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Chavalit Slams Thai Govt For 'Cold-Blooded Murder'

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Chavalit slams govt for 'cold-blooded murder', frame-up over 'terrorism'

By The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Pheu Thai Party chairman Chavalit Yongchaiyudh yesterday lashed out at the government for "ordering killings" and for framing him as the mastermind behind "terrorism" during the protests.

In a related development, red-shirt leaders rigorously denied their involvement in a campaign designed to overthrow the monarchy and threatened to sue the government for defamation.

"I condemn both of you - Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban - as murderers," Chavalist said in a bid to deflect the charges.

The main opposition party also called a press conference to rebut allegations that Chavalit and the red shirts were linked to acts of terrorism designed to grab power and that the red-shirt protests were just a pretext for establishing a "New Thai State" and abolishing the monarchy.

Chavalit said he was not responsible for instigating violence, arguing the real culprits were Abhisit and Suthep who ordered a crackdown on the red shirts in cold blood.

"You will be haunted by your murderous acts and I am certain you will get your deserved punishment," he warned.

Chavalit also denied he was in any way involved with armed groups, saying he had always been an advocate for change via peaceful means. However, he added he would not file a counter lawsuit on grounds that he deemed it futile to litigate about his reputation.

He also insisted he was justified in seeking an audience with His Majesty the King and soliciting royal intervention to end the turmoil.

"If all sides think my move is inappropriate, then I will have to suspend my request for a royal audience," he said.

Meanwhile, red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua said none of the reds were linked in any attempts to harm the monarchy.

He said portraying the reds as disloyal to the monarchy was just a figment of the government's and the military's imagination, adding that the reds had instructed their lawyers to initiate a defamation lawsuit.

He went on to question why the authorities were labelling the reds as terrorists when those involved in violence in the three southernmost provinces were classified as insurgents.

Red-shirt leader weng Tojirakarn said the reds were struggling to achieve six goals, none of which was about overthrowing the monarchy as alleged.

The six goals are to advance democracy with the King as head of state, to overthrow the ammart or the elite, to uphold peaceful means, to combine political and economic struggles, to get rid of double standards and restore the suspended 1997 charter.


-- The Nation 2010-04-28


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its been two days since Abhisit put Chavalit and Seh Daeng in the same sentence and intimated they were co-conspirators in a much bigger than the red movement alone, to overthrow the monarchy and make Thailand a republic

now consider this: Chavilit is an ex prime minister of Thailand and he is the current chairman of the Red Shirt Phua Thai party

a prime minister in waiting ....... (waiting for Thaksins orders) and after having had two days to considering a sharp, thrusting response to offer to the worlds press as a defence against the allegations, this is the best comeback he can offer ?

"I condenm both of you, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thuagsuban, as murderers,"

its not classic Winston Churchill is it?

please Buddha save us all............

and he added:

Chavalit also denied he was in any way involved with armed groups, saying he has always been an advocate for change via peaceful means. However, he added that he would not file a counter lawsuit on grounds that he deemed it futile to litigate about his reputation.

He also insisted that he was justified in seeking an audience with His Majesty the King and soliciting royal intervention to end the turmoil.

"If all sides think my move is inappropriate, then I will have to suspend my request for a royal audience," he said.

-- The Nation 2010-04-27


no official filing to defend his honour?

no charges of defamation of his character to be brought against Abhisit and Suthep?

backing away from seeking an audience with HM?

defamation litigation is almost a way of life in the HiSo circles this guy moves in

the fact that he is not doing anything else but curse at his accusers, speaks volumes in my opinion.

Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

What one men can do !

Destroy a hole country.

Nobody win or lose !

Resolve the house, and late us make business again.

Land of smile - I see nobody smile more !

Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

you are right!

Any of the "foreigners" who think that "abhisit should resign and let Thailand heal", You've got some serious screws loose.

Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

you are right!

He is not right. That's not going to solve the problem.

The reds should use discussion and political means to solve their problems. They shouldn't use minority mobs and anarchy.

The people of the N/NE all have elected MPs to petition the government for what they want. That's how people do it in other countries. Why not try that here instead of ruining the economy for everyone?

Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

you are right!

aren't you two sick of spewing forth the same tired old line.......?

keep saying it does not make it happen or make it the truth

its a bit like the red mantra: deny, deny, deny, deny

denying a truth does not make it any less the truth

Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

What one men can do !

Destroy a hole country.

Nobody win or lose !

Resolve the house, and late us make business again.

Land of smile - I see nobody smile more !

this conflict is all about money and there are some big smiles on the faces of some of the red leaders with ever growing offshore bank accounts


Hmmmm, now let me see. What would I rather be called a terrorist or an insurgent?

The fact is at the end of the day they pretty much amount to about the same thing although the is a perception that the label terrorist is a little worse. So, Chavalit have it your way, your an insurgent..Happy now?

Yet, to be an insurgent it would be necessary to kill and murder members of the armed forces and government and maybe with some collateral civil deaths along the way. Whatever..............

When it comes to blood on hands, it seems to me that there has been a long history of politicians in Thailand to "remove" others getting in their road to money/power even at the very top level. And even Taksin as a political stunt and as a means to secure greater control of the drug trade for his cop friends proceded to "cleanse" Thailand of around 3,000 of its inhabitants.

Almost all Thai politicians (and their close associates) should be (but you can bet they're not) ashamed of the way they conduct themselves and administer the country on behalf of the populace.

To some extent, what has surprised me a little is that the current government/army has not yet surgically removed the top red shirt leaders and Taksin for that matter. I mean I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did, but I applaud their restraint.

Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

you are right!

Any of the "foreigners" who think that "abhisit should resign and let Thailand heal", You've got some serious screws loose.

Great argument there Bigbore!!


It’s getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don’t have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can’t be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the “nuts” from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can’t say that as I don’t have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now ‘threats not withstanding’ are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

It's getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don't have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can't be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the "nuts" from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can't say that as I don't have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now 'threats not withstanding' are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

I have to admit Abhisit would not be real welcome campaigning door to door on the dirt roads in small villages in rural NE Thailand. But when did he ever do this before.

It's getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don't have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can't be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the "nuts" from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can't say that as I don't have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now 'threats not withstanding' are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

Now you're talking. While i don't agree with all of your view, i like that you took the time to post your view in a nice manner. this forum should all be like this. No bitching simply because someone don't like the view of someone else

On the topics of disagreeing, you forgot one point. The nuts need to be remove from the yellow as well. Without this, its a one side win all and the red will surely come back



Damned right Robby. When you see the one or two sentance "Abhisit" get out posts, from posters who are recently registered with suspect english, you can guess correctly that we have been visited by the Thaksin PR team.

Chavalit's inaction prompted the first Asian financial crisis, and he certainly should never be given a chance to lead the country again. I think he should come clean my bathroom, that is more his speed.

I have to admit Abhisit would not be real welcome campaigning door to door on the dirt roads in small villages in rural NE Thailand. But when did he ever do this before.

He tried to go to Chiang Mai a few months ago, but cancelled after threats of violence and threats on his life from the reds up there.

Red democracy on show.


Weng seems to have forgotten three more objectives :-

7. To overthrow the current government at any cost in innocent-lives.

8. To halt current cases against Thaksin & get him a pardon for the previous completed cases.

9. To get him a refund on his money, before the government spend it, on helping the poor.

And Chavalit seems to have forgotten, who was in charge when the border-guards put 500 peaceful-protesters in hospital, and killed a few more. Of course he immediately resigned his cabinet-position, to try to dodge the blame, something the not-the-Supreme-Commander of the Peoples' Army of Thailand seems still to be doing.

And 'no comment', on the not-a-real-red-leader's recent confession, that the black-terrorists are part of the red-organisation.

There's an awful lot of forgetfulness going-around these days, in Red-Shirt leadership-circles, perhaps it's contagious ? :)


Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

to bring down the government.

This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

because taking this to court would expose him further.


no official filing to defend his honour?

no charges of defamation of his character to be brought against Abhisit and Suthep?

backing away from seeking an audience with HM?

defamation litigation is almost a way of life in the HiSo circles this guy moves in

the fact that he is not doing anything else but curse at his accusers, speaks volumes in my opinion.

Maybe he has seen how others have fared in court since the coup? whistling.gif

It's getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don't have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can't be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the "nuts" from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can't say that as I don't have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now 'threats not withstanding' are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

I have to admit Abhisit would not be real welcome campaigning door to door on the dirt roads in small villages in rural NE Thailand. But when did he ever do this before.

we all know there will be no honest fights at the ballot box, we all know village votes are bought by politicians or secured by intimidation.

the vote buying is supported and regulated by local police, mafia types and village headmen who all have their nose in the trough

whoever pays most or scares the most, gets the block vote.

if you want to be different, you better get ready to leave town.

that's how Thaksin got into power and it is how his cohorts in the Phua Thai party stay in power in red territory.

if you live in a Thai village you do not have a choice of who to vote for, if the village is red, so are you.

if there was an election the democrats would simply not be allowed to campaign in red territory, they would likely be beaten or worse killed.

PM Abhisit wanted to visit Chang Mai in the north last year to discuss allocating extra funding for the region, he was warned by the reds and the local governor that if he came, he would be targetted for assassination.

he still wanted to come to the meeting but the locals could not stand up to the red menace locally and instead withdrew the invitation

Thailand is corrupt to the core, at all levels, its all about money, its not about democracy at all.

Abhisit has brought something new to the table, a commodity called honesty and no-one likes it.

the headmen know if Abhisit has his way, they are about to lose their control over the village funds and they are about to lose some big money that they normally ''allocate '' to their own families projects.

honesty does not pay in Thailand. its a capital offense in some cases......


no official filing to defend his honour?

no charges of defamation of his character to be brought against Abhisit and Suthep?

backing away from seeking an audience with HM?

defamation litigation is almost a way of life in the HiSo circles this guy moves in

the fact that he is not doing anything else but curse at his accusers, speaks volumes in my opinion.

Maybe he has seen how others have fared in court since the coup? whistling.gif

The King of the One liners, back for more inane postings. You are in good company at least. :)


no official filing to defend his honour?

no charges of defamation of his character to be brought against Abhisit and Suthep?

backing away from seeking an audience with HM?

defamation litigation is almost a way of life in the HiSo circles this guy moves in

the fact that he is not doing anything else but curse at his accusers, speaks volumes in my opinion.

Maybe he has seen how others have fared in court since the coup? whistling.gif

or maybe he is guilty as charged and has no defence but to hurl curses at his accusers......

It's getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don't have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can't be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the "nuts" from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can't say that as I don't have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now 'threats not withstanding' are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

I have to admit Abhisit would not be real welcome campaigning door to door on the dirt roads in small villages in rural NE Thailand. But when did he ever do this before.

we all know there will be no honest fights at the ballot box, we all know village votes are bought by politicians or secured by intimidation.

the vote buying is supported and regulated by local police, mafia types and village headmen who all have their nose in the trough

whoever pays most or scares the most, gets the block vote.

if you want to be different, you better get ready to leave town.

that's how Thaksin got into power and it is how his cohorts in the Phua Thai party stay in power in red territory.

if you live in a Thai village you do not have a choice of who to vote for, if the village is red, so are you.

if there was an election the democrats would simply not be allowed to campaign in red territory, they would likely be beaten or worse killed.

PM Abhisit wanted to visit Chang Mai in the north last year to discuss allocating extra funding for the region, he was warned by the reds and the local governor that if he came, he would be targetted for assassination.

he still wanted to come to the meeting but the locals could not stand up to the red menace locally and instead withdrew the invitation

Thailand is corrupt to the core, at all levels, its all about money, its not about democracy at all.

Abhisit has brought something new to the table, a commodity called honesty and no-one likes it.

the headmen know if Abhisit has his way, they are about to lose their control over the village funds and they are about to lose some big money that they normally ''allocate '' to their own families projects.

honesty does not pay in Thailand. its a capital offense in some cases......

Sorry, i have to disagree that Abhisit has brought honesty to the table. He the same as everyone else. Are the Democrat not facing a court judgment for some kind of money laundry?

Same same, but different face

It's getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don't have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can't be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the "nuts" from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can't say that as I don't have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now 'threats not withstanding' are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

I have to admit Abhisit would not be real welcome campaigning door to door on the dirt roads in small villages in rural NE Thailand. But when did he ever do this before.

Please tell me at what point in the last 5 years,

would it have been SAFE for him to campaign door to door in rural NE Thailand?

This is the main reason free and fair elections do not exist in Thailand,

violent physical intimidation of opposing political thought.

Particualrly in the NE.

Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

to bring down the government.

This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

because taking this to court would expose him further.

Well said, sir. :)

It's getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don't have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can't be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the "nuts" from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can't say that as I don't have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now 'threats not withstanding' are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

I have to admit Abhisit would not be real welcome campaigning door to door on the dirt roads in small villages in rural NE Thailand. But when did he ever do this before.

we all know there will be no honest fights at the ballot box, we all know village votes are bought by politicians or secured by intimidation.

the vote buying is supported and regulated by local police, mafia types and village headmen who all have their nose in the trough

whoever pays most or scares the most, gets the block vote.

if you want to be different, you better get ready to leave town.

that's how Thaksin got into power and it is how his cohorts in the Phua Thai party stay in power in red territory.

if you live in a Thai village you do not have a choice of who to vote for, if the village is red, so are you.

if there was an election the democrats would simply not be allowed to campaign in red territory, they would likely be beaten or worse killed.

PM Abhisit wanted to visit Chang Mai in the north last year to discuss allocating extra funding for the region, he was warned by the reds and the local governor that if he came, he would be targetted for assassination.

he still wanted to come to the meeting but the locals could not stand up to the red menace locally and instead withdrew the invitation

Thailand is corrupt to the core, at all levels, its all about money, its not about democracy at all.

Abhisit has brought something new to the table, a commodity called honesty and no-one likes it.

the headmen know if Abhisit has his way, they are about to lose their control over the village funds and they are about to lose some big money that they normally ''allocate '' to their own families projects.

honesty does not pay in Thailand. its a capital offense in some cases......

Sorry, i have to disagree that Abhisit has brought honesty to the table. He the same as everyone else. Are the Democrat not facing a court judgment for some kind of money laundry?

Same same, but different face

Abhisit and Korn are both holders of a masters degree in economics from Oxford

Abhisit scored the second best result ever

Korn was voted best banker in Asia a few weeks ago

do you really think that these boys could not launder money and cover up a suspect donation without being caught out?

its a trumped up charge, everyone knows it but the reds.

the EC commission handed it off early after being threatened by Arisaman in their lobby

dissolution of the Dems will never happen by this route

its just nonsense, as is the charges

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