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Why Don't We Get Support From Our British Embassy - Crazy Uk

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I am amazed by the lack of support we get from our Uk embassies, the Thais get more support abroad then we do, also the support from Thailand such as relaxing visa dates is the only help I have had. No great surprises really here but it shows why most Thais are patriotic to Thailand. It took Europe five days to arrange talks on the situation on all airports being closed, crazy Uk government usual poor support and care of citizens.

See below the support offer to Thais stuck abroad, shame we Brits don't get this support, the only thing my embassy has told me is that they can give me a telephone number to call to find out how to get a western money union transfer if anyone want to send me money from home and to keep in touch with the airline, before the good hearted Thai immigration offer support with overstay the Embassy suggested I was go and sort out my own visa problem and extend

Support offer to Thais stranded abroad

Thais left stranded in Europe by Iceland's volcanic eruption which has grounded all flights will receive financial assistance until they can return home, the Foreign Ministry says.

Ministry spokesman Vimon Kidchob said yesterday that under Finance Ministry regulations, each Thai embassy could lend money to Thai nationals caught in situations which affect them financially.

If their visas expire while waiting for flights to resume, the embassies will coordinate with the government involved to have the permits extended.

Ms Vimon said it was not known how many Thais had been affected by flight cancellations as the numbers were still being collated. She said assistance could also be provided by the Department of Consular Affairs' Protection of Thai Nationals Abroad Division in addition to the embassies.

Natt Prathuangsuksri, a Thai traveller stranded in Mannheim, Germany, told the Bangkok Post yesterday she had no idea when she would be able to return to Thailand as airline customer service departments were hard to contact.

She said she had travelled across eastern Europe from Germany to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria.

Apart from cancelled flights and the uncertainty of the situation, some passengers, including herself, would soon have expired visas.

Ms Natt said when flights were suddenly cancelled, no passengers received any help from their embassies or the airlines. They had to pay all their expenses themselves.

More than 10,000 THAI passengers are stranded in Bangkok and about 2,500 overseas.

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You didn't say what you want the embassy to do for you. They are tied by FCO rules, and generally offer good and polite services that are within their remit. Its government policy that dictates what they can and cant do - there is an election coming up so cast your vote.

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What would you like then to do?

It was your choice to be here

You are free to leave Thailand while the parades are on

Same thing happened with Canadian/Lebanese citizens trapped in Lebanon

during Iseali incursons. The all complained to cdn gov't about lack of help.

Cdn gov't spent millions getting them safely back to Canada. Then as soon

as troubles stopped the people all went back to Lebanon.

Majority of Canadian said "if you choose to visit or live in a war zone, then

you shold be prepared to face the realities of any situation."

Why should tax payers money be spent helping people who freely choose

to live in war zones?

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I once worked in a British Embassy as a non diplomat and I remember on my first day at work I passed 2 guys in a corridor - I later found out they were dips. I said "good morning" but they took one quick look at me then looked away with frosty faces and didn't reply. Not very diplomatic really (sorry about that).

Don't expect too much help and you won't be disappointed.

People working for the state tend to give poor service as there is job security with gold plated pensions and no real pressure to perform well - the UK seems to be worse than the norm though :)

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What would you like then to do?

It was your choice to be here

You are free to leave Thailand while the parades are on

I don't think he's referring to the Bangkok riots.

He's referring to the UK governments closure of all UK airports so that British holidaymakers cannot return home.

Surely as it's an act of the government then the government should help their stranded citizens?

BA have alreay put out the begging bowl to the tune of 200 million Quid. I bet THEY get state aid.

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What would you like then to do?

It was your choice to be here

You are free to leave Thailand while the parades are on

I don't think he's referring to the Bangkok riots.

He's referring to the UK governments closure of all UK airports so that British holidaymakers cannot return home.

Surely as it's an act of the government then the government should help their stranded citizens?

BA have alreay put out the begging bowl to the tune of 200 million Quid. I bet THEY get state aid.

Apologies then

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The Royal Navy have dispatched ships to help those stranded on the Continent, get a flight to Portugal or Spain and get the Navy to help you from there.

It was your choice to come here, why should the government hold your hand, feel free to bugger off at any time. :)

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The Royal Navy have dispatched ships to help those stranded on the Continent, get a flight to Portugal or Spain and get the Navy to help you from there.

It was your choice to come here, why should the government hold your hand, feel free to bugger off at any time. :)

What a silly comment, I pay huge taxes in the Uk carry a British passport that offesr me protection through the world and a right to return to the Uk, the Uk is not supportive to the any of its decent citizen, like my self that contributes to the UK and support the economy by employing hundreds on Brits and anyone else they allow into the country. I am fortunate to not need financial assistance here but for those stranded without money and no support from home, where can they go.

The answer you give unless I am mistaken is to bugger off at any time is not only rather rude but also stupid as there is no way of leaving as the Uk airports are closed, Do you read the news????

Please consider your strange thoughts regards this sensitive matter as rude and insulting to all those people stuck here with nothing they can do.

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What happens if I am stranded and trying to get home?

If a flight is cancelled, or delayed for more than five hours, in Europe, there are strict European rules in place, which mean that the airline is obliged to provide assistance at the airport.

This includes supplying meals and refreshments, along with accommodation if an overnight stay is required. :)

Key points include:

•People flying into the European Union from overseas are also covered by the rules, as long as they are travelling on a European airline

•There should be no time limit on their provision of accommodation and food, even though it adds to the financial pressure on airlines

•If passengers have organised their own return travel or hotel stays, they should apply to the airline for the money back when they return. But if these are costs are "unreasonable" - such as a taxi back from Spain - then the airline will not pay.

Alternative return transport organised by airlines will be safest as there will be no need to pay out and claim back

•Those flying on non-EU carriers, from outside the EU, are entitled to a refund or to be rebooked under alternative regulations, but will probably have to make a claim to their insurance company for hotel and food costs.

...or wait for the SOS Royal Navy nuc.Sub which has left the Holy Loch to pick up stranded Brits and due to arrive Samut Prakan ferry terminal around July ....exact date is of course ...secret :D

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The Royal Navy have dispatched ships to help those stranded on the Continent, get a flight to Portugal or Spain and get the Navy to help you from there.

It was your choice to come here, why should the government hold your hand, feel free to bugger off at any time. :)

jeez your an idiot

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The Royal Navy have dispatched ships to help those stranded on the Continent, get a flight to Portugal or Spain and get the Navy to help you from there.

It was your choice to come here, why should the government hold your hand, feel free to bugger off at any time. :)

I think it would be jolly good to see the Navy out here too, get some decent tea bags off the lads, share a tot of Pussers, sing a few patriotic songs soon forget all the bad stuff and remember why we came here.

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I once worked in a British Embassy as a non diplomat and I remember on my first day at work I passed 2 guys in a corridor - I later found out they were dips. I said "good morning" but they took one quick look at me then looked away with frosty faces and didn't reply. Not very diplomatic really (sorry about that).

Don't expect too much help and you won't be disappointed.

People working for the state tend to give poor service as there is job security with gold plated pensions and no real pressure to perform well - the UK seems to be worse than the norm though :)

The State demands loyalty to its bidding and rewards its conforming Civil ahem servants with early retirement and Gold plated pensions that you could not find in comparison in the business World, all this is paid for out of your hard work and sweat...Embassies are a part of the machine, they do not exist for your interests but the States interests, once you accept that then you will not find any action or non action of an Embassy so frustrating!

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What would you like then to do?

It was your choice to be here

You are free to leave Thailand while the parades are on

Same thing happened with Canadian/Lebanese citizens trapped in Lebanon

during Iseali incursons. The all complained to cdn gov't about lack of help.

Cdn gov't spent millions getting them safely back to Canada. Then as soon

as troubles stopped the people all went back to Lebanon.

Majority of Canadian said "if you choose to visit or live in a war zone, then

you shold be prepared to face the realities of any situation."

Why should tax payers money be spent helping people who freely choose

to live in war zones?

and what exactly has that rant got to do with the current flight problems, and this thread????

Edited by steve187
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What would you like then to do?

It was your choice to be here

You are free to leave Thailand while the parades are on

I don't think he's referring to the Bangkok riots.

He's referring to the UK governments closure of all UK airports so that British holidaymakers cannot return home.

Surely as it's an act of the government then the government should help their stranded citizens?

BA have alreay put out the begging bowl to the tune of 200 million Quid. I bet THEY get state aid.

Did the British Government close all UK airports/airspace or is it a bit more complicated than that.?.

I was of the understanding that the government/transport secretary take advice from the Met Office, NATS and the CAA and it's been concluded that it's not safe to fly due to the ash cloud situation, airlines have been doing test flights and are saying it's safe, Finlands Airforce said different and said that an F18 had suffered engine damage after flying through an ash cloud.

NATS, national air traffic service is maintaining talks with the Uk's safety regulator CAA and Nats said in a statement..

"Conditions around the movement of the layers of the volcanic ash cloud over the UK remain dynamic. Nats is maintaining close dialogue with the Met Office and with the UK's safety regulator, the CAA, in respect of the international civil aviation policy we follow in applying restrictions to use of airspace. We are currently awaiting CAA guidance.

We are working closely with the government, airports and airlines, and airframe and aero engine manufacturers to get a better understanding of the effects of the ash cloud and to seek solutions. We will of course continue to make best use of any breaks in the ash cloud to offer opportunities to airlines as they arise."

It's not just the UK that has suffered airport closures/airspace, more than 20 European countries have had the same problems as the UK, we can blame the British Government for a lot of things but the ash cloud situation IMO aint the fault of them, maybe they could have done more to help stranded passengers sooner but I'd bet they were expecting things to "Blow Over", sooner rather than later.

The UK Government now have 3 warships ferrying passengers and troops that were stranded, are organizing a fleet of 150 coaches to transport stranded passengers from Spain to channel ports and have advised that stranded passengers in Asia, Africa and America try and get to Spain where they will be transported to ferry ports to get them home.

Also Cruise ship Celebrity Eclipse is heading from Southampton to Bilbao to pick up about 2,000 British tourists.

Edited by MB1
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British Foreign Office Minister Chris Bryant is heading to Spain, to oversee an operation to bring home Britons stranded by the suspension on flights.

Many of the travellers stranded overseas because of the flight disruption caused by the volcanic ash cloud are trying to find any means possible to get home.

The UK government's plan to rescue British travellers stranded by the volcanic ash cloud is developing but alternative routes, although lengthy, are available.

Before travelling, check the most up-to-date details with British consular officials as the situation is subject to change.

The Foreign Office has also set up a helpline for those stranded overseas: +44 207 008 0000.


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The Royal Navy have dispatched ships to help those stranded on the Continent, get a flight to Portugal or Spain and get the Navy to help you from there.

It was your choice to come here, why should the government hold your hand, feel free to bugger off at any time. :)

What a silly comment, I pay huge taxes in the Uk carry a British passport that offesr me protection through the world and a right to return to the Uk, the Uk is not supportive to the any of its decent citizen, like my self that contributes to the UK and support the economy by employing hundreds on Brits and anyone else they allow into the country. I am fortunate to not need financial assistance here but for those stranded without money and no support from home, where can they go.

The answer you give unless I am mistaken is to bugger off at any time is not only rather rude but also stupid as there is no way of leaving as the Uk airports are closed, Do you read the news????

Please consider your strange thoughts regards this sensitive matter as rude and insulting to all those people stuck here with nothing they can do.


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Oh for the last few days hours and hours of moaning about people not getting help from their government or an airline! You are from (insert country) you came by choice on a holiday to Thailand, a volcano in Iceland blew it's top, now you expect someone to take care of you? It is no one's fault, stuff happens. All this whining about paying taxes, try travel insurance? And guaranteed if the planes did fly and one crashed the moaning would be "why didn't the government take care of us!" Deal with it, go to the beach for the extra days and have a great story to tell when you get back.

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Oh for the last few days hours and hours of moaning about people not getting help from their government or an airline! You are from (insert country) you came by choice on a holiday to Thailand, a volcano in Iceland blew it's top, now you expect someone to take care of you? It is no one's fault, stuff happens. All this whining about paying taxes, try travel insurance? And guaranteed if the planes did fly and one crashed the moaning would be "why didn't the government take care of us!" Deal with it, go to the beach for the extra days and have a great story to tell when you get back.

Yes theres nothing like taking responsibility for yourself, is there?

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Oh for the last few days hours and hours of moaning about people not getting help from their government or an airline! You are from (insert country) you came by choice on a holiday to Thailand, a volcano in Iceland blew it's top, now you expect someone to take care of you? It is no one's fault, stuff happens. All this whining about paying taxes, try travel insurance? And guaranteed if the planes did fly and one crashed the moaning would be "why didn't the government take care of us!" Deal with it, go to the beach for the extra days and have a great story to tell when you get back.

Yes theres nothing like taking responsibility for yourself, is there?

ND, most of the whingers have had the nanny state wipe their ass from cradle to grave, Big Brother has dumbed them down to such an extent they no longer know of personal responsibility much less how to implement it.

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If you were a one legged, black, lesbian, somalian, asylum seeking muslim terrorist, you would get all the assistance you could wish for. unfortunatly for the normal working class indigenous person you have become nothing but garage to the present facist government and they couldnt give a dam_n about you.

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If you were a one legged, black, lesbian, somalian, asylum seeking muslim terrorist, you would get all the assistance you could wish for. unfortunatly for the normal working class indigenous person you have become nothing but garage to the present facist government and they couldnt give a dam_n about you.

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The original post was about help from embassy,my airline is hard to contact ,near impossible, im staying away from bankok the airline has offered a blanket on the floor ,The embassy should push the airlines to work together to get citizens home .all i want to know is a near definite date i can go home so to arrange cover mat my employment,i dont need my hand holding i just need a stronger answer than in the next 2 weeks. shame on you (you know who you are) for sending negative comments about the post Ed.this is a rant not a troll ,the original post holds up uk citizens are not taken care of by the tea swilling dont want to get involved type at the embassy

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The original post was about help from embassy,my airline is hard to contact ,near impossible, im staying away from bankok the airline has offered a blanket on the floor ,The embassy should push the airlines to work together to get citizens home .all i want to know is a near definite date i can go home so to arrange cover mat my employment,i dont need my hand holding i just need a stronger answer than in the next 2 weeks. shame on you (you know who you are) for sending negative comments about the post Ed.this is a rant not a troll ,the original post holds up uk citizens are not taken care of by the tea swilling dont want to get involved type at the embassy

Thank you for your sensible comments, the problem on this forum is that there are lots of varied opinions and each of us are entitled to think as we want, but personally I feel as I said in my original post I feel let down and alone here. Yes I can manage and yes as stupidly pointed out I could just go home ( Not ) but at the once again the British government have done nothing to support it citizens here or anywhere, stuck stranded scared and some people do not even have a visa or money to spend, what a state of affairs, no wonder there is no Britishness left in the our sad little country, proud to be English I do not think so, the place is a disaster and a sham.

Q ) What is there to be proud about being British, what does our government for our Brits when the need help

A) Simple, nothing let us sort it ourselves and struggle to deal with it..

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Amazing all the people who whinge incessantly about the "nanny state" all go running to nanny when things get a little rough.

If you've left home you must understand that you are big boys, and girls, now and must learn to stand on your own two feet without mummy's helping hand.

If you can't do that I suggest you stick to holidays in Soufend on mud in future.

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I find that the people who make the most demands upon foreign service offices are the people that pay the least to support the delivery of those services. If you want concierge service, then don't bitch and holler at the government to cut back on spending for the delivery of the services.

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