.

TRT manifesto: I will give you 500 baht per man if you tick this box. OK will do where do I tick?

That is the way it is and I am bot being disrespectful to Issan people they are some of the most genuine people I have ever met.

Sadly you are right. It’s because the limited education, poor Thais have, discourage, no sorry actually forbid questioning so it’s not surprising if some can manipulate them to their will.

Where I live nearly all are very nice people but if you asked them what reds are about the last thing they would say is democracy. They all just follow the head of the village. Who is a nice enough person but obviously on the take. I was very surprised that this time the normal line of pickups did not appear to take the locals down to BKK as they did last year. I have no idea why they did not go down this year. No amount of discreet questioning gives any proper answer. The only answer given as to why no one was going down to BKK this time I was told “head of village was against it”

Yes payments are made. I’m not saying they only do it for payments but no way could people where I live afford to go down to BKK without payment to compensate for loss of earnings.

Having said that on that subject. Given they are paid, it is obvious a lot totally worship Taksin like a God. Why ? the only answer given is he is for poor like us. But even our maid who is 100% pro Taksin is very quiet about it these days. Sadly our maid still bows to me even though after 20 years I’ve told her I’m not a lord and she is my equal I’m just a bit richer. Even as a total Taksin worshiper she says you like Taksin and are higher than me and have helped me so much. Shame that Mr Taksin and his paid cronies in my view care less about my maid than I do as a forang but in 1 million years Ii would never convince my maid she is the equal of Taksin or me.

I think Thaksin has clearly found the problem of the rural poor Thais and is using it to his advantage. A smart move. Abhisit hasn't found the problem, or didn't think it was necessary to address it, and that's what's leading to his downfall.

Fully agree with your analysis

i'm surprised :D:)

Sadly our maid still bows to me even though after 20 years I've told her I'm not a lord and she is my equal I'm just a bit richer. Even as a total Taksin worshiper she says you like Taksin and are higher than me and have helped me so much. Shame that Mr Taksin and his paid cronies in my view care less about my maid than I do as a forang but in 1 million years Ii would never convince my maid she is the equal of Taksin or me.

Excellent post.

Perhaps this should be the start point of the education.

I would like your cleaner to meet Ning.

I think Thaksin has clearly found the problem of the rural poor Thais and is using it to his advantage. A smart move. Abhisit hasn't found the problem, or didn't think it was necessary to address it, and that's what's leading to his downfall.

Fully agree with your analysis

OK Jerry can you please tell me just what Thaksin did for the poor people of Issan?

I wait with bated breath.

Cheers, Rick

We all know that Thaksin was cheating and has used at his advantage the Northern farmers situation. I am not a supporter of Thaksin I repeat.

But remember the situation just before the conflict: price of the Rice crashes, the drought is one of the most severe, income of those poor families is going down ....and just before the conflict, nobody was taking care of this situation, too busy with economical issues and big projects around Bangkok... too much arrogance and nimbleness....So no other solution the poor people are obliged to shout in order the Government begin to listen. Initially, certainly there is the utilisation of the situation by Thaksin and Proxies. It is obvious that Thaksin has supported the rallyes for his own interests, I do not deny. But NOW, the nature of the conflict is very different and Thaksin is sidelined. Red Shirt people are struggling for themselves. Failure to understand this point is serious.

I am not interested by Thaksin: I am interested in the answers those poor people will have; obviously this Government is deaf, does not listen, has not announced a set of measures able to satisfy the northern People. So,now, Red Shirts want the Power to implement reforms improving their situation. It is becoming the only revendication because they do not believe any more Abhisit.

15 days before, it was easy to defuse the situation. Now we are in the "Hard". Quite more difficult.

Jerry you are talking crap. My wife of 10 years is from the NE and I have obviously spent time there. I am not talking about beer since you mentioned it. I am talking about 'white alcohol' the preferred tipple because it's very cheap. You missed my point completely about the vote buying and the lack of interest in politics, by the rank and file NE people. if you went around the village today and gave them all a gift you could also be elected head of the village. If you were Thai of course. Poor people are easily bought in any country and believe me I am not having a go at NE people. I am having a go at those who exploit them, the main one historically being Thaksin.

Cheers, Rick

I am not a supporter of Thaksin, but Abhisit has not adressed on time the Northern population issues and obviously is handling this conflict very poorly.

I have given him the credit that he has started something in Education but it was very lately and insuficient for defusing the situation. Rice Rubber prices, drought ... have not been adressed, only a small attempt (loans) when the conflict was already engaged: he has not anticipated the issues of the Northern population and he has not given a proper answer, he was focusing only on Economy.

i'll not post arguments again & again. obviously you prefer comfort zone of your limited mind - we all do ;-)

factually, you're talking _rubbish_.

backtrack TV & other media & you'll find: Abhisit government indeed implements policies. as, imho, no other thai pm before. to ease social & wealth disparity. for betterment of _all_ thai!

sources are available here, on TV, & elsewhere.

thank you.

For CNX. So I'm a trouble maker for telling the truth? - for telling you what's happening on the streets now, for telling you how exploitation in one of the world's top twenty economies is and has been acceptable for decades, and for speaking out for people who don't have a voice. Why can't you understand these new events unfolding all around us? This is no longer about Thaksin; this is a class struggle. I drove past Victory Monument at 5.00pm today only to see those yellow shirted puppet messengers of the elite acting like children waving the Thai flag everywhere. What are they on about? I know this is Thailand. What's their cause? Simple: they're scared of losing power or their masters losing power. And Abhisit's government is illegal. The now opposition party had already formed a coalition government, but an illegal besiege of the airport and a consequent decision by the courts (to appease the elite and continue the repression) ended that. Finally, I suspect that CNX is one of those foreigners here in Thailand only to exploit some group of Thais just as the elite here have been doing for donkeys years.

This is absolutely about Thaksin.

Nothing to do with class struggle.

Where are the economic class demands?

There are none, not one.


Return of Thaksin.

That is the only demand. The only one.

Against exploitation are you?

For the overthrow of capitalism including all of Thaksin's wealth?

I don't think so.

Don't make us laugh.

Mr Schoolboy Socialist.

There are some really uneducated, "gop nai gala", greedy, selfish people posting here. What planet are they on? - "Planet I'm All Right Jack Keep Your Hands Off Of My Stack"? When politics and negotiation don't work, more radical actions are required. These people are on the streets because they've been cheated! They vote and the party they vote for wins, but can't rule. How else can they get people's attention? A petition for the Guinness Book Of Records? This isn't Trumpton Town. This is the lives of real, poor, repressed people.

You really have been brain-washed, haven't you ?

I'm just wondering if the guy has ever been to Thailand!

I believe his view holds for a large segment of the foreigners posting angry violent sentiments. Did he touch a raw nerve, perhaps identify the fear that drives some foreigners? No more hairless boys or barely legal girls from the bars to exploit? No more cheap labor to work long hours 6 days a week? The loss of that cheap maid will cause some folks to go into a depression when they are obliged to wipe their pee off the toilet rim or to wipe up the vomit brought on by a night of excessive drinking.

Those that oppose the Red Shirts have some valid views. Unfortunately, those legitimate arguments and points are pushed aside because a segment in TV insists on pursuing the Reds are ignorant, Thaksin is evil, they must all be killed strategy. The Reds would not be in the streets if the government had adopted a proactive position and anticipated what would happen. Where was the planning, the strategic thinking? What we see now is a reaction after the horse has left the barn. The governemnt had enough time to marginalize Thaksin had it proceeded in an orderly fashion of delivering specific programs and addressing the most egregious of problems. Instead, there was a strategy of denial and of dithering.Despite all the promises of the Abhisit government, it failed to deliver a vision. There was no mission statement.


Man if you can understand thai and not take the second-hand watered-down translation from your thai "(in)significant other", listen to the new red radio broadcast from Rajaprasong.

It is some of the most hate filled rhetoric I've heard in a long time... Oh BTW; it's 106.8 FM. A person understanding thai would be hard pressed NOT to buy into the same old song and dance of "them versus us". It is bad, really, I mean bad. . :D

It's definitely got a lot more of a 'fighting edge' to it, especially now that the three firebrands (read as total whackoz) are the ones in charge and the 'old dogz' have been sidelined. However even the 'old dogz' are paraded out from time to time to appeal to their demographic.

I've listened to it for the last three hours, and it seems the only line they keeps seeming to say on stage is:

If you can't say anything constructive about the way forward (other than dissolve the Lower House now, call for elections, as well as demanding the PM leave the country); it's better to denigrate the people who are actually trying to move the country forward with destructive trash-talk.. No mention of what might actually happen if/when the red-rabble have a majority in the Lower House and might actually get to run the government. No plan, no insightful way forward, just the same old B/S. They are totally whacked in their take on all thingz thai. ..

We might say in the US; "blind 'em with hate filled B/S and half truths" or listen to Fox News :D

Sadly after all it seems to be the thai way of politicz. :)


Couple of sources confirm that Jatuporn said crackdown will begin at 6am.

More moles in the army or forewarning to stoke things up, or maybe just playing with the army?

There are some really uneducated, "gop nai gala", greedy, selfish people posting here. What planet are they on? - "Planet I'm All Right Jack Keep Your Hands Off Of My Stack"? When politics and negotiation don't work, more radical actions are required. These people are on the streets because they've been cheated! They vote and the party they vote for wins, but can't rule. How else can they get people's attention? A petition for the Guinness Book Of Records? This isn't Trumpton Town. This is the lives of real, poor, repressed people.

You really have been brain-washed, haven't you ?

I'm just wondering if the guy has ever been to Thailand!

I believe his view holds for a large segment of the foreigners posting angry violent sentiments. Did he touch a raw nerve, perhaps identify the fear that drives some foreigners? No more hairless boys or barely legal girls from the bars to exploit? No more cheap labor to work long hours 6 days a week? The loss of that cheap maid will cause some folks to go into a depression when they are obliged to wipe their pee off the toilet rim or to wipe up the vomit brought on by a night of excessive drinking.

Those that oppose the Red Shirts have some valid views. Unfortunately, those legitimate arguments and points are pushed aside because a segment in TV insists on pursuing the Reds are ignorant, Thaksin is evil, they must all be killed strategy. The Reds would not be in the streets if the government had adopted a proactive position and anticipated what would happen. Where was the planning, the strategic thinking? What we see now is a reaction after the horse has left the barn. The governemnt had enough time to marginalize Thaksin had it proceeded in an orderly fashion of delivering specific programs and addressing the most egregious of problems. Instead, there was a strategy of denial and of dithering.Despite all the promises of the Abhisit government, it failed to deliver a vision. There was no mission statement.

Agree 100%


Read his posting history. He is nothing more than another 20 post thai political pundit on T/V. Probably being spoon fed the thai take on things from his thai gurl.

He joined on 2010-04-11 and couldn't even take the time to fill in ANYTHING on his profile, not even his gender. For all we know he might be a gurl; he certainly posts like one. :)

That in and of itself says it all. :D


Education is not the answer. Not everyone can be a doctor or lawyer. The answer is simply fairness and equal rights for all. This means that one group of people cannot exploit another group, and wealth cannot stay in the hands of only one group of people. This also means a fair wage for an honest day's work.

And does Yoshiwara think that Thaksin has been/is the only capitalist/wealthy person in Thailand? LOL! Who's the school boy? Still living at home are you Yoshi?

And I do suspect that the anti Red foreigners posting here do fear losing their maid - which they brag about back home - and their cheap Friday night extra curricula activities.


Education is not the answer. Not everyone can be a doctor or lawyer. The answer is simply fairness and equal rights for all. This means that one group of people cannot exploit another group, and wealth cannot stay in the hands of only one group of people. This also means a fair wage for an honest day's work.

And does Yoshiwara think that Thaksin has been/is the only capitalist/wealthy person in Thailand? LOL! Who's the school boy? Still living at home are you Yoshi?

And I do suspect that the anti Red foreigners posting here do fear losing their maid - which they brag about back home - and their cheap Friday night extra curricula activities.



General Anupong Paochinda is NOT a person to be trifled with nor one who would let himself be pushed into a corner that he didn't choose first. :)

Google his name yourself and read his list of "accomplishments". IF by some stroke of blind luck you can read thai; Google his thai name; อนุพงษ์ เผ่าจินดา

He is one of the most deadly serious players in recent history. He plays hard ball and he pitches very FAST.

He's definitely a person to take seriously I mean deadly serious. :D

There is not a single person in this country who should underestimate hime as far as his capabilities, or the "rain of fire" he could call in, all in the name of "democracy".

Frankly he scares me. .. :D


Didn't think we understood it the first time you posted it? :D

Or didn't refresh your screen to see that you'd posted already? :)

Again, another 22 post thai political pundit weighs in TWICE. .. :D


What has Abhisit done to hurt Thailand or for that matter the poor of Thailand. I can think of numerous improvements for all since he has been PM.

What I am not at all happy with Abhisit it is the way he conduct this conflict, escalation instead of defusing the situation: the risk of an insurrection is very high today as analysts underline and as published by Webfact.


At the beginning it was easier, now it is far more complex with the Army split as the Country. Today, it is the paradox, Anupong has the key to Peace or War. The Abhisit stubbordiness is driving Thailand on the edge of the abyss.

When you have the fire.

In the first second you can stop it with a glass of water

In a minute, you need a bucket

After you need the Fire brigade and the help of God...

I think the two issues really must be separated, 1)Thaksin and his cohorts/militia and 2) The rural/urban economic divide in Thailand. They are completely separate issues except where Thaksin has used the country's historical "problems" for his own purposes.

Look at Abhisit's actions over the last 2 years. Study all of Thaksin's sorted history. Can you honesty look in the mirror and say "I believe that Abhisit is the person responsible for driving Thailand to the brink, I do not believe that Mr. Thaksin is responsible for driving Thailand to the brink"

Which ever one it is, that's the problem that needs to be solved first.

Yes, because of the way he is handling the conflict -

Ihave exposed my point of view previous page and I repeat it:

[repeat of previous post]

Ha, you looked away from the mirror before you could say it, you got no farther than the part about Abhisit. HA.

I imagine it's frustrating fighting for good and social justice yet no one seems to listen. I am a full supporter of the "rural" red, I married a family of about 100 of them and have helped them through a generation (OK, maybe not 100 in the beginning). I'm just a bit less concerned on the social justice right now as there is a wolf at the door threatening to burn the city, purposefully killing people, and blowing up the power transmission lines feeding a city of 16,000,000 people. Kindly lets take care of that problem, and then I will join you in your efforts to implement western social justice in this wonderful Kingdom.


Yeah Krungthep, I'm a girl. And then??? Girl's can't post here? LOL! And thanks for the Google search you did for us. You certainly are a fountain of knowledge. You're not related to Dr. Google by any chance are you? :-)


General Anupong Paochinda is NOT a person to be trifled with nor one who would let himself be pushed into a corner that he didn't choose first. :)

Google his name yourself and read his list of "accomplishments". IF by some stroke of blind luck you can read thai; Google his thai name; อนุพงษ์ เผ่าจินดา

He is one of the most deadly serious players in recent history. He plays hard ball and he pitches very FAST.

He's definitely a person to take seriously I mean deadly serious. :D

There is not a single person in this country who should underestimate hime as far as his capabilities, or the "rain of fire" he could call in, all in the name of "democracy".

Frankly he scares me. .. :D

Does he scare you because he was a classmate of Thaksin or because he served in General Prem's Queens Guards? :D

Of all the Generals, he is most able to think like a Red because his origins are similar. Look at where he did his undergrad. The university where so many Reds go. Look at his parents and grandparents.

For CNX. So I'm a trouble maker for telling the truth? - for telling you what's happening on the streets now, for telling you how exploitation in one of the world's top twenty economies is and has been acceptable for decades, and for speaking out for people who don't have a voice. Why can't you understand these new events unfolding all around us? This is no longer about Thaksin; this is a class struggle. I drove past Victory Monument at 5.00pm today only to see those yellow shirted puppet messengers of the elite acting like children waving the Thai flag everywhere. What are they on about? I know this is Thailand. What's their cause? Simple: they're scared of losing power or their masters losing power. And Abhisit's government is illegal. The now opposition party had already formed a coalition government, but an illegal besiege of the airport and a consequent decision by the courts (to appease the elite and continue the repression) ended that. Finally, I suspect that CNX is one of those foreigners here in Thailand only to exploit some group of Thais just as the elite here have been doing for donkeys years.

This is absolutely about Thaksin.

Nothing to do with class struggle.

Where are the economic class demands?

There are none, not one.


Return of Thaksin.

That is the only demand. The only one.

Against exploitation are you?

For the overthrow of capitalism including all of Thaksin's wealth?

I don't think so.

Don't make us laugh.

Mr Schoolboy Socialist.

The return of Taksin is the only demand? I thought it was the dissolution of parliament within a week. People like you just take the discussion backwards.

The dynamism of this unfolding tragedy has made the current situation more and more complex. The way Taksin was ousted has always been the catalyst for the red movement's rise to its current power - not Taksin the man himself. As the general population is now being forced to become more polarized, this situation is taking on the dimensions of a class struggle, but that's not how it started.

People who chastize reds for not having a manifesto have missed the point. It's about how the reds feel cheated - how Taksin's ouster took place and subsequent popular governments thrown out. Why should they present a manifesto? Their representatives already had the mandate to govern. Judicial bodies subsequently banning one political side alone for illegalities perpetrated as a matter of course by all major political players through the history of Thai politics just doesn't cut it with them or any other fair minded people.

The idea that so many reds are now sacrificing so much of their time and in some cases their lives specifically so that one individual can regain his fortune is looking more and more simplistic and disengenious with every new day that passes.

The recent evidence of a split in the military is also attributed to Taksin in some quarters. Whilst some rogue figures like Sa Daeng have clear ties to him it appears that internal power struggles - some units being more likely to have their people promoted etc - have been pushed to the surface by the current protests. Opportunists within the army may find now the best time to break cover and push their own personal cause by siding against the 'pro-government' commanders. So their motivations may not be anything to do with Taksin. And that's not even to mention the 'class divide' argument that sees lower ranks rebelling against orders.

So bearing all that in mind if you can, Mr yoshiwara, do you think it is at all possible that when more people on all sides get injured and die over the next week, you could possibly dignify them with a bit more sense than 'He or she loved/hated Taksin'? Please?


General Anupong Paochinda is NOT a person to be trifled with nor one who would let himself be pushed into a corner that he didn't choose first. :)

Google his name yourself and read his list of "accomplishments". IF by some stroke of blind luck you can read thai; Google his thai name; อนุพงษ์ เผ่าจินดา

He is one of the most deadly serious players in recent history. He plays hard ball and he pitches very FAST.

He's definitely a person to take seriously I mean deadly serious. :D

There is not a single person in this country who should underestimate hime as far as his capabilities, or the "rain of fire" he could call in, all in the name of "democracy".

Frankly he scares me. .. :D

Probably a good idea and I will do that tomorrow am.

For a complete story, it would be worthwhile to also google Seh Daeng aka Major-General Khattiya Sawasdipol, and read about the relationship the two have had, it's a real blast. I hear they are going to meet in the streets in a few days.



Crackdown imminent!

Red shirts announced on stage it the army will start dispersing them in early morning, Monday!

The army has moved in the city, road block Dunant intersection!

Red shirts vowing to destroy Rajaprasong and surrounding malls!

Nation article about the preperations

If it is really happening has to be seen, preperations running on both sides, with the reds obviously nervous.


Crackdown imminent!

Red shirts announced on stage it the army will start dispersing them in early morning, Monday!

The army has moved in the city, road block Dunant intersection!

Red shirts vowing to destroy Rajaprasong and surrounding malls!

Nation article about the preperations

If it is really happening has to be seen, preperations running on both sides, with the reds obviously nervous.

If you follow various red-related twitter pages, they've been saying 'this is the night' for the past 2-3 nights. I'm not saying it's not going to happen as you posted, but be aware that such warnings have come and gone a few times already.

If you follow various red-related twitter pages, they've been saying 'this is the night' for the past 2-3 nights. I'm not saying it's not going to happen as you posted, but be aware that such warnings have come and gone a few times already.

I'm more talking about their faces and talks on stage, but yes i know there was the same messages going around last couple of nights, Jatuporn just called it "mind war" the army is playing with them.


As a matter of fact, and despite all the media coverage they get, the RS have difficulties to mobilize enough supporters,

so they announced that 'day x' will be the 'ultimate battle', the 'decision day', 'final fight' etc. already a couple of times -

not only since 2-3 weeks, but since many months. Luckily, very few of their supporters are able to connect the dots and realize that.

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