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Bangkok: Assailants Fired M-79 Grenades At Sala Daeng Skytrain Station


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Not in your life am I going to be ashamed. Violence is violence and should not be tolerated whether it is white, green, blue, pink, red or you. And, yes my allegiance is with the reds being I live in Essan

You're wrong. Violence isn't violence. There is self defense violence. There is war violence. And then there is TERRORISM violence when you throw grenades and kill civilians at a skytrain station.

Well you sound like old George Bush, when he held his famous speech, before the allied went into Iraq: Either you are with us or with the terrorrists. The other issue was "weapons of massdestruction". If these words are said over and over again - people start beliving. Saddam didn't have the weapons at all and wasn't a teorrorist, and now 1 mill Iraqies and a lot of allied troops are dead. And yes Saddam wasn't nice, but starting violence on false words is a sin. YES the reds have weapons, YES they are terrorists. YES we have to stop them or what else - Shame on you. Don't forget what this is all about, power and legal power. Well all tricks are allowed, and we can just sit here and wait. But don't start with this terrorist talk, it tells a little bit too much about who you are.

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The only reason no-one had been injured before the 10th April fighting was because the Government was trying every way to get the Reds to do the Democratic thing and negotiate. If you don't believe that is Democracy in action then please go to the next poorest country that will have your Democratic system, say North Korea? The Red response to the Governments request? .!.. ..!.

Also the Government has continually said if you keep pushing we will push back, first gently, then harder and harder until you understand you are hitting a solid object. A Democratically selected government. Don't bother arguing the point - the Thai system is almost identical to the British system. The biggest party chooses the PM. Again the Red response? .!.. ..!.

So who exactly is the more Democratic group? Those who want negotiations or those who scream about negotiations that will only be in their favour? And then proceed to beat up old ladies and journalist's translators who work for news people the Reds believe are biased against them, oh sorry no he worked for the Czechs so obviously he was beaten up because someone in Montenegro wanted him hurt!! Or was it just some Red ladyboys who thought he had nicked their makeup? (If the Reds can comment on Abhisit's sexuality then why can't we comment on theirs? Or is that not Democratic? In fact, maybe that what it is all about? Ladyboys who are determined to make Thailand the very first Ladyboy run state!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

One of the Red Shirt 'dear leaders' asked for proof that the Red Shirts were preparing sharpened sticks for the battle with the Army. Well sir, here is some proof for you, and of the stones you plan to throw at the Army. The last picture really sums up the hypocrisy of the Puea Thai idea of supporting this lot and bringing Thaksin back. Hope you like them.






(apologies for some not being the right way up)

What is this? Proof of the bombings of tonight? Sharpened sticks? Nobody used sharpened sticks to kill anyone. BOMBS were used. Some people really don't have a clue about what's going on.

No it's not proof of a bombing, the purpose of that statement eludes me. It is proof that the police dept and the army are worthless and have allowed this mess to happen. If they have taken an oath to serve and protect the Thai constitution and it's people, they have failed miserably. To stand by and watch this littering of scum take place in the capital of the country for the whole world to see is shameful. Why can't force be used? If someone tries to kill you, you have to ask and get permission to defend yourself and/or family from the assailant/s? The reds did say their goal is to hunt down Abhisit, so why can't Abhisit be defended by arresting, and if not arresting, have a sniper take out the trash. That's the way it's done in developed countries. I'm starting to wonder if I need to redefine my concept of what a developing country means. This country will never develop if their are no developed minds to lead the quest. It's stupid that the people complaining about being poor are supporting the person that stole their money that was bookmarked for improvements. Pathetic :)

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If it is national this will be a major long term thing if Reds start more bombing everywhere.

Do you have proof that the red shirts are behind the bombs? If not, your post is a lie. Nothing more.

Try getting a grammar book and read,

before throwing out a purely emotion laden response.


Feel free to correct me if you want to play secretary, otherwise your response is pointless. Back on-topic please.

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You have not shown any proof, so stop blaming it on the red shirts.

Who else would it be?

The Army or Police? Obviously not.

The No Colours? What's their motive for hitting the BTS? They want the red shirts out. They don't have the fire power that the reds and army have.

No, the only group that has a motive to hit the BTS and the means are the red shirt protesters. Needless to say we're all tired of your "no proof" nonsense when the motives point straight to who has done this.

You'd do better arguing that it's a splinter group not apart of the main protests, but saying "we don't know" or "they are XYZ dressed up as reds" just makes you look like a fool.

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I was there coming back from Cambodia for visa run about 8 p.m

Watching many officer girls holding flag in hand, most of the injure are office workers

and the lady who died suspect from the hawkers nearby.

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The situation in Bangkok makes for a perfect time for the southern insurgents to really cause big problems for Thailand and the government. The government has been too busy playing politics to work on the southern problems and problems down south have been getting much worse.

There are way too many groups involved to point fingers at any particular group.

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The only reason no-one had been injured before the 10th April fighting was because the Government was trying every way to get the Reds to do the Democratic thing and negotiate. If you don't believe that is Democracy in action then please go to the next poorest country that will have your Democratic system, say North Korea? The Red response to the Governments request? .!.. ..!.

Also the Government has continually said if you keep pushing we will push back, first gently, then harder and harder until you understand you are hitting a solid object. A Democratically selected government. Don't bother arguing the point - the Thai system is almost identical to the British system. The biggest party chooses the PM. Again the Red response? .!.. ..!.

So who exactly is the more Democratic group? Those who want negotiations or those who scream about negotiations that will only be in their favour? And then proceed to beat up old ladies and journalist's translators who work for news people the Reds believe are biased against them, oh sorry no he worked for the Czechs so obviously he was beaten up because someone in Montenegro wanted him hurt!! Or was it just some Red ladyboys who thought he had nicked their makeup? (If the Reds can comment on Abhisit's sexuality then why can't we comment on theirs? Or is that not Democratic? In fact, maybe that what it is all about? Ladyboys who are determined to make Thailand the very first Ladyboy run state!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

One of the Red Shirt 'dear leaders' asked for proof that the Red Shirts were preparing sharpened sticks for the battle with the Army. Well sir, here is some proof for you, and of the stones you plan to throw at the Army. The last picture really sums up the hypocrisy of the Puea Thai idea of supporting this lot and bringing Thaksin back. Hope you like them.






(apologies for some not being the right way up)

What is this? Proof of the bombings of tonight? Sharpened sticks? Nobody used sharpened sticks to kill anyone. BOMBS were used. Some people really don't have a clue about what's going on.

So if I shoved a sharpened Bamboo stick in your head you wouldn't die? Tell that to some of the injured soldiers from the other weekend.

The truth about who did tonight will be no clearer than who actually .......... pick a theory 9/11 or Kennedy or Elvis or Obama's Birthers? With media manipulation and interpretation no-one can follow it all and understand it. So you have to pick it apart line by line and that takes time. I am just trying to show how wrong one of the public comments of the last few days by the Red Shirt 'leaders' is. And if one comment is clearly a lie - how many others are not the truth? Maybe 'we want to negotiate' or maybe 'we want to end corruption' or maybe 'we are not violent'. Prove just one of them true and I'll think about listening to them a bit more.

Realistically, this shows how the Red 'Leaders' are manipulating their interpretations of the news - so of course they (and their supporters) are going to deny any responsibility for any injuries suffered by people, either by stick, stone or bomb.

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If one was to show a video of the red shirts launching the grenades those idiots on here supporting the reds would say that this was staged. Those reds here must be Thai red shirts themselves simply spreading propaganda. May be they get paid to do so, no one can be that thick !

I do sincerely hope that the army finally moves in and shoots the bastards and makes sure to get the leaders of this bunch of terrorists as well. Everybody has been warned more than enough and any farmers who are still there deserve nothing better because they support the terrorists

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What is the difference between martial law and the state of emergency what is ongoing now?

How it would affect to the government / military and to the public?

The army has ability to do what ever it needs to to quell the emergency.


Shoot on sight violent people of any color shirt

Arrest and secure anyone resiting an army order INCLUDING Police.

It essentially is a get the job done now, we'll pick up the mass later, pass.

If it is national this will be a major long term thing if Reds start more bombing everywhere.


Martial law is an extreme and rare measure used to control society during war or periods of civil unrest or chaos.

According to the Supreme Court, the term martial law carries no precise meaning (Duncan v. Kahanamoku, 327 U.S. 304, 66 S. Ct. 606, 90 L. Ed. 688 [1946]).

However, most declarations of martial law have some common features.

Generally, the institution of martial law contemplates some use of military force.

To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order,

government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws.

Certain civil liberties may be suspended,

such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures,

freedom of association,

and freedom of movement.

And the writ of Habeas Corpus may be suspended

(this writ allows persons who are unlawfully imprisoned to gain freedom through a court proceeding).

In the United States, martial law has been instituted on the national level only once, during the Civil War,

and on a regional level only once, during World War II.

Otherwise, it has been limited to the states.

Uprisings, political protests, labor strikes, and riots have, at various times,

caused several state governors to declare some measure of martial law.

I believe you are talking in terms of Martial Law being declared in the entire country. Martial Law has been declared numerous times in cities in the United States including after the hurricane hit New Orleans.

EDIT: After checking, I see the Mayor of New Orleans declared Martial Law but he didn't have the power to do this. Only a governor does. Although Martial Law was declared and in force it was not legally Martial law. However, there has been other instances of Marshal Law on the local or state level being inacted.

Last paragraph makes that clear.

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Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

Where is your proof that the red shirts are responsible? You're ASSUMING. Don't confuse people with lies before you have facts, please. Nobody knows who attacked who tonight. Nobody knows who launched the bombs.

The red shirts are doing exactly what they have threatened for weeks. Sae Daeng openly bragged on the microphone that the commanders were neutralized. No one has yet proven who is carrying out the attacks. I would suspect both sides and other sides.

The army commander who was shot in the head was one of tens of thousands of people on the streets. Maybe it was suicide?

The red shirts promise to stay until parliament is dissolved. Hey Che. Try that with Fidel.

If you could speak Thai, you could listen to Thai television and then you would have a better idea as to what happened with the commander. A soldier with the army division smoke-bombed his own division which then resulted in total chaos, as they thought that they were attacked by red shirts. Who shot the commander, nobody knows. But it's entirely possible that one of the soldiers fired away in panic and hit his own commander.

That's a fact, read Thai newspapers and listen to Thai television.

Yes, one of his own tagged him and held a laser on him by accident and then a sharp shooter also made the mistake of not knowing he was in uniform ... would be funny if not so tragic and idiotic. Some of us do have the ability to know what is being said on Thai News and you appear to be just making things up.

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From hot news report to puerile, petty bickering in less than 10 posts ... is this a new record for ThaiVisa?

Some poor soul was killed (again) and yet the petty red/yellow name-calling goes on.

Can't we have an adults only sections of TV?

If the Skytrain stops running tomorrow there will be even more people unable to get to work. We seem to be witnessing the sad self-destruction of a once charming country.

I agree.....

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The situation in Bangkok makes for a perfect time for the southern insurgents to really cause big problems for Thailand and the government. The government has been too busy playing politics to work on the southern problems and problems down south have been getting much worse.

There are way too many groups involved to point fingers at any particular group.

If you have any understanding of Thai politics you will realise you are totally wrong about the South. This is toitally about other things and nobody red, yellow, pink or governmental would argue other wise

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Just reported on TV that 5 red shirts have apprehended for the firing of the grenades.

The problem Taksin has is controlling his recruits; the quality level is very low and it must be very difficult controlling what they do.

PS: People are being offered 6500 baht a week to protest in Bangkok for the redshirts. However not many people volunteering now; its dangerous and has tipped over from being a demonstration to being terrorism and people don't want to be associated with it. The guy in my gf's village was recruiting and he ended up going on his own this week. Apparently if you die Taksin pays your family 100,000 baht. It is a good earner.

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The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

Idiot....who fired at Sala Daeng tonight?...grow up or do you want to be a pathetic conspiracy theorist all your life.?

I'd like to know who fired at Sala Daeng, yes. Do you have proof? If so, provide it please. Otherwise stop insulting people.

for sure the Reds did not do it...Jatuporn told his followers just now...

And he turned on the music to have some dancing and celebration...

Support the reds? For their 'good cause'?

I do feel for those people sitting their truly believing their cause.

I will even support them in that.

But I would feel no pity for those leading them into disaster being run over by a tank...

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Yes, one of his own tagged him and held a laser on him by accident and then a sharp shooter also made the mistake of not knowing he was in uniform ... would be funny if not so tragic and idiotic. Some of us do have the ability to know what is being said on Thai News and you appear to be just making things up.

Sadly you're the one making things up. There's no shame in not understanding Thai, so don't struggle..

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Just reported on TV that 5 red shirts have apprehended for the firing of the grenades.

The problem Taksin has is controlling his recruits; the quality level is very low and it must be very difficult controlling what they do.

PS: People are being offered 6500 baht a week to protest in Bangkok for the redshirts. However not many people volunteering now; its dangerous and has tipped over from being a demonstration to being terrorism and people don't want to be associated with it. The guy in my gf's village was recruiting and he ended up going on his own this week. Apparently if you die Taksin pays your family 100,000 baht. It is a good earner.

The minor problem is that the red shirts wont believe that even if fingerprints and vidoes are produced.

However this whole game is about the center and if they believe it game over

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If it is national this will be a major long term thing if Reds start more bombing everywhere.

Do you have proof that the red shirts are behind the bombs? If not, your post is a lie. Nothing more.

Try getting a grammar book and read,

before throwing out a purely emotion laden response.


Feel free to correct me if you want to play secretary, otherwise your response is pointless. Back on-topic please.

English Second Language I guess,

just enough comprehension to call me a liar.

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can you please shut these threads to comments (and sorry to have to post one myself to ask)? lots of people come here for information and not speculation/opinion/argument from random people.

You got that right. Nothing but posts supporting one side or the other and blaming one side or the other for things that the poster has no evidence to support. Very easy to sit back and post conjecture on the internet.

For those of you who support the Army rolling in and stopping these demonstrations it seems like you are more blood thirsty than the government or the Army. Thank goodness they have learned from past mistakes. I don't think Abisit or the Army want blood on their hands. Clearing things out as some suggest might just cause hundreds of deaths and yes soldiers would be among those killed. We saw how many were killed (on both sides) in the last skirmish. So think a little BEFORE you shoot off your mouth. It is good that the Thais have more sense than the posters on this forum. No one should want either side to act too quickly and cause this to erupt into a major bloodbath.

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You are going to have a mass pink rally tomorrow and one that believes the reds have killed at least one of them. Realpolitik

Boots on the ground, and pissed off beyond reason too.

Why do I fear a second front to control that the army isn't prepared for.

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Oh for crying out loud, just CALL for ELECTIONS already so we can have some PEACE! Suck up your pride and just DO IT! Good grief, Mr. Abhisit! Even if it means "The Terrorists Win" or whatever.

Look at the wonderful precedent Thaksin's brother-in-law set by letting the yellows get their way. If Mark concedes the mobs will never end, call in the Chinese they will sort the reds out for us.

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I believe you are talking in terms of Martial Law being declared in the entire country. Martial Law has been declared numerous times in cities in the United States including after the hurricane hit New Orleans.

EDIT: After checking, I see the Mayor of New Orleans declared Martial Law but he didn't have the power to do this. Only a governor does. Although Martial Law was declared and in force it was not legally Martial law. However, there has been other instances of Marshal Law on the local or state level being inacted.

Last paragraph makes that clear.

I apologize. I didn't read that last paragraph right. I got stuck on the 1 time thing. Time to take a breath, just getting very tired of the nonsense going on here in BKK which is all happening because of one man's obsession with power and greed.

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Oh for crying out loud, just CALL for ELECTIONS already so we can have some PEACE! Suck up your pride and just DO IT! Good grief, Mr. Abhisit! Even if it means "The Terrorists Win" or whatever.

That would not be and nor would it lead to peace.

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From Veen:

" SAD!!!! Jutuorn said Silom explosions had nothing to do with reds then he opened the music and let redshirts dance merrily."

Dance and be merry? These people are sick. Zero sympathy for any of these celebrating merrymakers if the military takes further action. They deserve what could come. Sick, sick, sick.

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My Thai wife and I were both Abhisit supporters until last week. It's become obvious now that he's incapable of solving this national crisis and should go -- immediately -- by whatever means. What's happening in BKK right now is disgusting! They could have spent $10 million on an Israeli ex-commando and taken Thaksin out long ago and this mess would never have happened. In fact, they could STILL do that, yet they don't! Why Abhisit thinks he has to be polite and "Thai" and negotiate in this situation is beyond comprehension. Further, Abhisit has totally failed to get the PR out to the foreign media for his side. The reds are doing a fantastic job of int'l PR on the other hand. Much of the foreign press actually seem to think the Reds are a legitimate grass roots movement and that the Democrats are actually the bad guys. <deleted>? How can they let that happen???

My wife hates the reds more than anything but now she's saying let's call elections right now, and of course Thaksin's red cronies will win via their usual cheating and vote buying, and soon Thaksin will return to take over as de facto dictator for life and rapidly turn Thailand into a backwater rivaling Cambodia and Burma. Som nom na to all the poor uneducated issan peasants who supported that crook. It's a shame most Thais will never have the option to leave like my wife and I will, not to mention, they will never have the option to get rid of him either.

As I typed this my wife just sent removed Abhisit as her friend on Facebook. She's pissed :)

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You have not shown any proof, so stop blaming it on the red shirts.

Who else would it be?

The Army or Police? Obviously not.

The No Colours? What's their motive for hitting the BTS? They want the red shirts out. They don't have the fire power that the reds and army have.

No, the only group that has a motive to hit the BTS and the means are the red shirt protesters. Needless to say we're all tired of your "no proof" nonsense when the motives point straight to who has done this.

You'd do better arguing that it's a splinter group not apart of the main protests, but saying "we don't know" or "they are XYZ dressed up as reds" just makes you look like a fool.

I cannot believe they still have support on here, yet again innocent people have been attacked and some try and explain their actions.

What if tommorow it was your girlfriend or heaven forbd yourself who was the innocent victim. Would you start to shout terrorist?

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The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

The PM has used force this evening with one dead from the Sala Daeng blasts?

Naturally, the perfect angelic reds have claimed again none of their people were responsible for this as they shoot at helicopters.

Before today, my friend. Nobody died before Abhisit launched his crackdown on April 10th. And nobody knows who launched the attacks tonight, so let's keep it peaceful, shall we.

Ohhhh wait...Here's a clever idea. Maybe if all the red shirts would just go home then there would not be a confrontation to begin with. All they are doing is portraying Thailand as incapable of standing up to nonsense. There can never be 100% agreement in a country, especially when the poor are bribed with money by a previously corrupt government and led to falsely believe that that ex government really cares about them! Grow up, go home, and let your government worry about more important things.

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