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Rival Thai 'Yellows' Discuss Moves As 'Reds' Rally On

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Rival Thai 'Yellows' discuss moves as 'Reds' rally on

by Apilaporn Vechakij

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Thailand's pro-establishment "Yellow Shirt" movement gathered in their thousands on Sunday to discuss their response to month-long anti-government protests that left 23 dead in clashes last weekend.

The country is split between "Red Shirts", who largely support ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, and their yellow-clad rivals who hit the streets ahead of a 2006 coup that ousted Thaksin and again to see off his allies in 2008.

The yellow protest group, backed by the country's elite, has kept a low profile since the Reds' mass rallies began in mid-March but began a meeting early Sunday to discuss the kingdom's troubles.

"We are having a meeting today because we know that now the country is in crisis," said Parnthep Pourpongpan, a spokesman for the group formally known as the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

"We have the PAD representatives from different provinces coming to analyse the situation and lay out the structure for long-term solutions. There are 3,000 to 5,000 people joining the meeting today," he said.

The Yellows' protests in 2008 culminated with a damaging blockade of the capital's main airports that stranded thousands of travellers.

As they met at a Bangkok university Sunday, the Reds were also meeting to discuss their next move, eights days on from deadly clashes with security forces that left 23 people dead and more than 800 injured.

The Reds, who are demanding snap elections, have since abandoned their rally spot close to where the violence took place to instead reinforce numbers in a Bangkok district which is home to luxury hotels and shopping malls.

Leaders of the Reds have said they would hand themselves in to police next month as they brace themselves for a new army push to disperse them from the key district.

They have so far ignored repeated calls by authorities to disperse from the commercial heartland, despite arrest warrants outstanding against core leaders.

"On May 15, 24 of us will surrender. All of the leaders," said one of the top Reds, Nattawut Saikuar, on Saturday. "For now the 24 of us will keep rallying to show sincerely that we won't run away," he said.

"I'm sure the order to suppress us will come out soon."

He said the plan was designed to avoid another attempt by security forces to forcibly arrest them, but added they would seek bail.

The mostly poor Reds accuse the government of elitism and being illegitimate as it came to power after a parliamentary vote that followed a controversial court verdict ousting Thaksin's allies.

The military has said it will make a renewed attempt to disperse the protesters but has given no further details of its plans.

Late Friday embattled Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva handed broader powers to his army chief Anupong Paojinda, after a bungled operation to arrest some protest leaders at a hotel in Bangkok's northern outskirts.

Earlier Friday commandos stormed a hotel where several Red Shirt leaders were hiding, but the mission ended in dramatic failure after the suspects fled, with one climbing down an electric cable from a third floor balcony.

The setback to the authorities came almost a week after the army tried in vain to clear an area of the capital of anti-government demonstrators, triggering the country's deadliest civil unrest in 18 years.

The government has asked the police's special investigation unit to probe the bloodshed, blaming "terrorists" for inciting violence and accusing Thaksin, who lives abroad to avoid a jail term for graft, of stoking the unrest.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-04-18

Published with written approval from AFP.


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Surely the 'yellows' cannot peacefully demonstrate - their presence would have to be declared illegal and new laws raised to prevent their gatherings enforced. If they then refused to disperse, they would be confronted by the army, mahem may ensue, and they would all be labelled 'yellow terrorists'.

Better to find an alternative method.......honest appraisal of the grievances, discussion, persuasion and a collective meeting of minds perhaps?


actually it the only way, in my opinion.

Two rival groups of nutcases clash, riots ensue...

then the army comes in, and it doesn't look like the 'elite' are just oppressing the masses! They are keeping order.

too late now, the yellows have bad bad karma. naughty elite. gunning down a group of peasants. Regardless of if it was a splinter group or not, the numbers say the reds were massacred. The peasant in the field wont see the intrigue.

not too long before the next election, reckon Thailand wont fall apart by then.

However, IF reds win in a 'popular' vote and the army jackboots its way back in with its candidate for a 4th time... then i guess all is confirmed, they plan to fill the vacuum with tanks for the next 30 years.

Dont give me that crap about buying votes. If you cant beat em, join em, sack a regiment, sell a plane, use that cash to 'buy' votes. Better still make election promises that you keep!


If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

Yellow will also have the expensive death toys. Some ole red hag running after a Bangkok Elite and next thing we know the red hag has a new hole in her head! hee hee.


Just what we need, another mob. :)

You can thank the Government for this.

They have been encouraging the people (read: Yellows) to come out and oppose the Reds for days now.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

I agree with you. Unfortunately, even a "delicate city dweller" has the strength to pull a trigger, or throw a rock, or any other missile, or wield a machette. If the Reds and Yellows clash, I seriously think there could be the start of civil war in Thailand. The Army will be split, and if the two factions of the Thai Army get involved, there will definately be civil war.

I hope the two sides do not clash, but, it's looking like they will, at some stage. This really could esculate into BIG trouble with many more lives lost.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

While the yellows just stood their ground while M79's were fired at them repeatedly.

I think you've been reading too much Thaksin-sided PR literature. Any battle between the two sides will not be an easy affair for either side.

My missus wants the PAD to stay well and truly out of it, but I think what's been said at the meeting so far will resonate with a large number of people tired of what's happening right now.


There may be another way. Suppose the Army suits up, M-16s at the ready, and confronts the Yellow Shirts and loudspeakers them to disperse...and they do disperse, peaceably.

Then they turn around and go to the Red Shirts and say, OK, the Yellow Shirts demonstrated illegally, we told them to disperse, and they did.

Now you disperse, or we will take immediate action, using all available weapons.

I doubt that it would ever happen, and I don't doubt that if it were to happen, that the leaders of the Red Shirts would come up with some other excuse not to disperse. It would then be up to the military to force them to disperse.

Sure, I live in a dream world... and it's called Thailand.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

What a pathetic post.

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

The reds claiming 'double standards' because the 'pinks' weren't dispersed is utter nonsense. The reds are and have been breaking the law for weeks now. If they are so concerned about the law, then they should take the moral high ground and disperse FIRST as they gathered FIRST. And anyway as far as I know the 'Pinks' disperse peacefully every night without police or military assistance. When the reds are critical of others, they are being completely hypocritical and are really providing a very succinct abstract as to how they are breaking the law, and what they expect to happen if you break the law. Unless of course your red.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

While the yellows just stood their ground while M79's were fired at them repeatedly.

I think you've been reading too much Thaksin-sided PR literature. Any battle between the two sides will not be an easy affair for either side.

My missus wants the PAD to stay well and truly out of it, but I think what's been said at the meeting so far will resonate with a large number of people tired of what's happening right now.

Lets recall Sept 2008, Reds Attack Pad and get beaten and one dead.

It is not a forgone conclusion that PAD is delicat at all.

I have seen some pretty tough characters in the inner city.

When did they suddenly become powerdepuffs?

Yes, we surely do NOT need PAD back out on the street.


Perhaps this is exactly what we need.

If anyone is so short sighted as to not be able to see past a 'red victory', then the other protesters on the street is a nice reminder.

You can't give in to mob rule - plain & simple. All you are seeing now is the beginnings of the next mob, the one the police and army wil refuse to dismantle next time.

You reap what you sow, after all.

Someone with a set of balls WILL put a stop to this sooner or later - whether it's now, 12 months time or later. Someone will have to stop mobs from trying to overthrow the government. If not, civil war is very possible.


Whatever spin is put on this it can only be bad news and more trouble for Thailand. It's a never ending cycle of Reds v Yellows that will only realistically come to and end with international intervention.

However, Thais are very stubborn and surely would not allow any "outsiders" in..!!

Get ready for the long haul everyone!


Life is a balance

In the centre is 0

To the right is +1 +2 +3 +4 etc

To the left is -1 -2 -3 -4 etc

If the red shirts are taking a side left or right of 0

The the opposite side also exists if the be yellow or red shirts

But I do like the idea

The troop come out fully armed

The Yellow shirts retreat and go home

The the army turns on the red shirts

You have 2 hrs to disperse and go home or you will see the full force of the law

There are Many on this site and on the stage that want to see a bloody fight

How many pawns you loose in Chess is not important

Just to win the game is the idea


""""""If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. """"

If a Red shirt kills someone with a sharpen spear that's okay as we are tough boys

But if some one shoots a red shirt with a gun, that is murder


There is no law against groups of more than 5 gathering. The law is about groups with bad intentions.

I have to kind of laugh at the constantly changing rhetoric from the Red supporters here. When it suits them they would have you believe they are all uneducated poor malnourished folks with all sorts of untreated medical conditions but now they are all men of great physical strength.

FYI: the only thing being a rice farmer will do for you in terms of strength is give you a bad back and serious sun related problems if not careful.

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

Reading only this single "gigiman" post, one knows already that at least one mentally ill farang stays in Thailand.

I think your family isn't too proud of you or you just a coward and don't use this kind of language in your own country?

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

And you'll be on the front line will you. There's an awful lot of people on here keen for the violence to start. I think I can safely assume that none of them will be anywhere near the trouble if(when) it starts.


PAD calling on the government to "use the law,"saying in the statement they are reading at the moment that if nothing happens within 7 days they will "mobilise to protect the country as citizens." Info via Twitter.

EDIT: PAD will join 'multi-colour' protests in the meantime.

I thought gatherings of more than 5 people are banned anyway, aren't they?

Double standards eek laewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

They are supposed to be, but as with the "pink shirts" that law does not apply if you support the government. This was trap waiting for Abhisit to fall into, which he duly did. One more chip out of the government's credibility. The red shirts' propaganda machine will get maximum mileage out of it. I wonder how many other laws do not apply if you support the government?

The reds claiming 'double standards' because the 'pinks' weren't dispersed is utter nonsense. The reds are and have been breaking the law for weeks now. If they are so concerned about the law, then they should take the moral high ground and disperse FIRST as they gathered FIRST. And anyway as far as I know the 'Pinks' disperse peacefully every night without police or military assistance. When the reds are critical of others, they are being completely hypocritical and are really providing a very succinct abstract as to how they are breaking the law, and what they expect to happen if you break the law. Unless of course your red.

And the yellows broke the law time and time again when they occupied Government House and the airport ... and my dad's bigger than your dad ... na na na na na. Seriously though, they all want locking up one by one, or just call elections. Nobody deserves to be in power at the moment.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

But are the yellow shirts going to dress up in yellow, pink or green fatigues when they come out on the streets?

If there is a physical clash, the Reds will win, provided the army stays out of it. the Reds are tough folks. The men are real men, not delicate city dwellers that are not used to physical hardship. The Reds are not the ones that will need to put on the whitening cremes, scents and body lotions before the go into battle. I'm sure if there is some girl on girl 'rassling action the redshirts will win. :)

You got that right !!! My Isan farm boys are some tough dudes ,, real men used to hardship and staying power. I would love to have video of some of these spoiled rotten , pampered elitist teenagers going against them.

Any of you yellows have some thoughts of a fight ? I suggest you stop by the rally site and quietly walk among the crowd and see what you are up against.

You will see many ex military types, ( as black shirt guards ) and some very tough fanatical, committed people some of whom are ready to die for this protest.

The elites had their way with the country and brought it to its knees last time and imposed their minority will on the country. Now its our time and our right to express our opinion,, and if they try to get in our way all I can say is:

LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN !!! Its payback time.

To paraphrase Stormin' Norman, they die just as easy. I wonder if Mr T's foreign mercenaries are hanging around? Probably not.

TAN Network: Peoples Alliance for Democracy (PAD) gives the govt 7 days to take action against wrongdoers otherwise they will come out themselves

But are the yellow shirts going to dress up in yellow, pink or green fatigues when they come out on the streets?

And of course how could the government react to threats from a mob - now they cannot remove the protestors in 7 days!!!!!

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