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Red Shirts' Bangkok Fortress Becomes Tourist Hot Spot

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Red Shirts' Bangkok fortress becomes tourist hot spot - Scene

by Rachel O'Brien

BANGKOK (AFP) -- Barricades of tyres and sharpened bamboo sticks mark the perimeter of a sprawling protest camp in central Bangkok that has become a no-go area for police but an unexpected tourist attraction.

Curious foreign visitors snap photos amid the razor wire even as red-shirted demonstrators defy a threatened crackdown, railing against the government through loudspeakers while troops and riot police watch from a distance.

The vast encampment is a virtual state-within-a-state, managed by a legion of black-shirted security guards who confidently operate checkpoints, direct traffic and frisk those seeking entry.

By night the standoff in the heart of the Thai capital between anti-government campaigners and armed security forces becomes rowdy and tense, with numbers swelling on both sides.

On Wednesday evening scuffles broke out between the red-shirted protesters and hundreds of rival government supporters, with bottles, stones and firecrackers hurled across enemy lines.

But during the day, tourists like Brian Holdridge from the United States happily snap photos of posing "Red Shirts" at their lively rally encampment, brushing off his girlfriend's fears things could turn violent.

"I don't feel threatened whatsoever. Everybody is very friendly, offering around free food," said the 32-year-old IT salesman, as nearby two grinning backpackers took a souvenir photo with protesters in signature scarlet garb.

The Reds' mass rallies, demanding snap elections to oust a government that they say is undemocratic and elitist, erupted in mid-March and descended into fierce clashes with security forces on April 10 that left 25 people dead.

Despite fears of an imminent army crackdown on the protesters, who have paralysed a four kilometre (2.5 mile) stretch of Bangkok's retail hub for days, inquisitive foreigners have ignored widespread warnings to stay away.

"I've been to a lot of music festivals in America and this has the same feel," Holdridge said, as he wandered near the noisy main rally stage, strung with a large banner saying: "Welcome to Thailand. We just want democracy".

As defiant Reds began to sharpen bamboo sticks, erect barricades and stockpile broken paving stones on fears of a crackdown, a Western diplomat in Bangkok said it was "common sense" that foreigners should steer clear.

"There are obviously dangers and it's not prudent to do this catastrophe tourist thing," said the diplomat who declined to be named, adding that foreigners could also face insurance problems if they ignored warnings.

"If they aren't in accordance with the travel advice of their respective countries they are on their own."

But some tourists -- who are allowed to pass freely through the barricades -- shrugged off the security concerns.

"They told us to stay away from such places but I don't think it's dangerous," said visiting German Jorgen Mutter, 42, as he bought a donut from a protest vendor for his tanned, sarong-wearing girlfriend.

Tens of thousands of Reds, mostly from the impoverished north, are massed inside the camp near the financial district, where troops were deployed on the streets Monday for the first time since the April 10 clashes in the old city.

On the nearby Patpong nightlife strip, sex tourists have largely been replaced by troops patrolling its neon-lit alleys armed with assault rifles.

While some curious tourists chose the protest site over the city's river tours and temple trips, many had no choice but to leave the commercial zone due to the closure of 13 hotels and five department stores.

"The reason we are suspending is to make safety a priority for our guests and employees," said Pam Nopasri, marketing director for the capital's ritzy Intercontinental Hotel and the Holiday Inn.


-- ©Copyright AFP 2010-04-22

Published with written approval from AFP.


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I walked in and around the place on Wednesday night and saw very few other foreigners besides myself.

The most interesting thing I saw was the carnival type games where you knock down cans with the PM's face with tennis balls or with a slingshot. The political caricatures of the PM were also crude but funny. Most people seemed friendly but there were some unwelcoming glares from some of the older guys. I just kept smiling and nodding as I walked around taking pictures. I didn't do any touristy type posing with them whatsoever.

One guy chatted me up and told me he thinks it will be over by next week. He wanted my opinion on the matter and all I said was I don't know enough about Thai politics to make an informed opinion on the matter :)


I tried to go into Redland this morning but was told that farangs were not welcome any more.

First the black shirt and red scarf Khmer rouge uniform and now the attitude.


When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

I think you mean they will make very awkward witnesses to your cause.

How dare they get in the middle and disprove all the propaganda like that, how dare they. They are disproving the case of the CRES with every photo they take, every comment they make.

So, what do you yellows think now CRES is running the show? Is it all you wanted it to be that a man who should have been banned years ago, brought down his own PM (last time) got banned again for what I can see was much worse than what Samaak did but didn't go, got fired last week my Abhisit and still calls the shots from his bunker with his Elite Army Corps round him.

Nice guy and am sure you will get the Democrats elected in double quick time with him at the helm. Mind you, its getting nasty now on TV .. Al Jazeera gave the PAD a real hiding on a 40 minute special this morning. LM charges in the pipeline.... you bet. Even some of the English Language program Thai presenters were against them.

"They told us to stay away from such places but I don't think it's dangerous," said visiting German Jorgen Mutter, 42, as he bought a donut from a protest vendor for his tanned, sarong-wearing girlfriend.

Is this a typo? :)


Somehow I believe that only the most "ugly" Americans could be so stupid, or have such a poor grasp of reality to think what is happening in Bangkok is something for their entertainment. Sort of like being present for the filming of a reality TV show.


I wonder why Grandpops and his ilk are not already participating in the Red Shirt Brigade demonstration as their rhetoric in support of the Red Shirt Brigade and the out and out condemnation of anything or any one who may be opposed to the Red Shirt Brigade is indeed interesting if somewhat pathetic.

Armchair critics and heroes all of you, if push comes to shove any of you willing to go and throw your hats into the ring ?

If this country and its political machinations are so distasteful to you why are you all still here ?

Perhaps the life style you so often accuse others of following is perhaps your lifestyle too.


"I've been to a lot of music festivals in America and this has the same feel," Holdridge said, as he wandered near the noisy main rally stage ..."

It might have the same feel now Mr Holdridge but let's just hope for your sake things don't kick off while you're down there. MIght not be quite so much fun when the sharpened bamboo poles, grenades and bullets start flying. Jeeeez ... some people!!

I wonder why Grandpops and his ilk are not already participating in the Red Shirt Brigade demonstration as their rhetoric in support of the Red Shirt Brigade and the out and out condemnation of anything or any one who may be opposed to the Red Shirt Brigade is indeed interesting if somewhat pathetic.

Armchair critics and heroes all of you, if push comes to shove any of you willing to go and throw your hats into the ring ?

If this country and its political machinations are so distasteful to you why are you all still here ?

Perhaps the life style you so often accuse others of following is perhaps your lifestyle too.



When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

I think you mean they will make very awkward witnesses to your cause.

How dare they get in the middle and disprove all the propaganda like that, how dare they. They are disproving the case of the CRES with every photo they take, every comment they make.

So, what do you yellows think now CRES is running the show? Is it all you wanted it to be that a man who should have been banned years ago, brought down his own PM (last time) got banned again for what I can see was much worse than what Samaak did but didn't go, got fired last week my Abhisit and still calls the shots from his bunker with his Elite Army Corps round him.

Nice guy and am sure you will get the Democrats elected in double quick time with him at the helm. Mind you, its getting nasty now on TV .. Al Jazeera gave the PAD a real hiding on a 40 minute special this morning. LM charges in the pipeline.... you bet. Even some of the English Language program Thai presenters were against them.

What a moron.

Where did I offer any support for reds or yellows. They can all go and jump as far as I am concerned. I mentioned idiot foreigners risking their lives running around a location everyone is telling them to stay away from and an moron like you starts adding ideas to it that are not there. If you are a genuine red shirt support you are doing your cause more hard than good with such pathetic attempts to alter what has been said.


I'm sure the reds don't mind having a few foreigners around. When they get killed it'll be wonderful headlines for their cause and they can blame the PM and moan about how they were being peaceful. For that kind of publicity farangs should be eligible for at least 1000 baht per day compensation. Just head to the main stage and ask for your per diem.

I wonder why Grandpops and his ilk are not already participating in the Red Shirt Brigade demonstration as their rhetoric in support of the Red Shirt Brigade and the out and out condemnation of anything or any one who may be opposed to the Red Shirt Brigade is indeed interesting if somewhat pathetic.

Armchair critics and heroes all of you, if push comes to shove any of you willing to go and throw your hats into the ring ?

If this country and its political machinations are so distasteful to you why are you all still here ?

Perhaps the life style you so often accuse others of following is perhaps your lifestyle too.



I saw a beach once. Think it was when I lived in Pattaya. If you go down to beach road (rather aptly named don't you think) its on the opposite side to the bars. I told my friend but he still doesn't believe me.

A few foreigners were injured during the Silom fracas yesterday, including an Australian.

That's what happens when you tell a red "That's not a knife......"

But seriously I know that here the dingos won't eat your baby but stay away from Silom after dark, there not just shooting ping pong balls anymore.


Perhaps not great thinking by those going but TIT.It is also, I conjecture, part the Red's plan to dispel the perception that they are all hooligans or "terrorists'.

I am not saying either way but with the world watching, The Reds are picking up the media campaign at the moment.

Yesterday there were hints of compromise by the Reds given coverage on the BBC and Reuters for example and I have just watched an Al Jezeera report that led with pictures of happy campers on motorbikes with those clappy things, none of that 'thug' look, on their way to the UN to present their petition, which then cut to shots from Khon Kaen showing soldiers relaxing and laughing under a train with the red shirts, again the happy clappy variety...no mention of terrorists, hiding in their midst. I will be shouted down but internationally I get no impression that the thug element has been bought and I say this again, any mention of "terrorist" is always heavily qualified by the journalists as being a government and government term only. :)


All is calm at the moment, but wait till the pressure is ratched up a little more on both sides, desperate means lead to desperate ends.

The Red Shirt Brigade leaders are in a ''back to the wall situation'' they can't call the demonstration off as the big boss won't allow them to do so, they themselves are deeply mired in trouble and they know if it comes to a head they are done for.

They have had the chance to talk but their rhetoric was violent no compromise no quarter given to the government, that means no quarter given to them.

Jutaporn once parliament is dissolved his immunity to arrest prosecution ceases, Arisman A prison cell beckons or possibly a firing squad for treasonable acts Weng, back to the jungle old man Veera. Run baby baby run.

Dead men walking.

Meanwhile Thaksin and his tribe live in carefree luxury .

I will be shouted down but internationally I get no impression that the thug element has been bought and I say this again, any mention of "terrorist" is always heavily qualified by the journalists as being a government and government term only. :)

Of course, as not a single one of them can speak Thai so they don't understand when threats such as knocking skytrains off their tracks and sending them flying to the pavement are made. They are all happy happy when speaking English on camera

Anyway, these tourists are fools. If things go down and there is a chance to blame some tourist deaths on the government...

For sure, if you fancy the ladies in Patpong, nobody could ever deny that you're practicing safe sex with all those army-patrols to take care.. :-)

When the red shirt mobile rally first went down Silom Road, bar girls came out of Patpong to cheer them on. Now they have no customers as a result of the continuing red shirt rallies they are probably laughing on the other sides of their faces. No doubt they can put on farmers' gear and line up for daily wages at Rajprasong, if all else fails.

I have visited the red shirt rallies a couple of times out of curiosity, when there was a lull in the rhetoric and no apparent danger of an imminent crackdown. But the time for such idle curiosity is past. There is now a real danger of getting shot around there.

When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

I think you mean they will make very awkward witnesses to your cause.

How dare they get in the middle and disprove all the propaganda like that, how dare they. They are disproving the case of the CRES with every photo they take, every comment they make.

So, what do you yellows think now CRES is running the show? Is it all you wanted it to be that a man who should have been banned years ago, brought down his own PM (last time) got banned again for what I can see was much worse than what Samaak did but didn't go, got fired last week my Abhisit and still calls the shots from his bunker with his Elite Army Corps round him.

Nice guy and am sure you will get the Democrats elected in double quick time with him at the helm. Mind you, its getting nasty now on TV .. Al Jazeera gave the PAD a real hiding on a 40 minute special this morning. LM charges in the pipeline.... you bet. Even some of the English Language program Thai presenters were against them.

What a moron.

Where did I offer any support for reds or yellows. They can all go and jump as far as I am concerned. I mentioned idiot foreigners risking their lives running around a location everyone is telling them to stay away from and an moron like you starts adding ideas to it that are not there. If you are a genuine red shirt support you are doing your cause more hard than good with such pathetic attempts to alter what has been said.

...??? Can anyone translate what Grandpops is saying? How come I can't understand his english? I am missing all the fun!

When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

They deserve what's coming eh?

How sensitive and compassionate of you.

Lop off their heads I say, naughty bloody blighters.

No, better still, slowly roast them over a barbecue while tearing their limbs apart.

Whatever makes you feel good mate.


Anyone with a modicum of common sense would steer clear of trouble, these tourists are indeed setting themselves up as sacrifices and hostages without even thinking about it. Mob violence and the adrenalin running anyone, anything is fair game in a combat emotion charged scenario.

No ''excuse me are you a tourist oh sorry please let me escort you to safety.'' when bag bang fever starts the tourist is the deer in the headlights.

One wonders whether these same tourists would wander the streets in Afghanistan or Iraq or Iran, Somalia and countless other flawed states with such a cavalier attitude ?

Somehow I doubt they would.

The Red Shirt Brigade nor the military are not going to be able to discriminate between friend or foe neither can bullets, fire-bombs, bricks, knives, fists, clubs etc.

From whatever side there will be no discrimination as to their targets Thai or foreigner.

All the above named items have no feelings, their victims do.

Tourists. Indeed lambs unto the slaughter.

When it all explodes, the foreigners wandering around like morons will get injured, and then start bleating about how their embassies won't take care of them and pay the hospital bills that their insurance companies won't cover because of civil unrest. If anyone lacks common sense they deserve what's coming.

They deserve what's coming eh?

How sensitive and compassionate of you.

Lop off their heads I say, naughty bloody blighters.

No, better still, slowly roast them over a barbecue while tearing their limbs apart.

Whatever makes you feel good mate.

If foreigners go there of their own free will knowing the dangers, (which are quite obvious, I don't think either side can say that the tensions between the military and the reds are not high), and get injured or killed, you think that they should get compensation for their stupidity? Wow. Do you believe that if you shoot yourself in the head, your insurance company should pay you?

Does anyone know if they are letting foreigners in now? I've been hearing all day about foreigners being denied entry. I know the reds don't want any negative publicity, (hence closing things off), but I agree with the posters that have said that this is an opportunity for them to heal their image, which really took a beating once they started killing people in their defense offense against the army. If they want to try to present themselves as poor victims rather than as terrorists, I would think that this is the way. Just don't go after dark.

I tried to go into Redland this morning but was told that farangs were not welcome any more.

First the black shirt and red scarf Khmer rouge uniform and now the attitude.

Seems to me like they are doing you a favour. Bullets and shrapnel do not discriminate. Stay away.

Besides, it really isn't the place to pick up "chicks".

"I've been to a lot of music festivals in America and this has the same feel," Holdridge said,

I wasn't around for the Rolling Stones concert at the Altamont Speedway (sic, and no pun intended as it was indeed a racetrack, not just a gathering point for druggies), however, I wonder if it had the same atmosphere at the time the Hells Angels were beating up people and the concertgoers were stabbed to death?

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