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Thai Protesters Accept Pm Abhisit Election Roadmap, but refuse to go home


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Snoppy: Can you point out for me where in the constitution you find about house dissolution and election. I try to read it and only find that only the king can do it, but I am sure where will be some other paragraf which tells otherwise

Section 108. The King has the prerogative to dissolve the House of Representatives for a new election of members of the House. The dissolution of the House of Representatives shall be made in the form of a Royal Decree in which the day for a new general election must be fixed within the period of not less than forty five days but not more than sixty days as from the date of the dissolution of the House of Representatives and such election day must be the same throughout the Kingdom. The dissolution of the House of Representatives may be made only once under the same circumstance

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No, as you were the one who brought it up, lets go a little off topic.......

RIP: A 70-yr-old patient whose heart stopped beating while being moved from Chula hospital passed away at 2pm today.

04 May 2010 21:08:53

shall we tell the family to blame the hospital and put it on the bill?

what if this guy was your father, who would you blame for his death?

Did he die because of his condition? Or as a result of the hospital staff deciding that he should be moved?

would the hospital have decided to move him had the reds not invaded?

typically for a red, you have not answered the questions asked just posed more questions to deflect the original questions.....

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Timekeeper, fella... you are sounding like a very insecure person who has nothing but via the Internet is trying to create some value-added persona... but sorry... this "I have personal connections, secrets, confidants, special privileges, blah blah blah" :) is for children under 12..... Please, stop this nonsense... this is a web board for the Nation chat, not the CIA wannabe webboard!

Edited by Redsunset
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Why only apply logic of it being the hospital fault that patients needed to be moved and instead also apply it to the red mob who certainly didn't have to come to BKK and cause all the damage they have.

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Timekeeper, fella... you are sounding like a very insecure person who has nothing but via the Internet is trying to create some value-added persona... but sorry... this "I have personal connections, secrets, confidants, special privileges, blah blah blah" :) is for children under 12..... Please, stop this nonsense... this is a web board for the Nation chat, not the CIA wannabe webboard!

I thought it was pretty obvious he was joking considering who he was responding to.

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So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

The red shirts haven't harmed anyone by running around the hospital, though I agree with you that it was inappropriate and that it shouldn't have happened. If anyone got harmed during the move, you should put it on the bill of the hospital and its staff, since it was their decision to move the patients. The red shirts didn't harm any patients and neither did they ask them to be moved. But that's a discussion for another thread, not this one, so let's leave it at that and not go further off-topic.

No, as you were the one who brought it up, lets go a little off topic.......

RIP: A 70-yr-old patient whose heart stopped beating while being moved from Chula hospital passed away at 2pm today.

04 May 2010 21:08:53

shall we tell the family to blame the hospital and put it on the bill?

what if this guy was your father, who would you blame for his death?


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The red shirts haven't harmed anyone by running around the hospital, though I agree with you that it was inappropriate and that it shouldn't have happened.

You quoted me above and you didn't even bother to read it. It's right there in my quote where I said that it was inappropriate and I thought it was wrong.

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So you support violence if it's for your purpose, but you're against violence if it's for someone else's purpose? That's just silly. You're a mini-Dictator, aren't you. :)

I do not mean that...i believe in karma, but i dont want to wait for it to happen (im an impatient guy). If someone punches me in the face i will punch them back, if the reds see fit to harm the healths of the people in chulalongkorn then i think it is also fair to say that the health of the reds should be harmed in return.

Then you have absolutely NO understanding of karma (like most Thai's actually) go read the Dhammapada and try to vision a larger picture at work rather than advocating violence against either side - Om Shanti

I obviously have no religious knowledge at all but what i understand as karma is if you do something bad something bad happens to you, if you do something good then something good happens to you.

However, i dont want to wait for something to happen to the reds, i want something to happen to the reds quick.

Ohh...by the way to deadsnoopy what did you expect the hospital to do, if they leave the patients there do you realize what could happen to their health??? Sick people need to rest for recovery and some wild goose chase for some exploding food delivery is just fair to the sick

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shame on you

You are probablyin this country on a visa and here you are advocating

violence by this government against its own people !

This is not a tv reality show :D

To start, not against its own people but against a subversive element of the population that is holding the capital hostage, has killed civilians, uses weapons of war and has an destructive agenda against Thailand in short a group of violent Terrorists - I would say the same in any other country

Second, if someone has lived here for 26 years, has a Thai family and sees his and his families livelihood being destroyed this person has every right to voice his / her opinion just like the hundreds of thousands of Thai's who live in Europe and the US have the same fuc_king right

shame on you

Amazing, Herm. So you've been in Thailand for 26 years, eh? Funny how you only joined this Forum 5 days ago and spew a load of vitriolic garbage about......do I smell a troll? :)

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but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

sorry its a secret protected by client/attorney privilage

Timekeeper, dude you sound inane.... like a silly wannebe spy...

Remember that movie TRUE LIES with the car dealer who was posing as some silly secret agent to try and sweep Jamie Lee Curtis off her feet from her husband Arnold Schwarzenegger? He was actually trying to show off when he was just a nobody? Timekeeper you are that actor!!!!!

Now stop playing Dick Tracy and join us at the adult table here! :)

you mean you are taking this seriously?

who's the stupid one here?

i have already said three pages ago i was simply making the dead dog work for his money

please keep up, then grow up........

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Timekeeper, fella... you are sounding like a very insecure person who has nothing but via the Internet is trying to create some value-added persona... but sorry... this "I have personal connections, secrets, confidants, special privileges, blah blah blah" :) is for children under 12..... Please, stop this nonsense... this is a web board for the Nation chat, not the CIA wannabe webboard!

you are the funny one, for taking the piss take of the dead dog seriously

now off to bed little man, Mommys just called you, your Alphabetti Spaghetti is ready and Barneys on TV

Edited by timekeeper
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but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

sorry its a secret protected by client/attorney privilage

Timekeeper, dude you sound inane.... like a silly wannebe spy...

Remember that movie TRUE LIES with the car dealer who was posing as some silly secret agent to try and sweep Jamie Lee Curtis off her feet from her husband Arnold Schwarzenegger? He was actually trying to show off when he was just a nobody? Timekeeper you are that actor!!!!!

Now stop playing Dick Tracy and join us at the adult table here! :)

you mean you are taking this seriously?

who's the stupid one here?

i have already said three pages ago i was simply making the dead dog work for his money

please keep up, then grow up........

Hear Hear Timekeeper, I thought it was quite funny!


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Please Snoopy! I am curious!

Can you point out for me where in the constitution you find about house dissolution and election. I try to read it and only find that only the king can do it, but I am sure where will be some other paragraf which tells otherwise

Section 108. The King has the prerogative to dissolve the House of Representatives for a new election of members of the House. The dissolution of the House of Representatives shall be made in the form of a Royal Decree in which the day for a new general election must be fixed within the period of not less than forty five days but not more than sixty days as from the date of the dissolution of the House of Representatives and such election day must be the same throughout the Kingdom. The dissolution of the House of Representatives may be made only once under the same circumstance

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shame on you

You are probablyin this country on a visa and here you are advocating

violence by this government against its own people !

This is not a tv reality show :D

To start, not against its own people but against a subversive element of the population that is holding the capital hostage, has killed civilians, uses weapons of war and has an destructive agenda against Thailand in short a group of violent Terrorists - I would say the same in any other country

Second, if someone has lived here for 26 years, has a Thai family and sees his and his families livelihood being destroyed this person has every right to voice his / her opinion just like the hundreds of thousands of Thai's who live in Europe and the US have the same fuc_king right

shame on you

Amazing, Herm. So you've been in Thailand for 26 years, eh? Funny how you only joined this Forum 5 days ago and spew a load of vitriolic garbage about......do I smell a troll? :)

You should probably have a shower - do you really think anyone living here has to be a member of this forum ?

When I look at the rubbish you and your red friends write here and if that represents the usual standard I didn't miss anything

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Red-shirt leaders demand PM to specify House dissolution date

The red-shirt leaders Tuesday demanded that the prime minister announce a specific day for House dissolution before they will join the government's roadmap for political resolution.

They announced that the prime minister had no authority to set the election date on November 14 as the power belongs to the Election Commission.

They demanded that the government must show its sincerity towards political reconciliation by halting all kinds of intimidation towards the red-shirt protesters.

-- The Nation 2010-05-04

I think we can close this thread until further notice. MYbe I am dumb, but why must there be a house dissolution before the the election.

BBC are reporting that the reds are unconcerned by the date of election, they want to know when the house will be dissolved

this is still in line with their previous demands, so nothings really changed

they want Abhisit to dissolve the house quickly, so that he cannot pass the 2011 budget, and more importantly so he cannot amend the constitution to keep Thaksin and his cronies out and so that he can oversee the military reshuffle to see Anapong retire, and install Thaksin hater General Prayuth who will be the hard man that will bring the Army back on track

the reds know that if Abhisit can achieve these items on his personal road map then the red cause will be all but over bar the shouting

The key issue for the Reds is the dissolution date, not the election date. For them, having the dissolution prior to this government submitting the names for the military reshuffle is paramount.

I am not so sure that one of the concerns is that Abhisit will amend the constitution to keep Thaksin out as mentioned above. The 2007 constitution was drawn up by the military following the 2006 coup and last I looked, Thaksin is already out. Instead, the Reds are looking for a way to amend the constitution to get Thaksin back in.

On the Red protest, if it truly was about democracy then getting another election would be the key issue, but this has never been about democracy. It is about power to a small select group who will continue to throw crumbs to the people they claim to represent. This is their roadmap.

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No, as you were the one who brought it up, lets go a little off topic.......

RIP: A 70-yr-old patient whose heart stopped beating while being moved from Chula hospital passed away at 2pm today.

04 May 2010 21:08:53

shall we tell the family to blame the hospital and put it on the bill?

what if this guy was your father, who would you blame for his death?

engineervision said in response:


timekeeper says:

despite your red nature, i sincerely hope that is a decision you never have to make about your own father, assuming you have one......

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BTW to those who think im irrationally violent, i am usually peaceful and look for peaceful solutions but when i get angry and fustrated i tend to be drastically violent, i remember hoping someone would assasinate yellow leaders when they took over the airport and similarly i wish a painful death to those in the reds who caused painful death to others.

RIP to the 70-year old patient who died during his move from Chulalongkorn hospital, may his soul rest in peace, and may the people responsible pay for their sins.

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Red-shirt leaders demand PM to specify House dissolution date

The red-shirt leaders Tuesday demanded that the prime minister announce a specific day for House dissolution before they will join the government's roadmap for political resolution.

They announced that the prime minister had no authority to set the election date on November 14 as the power belongs to the Election Commission.

They demanded that the government must show its sincerity towards political reconciliation by halting all kinds of intimidation towards the red-shirt protesters.

-- The Nation 2010-05-04

I think we can close this thread until further notice. MYbe I am dumb, but why must there be a house dissolution before the the election.

BBC are reporting that the reds are unconcerned by the date of election, they want to know when the house will be dissolved

this is still in line with their previous demands, so nothings really changed

they want Abhisit to dissolve the house quickly, so that he cannot pass the 2011 budget, and more importantly so he cannot amend the constitution to keep Thaksin and his cronies out and so that he can oversee the military reshuffle to see Anapong retire, and install Thaksin hater General Prayuth who will be the hard man that will bring the Army back on track

the reds know that if Abhisit can achieve these items on his personal road map then the red cause will be all but over bar the shouting

The key issue for the Reds is the dissolution date, not the election date. For them, having the dissolution prior to this government submitting the names for the military reshuffle is paramount.

I am not so sure that one of the concerns is that Abhisit will amend the constitution to keep Thaksin out as mentioned above. The 2007 constitution was drawn up by the military following the 2006 coup and last I looked, Thaksin is already out. Instead, the Reds are looking for a way to amend the constitution to get Thaksin back in.

On the Red protest, if it truly was about democracy then getting another election would be the key issue, but this has never been about democracy. It is about power to a small select group who will continue to throw crumbs to the people they claim to represent. This is their roadmap.

Agree 100% elections were never a subject for the reds - everything incl. the leaders have been bought and paid for by Thaksin and he wants back into power and he does not give a <deleted> if the country goes to hel_l in the process

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Agree 100% elections were never a subject for the reds - everything incl. the leaders have been bought and paid for by Thaksin and he wants back into power and he does not give a <deleted> if the country goes to hel_l in the process

What an original argument. If I got 1 Baht for every time I heard that, I'd be richer than Thaksin. :)

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Please Snoopy! I am curious!

Can you point out for me where in the constitution you find about house dissolution and election. I try to read it and only find that only the king can do it, but I am sure where will be some other paragraf which tells otherwise

Section 108. The King has the prerogative to dissolve the House of Representatives for a new election of members of the House. The dissolution of the House of Representatives shall be made in the form of a Royal Decree in which the day for a new general election must be fixed within the period of not less than forty five days but not more than sixty days as from the date of the dissolution of the House of Representatives and such election day must be the same throughout the Kingdom. The dissolution of the House of Representatives may be made only once under the same circumstance

Wolf, if you have taken the time to scan through the constitution maybe you can explain to me why a house dissolution need to take place before elections.

Edit: This is not a challenge. I truly don't understand and would like a credible person to briefly explain it.

Edited by jcbangkok
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Agree 100% elections were never a subject for the reds - everything incl. the leaders have been bought and paid for by Thaksin and he wants back into power and he does not give a <deleted> if the country goes to hel_l in the process

What an original argument. If I got 1 Baht for every time I heard that, I'd be richer than Thaksin. :)

Shouldn't you have that shower by now?

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''Currently it's in the Constitution Court, who will eventually decide if the Democrats will be dissolved and Abhisit banned from politics.''

but they won't do that despite your aspirations.......

Is that your opinion? Or do you have a secret source inside the Constitution Court that has given you a hint of the upcoming decision?

No, Snoopy, he's just being realistic. When have the courts ever given an unbiased judgement when their Democratic chums have been caught out up to no good?

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Please Snoopy! I am curious!

Can you point out for me where in the constitution you find about house dissolution and election. I try to read it and only find that only the king can do it, but I am sure where will be some other paragraf which tells otherwise

Section 108. The King has the prerogative to dissolve the House of Representatives for a new election of members of the House. The dissolution of the House of Representatives shall be made in the form of a Royal Decree in which the day for a new general election must be fixed within the period of not less than forty five days but not more than sixty days as from the date of the dissolution of the House of Representatives and such election day must be the same throughout the Kingdom. The dissolution of the House of Representatives may be made only once under the same circumstance

Wolf, if you have taken the time to scan through the constitution maybe you can explain to me why a house dissolution need to take place before elections.

Can only find what I have quoted above, but I will look little futher. I was hoping deas Snoopy would show us his source so I didn´t have to do it.

About the EC I found only this:

Section 235. The Election Commission shall control and hold, or cause to be held, an election or selection of members of the House of Representatives, senators, members of a local assembly and local administrators, as the case may be, including the voting in a referendum, for the purpose of rendering it to proceed in an honest and fair manner.

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Let's try go back on-topic with this new article from TheNation:

Timor and US urge govt and reds to talk on roadmap

I'm not sure if Thailand will listed to the US, but they will definitely listen to Timor. :)

why would Thais listen to farangs?

we are not allowed to own a stone here and now the reds want advise and support from us?

didn't the reds make themselves look stupid enough already by asking the EU to intervene and help them?

then again by asking the UN?

how much face was lost by the reds asking farangs to help the sorry, downtrodden reds fight against the big bully amart corporate machine?

making an admission that they cannot handle the pressure and now they need farang help?

please....why would farangs step up to bail any Thai out?

never mind the traitorous red bullys

most of the time we are told we are just guests here, its not our business and we should shut up

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Let's try go back on-topic with this new article from TheNation:

Timor and US urge govt and reds to talk on roadmap

I'm not sure if Thailand will listed to the US, but they will definitely listen to Timor. :)

If you knew anything about recent history you would know there is a lot to be learned from Timor regarding what happens when there are splits in a society that seemingly cannot be solved through negotiation.

Edited by Netfan
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Let's try go back on-topic with this new article from TheNation:

Timor and US urge govt and reds to talk on roadmap

I'm not sure if Thailand will listed to the US, but they will definitely listen to Timor. :)

why would Thais listen to farangs?

we are not allowed to own a stone here and now the reds want advise and support from us?

didn't the reds make themselves look stupid enough already by asking the EU to intervene and help them?

then again by asking the UN?

how much face was lost by the reds asking farangs to help the sorry, downtrodden reds fight against the big bully amart corporate machine?

making an admission that they cannot handle the pressure and now they need farang help?

please....why would farangs step up to bail any Thai out?

never mind the traitorous red bullys

most of the time we are told we are just guests here, its not our business and we should shut up

How can anybody take the US serious when it says the red mob and the gov't should negotiate when it is a common occurrence in US cities to bring out the riot police anytime there is an illegal gathering that is causing any disturbance to the public.

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It is amazing some people here and within the red group are so delusional that they actually think there is some sort of agreement that has transpired or will between the reds and the government. WAKE UP, the red mob is done and have no say so in this road map except to either accept it or not and then face the consequences that Thailand will have no sympathy in seeing happen and that will also increase Abhisit's popularity.

This road map has to do with all the people of Thailand and not the red mob. This is basically the same offer the PM gave right of the bat during the negotiations the red mob walked away from and then went on to cause untold injuries and numerous deaths and destruction in Thailand as well as putting a big dent into the economy and putting 60k+ people out of work.

If anybody is truly a red sympathizer they should be screaming for new leadership. The three stooges they had sitting down with the PM, before things got completely out of hand with their mob, could have walked away as winner but instead now they have lost face all over the world and GUARANTEED you will see a mass exodus of red supporters from the land they have seized.

As the PM stated weeks ago ... be patient, he has a plan to seprate the hardcore violent group from the followers in the lawless violent mob who has been hel_l bent on tearing Thailand apart and forcing authorities to crack down so they can cry "we are victims" to the world. But now, the have lost all credibility and the world sees them for what they are ... thugs and terrorists.

:) well put

I don't understand why it is difficult to believe that Chavalit, Thaksin, Newin, Anupong, Prem and all the men behind the scenes on the establishment side have sat down and worked out a deal specifically designed to

a) give them political and financial advantages in the near future

:D save face in the present

c) be able to put the blame on the minor players who will be sacrificed soon

After all, isn't this the basis of Thai politics? Surely we are just seeing the endgame of the various power struggles and manoeuvering that have been going on behind the scenes.

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Please Snoopy! I am curious!

Can you point out for me where in the constitution you find about house dissolution and election. I try to read it and only find that only the king can do it, but I am sure where will be some other paragraf which tells otherwise

Section 108. The King has the prerogative to dissolve the House of Representatives for a new election of members of the House. The dissolution of the House of Representatives shall be made in the form of a Royal Decree in which the day for a new general election must be fixed within the period of not less than forty five days but not more than sixty days as from the date of the dissolution of the House of Representatives and such election day must be the same throughout the Kingdom. The dissolution of the House of Representatives may be made only once under the same circumstance

Wolf, if you have taken the time to scan through the constitution maybe you can explain to me why a house dissolution need to take place before elections.

That is an excellent question.

From reading the 2007 constitution (boring), under section 124, unless disqualified for a number of individual reasons (none of which apply here), it looks like the president and vice president of the house stay in office until the expiration of their term (4 years) or upon a dissolution. Hence, there must be some catalyst for a new national election to be called. Interestingly, only one elected government has made it through its 4 year term and that was Thaksin's government in 2001-2005.

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Even the demand for House dissolution date is silly. They can just open the Constitution and count the days back from Nov 14.


It's not silly. Because only once the date for the House dissolution has been set, the election date can be set. It's not in Abhisit's power to set an election date. Abhisit has to set a date to dissolve parliament (which he still hasn't done) and then the Election Commission (EC) will set the date for the new elections.

So either Abhisit doesn't understand the process -or- he's the one that's trying to play the crowd.

Again, Abhisit needs to confirm with the Election Commission the date he will dissolve parliament, then the Election Commission will set the date for the new election, and that's it. Before that, it's just a proposal. I understand however that this process may be a bit difficult to understand for some people here.

"Abhisit needs to confirm with the Election Commission the date he will dissolve parliament, then the Election Commission will set the date for the new election"

That's just wrong in fact and law and practice.

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