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Bangkok: Assailants Fired M-79 Grenades At Sala Daeng Skytrain Station

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anyone else thinking that this "civil court order" is a preparation for exactly that - put the PM in a safe place where he can't order anything and let the army take over the responsibility for cleaning up?
Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

If Martial Law needs to be declared to circumvent this insane court order then let it happen and let it happen now.

I wholeheartedly agree. This has gone beyond civility and civil law.

Thats as good as we can hope for. There have been calls all week from people undermining Anupong.

The army need to cage and muzzle Thaugsabun and the PAD, AND Thaksin. Abhisit is toast and nobody on either sides believes he is in charge.

This looks like the Elites breaking up and changing sides. Courts and Army go one way (to the centre), CRES, Friends of Tyranny and their leader and Thaugsabun fall in for a readguard action.

One uniting factor I noticed on a round up off all the protests, PAD early days, Reds both times, no colourds tonight is they all have the same mentatliy and priority.

They all set up a stage, get the music on and make a party. Gave me hope for the Country. Whatever they believe in, they are Thais at heart and prove it in this way.

I hope all the falangs on here who were baying for the blood of the reds all week learn not to do this. It is sick, they are all people and we are all deeply saddened by the death of this poor woman tonight.

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The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

Idiot...I despair of people like you. Go to Rajaprasong (while you can & see the guns being wielded by people with NO training)...

The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

are you high? seriously man, you actualy can say something like that... maybe the multi colors blew themselves up.... you should be embarrased,

hahahahaha....yeah..yeah.....and maybe the red shirts shot each other the other day......hahahahaha.......

Who knows what the f*cks going on

That deserves



Most of these people firing the m-79 granades are none of the protesters, its other people trying to cause a bigger problem than what is happening.

These granades have been going off long time before the protesters came, not as regular but since the protesters have arrived, they thought they'd join in, whoever they are they have there own agenda.

Applause. You seem to know what's going on. Glad I'm not alone.

You think the military or pro-government people shot grenades up on to innocent civilians and it wasn't red shirts trying to target the people at the station bridge who were taunting them. genius.


This is my first and last input into to this forum. Thailand has always been it's own. Know one will ever change that! I respect that... My country has every theiving B'stard in the world! England. Thai's look after their own. However all of the problems come down to money. This is a 3rd world country and No Farrang will ever change that. Don't fight with something that you will never understand or win. Most of the Farrangs that write here moan and complain about everthing. Well fuc off then! Back to the topic. The Priminister should give all of the confiscated monies from Taksin and give it back to the people of Thailand. (No matter what colour shirt they wear). Then stand down. (The Reds argument is they were not elected!) watch and see everyone vote him in! That's loyalty Folks!!!



there is no escuse,this is a coup trying to get the PM job....

this is only terrorism ,whoever did this is waiting for anarchy

What is the difference between martial law and the state of emergency what is ongoing now?

How it would affect to the government / military and to the public?

Tha army has ability to do what ever it needs to to quell the emergency.


Shoot on sight violent people of any color shirt

Arrest and secure anyone resiting an army order INCLUDING Police.

It essentially is a get the job done now, we'll pick up the mass later, pass.

If it is national this will be a major long term thing if Reds start more bombing everywhere.

Actually, I believe (but could be wrong) that under the Emergency Order the PM would still have to obey an insane court order like this. I believe the Emergency Order only permits certain infringements of people's right while Martial Law would be the law and Civil Court orders would be meaningless.


Some say red, some say yellow some, say multi-color, but the sad truth is NONE of the ones in power care about anything other than keeping what they have.

I will say it again, the people in power do not care about anything other than themselves.

Trying to argue one side right and the other one wrong is a sad mistake. Both are corrupt and power hungry, and worse of all, the ones on top use the ones who follow to do their dirty work while they stay some where in air condition and a flat screen tv watching reports about people dying. Sad.

The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

Idiot....who fired at Sala Daeng tonight?...grow up or do you want to be a pathetic conspiracy theorist all your life.?


if some people commit an act of terrorism.. it's some people.

if some australians set off a bomb, you cannot punish all australians

if some women set off a bomb, you cannot punish all women..

if some polkadot-shirters set off a bomb, you cannot blame all polkadot-shirters.

there are individuals under the shirts..

most of whom would be non-violent and against the attack.

Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

Where is your proof that the red shirts are responsible? You're ASSUMING. Don't confuse people with lies before you have facts, please. Nobody knows who attacked who tonight. Nobody knows who launched the bombs.

The red shirts are doing exactly what they have threatened for weeks. Sae Daeng openly bragged on the microphone that the commanders were neutralized. No one has yet proven who is carrying out the attacks. I would suspect both sides and other sides.

The army commander who was shot in the head was one of tens of thousands of people on the streets. Maybe it was suicide?

The red shirts promise to stay until parliament is dissolved. Hey Che. Try that with Fidel.

Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

What an imbecilic comment...

It's neither the Red, Yellows, Blacks, Blues.. It's people like YOU who created such mess.

How intriguing. Please explain.

You should really figure it you out by yourself because truer words haven't yet been written in this thread.

The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

Idiot....who fired at Sala Daeng tonight?...grow up or do you want to be a pathetic conspiracy theorist all your life.?

I'd like to know who fired at Sala Daeng, yes. Do you have proof? If so, provide it please. Otherwise stop insulting people.

Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

Perfect timing! As soon as grenades start flying, the PM is told that he cannot use force.

Amazing Thailand. :)

I doubt anyone would do anything to stop this madness if if the court had not issue any order.

This is Amazing Thailand for purchases

What is the difference between martial law and the state of emergency what is ongoing now?

How it would affect to the government / military and to the public?

Tha army has ability to do what ever it needs to to quell the emergency.


Shoot on sight violent people of any color shirt

Arrest and secure anyone resiting an army order INCLUDING Police.

It essentially is a get the job done now, we'll pick up the mass later, pass.

If it is national this will be a major long term thing if Reds start more bombing everywhere.

Actually, I believe (but could be wrong) that under the Emergency Order the PM would still have to obey an insane court order like this. I believe the Emergency Order only permits certain infringements of people's right while Martial Law would be the law and Civil Court orders would be meaningless.

You are 100% corect...now who's going to explain thta to the Reds? Not me!


Don't you just love all the anti-red people on here, going on about the violent reds......and how they wanna see them all killed and ran over by tanks! Listen to what you sound like, fk sake


the abhisit/yellow side have more to gain from this..coz it ramps up the pressure on anupong to send his troops in the clear the reds out of their site..

Because at the moment i dont think he still wants to do this...

But maybe we will soon find out from these 5 "suspects" they rounded up????

Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

What an imbecilic comment...

It's neither the Red, Yellows, Blacks, Blues.. It's people like YOU who created such mess.

How intriguing. Please explain.

You should really figure it you out by yourself because truer words haven't yet been written in this thread.

I see. So both of you are incapable of communicating what you mean in sentences? Why post on a forum then?

Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

Where is your proof that the red shirts are responsible? You're ASSUMING. Don't confuse people with lies before you have facts, please. Nobody knows who attacked who tonight. Nobody knows who launched the bombs.

The red shirts are doing exactly what they have threatened for weeks. Sae Daeng openly bragged on the microphone that the commanders were neutralized. No one has yet proven who is carrying out the attacks. I would suspect both sides and other sides.

The army commander who was shot in the head was one of tens of thousands of people on the streets. Maybe it was suicide?

The red shirts promise to stay until parliament is dissolved. Hey Che. Try that with Fidel.

If you could speak Thai, you could listen to Thai television and then you would have a better idea as to what happened with the commander. A soldier with the army division smoke-bombed his own division which then resulted in total chaos, as they thought that they were attacked by red shirts. Who shot the commander, nobody knows. But it's entirely possible that one of the soldiers fired away in panic and hit his own commander.

That's a fact, read Thai newspapers and listen to Thai television.

What is the difference between martial law and the state of emergency what is ongoing now?

How it would affect to the government / military and to the public?

The army has ability to do what ever it needs to to quell the emergency.


Shoot on sight violent people of any color shirt

Arrest and secure anyone resiting an army order INCLUDING Police.

It essentially is a get the job done now, we'll pick up the mass later, pass.

If it is national this will be a major long term thing if Reds start more bombing everywhere.


Martial law is an extreme and rare measure used to control society during war or periods of civil unrest or chaos.

According to the Supreme Court, the term martial law carries no precise meaning (Duncan v. Kahanamoku, 327 U.S. 304, 66 S. Ct. 606, 90 L. Ed. 688 [1946]).

However, most declarations of martial law have some common features.

Generally, the institution of martial law contemplates some use of military force.

To a varying extent, depending on the martial law order,

government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws.

Certain civil liberties may be suspended,

such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures,

freedom of association,

and freedom of movement.

And the writ of Habeas Corpus may be suspended

(this writ allows persons who are unlawfully imprisoned to gain freedom through a court proceeding).

In the United States, martial law has been instituted on the national level only once, during the Civil War,

and on a regional level only once, during World War II.

Otherwise, it has been limited to the states.

Uprisings, political protests, labor strikes, and riots have, at various times,

caused several state governors to declare some measure of martial law.

I believe you are talking in terms of Martial Law being declared in the entire country. Martial Law has been declared numerous times in cities in the United States including after the hurricane hit New Orleans.

EDIT: After checking, I see the Mayor of New Orleans declared Martial Law but he didn't have the power to do this. Only a governor does. Although Martial Law was declared and in force it was not legally Martial law. However, there has been other instances of Marshal Law on the local or state level being inacted.

Civil Court grants injunction which prevents PM from using force to disperse red shirt rally

If Martial Law needs to be declared to circumvent this insane court order then let it happen and let it happen now.

I wholeheartedly agree. This has gone beyond civility and civil law.

This is only a ploy to be used against the PM as a means to boot him out. I am sure Red money is behind this injunction.


Deadly blasts hit Bangkok protest hub

BBC's Rachel Harvey in Bangkok: "Things are very tense here at the moment"

A series of explosions in the Thai capital Bangkok is reported to have killed at least one person and injured dozens more.

The blasts were caused by grenades, an army spokesman said, but it was not clear who fired them.

Read more: news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8637855.stm


-- BBC 2010-04-22


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Whatever the truth Jatuporn has made a PR error by saying it was nothing to do with reds and then just amping up the music. Should have shown some feeling.

Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

Where is your proof that the red shirts are responsible? You're ASSUMING. Don't confuse people with lies before you have facts, please. Nobody knows who attacked who tonight. Nobody knows who launched the bombs.

The red shirts are doing exactly what they have threatened for weeks. Sae Daeng openly bragged on the microphone that the commanders were neutralized. No one has yet proven who is carrying out the attacks. I would suspect both sides and other sides.

The army commander who was shot in the head was one of tens of thousands of people on the streets. Maybe it was suicide?

The red shirts promise to stay until parliament is dissolved. Hey Che. Try that with Fidel.

If you could speak Thai, you could listen to Thai television and then you would have a better idea as to what happened with the commander. A soldier with the army division smoke-bombed his own division which then resulted in total chaos, as they thought that they were attacked by red shirts. Who shot the commander, nobody knows. But it's entirely possible that one of the soldiers fired away in panic and hit his own commander.

That's a fact, read Thai newspapers and listen to Thai television.

But it's entirely possible.....that's a fact.....read and watch thai media? <deleted>
The only time people have died is when the PM has used force. So maybe that's why?

Idiot....who fired at Sala Daeng tonight?...grow up or do you want to be a pathetic conspiracy theorist all your life.?

I'd like to know who fired at Sala Daeng, yes. Do you have proof? If so, provide it please. Otherwise stop insulting people.

Sorry if you feel insulted but please examine your own statement. Hey, we all hope for peace but (I think), regrettably, we all expect to be dissapointed. On that basis I apologise and will withdraw.....

If it is national this will be a major long term thing if Reds start more bombing everywhere.

Do you have proof that the red shirts are behind the bombs? If not, your post is a lie. Nothing more.

Try getting a grammar book and read,

before throwing out a purely emotion laden response.


if some people commit an act of terrorism.. it's some people.

if some australians set off a bomb, you cannot punish all australians

if some women set off a bomb, you cannot punish all women..

if some polkadot-shirters set off a bomb, you cannot blame all polkadot-shirters.

there are individuals under the shirts..

most of whom would be non-violent and against the attack.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy.

If you hang out with a crowd terrorizing others and you're peaceful doesn't mean that nobody can blame you for that terror, right?

Nobody can deny collective responsiblity while keep staying in the middle of the scene!


From hot news report to puerile, petty bickering in less than 10 posts ... is this a new record for ThaiVisa?

Some poor soul was killed (again) and yet the petty red/yellow name-calling goes on.

Can't we have an adults only sections of TV?

If the Skytrain stops running tomorrow there will be even more people unable to get to work. We seem to be witnessing the sad self-destruction of a once charming country.

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