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I Blew Up In Burriram, I Think My Mia Noi Really Loves Me

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You talk of disrespect??

A lot of wives choose the mia noi in the first place. There can be a variety of reasons for this too. My MiL chose the mia noi for her husband. They all get on very well together and the MiL and the mia noi are good friends. At Songkran the mia noi was invited along to the MiL house also to all the birthdays and other celebrations. All his children get on really well with the mia noi too. The mia noi now has a house and land and all share happily together. The mia noi also has a daughter who is classed as a sister to the rest of his daughters and classed as a daughter to the MiL

And there is no disrespect anywhere. No discord either. Different people have different ways of doing things. If that way is for a husband to have a mia noi and for the wife, family to be happy, then so be it.

You're starting to make this sound like an episode out of Big Love...

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Are you writing it on the crest of a wave of a few Leo's?

Best threads are always started just after the 2am closing time :)

True...since we that knows how to have fun are out to the 5-6m closing time and have no time or interest to post win-up-posts here to compensate for not getting enough attention in the club during the evening.


I love the Thai extracts and language skills..


farang mai put thai

so solly mai mee baht

f u I am not farang kwai

i was kee nee ow

Then the big shot farang with his big $ rolling into deepest poorest Buriam

I did buy some food and a couple bottles of hong thong and in general the locals and family loved me


Best thread in ages......

next installment purlease...reo reo


Sorry, SGH,

450 km from Jomtien to Buriram, 2 persons and their luggage, on the motocy under the glowing sun?

That's ridiculous.

P.S. You don't have to do "Touristvisa"- trips anymore, you are married to a Thai and entitled to a non immigrant visa.

You're married with 2 mia nois & went to visit the 21 year old mia nois family then complained when everyone expected you to pay for them all? You would have been expected to pay, you are offering her no prospects beyond being a paid girlfriend so you should have paid up, as that is your role in their life.

Thai men with mia nois tend not to visit the mia nois family at songkran or any other time beyond maybe the meeting to agree to the mis noi arrangement & how much they will be stumping up for the pleasure. They certainly don't flaunt their mia nois situation in the families face by rocking up & pretending to be the dutiful bf. But if they did, they would be flashing the cash to make amends & give the girl some face.

Seems you know zero about Thailand except how easy it is for you to get a pretend gf. It makes no difference ort not what your wife agrees to or not, it is you who are playing the game, you just need to learn the rules imo.

Indeed, going to a mio nois family is unheard of. Condo, car, salary is standard. And a set schedule of when to meet.

Come on guys, you are spoiling the dream with all this intrusive reality stuff. :D

I can't understand why readers can't just take these things at face value :)



Ya the only thing that doesn't make a lick of sense is visiting your mia nois family. Why on earth would anyone do that? The whole point of the mia noi is to NOT have to visit the family etc... If the story were real, you would be the dumbest fool I'd ever heard about.



Ya the only thing that doesn't make a lick of sense is visiting your mia nois family. Why on earth would anyone do that? The whole point of the mia noi is to NOT have to visit the family etc... If the story were real, you would be the dumbest fool I'd ever heard about.

1st time in our life together on TV I is concuring with you... :)

Come on guys, you are spoiling the dream with all this intrusive reality stuff. :D

I can't understand why readers can't just take these things at face value :)

They're just applying their own deceitful and twisted standards to someone who wanted to share his joys in life.

I'd not be surprised but his feelings have been hurt now, by their insensitivity.

Sometimes, when somebody posts something as potentially sensitive as this obviously emotive story, the moderators have to close the thread down to protect the OP and others from the offensive posts of the jaded, bitter and twisted (ah - cocktail hour!).



When most people write a first person fantasy they usually try to make themselves look intelligent.


That doesn't always apply to me. :D


I can't understand why readers can't just take these things at face value :D

They're just applying their own deceitful and twisted standards to someone who wanted to share his joys in life.

I'd not be surprised but his feelings have been hurt now, by their insensitivity.

Sometimes, when somebody posts something as potentially sensitive as this obviously emotive story, the moderators have to close the thread down to protect the OP and others from the offensive posts of the jaded, bitter and twisted (ah - cocktail hour!).


So true. :)


I have my second mia noi here and we have been together for 4 months, she is a dream come true for me, my wife even loves her.

She says "i love u too much" all the time, i always reply you love the 20k i give you every month. We get along great, she doesnt

drink smoke swear or want to go to bars ever. Very clean wholesome girl.

Well I took my mia noi home to burriram for songkran and stayed at the family tree fort. Its my second time going, first time was

OK and quite uneventful. I read all the horror stories of isaan families fleecing the farang. I warned the mia noi no BS or i am gone and your gone too.

I did buy some food and a couple bottles of hong thong and in general the locals and family loved me and treated me great.

This second trip I was tight on $$ as i just completed a Poipet 2 day tourist visa stint (what a nightmare that was, will put in full report soon) and I still wanted to sanook songkran back in pattaya.

So first night i go Big C and buy a bunch of food and beers, I wake up and go look and its ALL gone. I ask mia noi <deleted> happened and she

said her brothers thought it was ok to take , she apologized and went and replaced the food/beer w her own $$$ and spoke to the family - dont take my things etc. We would ride all day

way out in the boonies and come back as it wasnt songkran quite yet. We parked the bike inside at night and every morning the gas tank would

be almost bone dry (we always finished the day topping off). I said <deleted> to mia noi and told her some family scrounge stealing our gas. I am getting

angry now. Songkran parties start now and the family nicely takes me to parties. Then the games start, they would give me a tiny glass

of whisky and then request i buy them a huge bottle, i just laugh inside myself and pretend i dont understand what they are asking me

and say "farang mai put thai", this drives em crazy as they try every mime ever invented to try to get my to shell out $$ for their whiskey.

Sanook for me. So finally they storm off angry and i buy a bottle for a nice polite albeit poor family sitting next to me. This news gets back to the thieves and they are back like angry hornets, now i just tell them "so solly mai mee baht" . The mia noi has a good laugh.

SO Next day we go out all day and come back and someone stole a nice bottle of whiskey i was saving, i blew up on the mia noi and

she runs off and comes back and says her mom "broke the bottle by accident" ya right. I just start packing my shit and she said where

you go, I said hotel. As i am leaving the locals and mom and pop were talking about me saying i was kee nee ow, i blew up and said f u

I am not farang kwai. They were in shock as the didnt see me standing there. SO we jump on motocy we start driving to hotel, half way

there I told her to stop and i told her we were finished and i am going back to jomtien alone. I started crying as i love this girl but no way

will i put myself thru this BS again and her family will always come first etc. She said ok i finish family for you and said she will end her cell.

I said no u need ur family. Lets just split up and I started reasoning with her, now she realizes i am not joking and starts crying and says i am

going to finish myself. I said no you have to take care your family.She turned facing each other sitting on the bike and i said i am very

sorry and i will never forget you. She grabs onto me crying NO NO and the bike tips over and we are laying in the street. I said dont worry

you will find a farang soon, she is screaming now NO NO as she knows i am dead serious. I said your just with my for $$$, you really dont

love me. She said i love u sure. I said ok u love me- U live with me for free, she said OK i can. SO that was almost a week ago and she hasnt

asked for a dime, and everything is quite normal... I think she might really love me

this is just the skeleton of the full story, i will try to finish soon, stupid story but i thought someone might find it amusing


And I think the key learning in this story, is if you want to do quality motorcycle repairs, then I strongly recommend using a vinylester resin system mixed with light weight Q cell filler, rather than the more typical polyester based resin.

If you are able to sand the area well prior to starting the repair, you may find the resin sticks better. Also, sanding with wet and dry seems to minimise the dust.

I hope my posting has been of vast assistance.



And I think the key learning in this story, is if you want to do quality motorcycle repairs, then I strongly recommend using a vinylester resin system mixed with light weight Q cell filler, rather than the more typical polyester based resin.

If you are able to sand the area well prior to starting the repair, you may find the resin sticks better. Also, sanding with wet and dry seems to minimise the dust.

I hope my posting has been of vast assistance.

Quite often, you get the brightest gems in the deepest mire.

Your helpful suggestions would be useful to anyone with bodywork problems, not just motorcycles - though perhaps of limited use to the chap looking for a polite way of remarking on his wife's bodywork defects; I believe filler was the last thing on his mind to address those concerns. Still, 'vast assistance' might be stretching it, and don't let it go to your head (so to speak).

I'm sure the OP is guffawing under his bridge at the course of this thread


When most people write a first person fantasy they usually try to make themselves look intelligent.


That doesn't always apply to me. :D

I believe that you are the exception that proves the rule, to use an oft-misunderstood expression, Ian.

Remember, even in first-person fantasies, looks can be deceiving



Where did you meet your 'mia noi' ?

If it were in Pattays Soi 6 then she isn't strictly a 'mia noi' - there is another word for her and if so what do you expect from such a girl that takes you to see her family?


The OP has to be lying. Certainly, its unlikely that a farang could be fleeced by a Thai woman, nor is it likely that Isaan in-laws would be deceptive. These events are unheard of in Thailand. Stop pulling our legs OP. You are really married to an influential Thai Chinese lady, aren't you?


The best one I heard was when my wife hollered from another room "I want your cock in the chicken"

I had a good laugh & finally worked out what she meant. I want you cook in the kitchen. Love these girls.

Imho the OP should find a better job and third mia noi ,and post updates on TV regularly.

Title of the thread, i suggest, "the adventures of soigirlhunter". :):D

I think some nice pictures are required - just to validate the story of course. :D

It's ordinary fiction like this that makes you wish Scampy was back on the forum. :D

Who said he isn't? :D

No intelligent troll's around nowadays... :)

It's ordinary fiction like this that makes you wish Scampy was back on the forum. :D

Who said he isn't? :D

No intelligent troll's around nowadays... :)

Scampy, intelligent, now there's an oxy moron. (sic) :D

Yes, amusing. It belongs in the joke section of this forum. Unbelievable crock to me. Wonder how drunk the OP was when he wrote it.

My thought exactly and I wonder how long it has taken him to discover 'real' Thailand.

He has been living in a bubble and it only takes one prick to burst your bubble.

Dave (nr Buriram)

It beats the shit out of the Glitterman stories.

really??.........Certainly lags far behind regarding originality....... :)

I think the story is true.......if.... for no other reason than I seem to recall mention of this trip by the op some time ago.......

Shows a great deal of inexperience and not much charm.......I doubt anybody would paint the picture of themselves that comes across here, unless they were relating a true tale.



I have a little story to relate for you to ponder, as you play on emotions of others.

I have been around Thailand off and on for decades, and have a pretty good understanding of the culture.

1st do not blame your mia noi for the acts of her family. Anybody that knows this culture, knows the women are not held in much esteem by the families. The loss of a daughter is not considered very important. It took my wife a lot of years to figure out her family did not love her, just her money.

2nd, maybe her feeling are indeed true. And that is a rare gem to find. (I know I have one).

In my wife's village there is a girl (now a middle age woman), who came home 15 years ago in a taxi to get everything ready for her marriage in 5 days. Of course she had no money to pay, but "Dave" would be coming in 2 days, on the train and would pay for everything. A week later, her dirt poor rice farming family scraped enough money together to pay off the cab. We call her the crazy lady, and she still writes letters to Dave 15 years later, or makes little packages of something she sewed, or made to send to Dave. Many many times she has handed me letters or packages to mail to Dave> It does no good to argue, her mind is locked in the past. She speaks pretty good English with a British accent. I tried to hire her (just to help her poor family), but my wife put and end to it when she announced she was going to be my wife. (Back on the medications, that have kept her a zombie for a lot of the past 15 years).

Somehow her mind will not accept that her Quan Tah will never come. I would give anything to know what happened to him...It could have been simply he got lost and could not find the way, or he ran away from somebody that loved him too much????? If it was the latter, then he owes a huge karmic debt for completely ruining this girls life. I am always reminded of the song Delta Dawn when I see her.


Where did the OP go anyway.

I can't see why anyone would want a wife & several giks. It seems like it would be easier as Ian Forbes mentioned if you want to play stay single & go for short times times as many X as needed. Funny the guys that get all the chicks never talk about what a stud they are & usually the guys that need to boost their ego always are trying to come off as a studmuffin.


I know this post could do with dying out now, been around for a while and kept me entertained for a little time. I just wanted to know where the &lt;deleted&gt; the OP got to, would have loved a response. Then again beating women off with a stick probably make him too tired to type.

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