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So the reds are still discussing their proposal? I didn't think they wanted to negotiate. Why didn't they do this 6 weeks ago.

I imagine that their proposal will be about the same, except with elections or dissolution earlier.

Expect the army to be rolling in in the next couple of days. That's what the reds want.

They don't wanna compromise. they had a chance when they met with the prime minister during those multiple hour long sessions. they want it their way.

Hope the army plays it smart. bringing in dogs has always sent people running in all directions when protests got out of control. I hope they use a wise method to disperse and not the problematic tear gas or tanks and rubber bullets (however...judging by the past.....no suggestion of that so far) they could use some outside advice! and no I don't mean Evil T from Dubai!

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Apisit mentioned today how he'd been called a coward and said if he was a coward he would have resigned already.

Many people send him messages as his personal phone number is well known, to many people's surprise, he often calls back, explaining his reasons for the road map.


Science fiction story:What would be if ? Wonder what would happen if Queen Elisabeth would threat mr.Brown he has to leave the country or sit in prison for not serving his military time,if he dissolve the government,or if the UK military is threatening mr.brown to kill him if he dissolve the government,or if the rich london elite would ask all the bribes back paid to all government members in case mr.brown is dissolving the government.I think would be difficult for mr.brown or any other PM to do the right thing.Good solution would be to take the power away from them.

Story above is science fiction,should not be compared with any other country

Apisit mentioned today how he'd been called a coward and said if he was a coward he would have resigned already.

Many people send him messages as his personal phone number is well known, to many people's surprise, he often calls back, explaining his reasons for the road map.

whats the number..?

Apisit mentioned today how he'd been called a coward and said if he was a coward he would have resigned already.

Many people send him messages as his personal phone number is well known, to many people's surprise, he often calls back, explaining his reasons for the road map.

whats the number..?

BexleyBoy, excellent early post.... great question....

Ladies and Gents.... if the Red shirts stall and delay and hem and haw and decide they need more time.... I say give the reins to Prayuth, Anupong's second in command and let him disperse the protesters by cutting off all supplies, and at some point early next week, raid the place when the red shirt leaders have their next red leader team meeting and capture the whole lot of them!!!


By the way.... these obsessive delay tactics are TYPICAL Thai behavior.... you know... when you have a bit of the upper hand, start abusing your power and making ridiculous requests that demonstrate you would make a lousy partner to do business with..

This has become like a channel 3 soap opera

Every day the same story the same thing

The Red shirts have a hidden agenda, and keep looking froe excuses to cause more problem

The government want the red shirts out so Bkk can come back to Normal

The Police (lollipop men) are scared of their own shadows

The army plays war games on computers, and do not want to hurts there little fingers

The only group showing any back bone are the yellow shirts

Has any one noticed unlike all other protest in history there is something missing on the red shirt stage

Have we forgotten not long ago Thasin was wearing Yellow

Get used to this Bangkok

street fighting has become part of your life style

Sad Thais used to be so mai pen rai

the good days are sadly gone and finished

Why so depressing???

BTW the yellows dont have any backbone either, they dont have the courage to face a challenge that might develop thailand into a better and more peaceful country, they want to stand in the shadows of the past scared that they might lose all their wealth and prestige if other people have a change at wealth too.

Oddly I was down at Lotus today (Udon Thani Branch) and as always the place was packed with Thai shoppers spending money like it was going out of style. :) We had a hard time finding a place to park and yes a BIG line at McDonald's too! :D So yes these are some very hard economic times indeed and Lotus is making a killing$$$. :D


This has become like a channel 3 soap opera

Every day the same story the same thing

The Red shirts have a hidden agenda, and keep looking froe excuses to cause more problem

The government want the red shirts out so Bkk can come back to Normal

The Police (lollipop men) are scared of their own shadows

The army plays war games on computers, and do not want to hurts there little fingers

The only group showing any back bone are the yellow shirts

Has any one noticed unlike all other protest in history there is something missing on the red shirt stage

Have we forgotten not long ago Thasin was wearing Yellow

Get used to this Bangkok

street fighting has become part of your life style

Sad Thais used to be so mai pen rai

the good days are sadly gone and finished

Why so depressing???

BTW the yellows dont have any backbone either, they dont have the courage to face a challenge that might develop thailand into a better and more peaceful country, they want to stand in the shadows of the past scared that they might lose all their wealth and prestige if other people have a change at wealth too.

As if Thaksin and the reds have a programme for this.

There isn't one.

Only smoke and mirrors.


Out of respect for Bangkok Post's copyright as well as respect for our sponsor The Nation, I will not paste/link it here... but I suggest you check out the excellent and impartial commentary on today's Bangkok Post by Mr. Voranai Vanijaka "Beware of the Reds, and Keep Your Eyes on the Yellows"

*The Nation has also been coming up with more impartial commentaries lately, so thanks to them too!

*(Mods may remove this post if you feel it is inappropriate.)


Apisit mentioned today how he'd been called a coward and said if he was a coward he would have resigned already.

Many people send him messages as his personal phone number is well known, to many people's surprise, he often calls back, explaining his reasons for the road map.

I have mentioned before, he has turned out to be a lot tougher than I ever managed. About a week and half ago when it looked like both the Bangkok police and Army wouldn't support the rule of law, I thought Abhisit was finished. I was clearly wrong.

While Abhisit's road map has not won him a lot of supporters in Bangkok, nobody I know doubts his courage. He is one tough SOB.

Out of respect for Bangkok Post's copyright as well as respect for our sponsor The Nation, I will not paste/link it here... but I suggest you check out the excellent and impartial commentary on today's Bangkok Post by Mr. Voranai Vanijaka "Beware of the Reds, and Keep Your Eyes on the Yellows"

*The Nation has also been coming up with more impartial commentaries lately, so thanks to them too!

*(Mods may remove this post if you feel it is inappropriate.)


I actually noticed a number of articles I thought had some very bad timing lately. Almost got the feeling they wanted to stir stuff up right when it looked like things might get better.

The Nation is an interesting newspaper.... sometimes it is "pro-Abhisit" sometimes it is "anti-Abhisit". Perhaps this is acceptable, I don't know.

But often it is difficult to separate facts from opinion. In this case, it is opinion, but Nation articles have been written that blur facts with opinion...

What is a reader to do?!

Easy: Move to a better news source. :D

They actually wrote this, quoted verbatim, in full:

Reds leaders to meet again Sunday

Red shirts leaders' meeting after double fatal attacks ended on Saturday without any resolution when they would end their rally. Nuttawut Saikua, a red shirt leader, told after the meeting that the core leaders would meet again on Sunday to work out on more concrete plan.

(http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/Reds-leaders-to-meet-again-Sunday-30128862.html )

Now, look how they struggle to get the reference to the violence in there in the same paragraph as the actual news fact, that the Red leaders will meet again today. It almost isn't even English anymore: " Red shirts leaders' meeting after double fatal attacks ended on Saturday without any resolution when they would end their rally. "

:) This really is getting quite tedious.

Winnie I hope 'concrete plan' isn't about people 'disappearing' in motorway pillars?

edit: spelling - it's early!

This has become like a channel 3 soap opera

Every day the same story the same thing

The Red shirts have a hidden agenda, and keep looking froe excuses to cause more problem

The government want the red shirts out so Bkk can come back to Normal

The Police (lollipop men) are scared of their own shadows

The army plays war games on computers, and do not want to hurts there little fingers

The only group showing any back bone are the yellow shirts

Has any one noticed unlike all other protest in history there is something missing on the red shirt stage

Have we forgotten not long ago Thasin was wearing Yellow

Get used to this Bangkok

street fighting has become part of your life style

Sad Thais used to be so mai pen rai

the good days are sadly gone and finished

Why so depressing???

BTW the yellows dont have any backbone either, they dont have the courage to face a challenge that might develop thailand into a better and more peaceful country, they want to stand in the shadows of the past scared that they might lose all their wealth and prestige if other people have a change at wealth too.

As if Thaksin and the reds have a programme for this.

There isn't one.

Only smoke and mirrors.

Thaksin... Thaksin... Thaksin... let's see if we can get 4 straight posts without yellows mentioning the Luciferic Brother

This has become like a channel 3 soap opera

Every day the same story the same thing

The Red shirts have a hidden agenda, and keep looking froe excuses to cause more problem

The government want the red shirts out so Bkk can come back to Normal

The Police (lollipop men) are scared of their own shadows

The army plays war games on computers, and do not want to hurts there little fingers

The only group showing any back bone are the yellow shirts

Has any one noticed unlike all other protest in history there is something missing on the red shirt stage

Have we forgotten not long ago Thasin was wearing Yellow

Get used to this Bangkok

street fighting has become part of your life style

Sad Thais used to be so mai pen rai

the good days are sadly gone and finished

Why so depressing???

BTW the yellows dont have any backbone either, they dont have the courage to face a challenge that might develop thailand into a better and more peaceful country, they want to stand in the shadows of the past scared that they might lose all their wealth and prestige if other people have a change at wealth too.

As if Thaksin and the reds have a programme for this.

There isn't one.

Only smoke and mirrors.

Thaksin... Thaksin... Thaksin... let's see if we can get 4 straight posts without yellows mentioning the Luciferic Brother

That is easy if you really want it.

All that needs to happen is for the reds to apologize to the rest of Thailand for treating the rest of Thailand with contempt by supporting the criminal, and admit that his punishment is justified.

It is amazing to me that the red apologists can not understand Thaksin is the reason people hate them. I know you would like to push that inconvenient truth off to the side. But how about the reds simply deal with the true reasons for this divide in society in the first place?

There is no way to achieve reconciliation without the reds apologizing for their support of Thaksin. The rest of us will not forget what the criminal did. If the reds don't like this reminder, then denounce him so we can all move on.

Otherwise, expect to be reminded at every turn of why there is a divide in society. This problem will only stop when all Thais accept that Thaksin created the problem by eviscerating the democratic institutions designed to keep a check on his power, and bribing and threatening court judges to keep him in power in 2001. Thaksin created the conditions such that a coup was the only way to bring him to justice. The coup was a result of Thaksin, not some trick to disenfranchise the red voting block.

It doesn't matter how many people like Thaksin. The rule of law is supreme, not votes. You can't have him back and you can't pardon him no matter how many people support this.

I am so tired of hearing red apologists try to ignore this. The reds created this whole mess. Let them clean it up. They may have legitimate concerns outside of this 1 issue, but nobody cares unless and until they admit what they did to the rest of the Thai people was wrong.

I will continue to mention Thaksin until the reds denounce him. He is the source of the divide, inconvenient though he may be to the people who want to pretend otherwise.


Thaksin... Thaksin... Thaksin... let's see if we can get 4 straight posts without yellows mentioning the Luciferic Brother

That is easy if you really want it.

All that needs to happen is for the reds to apologize to the rest of Thailand for treating the rest of Thailand with contempt by supporting the criminal, and admit that his punishment is justified.

It is amazing to me that the red apologists can not understand Thaksin is the reason people hate them. I know you would like to push that inconvenient truth off to the side. But how about the reds simply deal with the true reasons for this divide in society in the first place?

There is no way to achieve reconciliation without the reds apologizing for their support of Thaksin. The rest of us will not forget what the criminal did. If the reds don't like this reminder, then denounce him so we can all move on.

Otherwise, expect to be reminded at every turn of why there is a divide in society. This problem will only stop when all Thais accept that Thaksin created the problem by eviscerating the democratic institutions designed to keep a check on his power, and bribing and threatening court judges to keep him in power in 2001. Thaksin created the conditions such that a coup was the only way to bring him to justice. The coup was a result of Thaksin, not some trick to disenfranchise the red voting block.

It doesn't matter how many people like Thaksin. The rule of law is supreme, not votes. You can't have him back and you can't pardon him no matter how many people support this.

I am so tired of hearing red apologists try to ignore this. The reds created this whole mess. Let them clean it up. They may have legitimate concerns outside of this 1 issue, but nobody cares unless and until they admit what they did to the rest of the Thai people was wrong.

I will continue to mention Thaksin until the reds denounce him. He is the source of the divide, inconvenient though he may be to the people who want to pretend otherwise.

1./ I don't want Thaksin back

2./ You have failed to recognise this is FAR larger than Thaksin

3./ You and a few others are obsessed with mentioning his name at every turn to detract from the real issues - it doesn't work


Waiting for the reds announcement that they are supposed to make after their merit making ceremeny as to whether the will come on board with a plan to get the country back on track.

Would more appropriate to have an apology making ceremony to BKK and the country as a whole (almost left off the W).

I note the generous donations to the families of the dead and injured by the palace and the 350 million (or whatever) bhat by the Govt for those who have lost their income or otherwise affected by the rally but I see nowhere where the reds, the defenders of the poor, have even offered an apology let alone a satang towards those who they have put out of work.

I am sure that this at least some of this lost income would have been sent to families in Essan and other parts of the country, yet another indication of the reds regard for those they proport to represent.

1./ I don't want Thaksin back

2./ You have failed to recognise this is FAR larger than Thaksin

3./ You and a few others are obsessed with mentioning his name at every turn to detract from the real issues - it doesn't work

1. Good. Now just convince the rest of your red buddies and we'll all be better off.

2. No, I have pointed out for that people who are not red supporters, the biggest issue is the reds contemptible support for Thaksin. I even said there may be other issues, but just as you try to say Thaksin is now a minor issue to the reds, those other issues are minor issues to everyone who is not a red.

3. I am not trying to detract from real issues. The reds are trying to bury the issue of their contemptible support for Thaksin. That is a VERY real issue. It is more important to the anti red crowd than any of these other issues. There are 2 sides here. The reds have to admit their part in this problem if they want it to be resolved. If I shoot your daughter, and you get angry, and then I say your daughter is not the issue, how would you react? Thaksin is THE issue for anyone who is not red. It is one that the reds created all by themselves, and one that the reds must address and apologize for.

If you want reconcilliation, denounce Thaksin. Convince your red friends to denounce Thaksin. Vocally. That is the only way to get the rest of the people to take your other concerns more seriously. You can not have it both ways. You can not bury the Thaksin issue without addressing it.

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