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Thai Army Tells Red Shirts To Disperse From Rally Base

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1 dead

Sad indeed

Bombing a train is terrorism.

Yes it is. And the red leaders had threatened to do this before. They are going for broke. Of course it was the reds who did the bombing. Can there be any question?

Amazing that some people can write, but they can't read. Nobody bombed a train.

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Are you suggesting red shirts are behind these attacks? Please, give me a break. They have even asked for UN peacekeepers to protect them from the government. When they asked in parliament for an INDEPENDENT investigation into the April 10 killings, the Abhisit coalition declined. I wonder why? It doesn't take Einstein to see what's happening here.

My suggestion? Put UN peacekeepers on the streets and then launch an independent investigation into the killings. Whatever the outcome, we'll have some clear evidence and no more killings without a face.

You do remember when, who was it, Arisman or Jatuporn, called on the Reds to attack the BTS system a couple of weeks ago? Since at least one grenade (the type that the Reds are known to have) landed on the BTS Silom staton, it doesn't take Einstein to put two and two together.

BTW, the real Che must be rolling over in his grave that the supporter of a movement headed by a capitalist of the worst order has purloined his name :)


Bombs going off, grenades fired, someone killed, more injured.


The time for pussy footing about is long gone, time they pulled their collective fingers out of their <deleted> and got this shit sorted out.

Bloodshed comming for sure :)


see, the difference is... - _you're_ BOTH a) clueless & B) into excitement. thanks for a useless post.

1 dead

Sad indeed

Bombing a train is terrorism.

Yes it is. And the red leaders had threatened to do this before. They are going for broke. Of course it was the reds who did the bombing. Can there be any question?

Amazing that some people can write, but they can't read. Nobody bombed a train.

They bombed a station. People are dead. Now the entire city will be afraid to ride transport whether it is open or not. That, sir Che, is classic textbook TERRORISM. I am disgusted with the western governments for not seeing this for what it is. Red shirt terrorism.


Do you think for one second a court injunction would stop the reds from firing grenades at the skytrain or doing anything they want to? Of course not, they don't believe in the law. Gen Anupong has failed to do his duty and the blood of innocent bystanders has been shed. Not "innocent" protesters, but people who just want to go to their homes in safety.

I can't wait to hear the red supporting westerners justify firing 40mm grenades at bangkok citizens at silom, on the BTS pad, at women... I think that should pretty much settle this argument over what to do with the remaining barricaded thugs.

I know that I have 6 female friends in Si lom protesting tonight against the Reds. They come form all areas of Thailand... If they are hurt...

Are you suggesting red shirts are behind these attacks? Please, give me a break. They have even asked for UN peacekeepers to protect them from the government. When they asked in parliament for an INDEPENDENT investigation into the April 10 killings, the Abhisit coalition declined. I wonder why? It doesn't take Einstein to see what's happening here.

My suggestion? Put UN peacekeepers on the streets and then launch an independent investigation into the killings. Whatever the outcome, we'll have some clear evidence and no more killings without a face.

Sorry but "face" is Asia. That's the first rule one learns when they live here a while. If that was a mistype on your part, then explain what a face is. I regret the latter part of this sentence as it opens the door for you to respond.

The UN isn't going to deploy troops in Thailand. You and the desperate Dear Leader must be sharing the same pipe. It was their (the Reds) suggestion and not yours. So your suggestion is pointless.

No one wants killings do they... but your avatar sort of negates your claim.

Sorry to post my opinion out of sequence with your comment... I read it backwards...it almost makes sense that way.

Cheers, Hummy

Bombs going off, grenades fired, someone killed, more injured.


The time for pussy footing about is long gone, time they pulled their collective fingers out of their <deleted> and got this shit sorted out.

Bloodshed comming for sure :)

Al Jazeera reporting that the security forces immediately GOT ON THE LOUDSPEAKER and blamed the red side for the grenades - something they haven't done before. I find that interesting. Red leadership condemning the attacks. Predictable I suppose. Personally I wouldn't take anything at face value in this standoff.

They bombed a station. People are dead. Now the entire city will be afraid to ride transport whether it is open or not. That, sir Che, is classic textbook TERRORISM. I am disgusted with the western governments for not seeing this for what it is. Red shirt terrorism.

Do you have a source for your statements? Or are they simply lies? Because nobody has shown any evidence that the red shirts have bombed anything. You're just assuming that. Or do you have proof? If so, show it please.

Do you think for one second a court injunction would stop the reds from firing grenades at the skytrain or doing anything they want to? Of course not, they don't believe in the law. Gen Anupong has failed to do his duty and the blood of innocent bystanders has been shed. Not "innocent" protesters, but people who just want to go to their homes in safety.

The injunction says the security forces cant use weapons against anyone. Kinda ironic on a day when war weapons are used on the people

I can't wait to hear the red supporting westerners justify firing 40mm grenades at bangkok citizens at silom, on the BTS pad, at women... I think that should pretty much settle this argument over what to do with the remaining barricaded thugs.

I know that I have 6 female friends in Si lom protesting tonight against the Reds. They come form all areas of Thailand... If they are hurt...

Are you suggesting red shirts are behind these attacks? Please, give me a break. They have even asked for UN peacekeepers to protect them from the government. When they asked in parliament for an INDEPENDENT investigation into the April 10 killings, the Abhisit coalition declined. I wonder why? It doesn't take Einstein to see what's happening here.

My suggestion? Put UN peacekeepers on the streets and then launch an independent investigation into the killings. Whatever the outcome, we'll have some clear evidence and no more killings without a face.

Are you really that naive or just being sarcastic??? The reds going to the UN was the most pathetic display of hypocritical behaviour and blatent showmanship I have ever seen.

The reds declare war, refuse peace talks, refuse to disperse, fire on the army and attack civilians and you expect us or the rest of the world to believe they want/need protection? From who? Themselves or their leaders that are so ready to lead them to the slaughter (from their safe locations far in the rear)?

You must be counting on the old saying "if you tell a lie, no matter how unbelievable, long enough people will believe it". The only problem is there are far more people telling the truth here so the red lies will never be accepted as truth by the rest of Thai society or the rest of the world.

Go Home you thugs !!!!

We'd have more safety in Bangkok if there were UN peacekeepers, as the red shirts have requested. The government has obviously lost control over the safety of its own people.

Oh now they need the UN. :)

"UN is not my father" -- in a reply to a reporter when asked to comment on the Human Rights Office of the UN going to send officers to observe the implementation of the Thai Anti-drug scheme. [March 2003]



i wanna share a twiiter post by a western "journalist" during last hours, he said:

"Red shirts playing rock music and firing bottle rockets and other fireworks over barricade toward Silom."

sound like rock'n'roll & big fun, chai mai?

They bombed a station. People are dead. Now the entire city will be afraid to ride transport whether it is open or not. That, sir Che, is classic textbook TERRORISM. I am disgusted with the western governments for not seeing this for what it is. Red shirt terrorism.

Do you have a source for your statements? Or are they simply lies? Because nobody has shown any evidence that the red shirts have bombed anything. You're just assuming that. Or do you have proof? If so, show it please.

Che you're a sad, dumb, ignorant idiot. I assume Grandpops is senile, what's your excuse?

They bombed a station. People are dead. Now the entire city will be afraid to ride transport whether it is open or not. That, sir Che, is classic textbook TERRORISM. I am disgusted with the western governments for not seeing this for what it is. Red shirt terrorism.

Do you have a source for your statements? Or are they simply lies? Because nobody has shown any evidence that the red shirts have bombed anything. You're just assuming that. Or do you have proof? If so, show it please.

Che you can sit around and ask for proof and I agree with you but basically people are already blaming the red for this. It will be hard for them wth a tide of anger and blame in a place they arent popular

Good thing is the army seem to have caught some of those reposible.

I finally joined the matrix... now i understand why folk like twitter...

check out these tweets.


photo_journ #yellowshirts firing marbles at #redshirts in hospital. Chopper overhead @ silom

Excellent. That's just the kind of information I want to be receiving. I am going to join Twitter now too. Hope I can figure out how to get the same feed (or whatever it is called) as you showed. Thanks wr.

Do you think for one second a court injunction would stop the reds from firing grenades at the skytrain or doing anything they want to? Of course not, they don't believe in the law. Gen Anupong has failed to do his duty and the blood of innocent bystanders has been shed. Not "innocent" protesters, but people who just want to go to their homes in safety.

The injunction says the security forces cant use weapons against anyone. Kinda ironic on a day when war weapons are used on the people

Surely no court of law would prevent the police from responding to an act of terrorism. Declare martial law. The court decision came out before the Reds started killing civilians, I think the rules have changed now. Under martial law they have the right to act, they should do it.

I finally joined the matrix... now i understand why folk like twitter...

check out these tweets.


photo_journ #yellowshirts firing marbles at #redshirts in hospital. Chopper overhead @ silom

Thnx White Russian....

Disturbing; "A farang on the red stage calling Sansern a liar".....you got to be f***ing kidding me. If it's true he's a pr*ck of the highest order.


There is no evidence that it was Red Shirts. Certainly, the government benefits in terms of PR from this happening.

Just last week, people were saying that the Red Shirts deliberately killed their own supporters in order to stir up hatred towards the Thai government.

There is no evidence that it was Red Shirts. Certainly, the government benefits in terms of PR from this happening.

Just last week, people were saying that the Red Shirts deliberately killed their own supporters in order to stir up hatred towards the Thai government.

Truth never has mattered on any side of this and never will. Cynical but true. Whoever can lie their way to victory will


Its starting to get scary I hope the army shows restraint. The reds have a legitimate cause this govt came to power unelected, Iis Thailand a Democracy or dictatorship?

They bombed a station. People are dead. Now the entire city will be afraid to ride transport whether it is open or not. That, sir Che, is classic textbook TERRORISM. I am disgusted with the western governments for not seeing this for what it is. Red shirt terrorism.

Do you have a source for your statements? Or are they simply lies? Because nobody has shown any evidence that the red shirts have bombed anything. You're just assuming that. Or do you have proof? If so, show it please.

There's no proof for anything at this stage, so comments like "red shirt terrorism" or "it was obviously not the red shirts" are stupid.

The fact is the red shirts have been preaching violence for 2 weeks now and the army and multi-colors have raised the tension considerably. I for one am not surprised this has happened. It was inevitable. Let's just hope something positive can happen before it gets worse.

Che you can sit around and ask for proof and I agree with you but basically people are already blaming the red for this. It will be hard for them wth a tide of anger and blame in a place they arent popular

Good thing is the army seem to have caught some of those reposible.

Within minutes, the army jumped on loudspeakers and blamed the red shirts. And now they've arrested what ...4 people? Surely red shirts. Probably not the people that launched the bombs, but probably the 4 nearest red shirts they could grab, minus the red shirt that was at the SkyTrain station and was beaten almost to death by a pink shirt and is now in a hospital, that is.

Urgent: Five suspects have been taken by troops and sent to Thung Mahamek police station. (via @Neaw_NBC)
# 20 injured at Chula (3 serious), 18 at Lertsin (2 serious), 31 at Bangkok Christian (5 serious) 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck
Thnx White Russian....

Disturbing; "A farang on the red stage calling Sansern a liar".....you got to be f***ing kidding me. If it's true he's a pr*ck of the highest order.

I wonder which our resident ThaiVisa Thaksinites it is? :)

<deleted> does THIS mean ?

TAN network: INN: Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

Civil Court Grants Injunction Against Using Violence to Disperse Rally

UPDATE : 22 April 2010

The Civil Court has granted an injunction which prevents Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and security officials from using force to disperse the red shirt rally. The court order indicates that officials can only disperse the protest by using softer measures, gradually moving towards stricter measures.


-- Tan Network 2010.04.22


Interestingly enough, the government has already used the internationally accepted softer measures, ramping them up slowly, and basically got the crap beat out of them.

Seems to me the Civil Court is forcing the government's hand. It takes too long to appeal the injunction. Probably the only logical timely step is to declare Martial Law.

Then watch out.

If they impose that in BKK and go after the red shirts with big-time weaponry, and there's something even remotely resembling a rout, the numbers of red shirts in the other cities and major towns will come out.

Mass insurrection, perhaps leading to civil war? Gawd, I'd hate to be in Abhisit's shoes right now.

{edit: grammar}

this is going to be a repeat of the april 10 violence..


And this was before this latest stuff. Meltdown

Over the past week, however, Thailand's gentle smile has become a grimace, and its welcome mat is stained with blood. On Saturday April 10, violence erupted between soldiers and anti-government protesters in Bangkok, leaving 24 dead and over 800 injured. No one is sure when and how the current political crisis will end. But the effect on tourism is expected to be devastating. Finance minister Korn Chatikavanij predicted that tourist arrivals will be "decimated," and warned that the country could lose two percentage points off its projected 5% GDP growth for the year if order is not rapidly restored. The cost of the political turmoil has yet to be tallied, but more than 70 charter flights hauling tourists from China have been canceled. Federation of Thai Tourism Association President Charoen Wanganon told the Bangkok Post that hotel occupancy in Bangkok had dropped by at least 30% for this time of year.

For hotels near the protest sites, however, the occupancy rate is zero. "This hotel is closed," said a black clad security guard from behind a red metal barrier in front of Bangkok's posh Greek-columned Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel. "No one can check in. Only check out." Nearby, at the luxurious Four Seasons, Buddhist monks who joined the protest have strung up clothes lines across the manicured entrance garden and are drying their freshly laundered saffron robes. Both hotels are situated near an intersection occupied by tens of thousands of anti-government protesters known as the Red Shirts for the color they wear. The intersection, called Rajaprasong, is the capital's main commercial junction, home to six major shopping malls, several five-star hotels, office buildings housing many of Thailand's top local and international firms, and other businesses, most of which have completely shut down.


# Urgent : one injured Thai man has been pronounced dead at Chula Hospital. 7 minutes ago via TweetDeck

# RT @veen_NT: RT @kinovino: From colleague: an Australian man was badly injured. His name is Ben. 8 minutes ago via TweetDeck

Its starting to get scary I hope the army shows restraint. The reds have a legitimate cause this govt came to power unelected, Iis Thailand a Democracy or dictatorship?

Hey Banff, are you new here or just ignorant of the facts. Learn what you are talking about at least before making your comments public. Do not trust everything your Isaan gf tells you. I hope you are not from Canada as you make us all look stupid with your comments.

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