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Chavalit Slams Thai Govt For 'Cold-Blooded Murder'


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we all know there will be no honest fights at the ballot box, we all know village votes are bought by politicians or secured by intimidation.

the vote buying is supported and regulated by local police, mafia types and village headmen who all have their nose in the trough

whoever pays most or scares the most, gets the block vote.

if you want to be different, you better get ready to leave town.

that's how Thaksin got into power and it is how his cohorts in the Phua Thai party stay in power in red territory.

if you live in a Thai village you do not have a choice of who to vote for, if the village is red, so are you.

if there was an election the democrats would simply not be allowed to campaign in red territory, they would likely be beaten or worse killed.

PM Abhisit wanted to visit Chang Mai in the north last year to discuss allocating extra funding for the region, he was warned by the reds and the local governor that if he came, he would be targetted for assassination.

he still wanted to come to the meeting but the locals could not stand up to the red menace locally and instead withdrew the invitation

Thailand is corrupt to the core, at all levels, its all about money, its not about democracy at all.

Abhisit has brought something new to the table, a commodity called honesty and no-one likes it.

the headmen know if Abhisit has his way, they are about to lose their control over the village funds and they are about to lose some big money that they normally ''allocate '' to their own families projects.

honesty does not pay in Thailand. its a capital offense in some cases......

Sorry, i have to disagree that Abhisit has brought honesty to the table. He the same as everyone else. Are the Democrat not facing a court judgment for some kind of money laundry?

Same same, but different face

Abhisit and Korn are both holders of a masters degree in economics from Oxford

Abhisit scored the second best result ever

Korn was voted best banker in Asia a few weeks ago

do you really think that these boys could not launder money and cover up a suspect donation without being caught out?

its a trumped up charge, everyone knows it but the reds.

the EC commission handed it off early after being threatened by Arisaman in their lobby

dissolution of the Dems will never happen by this route

its just nonsense, as is the charges

I am always surprised by people that are blinded by their view. How can you say that the charge are trumped. We simply don't know for a fact.

Do you think that the charge against Takhsin were trumped? We both don't know, my opinion is that they were. Important note here, it's my opinion, not a fact. Do i think Takhsin is a crook, Oh yeah, 100% i do not trust the guy.

The same goes for Abhisit. Are the charge trumped, i don't know. My opinion is that they are not as he has the backing of the elite. Again, read opinion, not a fact. Do i think Abhisit is a crook. Though one to answer, i do not trust the guy, but he is definitively better than Takhsin.

What i am trying to say is that we can't be blinded by our opinion simply because we believe one side or the other. Point of the matter, both Takhsin and Abhisit are not to be trusted as they both have their own agenda. Trusted is the important word here.

Finally, just to make everyone understand a very point before the bashing begin. I would rather see Abhisit run this country than Takhsin


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Thai PM says he will step down if national stability at stake


Has permission been granted yet?

Abhisit is not the problem. I think that he has proven that he is a good man. However, the vote of the poor has been thwarted too many times in recent years and having new elections may be the only fair way out of this crisis.

The votesof all Thais have been thwarted in recent years. Anytime a person is not free to vote without fear of recrimination their votes are thwarted. A couple of incidents spring readily to mind

Taksin making his outragous statement many moons ago that provinces that didn't vote in TRT MPS would miss out on funding

The dismantaling of the Somcahi and Samak governments.

As for the OP - Whe Chavalit accuses Abhists of 'cold blooded murder'. I assume that this also implies that abhisit murdered the soliders in cold blood too? Otherwise we have a double standard !!!

Edited by jonclark
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Thai PM says he will step down if national stability at stake


Has permission been granted yet?

Abhisit is not the problem. I think that he has proven that he is a good man. However, the vote of the poor has been thwarted too many times in recent years and having new elections may be the only fair way out of this crisis.

Probably because many believe it is not the actual vote of the poor,

but the votes directed by those who MANIPULATE the poor to gain power.

Not close to the same thing.

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Thai PM says he will step down if national stability at stake


Has permission been granted yet?

Abhisit is not the problem. I think that he has proven that he is a good man. However, the vote of the poor has been thwarted too many times in recent years and having new elections may be the only fair way out of this crisis.

The votesof all Thais have been thwarted in recent years. Anytime a person is not free to vote without fear of recrimination their votes are thwarted. A couple of incidents spring readily to mind

Taksin making his outragous statement many moons ago that provinces that didn't vote in TRT MPS would miss out on funding

The dismantaling of the Somcahi and Samak governments.

As for the OP - Whe Chavalit accuses Abhists of 'cold blooded murder'. I assume that this also implies that abhisit murdered the soliders in cold blood too? Otherwise we have a double standard !!!

By Chavalit's counter logic he HIMSELF is guilty of cold blooded murder for the Oct 7th debacle.

In the same parallel equation;

Somchai = Abhisit, Suthep = Chavalit : This guy has little logic working full time...

And yes he just acused the PM of murder publicly without proof, only implication... brilliant move, sir!


I know Thaksin made good on his threat, because I was in one of those provinces that

DID miss out on funding because Thaksin said so... His TRT losers fopr MP came and said so.


Samak could have been back in office the NEXT day with the same government cabinet.

But Thaksin said no. No one dismantled the Samak government but THAKSIN

The Somchai government could have been reinstalled without Somchai the next day,

but they lost the Parliamentary Vote that THEY CALLED via their PTP/PPP caretaker PM.

At that point so much confidence was lost in the 3rd string TRT aka PTP,

Thus not enough MPs would back them for a 3rd round of ineptitude.

Edited by animatic
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Bloody rich coming from Chavalit.

He was personally in charge of security when the police charged the yellow shirts !!!! Sorry... how many were killed that day ??? Chavalit was so embarrassed that he went off to the temple to contemplate life!!


Chavalit has gallons of blood on his hands, over the years. Plus, he's certifiably insane.

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Where are Mr. Chalerm and his two sons? I am sure that they could help Mr. Chavalit to solve these problems immediately. Thaksin, Chavalit, Somchai, Chalerm-- what a winning combination, and of course, products of Democracy in Thailand.

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back to the topic 'Chavalit Slams Thai Govt For 'Cold-Blooded Murder'

then who is the 'cold-blooded murder' of the Thai economy, of the tourist industries melt down, of the billions of heavy tolls in years to come ?

one day, if anyone out of job ( or getting salary cut ), hope they could remember what did happen in Bangkok in April 2010 ?

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Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

okay Mr Thaksin.... why should any elected prime minister allow a gang of thugs to rule..? Do it this one time and it will Never end... next it will be Blue Shirts, Green Shirts, Tartan Shirts... get a life Dude..

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It's getting to the stage that reading let alone posting on this site is a waste of time due to all the BS that is appearing daily, however there is still a bit of worthwhile news here and there and I will have one more go at a post.

For those of you who insist that parliament must be dissolved and elections held please think for a bit.

In the climate of fear, intimidation and yes terrorism that exists with the red machine in action there can never be a free and fair election. Candidates unsuitable to the reds would be prevented from campaigning and voters would be intimidated, there would be no need for paying voters or policies which is probably why PTP (the reds party) don't have any. The reds have shown repeatedly that they have no consideration for anyone or anything but themselves and their own goals and there is no doubt they would influence an election in any way they could even if it meant killing people.

The reds have built up a machine by recruiting thugs, crims, and yes the mafia, whether these people are paid or are just in it for what they can get for themselves the fact is they are there and hay a rifle or bag of grenades as a bonus at the end would be very useful for their normal activities.

Before there can be a fair democratic election this red machine must be dismantled and most people will know (certainly the PM does) that any machine can't be taken to bits from the inside first you must remove the "nuts" from around the outside. It would appear that this process has now started, a little late perhaps but I can't say that as I don't have the information the PM and his advisors have and I would hazard a guess that no one else on this site has that information either.

When the outside bits have all or mostly been removed the guts of the machine will be left confined behind their barricade and granny and grandchild human shields. By this time most of the outside intimidation will have been removed and people will be free to voice their opposition to a movement that is surely destroying this country.

Think how much money and effort is and has been expended on combating the reds then think what good for the country and the people could have been achieved if that money and effort had not been tied up and yes wasted.

More and more people are seeing this and are even now 'threats not withstanding' are coming out against what the reds are doing and surely this number will continue to increase.

I have to admit Abhisit would not be real welcome campaigning door to door on the dirt roads in small villages in rural NE Thailand. But when did he ever do this before.

we all know there will be no honest fights at the ballot box, we all know village votes are bought by politicians or secured by intimidation.

the vote buying is supported and regulated by local police, mafia types and village headmen who all have their nose in the trough

whoever pays most or scares the most, gets the block vote.

if you want to be different, you better get ready to leave town.

that's how Thaksin got into power and it is how his cohorts in the Phua Thai party stay in power in red territory.

if you live in a Thai village you do not have a choice of who to vote for, if the village is red, so are you.

if there was an election the democrats would simply not be allowed to campaign in red territory, they would likely be beaten or worse killed.

PM Abhisit wanted to visit Chang Mai in the north last year to discuss allocating extra funding for the region, he was warned by the reds and the local governor that if he came, he would be targetted for assassination.

he still wanted to come to the meeting but the locals could not stand up to the red menace locally and instead withdrew the invitation

Thailand is corrupt to the core, at all levels, its all about money, its not about democracy at all.

Abhisit has brought something new to the table, a commodity called honesty and no-one likes it.

the headmen know if Abhisit has his way, they are about to lose their control over the village funds and they are about to lose some big money that they normally ''allocate '' to their own families projects.

honesty does not pay in Thailand. its a capital offense in some cases......

A Great Thread and hit the nail right on the head.... thanks..

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back to the topic 'Chavalit Slams Thai Govt For 'Cold-Blooded Murder'

then who is the 'cold-blooded murder' of the Thai economy, of the tourist industries melt down, of the billions of heavy tolls in years to come ?

one day, if anyone out of job ( or getting salary cut ), hope they could remember what did happen in Bangkok in April 2010 ?

Many of us still remember what Chavalit did to the economy in 1997...

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back to the topic 'Chavalit Slams Thai Govt For 'Cold-Blooded Murder'

then who is the 'cold-blooded murder' of the Thai economy, of the tourist industries melt down, of the billions of heavy tolls in years to come ?

one day, if anyone out of job ( or getting salary cut ), hope they could remember what did happen in Bangkok in April 2010 ?

thailand money and power but it's not different than western democratic countries , the only difference is that thai elite lies to it's people to get ride of power and money , western democracies lies to their people to go make war so the elite gets ride of power and money of poor countries. who is the worst , western democracy of course!!!

abhisit & thakssin are domestic murderers

bush & blair are international murderers

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Hmmm Chavalit takes a swing at Abhisit and Suthep .. after his name and that of Sae Daeng were named publicly.

Sae Daeng talks about his Ronin and grenading people .... Thaksin tapped Chavalit as leader of the "People's Army of Thailand"?

Why is anyone surprised that Chavalit is unprepared to fight in court over the accusations made by the government? That would open himself up to accusations that have come up recently AND waive his immunity as a MP.

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Abhisit needs to resign immediately and let Thailand heal.

you are right!

Any of the "foreigners" who think that "abhisit should resign and let Thailand heal", You've got some serious screws loose.

not only one cup missing in the"Cup-Board",

the whole cupboard fell over...

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Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

to bring down the government.

This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

because taking this to court would expose him further.

Well said, sir. :)

Big Jew has a short memory,I forgive him because he is already senile.

What happened during his tenure as PM,atrocities etc.corruption etc.

Why did he got booted out?

YOU tell me.

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Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

to bring down the government.

This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

because taking this to court would expose him further.

By exactly the same reason I do not see Abhisit or Suthep taking Chavilit to court for defamation over the "MURDERER" charges.

By your reasoning does this mean Abhisit and Suthep know they are likely guilty and not want further exposure ?

Yellow apologists, they do have some funny views :)

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Sorry, i have to disagree that Abhisit has brought honesty to the table. He the same as everyone else. Are the Democrat not facing a court judgment for some kind of money laundry?

Same same, but different face

Don't those allegations date back to before Abhisit became party-leader ? :)

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Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

to bring down the government.

This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

because taking this to court would expose him further.

By exactly the same reason I do not see Abhisit or Suthep taking Chavilit to court for defamation over the "MURDERER" charges.

By your reasoning does this mean Abhisit and Suthep know they are likely guilty and not want further exposure ?

Yellow apologists, they do have some funny views :)

Here is a thought,maybe they are trying to act like statesmen and adults.

In a situation like the present one ,if they were to follow that path they would be suing everyone,would they not and then no doubt we would then hear you and the other misinformed slamming him for wasting time suing people and not running the country.

Have a day off mate !

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Sorry, i have to disagree that Abhisit has brought honesty to the table. He the same as everyone else. Are the Democrat not facing a court judgment for some kind of money laundry?

Same same, but different face

Don't those allegations date back to before Abhisit became party-leader ? :)

Not the leader but in the party executive committee.

2 separate cases. - misuse of a Bt29-million government subsidy and

a unlawful Bt258 million donations from TPI Polene. Abhisit signed also some of the documents that are the evidence in this case. It is for sure that he will see a five year ban from politics.

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We have no reliable information about this conflict here in Thailand...nothing but slanted opinions, outright lies and propaganda to read...I've tried to put below what I know as fact and some of the things that I believe.

The reds have a manifesto, it's pretty clear what they want..it's expressed simply and it seems perfectly reasonable...they want a vote and some representation in government...not too much to ask for in my opinion...but some folk on here who claim to have some sort of divine insider knowledge...claiming that they somehow know that the reds want all sorts of other things as well, things that are desperately unpopular, such as the nonsense about weakening of the monarchy....it seems to me that the claimers of the divine inside knowledge are simply parroting yellow shirt, Democrat lies...and it's getting really tedious. The other tedious divine knowledge is all the guff about Thaksin....you farangs out there do not know anything at all about Thaksin's role, you have no privileged information and again are just parroting yellow shirt lies....

Here is what I know and don't know:

I don't know whether Abhisit is corrupt...pretty much every other politician seems to be...and he was deputy chairman of the democrats when a huge illegal donation was made to them...what is the saying about smoke and fire?

I do know Abhisit is incompetent and in my opinion he has blood on his hands from the April 10th massacre...

I also know that Abhisit tells lies...he said on April 10th that the troops had no live ammo (and then the next day the army asked for 6000 live rounds back)....for god's sake the man can't even lie competently....lying is essential in politics and Abhisit should resign on the grounds of total incompetence...

I don't know who the men in black are...and I don't believe that anyone else on this board knows either, nor do they know what the agenda of the men in black is...

I don't know who put up the posters on Silom calling for Thaksin as president....whoever did it knew that this would be desperately unpopular with the masses and would therefore discredit the reds...thus I think it was done by Yellow shirts or government (particualrly as Silom was crawling with army when the posters were put up)...

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Big Jiew comes out swinging. But hits nothing...

But all American's keep getting bashed for some reason.

Chavalit took the reigns of PTP

PTP along with Thaksin controls the redshirts

The redshirts are breaking many laws and confronting citizens in their daily lives,

Redshirts and PTP MP's all conspire to bring down the government.

The only PTP legitlative actions in a year have been signally unsucessful attempts

to bring down the government.

This is just an extra legal means to try the same thing.

Chavalit can't sue and can't do more than throw counter accusations,

because taking this to court would expose him further.

By exactly the same reason I do not see Abhisit or Suthep taking Chavilit to court for defamation over the "MURDERER" charges.

By your reasoning does this mean Abhisit and Suthep know they are likely guilty and not want further exposure ?

Yellow apologists, they do have some funny views :)

Here is a thought,maybe they are trying to act like statesmen and adults.

In a situation like the present one ,if they were to follow that path they would be suing everyone,would they not and then no doubt we would then hear you and the other misinformed slamming him for wasting time suing people and not running the country.

Have a day off mate !

Big Jew is now in Big SHlT.

He just couldn't control is Big Mouth yesterday.

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