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Thailand's 'Yellow Shirts' Call For Martial Law

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Everyone should listen to this guy he knows what he is talking about!

These ignorant red shirt peasants need to be kicked back to the rice fields where they belong! It does not matter that they out number the yellow shirts 10 to 1!

It does not matter that they have repeatedly gone to the poles and watched as their peasant vote has been thrown away by the yellow shirts.

It does not matter that Thailand is an agricultural society and these red shirts peasants supply the world with rice.

What matters is that the yellow shirts have been inconvenienced by this "sit in" and they need to put things back in yellow shirt order!

Some times when "THE TAIL WAGS THE DOG" the dog turns around and bites his tail off!

This guy summed up the feelings of the yellow shirts..."Red shirts are just ignorant peasants that belong in the rice field and they should have no say in who governs the country that they support"

If all, multi/yellow act instead of just talk they can easily kick the peasants back to the paddies.
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One interesting outcome of a "martial law" ,or any law come to that, is that ALL are subject to it, not just the reds.

Unless of course the yellows etc know better?

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

Absolutely not... They have shown their terrorist element both on April 10 and last Thursday. The government should not even compromise to 9 months as they originally offered t- to do so would be to cave to the blood-stained demands of a terrorist group.

The UDD are the puppets of Thaksin, and that is their sole purpose to return a corrupt, blood stained dictator to power... The Abhisit government is legitimate and should never cave to the mob.

Sent that Oxford boy back to Britain where he belongs. That aristocrat has no idea how the average Thai working class lives.

I hope they do not run out of colors. Now we got Reds-which-wear-anything-but-reds mingling with the Multicolored shirts? How do you separate Multicolor Green from Red Green? Is there some kind of secret handshake? Can you wear blue shoes with a red shirt? Or green tie with red jacket? Oh, that would be 70's! Is the color pink already taken by some United Group Against Fascism, Nazi Ponies and Evil Ghosts?

Do you think people might start using their brains now? That may hurt enough for everyone to want to go home.


You might need to take a math class, the yellows had more people joining their protests then the reds ever had.

Indeed kick 'em back to the paddies, f...... peasants.

Everyone should listen to this guy he knows what he is talking about!

These ignorant red shirt peasants need to be kicked back to the rice fields where they belong! It does not matter that they out number the yellow shirts 10 to 1!

It does not matter that they have repeatedly gone to the poles and watched as their peasant vote has been thrown away by the yellow shirts.

It does not matter that Thailand is an agricultural society and these red shirts peasants supply the world with rice.

What matters is that the yellow shirts have been inconvenienced by this "sit in" and they need to put things back in yellow shirt order!

Some times when "THE TAIL WAGS THE DOG" the dog turns around and bites his tail off!

This guy summed up the feelings of the yellow shirts..."Red shirts are just ignorant peasants that belong in the rice field and they should have no say in who governs the country that they support"

If all, multi/yellow act instead of just talk they can easily kick the peasants back to the paddies.

I cant decide if this post is brilliant irony or the ravings of an utter simpleton

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

Absolutely not... They have shown their terrorist element both on April 10 and last Thursday. The government should not even compromise to 9 months as they originally offered t- to do so would be to cave to the blood-stained demands of a terrorist group.

The UDD are the puppets of Thaksin, and that is their sole purpose to return a corrupt, blood stained dictator to power... The Abhisit government is legitimate and should never cave to the mob.

Sent that Oxford boy back to Britain where he belongs. That aristocrat has no idea how the average Thai working class lives.

You could say the same of Churchill or Roosevelt or Kennedy yet somehow they managed to get work done.

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

If Abhisit was not elected, the neither were Samak nor Somchai (nor anybody ever).

Let the majority decide? The majority has decided, long time ago and the majority wanted Abhisit to be the PM. It's a small (but determined) minority, who doesn't want to accept that and doesn't want to accept real democracy.

So they went out to fight corruption and double standard. Nwo look who enjoys double standard and immunity for whatever law they break?

The problem is now that the simple Red Shirt demonstrators are afraid to return home, because they had to hand in their ID cards to the Red Shirt leaders and are now afraid to return home without ID card. The government offered to replace them, but for that they have to go to the local administration and expose their "treason" and that's what they are now afraid of. That's what I call Red Guard terror.

the majority has decided .... wanted Abhisit .... ?????????? ??????

i thought the reds won the last election but the yellow took the control after an occupation of the 2 airports

what are u talking about???????????

Just because you dont see or hear them do anything, nor even read much about it, does not mean that nothing is being done.

Hints however have been made. Chavalit and Seh Daeng being connected to each other and the red shirts, despite Chavalit's previous public rejection of an offer to head the "People's Army" which was publicly denounced by the UDD.

Just because it was rejected in person and denounced in public means absolutely nothing. Notice how there was nothing said by the UDD or Chavalit about the UDD troops which was announced AFTER the People's Army was rejected...

On 5 February 2010, Major General Khattiya Sawasdipol, widely known under the nick-name Seh Daeng, unveiled his plan to launch “UDD troops” to guard the red-shirted demonstrators. Khattiya said that about 200 former military rangers from Nakhon Ratchasima and other northeastern provinces had volunteered to protect the UDD demonstrations. “Usually our unit holds no weapons. But if the state clamps down on us, we have to defend ourselves and our red-shirted brothers and we may need to resort to weapons,” said Khattiya.

Khattiya claimed to have recruited about 5,000 people to join the UDD protection force and planned to absorb more by setting up an application desk near the Puea Thai Party headquarters. The main objective of the UDD troops, according to Khattiya, is to fight against injustice in Thai society. In response, the Democrat government has argued that the establishment of the UDD unit as envisaged by Khattiya would violate the law.

Source: http://opinionasia.com/ThaiArmywithinArmy

I wonder what colour shirts these guys wear? Black perhaps? Perhaps the government is wondering the same thing and working on joining up the dots before making their next move?

Another interesting article -


From Nation Weekend, February, 2010

The headline reads: Black tigers roar! - bloodshed over the land

[Field army soldiers are known as "sons of the Payak (tiger)" or the "black army." The cover refers to the cooperation between Maj. Gen. Khattiya (left) and Gen. Pallop (right). The two recently met Thaksin in Dubai and their involvement, along with Khattiya's statements about assassination of judges involved in prominent cases, has fueled rumors that the lead up to Thaksin asset ruling will be marked by violent events.

Source: 2bangkok.com February 6th 2010

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

Absolutely not... They have shown their terrorist element both on April 10 and last Thursday. The government should not even compromise to 9 months as they originally offered t- to do so would be to cave to the blood-stained demands of a terrorist group.

The UDD are the puppets of Thaksin, and that is their sole purpose to return a corrupt, blood stained dictator to power... The Abhisit government is legitimate and should never cave to the mob.

Sent that Oxford boy back to Britain where he belongs. That aristocrat has no idea how the average Thai working class lives.

wrong. they know it very well. just they like it and want it doesn't change

I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

Don't forget...Yellow = Military

says our latest red cheerleader in Thaksin's pocket.

Add in a "some of ...." and more on the mark.

It has come to me, that besides all the other problems of corruption, lack of a decent education, nepotism & poverty, cultural feudalism, etc... etc... etc...

There really is NO decent political alternative to chose.... ALL major political parties have the same problems... tainted with the perception, if not fact, of corruption and vote-buying, all controlled (or owned) by the unseen forces of HI-SO (or just Very Rich) Elites.... None of them truly representative of the downtrodden or the middle classes... None of them truly concerned about any kind of real societal and fundamental structural Change.

Lip-service and misinformation is pervasive... False Promises flow like silk over a gorge of deceit and inaction.

Nothing will ever change unless a REAL Leader and a REAL Political movement finally surfaces.

Where is the Thai 'Che Guevara'? The 'Abraham Lincoln', the 'Elliott Ness', the 'Aung San Suu Kyi'.... Where are the ones that can bring the Changes that are needed? The truth and trust that are missing,... the unity of purpose and vision?

Where is the Hope?


Here's the leader your looking for


Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

"He wasn't elected" how then did he become a member of parliament? PMs are chosen by the members, not elected.

"He only has one choice" There are always many choices, not always good. Giving into mob rule would definitely be bad.

"Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone." Khon Khaen Uni study found that approx 50% of KK residents do NOT support house dissolution. As this is red heartland, it seems unlikely if even a majority want it, and certainly not everyone. Refer back to point above.

"Either way he has lost the right to remain PM" Damned if you do, damned if you don't, in your opinion.

"Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections." Firstly, given the KKU study, the reds don't appear to have a majority. then we come to "proper". I believe what you are asking for is "early" elections, which have been offered, but don't fit the reds time-frame; they demand "very early" elections, and have been rejected. If you mean by "proper", elections where candidates are free to campaign without interference, and vote-buying is curtailed as much as possible, how do you expect that to happen in the current political climate?

Please help me overcome my ignorance. :)

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

Absolutely not... They have shown their terrorist element both on April 10 and last Thursday. The government should not even compromise to 9 months as they originally offered t- to do so would be to cave to the blood-stained demands of a terrorist group.

The UDD are the puppets of Thaksin, and that is their sole purpose to return a corrupt, blood stained dictator to power... The Abhisit government is legitimate and should never cave to the mob.

Sent that Oxford boy back to Britain where he belongs. That aristocrat has no idea how the average Thai working class lives.

wrong. they know it very well. just they like it and want it doesn't change

You are right , your words are better then mine


Not entirely true. Tourists are beginning to flock to Thailand just to witness the Red Shirts and also posing with soldiers for photos. They call it Adventure Tourism. Crazy, but true.

result would be the beginning of more violence

just when things were at least stable for the time being -- the ones who started all the problems in the first place - the yellow shirt mob - who were lead by interests in only getting rid of taksin for their own reasons -- destroyed property - especially govt house and did untold damage to the tourims industry here are now wanting to make matter worse again -- if these two sides clash there will be civil war = thats if we are not on the brink of it already - the only sensible peaceful group now is the multicolours - who just want the country to return to normal it thats at all possible but the yellows who managed to shut down the airports for two weeks in fact invaded the airport and took over the control towers and then blamed the AOT for closing the airpor - and did untold damage and whos leaders have not been charged with any significiant criminal charges and wander around free as birds - just want this to esculate to more blood shed as this is what the end result will be if these two sides clash --

ok the reds are not moving but they have been quite over the weekend so far in the city -- but till the govt is prepared to set a reasonable election date this will drag on for god knows how long -- this is one nation one flag and one people -- let peace prevail -- and at least have some sensible dialogue ---

no matter what efforts TAT does now to try to attract tourists back to thai - even free airline tickets who in their right mind would come here will this crazyness continues -- Vietnam is looking very attractive - this is not the only country in asia that has what this place has - Malaysia has some wonderful resorts and with overseas govt now publishing very strong advisory notices about visiting here there is no way --- what tourists want is - security above ALL ELSE - and thats not what your gonna get here


Most of the Thai,s I have talked to dont want to see Thais, killing thais, But sooner or later someone has to make a move. Let s hope it in the right direction for all the country. and a peaceful ending .

Abhisit has lost what little credibility he had.

He wasn't elected and his actions have cost too many lives already.

He only has one choice and that is to dissolve parliament now.

Holding elections in 3 months seems a reasonable way out for everyone.

If he declares martial law then it will result in the loss of many more lives.

Either way he has lost the right to remain PM.

Let the majority decide Thailand's future in proper elections.

If Abhisit was not elected, the neither were Samak nor Somchai (nor anybody ever).

Let the majority decide? The majority has decided, long time ago and the majority wanted Abhisit to be the PM. It's a small (but determined) minority, who doesn't want to accept that and doesn't want to accept real democracy.

So they went out to fight corruption and double standard. Nwo look who enjoys double standard and immunity for whatever law they break?

The problem is now that the simple Red Shirt demonstrators are afraid to return home, because they had to hand in their ID cards to the Red Shirt leaders and are now afraid to return home without ID card. The government offered to replace them, but for that they have to go to the local administration and expose their "treason" and that's what they are now afraid of. That's what I call Red Guard terror.

the majority has decided .... wanted Abhisit .... ?????????? ??????

i thought the reds won the last election but the yellow took the control after an occupation of the 2 airports

what are u talking about???????????

Well, shouting does not make your argument (or rather lack of argument) any better.

One would think that anyone who actually wants to know, does know by now how a government comes into being. Obviously those who can read, do have a slight advantage.

Perhaps you might want to read "Democracy for Dummies" or is that already too much?

I will write it v e r y s l o w l y again for you: The government is built by a majority of the elected MPs, not by the people. People only elect the MPs. These MPs in turn are free to build any group or coalition they want to. You may remember, prior to the elections, some parties announced that they will help the democrats to build the government, but then switched sides to help the PPP to make Samak the PM. After Thaksins BIL was (once more) caught cheating, some MPs got together and made the new government with the Democrats. That's when Abhisit become PM. See? It's not that difficult to understand. But of course the worst deaf are those who do not want to hear.

And... the Yellows or the Airport occupation have nothing to do with it, just happened to be there at the same time. But that might be too difficult already.

Most of the Thai,s I have talked to dont want to see Thais, killing thais, But sooner or later someone has to make a move. Let s hope it in the right direction for all the country. and a peaceful ending .

Thailand needs a lot more than hope now. It is headed for a train wreck.

I have a hard time seeing the yellows being able to pose any kind of threat to the Reds, it seems the Reds would have them way outnumbered and it wouldn't even be remotely close.

Interesting that these same PADs are often credited, by some posters, as having been strong enough to bring down the PPP-led coalition-government ? Can't have it both ways, or can you ? :)


The bulk of the police similarly are from rural Thailand - red shirt country.


Do you think the people of the South would agree, or do only the rural poor of Isaan & Lanna count, oh & excluding all those who still don't vote TRT/PPP/PTP in those areas, either ? There's a lot more 'rural Thailand' out there.

Sent that Oxford boy back to Britain where he belongs. That aristocrat has no idea how the average Thai working class lives.

Perhaps he might, if they stopped threatening to kill him, when he wants to come visit ? Or would that be too democratic for them to allow ? What are they afraid of ?

Personally I rather like the idea, of a PM who talks of 'ordinary citizens', and improves the lives of the poor, as Abhisit already has done, in the short-time he's been in-power.

Even the red-shirt supporters should agree, if the PAD/NPP don't like him, then he must have some good points ? ! :D


What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand? It is not their place to harass and intimidate people. Why doesn't the government bring back some semblance of order to the country? If the Reds stop a police convoy complete with prisoner transport trucks the police ought to start filling those trucks, arrest these people. They are not agents of the government, they have no business blocking police or civilians. Is it acceptable for these vigilantes to start detaining people? Can they beat them and search them with no cause? It is only a matter of time before a driver runs down someone manning these illegal roadblocks. Do the police have to wait until more people die before they take back their job?

the majority has decided .... wanted Abhisit .... ?????????? ??????

i thought the reds won the last election but the yellow took the control after an occupation of the 2 airports

what are u talking about???????????

Sounds like you're confused over the situation so here is a run down using wikipedia (because I can't remember exact details)..

1) Taksin's party was dissolved.

2) A new coalition party called People's Power Party was formed led by Samak and contained many former members of Taksin's party

3) He got kicked out after breaking laws due to getting paid for a cooking show (there were other scandals he was involved in, but that's how he was removed)

4) Somchai took over who is Taksin's brother-in-law

5) Constitutional court found PPP guilty of electoral fraud so they were disbanded

6) After defections from smaller parties the opposition Democrats Party was able to form a government

Hence why Abhisit is in government. The "red shirts" didn't win anything because they didn't really exist at the time (as a party). Unless you mean "reds" to equal whatever party Taksin is using to get back into power?

Since every party involving Taksin is in some way connected to electoral fraud how can you say they "won" the election? That's not to say the democrats won any election.

It's like giving the gold medal to the guy that finished second after the real winner tested positive for drugs.

Nothing like throwing gasoline on a fire to help put it out.

Why was there no Martial Law while they had controlled the Airport?

Double standard again.How dare the reds make themselves heard!

You are not people get back in your place and how dare you to challenge the YELLOW ELITE!

Can I get some of what you have been taking?

Go and hold your Oxford boy hand where ever he is hiding :)


The less the PM does the more the reds become embolden. The more the general population become pissed off with the lawlessness of the reds. The weaker politically the reds will becomes when it comes to a general election as more people vote against them. The longer this goes on the better chance the PM has of being re-elected. The reds behavior will ultimately work against them. They sure as shit won't win many seats in Bangkok or the south and I'm sure many people will either not vote or vote against them. Especially when the effects of the rally trickle down to the grass roots.

Reds better get ready for another 5 years in opposition. Just cause they won before, doesn't mean they'll win in the future. Times were different when Taksin rose to power.

As a footnote i went down rachadamri on Sunday and at least 20% of the people there were vendors selling red short stuff. Probably the same vendors selling yellow shirt stuff a couple of years ago.

What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand?

They have no right or authority. This is a force that has openly declared war on the Kingdom of Thailand. What can you expect from people like that?

Let the majority decide? The majority has decided, long time ago and the majority wanted Abhisit to be the PM

dominique355 I suggest you either read up a bit on Thai election history before you post or s.t.f.u.

What right do Red protesters have to stop ordinary citizens and search them? Who appointed them the moral authority in Thailand? It is not their place to harass and intimidate people. Why doesn't the government bring back some semblance of order to the country? If the Reds stop a police convoy complete with prisoner transport trucks the police ought to start filling those trucks, arrest these people. They are not agents of the government, they have no business blocking police or civilians. Is it acceptable for these vigilantes to start detaining people? Can they beat them and search them with no cause? It is only a matter of time before a driver runs down someone manning these illegal roadblocks. Do the police have to wait until more people die before they take back their job?

It's called "Double Standard", but ... didn't the Red Shirts go out to fight double standards? Oh, I see, only when applied to others. Stupid me!

Everyone should listen to this guy he knows what he is talking about!

These ignorant red shirt peasants need to be kicked back to the rice fields where they belong! It does not matter that they out number the yellow shirts 10 to 1!

It does not matter that they have repeatedly gone to the poles and watched as their peasant vote has been thrown away by the yellow shirts.

It does not matter that Thailand is an agricultural society and these red shirts peasants supply the world with rice.

What matters is that the yellow shirts have been inconvenienced by this "sit in" and they need to put things back in yellow shirt order!

Some times when "THE TAIL WAGS THE DOG" the dog turns around and bites his tail off!

This guy summed up the feelings of the yellow shirts..."Red shirts are just ignorant peasants that belong in the rice field and they should have no say in who governs the country that they support"

If all, multi/yellow act instead of just talk they can easily kick the peasants back to the paddies.

I cant decide if this post is brilliant irony or the ravings of an utter simpleton

IMO the latter attempting the former, but failing.


The disparaging remarks referring to Thai farmers as ‘peasants in paddy fields’ in some of these forums makes me sick and you should be ashamed and embarrassed by writing such utter rubbish. To the nasty posters who insist on insulting these people, I suggest you go and work in a paddy field with hardly a salary to your name and then call someone a peasant. Having visited the North East of Thailand many times I could not believe the difference in the living standards compared to more Southerly regions where people in Isaan are still having to live day by day on hardly anything. Surely in an emerging Asian country like Thailand things should be changing and you should not be seeing such a huge divide between the 'haves' and have-nots'. Of course things like this will take decades to be realised with a better education system being a priority so the less well-off understand how the countries economy works rather than the "live for today and who cares what happens tomorrow" attitude. Also a lot of the people from the North East are used as factory fodder for large Bangkok companies and are paid a pittance...I don't know what sort of Unions operate in these establishments but it cannot be working in favour of the employees. Unfortunately the true rural poor involved in the Red Shirt protest don't seem to understand they are being used in a power struggle and I do feel for them although the leadership of this movement are an entirely different matter. Also of course I do not condone the violence used on innocent people and the blunt refusal of the Red shirt leadership to accept any compromise if it does not fit all their terms. I really hope the present government at least gets a chance to try and sort out the countries problems and then elections can be held when they are legitimately due.


another simplistic remark:

Yellow = Elites ... Red = Peasents

the clash of interests seems obvious.

I favour an election. An election that most probably will give a win for the majority of people (reds).

This outcome would be ok for me as long as the paying mastermind T. cannot profit from it.

Therefore do as the Daleks say. Eliminate Mister T. beforehand.

Cheap and efficient way of having him out of the game. :)

But any which way Thailand goes. This country, it's people, must learn what democracy means.

one thing is: Poor people, who look for democracy, should not accept money for their votes. If they don't, rich people cannot buy their votes.

Infant thinking I know.

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