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Thai Protesters To Rally Until Deputy PM Suthep Surrenders

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When this is over the moronic farang red shirt supporters need to be rounded up, tarred and feathered then made to sing the nation anthem continually for 24 hours then flogged and deported.

Another courageous keyboard warrior. Any time you want to say that to my face I would be happy to take your whip and shove it down your guttless loud mouth

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If you feel that way, why not ask red shurt leaders why

they made this demand, they are the ones who demanded

he turn himself in ...

So according to you, the red shirt leaders made a rather

silly demand

One of many Why is it the reds & red shirt apologists are so fixed on shifting the blame to the yellows while it is a whole different issue. That's the best they can come up with. Pretty pathetic. Highly doubtful that the reds will accept any form of action. They are just trying to weasel out of the sentences they have earned & unlike The Taksin they do not have the resources to get their ass out of the clink . 3 squares & a floor fit for a groveler. Wait until they find out they been duped & the payroll truck has been stopped before payment due to the govn seizing his precious horde. Hard to believe anyone can be so foolish to see they are being used for his own personal egotistical gains.

Deputy PM to surrender to DSI on Tuesday.

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will surrender to Department of Special Investigation on Tuesday to testify against a complaint by victims of April 10 violence.

The decision came as red shirts leaders announced that they would end the rally at Rajprasong if Suthep surrendered to face charge.

Relatives and families of victims of the April 10 violence, led by opposition party Pheu Thai, filed a complaint with DSI against Suthep and PM Abhisit Vejjajiva for allegedly ordering the crackdown, resulting in death and injuries.


-- The Nation 2010-05-10


maby it is better not to write or speak about this annymore ?

Let us know when the reds are gone,thats all.

The rest is total unintresting.

I though RED say Police and not DSI.

Wow, it took how many pages for someone to notice this? :D

Sir, it is the DSI that has jurisdiction with regard to alleged acts of terrorism, not the Royal Thai Police. If Deputy PM Suthep were to report to the CSD, all they could do would be to record his visit and his statement in their daily logbook. Anything else would be an illegal act on the part of the authorizing officer and would be nullified by the courts.

using women and children as human shield ( in the protest ) is a VERY NAIVE attitude ! no complain accepted !

Except for one important thing .

Human shields are not willingly human shields .

Those red ladies protesting are there because of their own free will .

Of course that nuance is lost on you .

Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

Sorry, the reds are there illegally, and know the dangers of attacking soldiers trying to do their job. Blame Weng et al for putting women and children in the line of fire. If anyone should be in trouble, it should be Weng et al for putting minors in line of fire.

using women and children as human shield ( in the protest ) is a VERY NAIVE attitude ! no complain accepted !

More babbling. They're not human shields. They're there to protest. If the army goes in with tanks and fully automatic assault rifles against women and children, are you suggesting it's the women's and children's fault? Shame on you.

Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

They are not going to leave tomorrow.


Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

... And how many M76 did the Yellow shirts launch, how many 5.65mm or 9mm round flew into Policemen around the capital? Once again its incredible to view the sanity of these people, I wish them all a nice extended holiday on the face of the sun.

Weng and his minions are just trying to prove that they are worthy of Thaksin's love and re$pect. They know very clearly now that if they aren't up for a proper govt overthrow then there are even more villainous thugs led by Seh Daeng waiting to take over. Their frantic meetings in their trailer are to discuss plans on how to best give Thasksin the 'happy ending' he so badly wants.....

Takki will only find peace 6 feet under... or maybe not even there...

pieces. face down. well, they say some folks are good "deep down"

More babbling. They're not human shields. They're there to protest. If the army goes in with tanks and fully automatic assault rifles against women and children, are you suggesting it's the women's and children's fault? Shame on you.

Whats the point in explaining to those yellow blood thirsty muppets in arm chair ?

As long as no blood spilled they wont be satisfied .

And when it is , they will wonder why the US secretary of state want talk to the reds next time

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

According to you.

"Nuttawut: We will end rally as soon as Suthep turns himself in....Repeat: If Suthep doesn't turn himself in for April 10 deaths, Reds won't disperse."

Where does it say police? All Nattawut said was turn himself in. It was after Suthep agreed to turn himself into the DSI did Natthawut change his story. In other words, distort and negate everything he said.

"Nuttawut said Reds won't accept Suthep surrendering to DSI. "Conflict of interest", Nuttawut said."

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

But why would he want to surrender to the police? As far as I am aware, there are no charges against him, and no warrant against him! Please explain.



Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

Ah, Che, even your namesake wasn't *that* good a shot that he hit the target every time...some went astray, causing what is now euphemistically termed "collateral damage."

Mind you, he did kill a ****load of people, didn't he. Gender didn't matter to old Che, no... his killings were gender neutral, eh. Ahead of his time. And not known as a murderer, no. He became known as a butcher.

But you already knew that :)

Hm, okay ...what exactly does this have to do with the topic? Or do you want me to give you a lecture about Noah's Ark?

For your first question: look at the words you wrote that I highlighted in red. Now consider that troops (if indeed it was the troops and not red shirts masquerading as troops, or black shirts, whatever) under battle conditions, if they did shoot, would have some difficulty hitting a moving target especially while being jostled by their colleagues in the heat of battle.

Remember, they're using M16s - set to single shot. On full automatic, they can spray out 12 rounds per second. But they weren't attempting carnage - otherwise known as accuracy through quantity. They were using the minimum firepower to accomplish their task. Throughout, the soldiers have shown amazing grace under fire, and in accordance with international standards, only shot at targets that threatened. That some shots may have gone astray is quite normal on the field of battle - be it a jungle or an urban setting.

As far as the second question goes, if you have an update on the sighting at Mount Ararat, I'd love to hear about it - on an appropriate forum.

I guess I should have used the irony smiley - oh, there isn't one yet. You talk about 'innocent' women; I won't debate that point with you. I just find it ironic that your namesake was known as a butcher, and yet you speak about some injuries during a red shirt attack that the troops tried very hard to avoid. Irony... not sarcasm. Big difference. But you already knew that :D

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

Sorry, the reds are there illegally, and know the dangers of attacking soldiers trying to do their job. Blame Weng et al for putting women and children in the line of fire. If anyone should be in trouble, it should be Weng et al for putting minors in line of fire.

using women and children as human shield ( in the protest ) is a VERY NAIVE attitude ! no complain accepted !

More babbling. They're not human shields. They're there to protest. If the army goes in with tanks and fully automatic assault rifles against women and children, are you suggesting it's the women's and children's fault? Shame on you.

I 'respect' the freedom of protest, freeddom of express own opinion, till now ! yes, for men and women ( not such about children ), reds or yellow or any colour you like. but no violence, no intention of hurting and of blocking the right of others. DO I have my right of being a civilian here as well ?

I am not suggest to roll in tanks and shoot at ANY HUMAN BEING neither !

DON'T PUT WORDS INTO MY MOUTH, I am full tonight :)

How difficult can it be?. The redshirts want to fool Suthep in to trap. If he surrender to the police and they let him go even if the evidence against him are indisputable for put to actions attack with live bullits killing 25, injuered 1000,- then the police have to let all the redshirts go free also. :D

Except for the minor fact that Suthep acted in protecting Thailand and the reds are treasonous terrorists intent on overthrowing the state. :)

Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

Well well...

The reds are fighting for democracy and freedom of speech, yet anytime anyone says anything against them, they respond with "shut up" followed by a few M79 rockets en route to the "offender".

Uhm ...where exactly did I tell anyone to shut up? Tell me when you're back from Dreamworld please. :D

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

You should revise your pathetic speech......! You only fool yourself and a couple of yours......

You can't be right against the immense majority who thinks differently!


I may be wrong, but I think that as long as Jatuporn, Sae Dang, Arisaman, Kwanchai and Issan Rambo keep on refusing to disperse, the rest of the leaders won't be able to even if they want to! The Reds have always claimed that they represent the majority* of Thai people. If their followers split, they will lose any illusion that that is true. If the Reds split into moderates & extremists, they will just be a couple of minor political factions and will lose much of their power. In addition, once they are no longer surrounded by thousands of followers, they will be vulnerable to real arrest (not whatever show arrest they may or may not do on the 15th) and real imprisonment.

Then there is the money. Anyone who has taken a look around the rally site can see that a fair amount of money has been invested into this operation. Regardless of where that money came from, who is controlling where it goes? Is the Veera/Wang faction controlling the purse-strings or is it the Jatuporn/Sae Dang faction? If they go their separate ways, who will control the future money flow? The future of the whole Red movement depends on them maintaining a unified front. If they want to keep a functional movement going, they have to stay together, which means that one or two stubborn individuals can control the direction that they are going to move in.

I suspect that the Reds will not be leaving Ratchaprasong any time soon.

*In this case 'majority' is 35-40% of the electorate in the last round of elections, which included enough open vote-buying to get PT disbanded.

For your first question: look at the words you wrote that I highlighted in red. Now consider that troops (if indeed it was the troops and not red shirts masquerading as troops, or black shirts, whatever) under battle conditions, if they did shoot, would have some difficulty hitting a moving target especially while being jostled by their colleagues in the heat of battle.

Remember, they're using M16s - set to single shot. On full automatic, they can spray out 12 rounds per second. But they weren't attempting carnage - otherwise known as accuracy through quantity. They were using the minimum firepower to accomplish their task. Throughout, the soldiers have shown amazing grace under fire, and in accordance with international standards, only shot at targets that threatened. That some shots may have gone astray is quite normal on the field of battle - be it a jungle or an urban setting.

As far as the second question goes, if you have an update on the sighting at Mount Ararat, I'd love to hear about it - on an appropriate forum.

I guess I should have used the irony smiley - oh, there isn't one yet. You talk about 'innocent' women; I won't debate that point with you. I just find it ironic that your namesake was known as a butcher, and yet you speak about some injuries during a red shirt attack that the troops tried very hard to avoid. Irony... not sarcasm. Big difference. But you already knew that :)

M16's in single shot? There are dozens of videos on YouTube showing the army using FULLY AUTOMATIC assault rifles, nothing about single shots. Yet, I'm aware they've said on the news that they're using single shots only, but videos show otherwise.


The red shirts need to LEAVE NOW and let business continue as usual. Enough is enough!

If they don't go home, get a tank and run them all over. Thailand has what ..millions of people..what's a few thousand who are nothing more than nuisances.

Has anyone seen the amount of damage they have done physically to the city and who's going to pay for the clean up?!?! Not them..it's the poor tax payers and I'm one of them!

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

Direct quote.

Deputy PM Meets Red-shirts' Demand, Reports to DSI to Pave Way for Rally Dispersal

BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will report to the Department of Special Investigation tomorrow as demanded by the red-shirt leaders.

Protecting Thailand by shooting at unarmed women? Have you seen the photos and television images of injured women in the hospitals? I can see his argument if the army shoots at men who might be armed with bamboo sticks, but I don't think there's an excuse for shooting at unarmed women.

Sorry, the reds are there illegally, and know the dangers of attacking soldiers trying to do their job. Blame Weng et al for putting women and children in the line of fire. If anyone should be in trouble, it should be Weng et al for putting minors in line of fire.

using women and children as human shield ( in the protest ) is a VERY NAIVE attitude ! no complain accepted !

More babbling. They're not human shields. They're there to protest. If the army goes in with tanks and fully automatic assault rifles against women and children, are you suggesting it's the women's and children's fault? Shame on you.

Are the babies and toddlers there to protest of their own free will?

It is the adult women's own fault and in regards to the babies and children there, it's their parent's fault.

Shame on them.

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

Links please. I want to read where Suthep ordered the killing of civilians.


Well well...

The reds are fighting for democracy and freedom of speech, yet anytime anyone says anything against them, they respond with "shut up" followed by a few M79 rockets en route to the "offender".

Their track record in listening to public opinion on democracy isn't that much better either. Literally 6-8,000 people are holding 64 million cornered.

Obviously opening the valves of the gas tanker in the middle of apartment complex, threatning to blow it up is their version of democracy. I can. You can't. If you complain, we'll blow you up.

Some democracy.

And on your last point, shooting unarmed women - I happen to remember a few M79 fired from the red encampment towards unarmed protesters at Silom. Below you can find a photo of this very heavily armed woman, a real rambo, holding all that heavy weaponry like Thai flags and such, that the red buffalos saw as a threat to them. The deceased woman, who brought food to soldiers for pitying them standing in the april heat in full uniforms must have also been a red's enemy number one, but I won't post her blood soaked photo out of respect for her.

Oh, not to forget all the patients just out of surgeries at Chula hospital... They were the biggest enemies since DAAD and UDD were formed. I mean, phew, how could they not raid a hospital. It's common sense to go and annoy sick people 24/7 by screaming into microphone, connected to a PA that can be heard from the Moon, and turning the speakers directly into the hospital patient rooms. But that's not enough, to really show democracy, you need to raid the place and have them all relocate. So you can show your democratic power.

But I guess that's all OK then, the red democracy gives the reds the right to terminate anyone against them, yet anyone breaking the nail of any red nutcase is immediately demanded to be reported to police and charged with terrorism.

I truly hope that someone has recordings of their screaming, and that they lock them up, put the same PA in front of their cells, put it to the same volume and play it around the clock for 2 months to them, so they get at least some idea what it's like to listen to these morons the whole night every night.

Would be so much more convincing if you had videos of red shirts actually shooting those grenades .

Nowhere , NOT A SINGLE TIME , did i read in the foreign press , that the red shirts are terrorists .

How strange ...


Nevermind...the reds are nothing but major liars. How can people here believe anything they say! They are a total disgrace to the Thai people.

Wellllllllllllllllll yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa. Look at their "big boss." What's he????

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

And why should he surrender to anyone? Because terrorists ask for it....Surely I'm going to wake up from this nightmare !

because terrorists normallly surrender to the police .

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

Links please. I want to read where Suthep ordered the killing of civilians.


And it won't be difficult to produce evidences showing Reds threatening to kill (even the PM), to destroy, to assault, etc..........

Could we get back on-topic please?

The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

In point of fact the public statement was for Khun Suthep to 'turn himself in'. Some time after this it was reported that Khun Nuttawut subsequently claimed that there was a 'conflict of interest' if Suthep did so to DSI, despite this being the organisation charged with investigating the issues raised by the actions of the sundry parties on the 10th.

If this does not qualify for the frantic back-peddling award I'm hard pushed to think of another candidate.


PS One might wish to consider that Nuttawut's response may well have been driven by a reporter advising him that Suthep was going to do exactly what he had asked for tomorrow morning and so would he be leaving by 10:00?

PPS A little backgrounder on your Avatar Warning Graphic Content

/edit typo//

For your first question: look at the words you wrote that I highlighted in red. Now consider that troops (if indeed it was the troops and not red shirts masquerading as troops, or black shirts, whatever) under battle conditions, if they did shoot, would have some difficulty hitting a moving target especially while being jostled by their colleagues in the heat of battle.

Remember, they're using M16s - set to single shot. On full automatic, they can spray out 12 rounds per second. But they weren't attempting carnage - otherwise known as accuracy through quantity. They were using the minimum firepower to accomplish their task. Throughout, the soldiers have shown amazing grace under fire, and in accordance with international standards, only shot at targets that threatened. That some shots may have gone astray is quite normal on the field of battle - be it a jungle or an urban setting.

As far as the second question goes, if you have an update on the sighting at Mount Ararat, I'd love to hear about it - on an appropriate forum.

I guess I should have used the irony smiley - oh, there isn't one yet. You talk about 'innocent' women; I won't debate that point with you. I just find it ironic that your namesake was known as a butcher, and yet you speak about some injuries during a red shirt attack that the troops tried very hard to avoid. Irony... not sarcasm. Big difference. But you already knew that :)

M16's in single shot? There are dozens of videos on YouTube showing the army using FULLY AUTOMATIC assault rifles, nothing about single shots. Yet, I'm aware they've said on the news that they're using single shots only, but videos show otherwise.

we've seen it all too. So what do you suggest? 20 soldiers fired single shots mostly into the air and you say this is automatic gunfire? Get a life. Wake up.

Suthep ordered the killing of civilians he is one of them

When was this?

I go not recall him doing this.

In your head maybe.

Another red troll I am sure.

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