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Why Male Farangs Prefer Asian / Thai Partners


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Most of the pro Asian reasons have been covered. One glaring thing I read is the perception that the Asian women are submissive. If anyone thinks that, they have never met my Thai wife.

What my wife has in abundance is a sense of duty. She takes care of me in bed, keeps a clean house and my clothes are clean and ironed. If I try to wear the same pants two days in a row, she tells me to change because people will think she does not take good care of me.

same same !


Hire a Valet already. (one who spoons :) )... oh my bad, you did didn't you.

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I'm of the opinion that the reason so many foreigners 'prefare' Thai/Asian women is because they get fooled by the packaging.

Packaging can be very important. :D

many guys think ugly-thai- women dont come with baggage. BOY ARE THEY WRONG :):D:D

Edited by kkkq
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No, the main reason for having a Thai partner is because the foreigner can't get any better in their own country. Its so ridiculously hard to find a partner back home. This is cold and hard but it is the truth.

Actually, with the help of the internet its never been easier to find a partner in ones own country. There are scores of single women ready and waiting and only a mouse click away...but they are mainly single mothers...so what does that tell ya???

To my thinking, it's very individual. There differences in culture, appearance, social structure, but in the end, it's still about finding someone you want to be with and have things in common with.

As for western women, at least in the US, I see more women acting as hard and aggressive as most men, which is their prerogative. Perhaps it stems from women's position in the work place, many women are in positions earlier held by men and they oversee men and have to assert themselves to succeed and be promoted. In other instances from the media, there may be more pressure to be assertive and take charge. There are also women who feel they have to make up for past relationship injuries, so they take a proactive, aggressive stance.

Who knows all of the reasons, and does it matter? Do people need deep, in-depth reasons to cross racial and cultural barriers? In the end for some, it may be as simple as enjoying the differences, combined with the interpersonal elements where people find commonality.

Anyone who falls into a relationship purely for physical attraction is more likely to experience disappointment. But that holds true for people from the same culture and race.

very true tbeaver.For me western women have lost their feminine "appeal" Asian women still have that and the roles between husband and wife here are as they were back in the 1950's.I do not begrudge western women their equality with men,in work opportunity,education,finance,but in doing so i feel something is lost in relationships between the sexes in the west.Maybe i am looking at this through "only my generation' and the young men today do not have a problem with the things i obviously do.Give me a relationship with an asian lady any time,she is going to be more feminine,she will defer decisions to me and i always take into account what i think she would really like.I love taking care of her and she takes care of me in the old fashioned sense,the washing/ironing,cleaning and cooking.I love all that and in return she has nothing to worry about financially.call me old fashioned,a male chauvinist,i am all those things but i am a very happy man.

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Most of the pro Asian reasons have been covered. One glaring thing I read is the perception that the Asian women are submissive. If anyone thinks that, they have never met my Thai wife.

What my wife has in abundance is a sense of duty. She takes care of me in bed, keeps a clean house and my clothes are clean and ironed. If I try to wear the same pants two days in a row, she tells me to change because people will think she does not take good care of me.

Nor met my Filipina wife!!! But your comment about 'sense of duty' is spot on, my wife is exactly the same.

Plus, I am a sucker for Asian eyes. Always have been, guess I always will be... :D:)

Edited by jlaaway
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It's not like throngs of non asian women are throwing themselves at me. Jeez. :)

I take it you aren't handsome ( with a whiff of the "bad boy" about you ), have a fantastically paying job with prospects, flash car, big house and are prepared to do the child minding; or if none of the above a pop star or film star with an aura of "bad", but in reality a really nice, caring bloke.

If Mick Jagger was a plumber, or Rod Stewart was a carpenter who liked playing with his model trains, do you think any of those women would be throwing themselves at them???

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Most of the pro Asian reasons have been covered. One glaring thing I read is the perception that the Asian women are submissive. If anyone thinks that, they have never met my Thai wife.

What my wife has in abundance is a sense of duty. She takes care of me in bed, keeps a clean house and my clothes are clean and ironed. If I try to wear the same pants two days in a row, she tells me to change because people will think she does not take good care of me.

I have a maid who does that lol.

My first relationship with a thai was back in uk,and i found out she was a crazy lunatic.Why i came to live in Thailand i never know,after that experience lol.

My gf of 5 years now is the most amazing woman on this planet,so pick the right one and a great life,pick the wrong one and dump her pronto.

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Why Male Farangs Prefer Asian / Thai Partners?

Because we are kind, gentle, caring, understanding, needs low maintenance and our relationship last forever.


Without been disrespectful, i think we should consider (Western women too..) if it is a "side effect" of the Women struggle for parity, which has changed our societies in the last 60/70 years. (For the better, if you ask me)

Personally i find Asian Ladies in general more suitable for a long time relationship, one of the reason may be that i have no longer expectations in relationships, but again, could be just a trend of the moment.

IMO, the only thing which has changed for the better is that women have other options than teaching and nursing, and don't HAVE to get married ( so why do they continue to marry such obviously poor choices? ). In fact, they have created a rod for their own backs, as no longer are they just a housewife, but now they are a housewife and a worker. No wonder they are so unhappy.

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I prefer Asian women because I prefer pretty, feminine, petit women that understand men and women are equal but different and know that some honey gets them more than some PC BS. Not many of those in the west, in my experience.

The other day a very long time ( platonic ) western female friend berated me because I let it slip that my TGF wears sexy clothes when we go out, because "I want her to". Horrors, bring out the stocks and beat me because I like my GF to be sexy!

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The West is still stuck in the old role model taught by feminism and political correctness. This is a relict from the communist movements of the 60s and 70s. Women are supposed to be tough and strong like a man, while men are supposed to be weak like a wet towel.

There is a general anti-male attitude in the West, and the legal system is totally disastrous. The majority of marriages end after a few years where the woman departs with most of the man's assets.

Men in the West do well not to get married there or found a family. It shows already in the birthrates, which are the lowest in the world.

Of course, there are still functioning relationships in the West, despite all the propaganda and reeducation. But the young Western man who believes "my woman is different", is quite similarly naive to the farang who believes "my Nana girl is different". Occasionally, but not often, they are right.

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Most of the pro Asian reasons have been covered. One glaring thing I read is the perception that the Asian women are submissive. If anyone thinks that, they have never met my Thai wife.

What my wife has in abundance is a sense of duty. She takes care of me in bed, keeps a clean house and my clothes are clean and ironed. If I try to wear the same pants two days in a row, she tells me to change because people will think she does not take good care of me.

Nor met my Filipina wife!!! But your comment about 'sense of duty' is spot on, my wife is exactly the same.

Plus, I am a sucker for Asian eyes. Always have been, guess I always will be... :D:)

That long black hair does it for me!

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I prefer Asian women because I prefer pretty, feminine, petit women that understand men and women are equal but different and know that some honey gets them more than some PC BS. Not many of those in the west, in my experience.

The other day a very long time ( platonic ) western female friend berated me because I let it slip that my TGF wears sexy clothes when we go out, because "I want her to". Horrors, bring out the stocks and beat me because I like my GF to be sexy!

You are not aroused by cellulite?

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Most of the pro Asian reasons have been covered. One glaring thing I read is the perception that the Asian women are submissive. If anyone thinks that, they have never met my Thai wife.

What my wife has in abundance is a sense of duty. She takes care of me in bed, keeps a clean house and my clothes are clean and ironed. If I try to wear the same pants two days in a row, she tells me to change because people will think she does not take good care of me.

same same !


Hire a Valet already. (one who spoons :) )... oh my bad, you did didn't you.

I was married to a western woman for 15 years. She told me in the beginning of our relationship that she couldn’t get pregnant because of a tipped uterus. I believe she thought this to be the case. I married her when she got pregnant. That was the only reason, although I liked her I would never have married her except I don’t believe in abortion and I was not ready to leave her alone with child.

She was a smart woman. She had a lot of common sense. She told me at the end of our relationship that I needed a maid who liked sex and not a wife.

When I got to Thailand and learned to speak a little Thai I wrote a small add that I printed on index cards. It was an advertisement for a live in maid. It specified hours, wages and days off and sleeping arrangements.

As I made my way through Thai life and a woman would ask me what I was looking for I would show her the ad.

Time passed and I became more serious about finding a person to fill the position. I began asking people at shops that I traded with like the laundry and hair salon and retail shops where I knew the clerks on a first name basis.

This led to a number of interviews and eventually I met one person in her late 30’s that seemed to fill the bill.

Turns out she liked sex more than she liked cleaning so my house is not as neat as I might like it. But I am coping.

I don’t think this approach to finding a woman would have worked in the west so I ended up with an Asian woman.

My ex wife was a smart woman. She was right. What I wanted was a maid who liked sex. Although I would be less than honest if I didn’t tell you that I am having some problems with my maids perception of her maid status. And I don’t think maids are supposed to tell you they love you every day. Although maybe it is a Thai thing.

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The West is still stuck in the old role model taught by feminism and political correctness. This is a relict from the communist movements of the 60s and 70s. Women are supposed to be tough and strong like a man, while men are supposed to be weak like a wet towel.

There is a general anti-male attitude in the West, and the legal system is totally disastrous. The majority of marriages end after a few years where the woman departs with most of the man's assets.

Men in the West do well not to get married there or found a family. It shows already in the birthrates, which are the lowest in the world.

Of course, there are still functioning relationships in the West, despite all the propaganda and reeducation. But the young Western man who believes "my woman is different", is quite similarly naive to the farang who believes "my Nana girl is different". Occasionally, but not often, they are right.

Just count up how many TV ads belittle men, and you will get some idea of the anti male bias prevelant in the media.

I believe the rot set in when teaching ceased to be a profession of choice for men, and now there are no male role models in so many children's lives.

Just wait till men are no longer needed to fertilise women! Asians may be the ONLY women prepared to marry farangs.

Incidentally, now that women raise children, often alone, teachers are mainly women, lawmakers and the judiciary are increasingly women, why are young males still so violent towards women? Methinks it's all gone wrong!

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No, the main reason for having a Thai partner is because the foreigner can't get any better in their own country. Its so ridiculously hard to find a partner back home. This is cold and hard but it is the truth.

Actually, with the help of the internet its never been easier to find a partner in ones own country. There are scores of single women ready and waiting and only a mouse click away...but they are mainly single mothers...so what does that tell ya???

That there are lots of single fathers also on the same merry-go-round ?

Strangely enough, there is a difference spending time with a fat ugly moaning bitch in a cold country, compared to spending time with a hot beautiful moaning bitch in a warm country... :)
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And only this week we have a thread running on domestic violence by Thai women. Another day we have threads on their tantrums and/or silent sulks.

I'm of the opinion that the reason so many foreigners 'prefare' Thai/Asian women is because they get fooled by the packaging.

Guesthouse... wiser words were never written.... every woman has her promotion.... Thai women KNOW what farang men want, so they promote themselves based on their sensuality, warmth, willingness to do everything, willingness to accept any fault for a short time... then after a while, and especially when money is involved, or food is involved, or culture is involved... then the party and promotion are over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No, the main reason for having a Thai partner is because the foreigner can't get any better in their own country. Its so ridiculously hard to find a partner back home. This is cold and hard but it is the truth.

Actually, with the help of the internet its never been easier to find a partner in ones own country. There are scores of single women ready and waiting and only a mouse click away...but they are mainly single mothers...so what does that tell ya???

That there are lots of single fathers also on the same merry-go-round ?

Strangely enough, there is a difference spending time with a fat ugly moaning bitch in a cold country, compared to spending time with a hot beautiful moaning bitch in a warm country... :)

Yes, that is strange, LOL.

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I prefer Asian women because I prefer pretty, feminine, petit women that understand men and women are equal but different and know that some honey gets them more than some PC BS. Not many of those in the west, in my experience.

The other day a very long time ( platonic ) western female friend berated me because I let it slip that my TGF wears sexy clothes when we go out, because "I want her to". Horrors, bring out the stocks and beat me because I like my GF to be sexy!

I'm in your corner... you do whatever you want.. don't let any feminist tell you how to behave.... most are asexual anyway and look like men.

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I prefer Asian women because I prefer pretty, feminine, petit women that understand men and women are equal but different and know that some honey gets them more than some PC BS. Not many of those in the west, in my experience.

The other day a very long time ( platonic ) western female friend berated me because I let it slip that my TGF wears sexy clothes when we go out, because "I want her to". Horrors, bring out the stocks and beat me because I like my GF to be sexy!

I'm in your corner... you do whatever you want.. don't let any feminist tell you how to behave.... most are asexual anyway and look like men.

I do, and I don't.

I used to be in awe of western women. That stopped pretty much after I started working in a female dominated occupation. I twigged pretty fast that while women don't ( usually ) threaten others with physical violence, they are right up there with verbal violence, and as for being the "caring" sex, rubbish!

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maybe its becuase they are so easy to find,the track record is not good for such relationship. personlly i would rather have a steady relationship with a western lady, who i think i know and understand. having said that i have been with same Thai lady eight years which is how long i have lived here, not really much option in that situation as i found out they simply will not leave you alone when they know you live by yourself. i find Asians physically more attractive, but will never beleive they see us anything more than away of improving their and their families fianancial siuation. IMHO

I agree completely. That is why I no longer WANT a serious relationship. I could have been married at least 10 times over if I wanted to. For me, it's just too much bother. I much prefer my freedom and let the ladies have theirs. I wouldn't want a young woman in the prime of her life to have to look after me when I could no longer perform like a man. I'll leave that up to some Canadian hospital... if I don't get killed riding my motorbike in Thailand first. I make it quite clear to my Thai lady friends that I'm not getting married, and anything we do together is only for a short time. I actually encourage them to find some nice young guy and get married. But, until that happens we enjoy our time together and I help them out as best I can. Do I love them? No, but I really do care for them in a sort of combination of father, lover and brotherly way. Besides my lovers I have a bunch of women who I have a platonic relationship with. We can be friends and hang out together to chat, or go for hikes, go fishing, go to movies or out to supper with. But at the end of the day I go happily home alone.

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Foreigners are fat and ugly and they can't get chicks in their own country. They don't have money and education either but thai girls still think that the average foreigner with tattoo is smarter then Einstein. Foreigners know that and they prey on that. That's why..

Topic closed now!

not true, if you read the beginning

signed: the majority are not as you describe

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The West is still stuck in the old role model taught by feminism and political correctness. This is a relict from the communist movements of the 60s and 70s. Women are supposed to be tough and strong like a man, while men are supposed to be weak like a wet towel.

There is a general anti-male attitude in the West, and the legal system is totally disastrous. The majority of marriages end after a few years where the woman departs with most of the man's assets.

Men in the West do well not to get married there or found a family. It shows already in the birthrates, which are the lowest in the world.

Of course, there are still functioning relationships in the West, despite all the propaganda and reeducation. But the young Western man who believes "my woman is different", is quite similarly naive to the farang who believes "my Nana girl is different". Occasionally, but not often, they are right.

Just count up how many TV ads belittle men, and you will get some idea of the anti male bias prevelant in the media.

I believe the rot set in when teaching ceased to be a profession of choice for men, and now there are no male role models in so many children's lives.

Just wait till men are no longer needed to fertilise women! Asians may be the ONLY women prepared to marry farangs.

Incidentally, now that women raise children, often alone, teachers are mainly women, lawmakers and the judiciary are increasingly women, why are young males still so violent towards women? Methinks it's all gone wrong!

You said a mouthful there, thaibeachlovers. It is the one thing that bothers me most about tv ads. I think at least 50% of all ads make men out to be fools... in what someone thinks is humour but is actually a form of castration. If they did the same about women in the ads there would be a riot. And, it has backfired. Men are becoming increasingly less chivalrous towards women.

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The vast majority of human beings marry (or form serious relationships with) a counterpart from their own ethnic/cultural grouping.

Mixed relationships form a tiny minority in global terms.

It always gravitates toward a mix. That is why there is not just one race in the world in the first place.

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No, the main reason for having a Thai partner is because the foreigner can't get any better in their own country. Its so ridiculously hard to find a partner back home. This is cold and hard but it is the truth.

Some guys don't feel that they get appreciated enough by their western counterparts. I never had more of a problem with western women then when I was with one. I had a hot blonde western GF. Never again, never ever again.

White 'career' American chicks are the bottom of the barrel marriage-wise.

Foreign women from South America, Eastern Europe, and Asia are at the top. Only guys who travel (in other words, guys who are successful and ambitious enough to travel a lot) find these. But they never, ever go back.

Edited by sokal
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The vast majority of human beings marry (or form serious relationships with) a counterpart from their own ethnic/cultural grouping.

Mixed relationships form a tiny minority in global terms.

Perhaps because the vast majority never have the option of working/ moving ( legally ) to another country. As the ( human ) world becomes increasingly mobile, I'd expect that to change.

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I agree completely. That is why I no longer WANT a serious relationship. I could have been married at least 10 times over if I wanted to. For me, it's just too much bother. I much prefer my freedom and let the ladies have theirs. I wouldn't want a young woman in the prime of her life to have to look after me when I could no longer perform like a man. I'll leave that up to some Canadian hospital... if I don't get killed riding my motorbike in Thailand first. I make it quite clear to my Thai lady friends that I'm not getting married, and anything we do together is only for a short time. I actually encourage them to find some nice young guy and get married. But, until that happens we enjoy our time together and I help them out as best I can. Do I love them? No, but I really do care for them in a sort of combination of father, lover and brotherly way. Besides my lovers I have a bunch of women who I have a platonic relationship with. We can be friends and hang out together to chat, or go for hikes, go fishing, go to movies or out to supper with. But at the end of the day I go happily home alone.

If you are seriously happy with this "freedom" good on you.I seem to need someone to live with/share my life,and keep me warm every night,and it has been much easier to find this happiness here in asia than back home.

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Why Male Farangs Prefer Asian / Thai Partners?

Because we are kind, gentle, caring, understanding, needs low maintenance and our relationship last forever.


Without been disrespectful, i think we should consider (Western women too..) if it is a "side effect" of the Women struggle for parity, which has changed our societies in the last 60/70 years. (For the better, if you ask me)

Personally i find Asian Ladies in general more suitable for a long time relationship, one of the reason may be that i have no longer expectations in relationships, but again, could be just a trend of the moment.

A lot of Western women hold themselves as the pure center of the relationship. If the men don't fit a rigid and unrealistic criteria or she doesn't feel the man can take care of her enough (even if she has a higher paying job) then she will drop him like a hot potato, regardless of his character or commitment to the relationship.

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in regards to advertising that rubbishes/puts down men,maybe 'what goes round comes round" for decades women have been depicted as sex objects to sell products,so now its our turn.

What!!!!! Do you think being depicted as fools is the same as being a sex object? If the ads were depicting men as sex gods, I doubt I'd be complaining.

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