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Thai Authorities To Sever Red-Shirts Supply Lines

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I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :D

I like the idea someone had about rounding up every soi mutt in the city and drop them all off at the protest sites.

As there appears the be a shortage of ghosts in which to spook them out, and the aliens appear busy with 2012, a few thousand soi dogs could provide the motivation needed to accept the roadmap.

Failing that I hear that a few hundred thousand centipedes dropped from helicopters would speed up negotiations.

Nah, they'll eat them. Truly.

love it! :):D:D

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Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

You will find a number of embassies closed tomorrow. The foreign envoys were called for a meeting today at the foreign ministry - hopefully this will be IT the final end to this terrorist mob and Bangkok will be free again

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Like in Pompei, historians are searching for graffitis in order to understand the mood of the roman/ slave population. In 300 years those graffitis will be unvaluable. already more than 2000 years ago, graffitis were existing. today the trend is amplified; unfortunately, it is modern life, a fashion coming from South America: graffitis everywhere, a collateral of modernism. New York, London, Paris....graffitis on our monuments....

"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" comes to mind.... :):D

This is why you open your mouth.... :D:D:D

I hope you're right but I think that unfortunately, if someone pulls the first trigger, all hel_l could break loose. Seh Daeng is reported to be more the just a little mentally unstable and he ain't going to go down without a fight. IF he has a stockpile of weapons hidden in the park and IF he has close to 500 blackshirt Ronin borderpatrol ninja warriors or whatever they are who are willing to die for him, then we could be in for a drawn out and very bloody urban battle. Think of where they can hide - all those side streets and buildings. Who's to stop the terrorists shooting at a defenceless guard in a luxury condo and taking over any building they want in the red zone. If I was a resident, I'd be wanting to get out of there. Don't forget, there are some very nasty b**tards down there with nothing to lose and they'll be looking forward to the fight.

This is myth of the super-rambo-ninja-borderpatrol-CIA-trained-invincible-fighters with no fear of death and anywhere to hide...hel_l, not even the Green Berets blow their own horn that much.

Its a cleverly-played fiction on Seh Daeng's part to instill fear into the conscripted 19-year olds with shotguns.

If the Army move in with force, discipline and resolve the 'fearless ninja's (what a ridiculous misdescription) will do what all loud mouth bravado's do when faced with overwhelming force - disappear as fast as possible.

The key to that is to use a single regiment of proven troops, not some disastrous mish-mash of riot police, soldiers, traffic cops and meter maids all with their own radios and different agendas...otherwise you will get exactly what Seh Deang says - a bloodbath and a victory for the lunatics.

They didn't disappear when faced with force on April 10th - they showed what they are capable of and how dangerous they are. Professional and ruthless in taking out key army figures. Put a pscycho like Sae Deang in charge giving orders and you've got trouble

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

You will find a number of embassies closed tomorrow. The foreign envoys were called for a meeting today at the foreign ministry - hopefully this will be IT the final end to this terrorist mob and Bangkok will be free again

I don't think this will be the end

THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

The Red Shirts use the Democracy monument to forward their opinion as their Medias have been censored. understandable....

If this is correct then clearly, based on the things they wrote on Democracy Monument, NOBODY can condemn the gov't for taking the reds message and call to violence off the airwaves.

Edit: These things would be allowed to be aired in any civilized country accept maybe on pay per view.

Like in Pompei, historians are searching for graffitis in order to understand the mood of the roman/ slave population. In 300 years those graffitis will be unvaluable. already more than 2000 years ago, graffitis were existing. today the trend is amplified; unfortunately, it is modern life, a fashion coming from South America: graffitis everywhere, a collateral of modernism. New York, London, Paris....graffitis on our monuments....

Typical RedShirt TV ....

I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

Felix is my favorite cat of all time... I agree wait...

Let me guess, your existence is not in danger,you are not loosing money daily because of the reds - you may not be able to pay for school-fees for your child next term because of the reds - you do not stand to loose everything you worked hard for for years - if this mob is not cleared a.s.a.p. - think or at least try to think that a hel_l of a lot of peoples existence is put in real jeopardy by those terrorists

Still not worth killing for.

they have the choice to leave peacefully if they don't they'll deserve everything they are going to get

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

Embassies --- self contained

Hospitals--- self contained

Nothing even close to a human rights violation in denying illegal protesters food and water in an area that they are illegally occupying during a state of emergency. They can walk out and get all the food and water they want :)

They also said that all transportation system would be stopped, this include the BTS.

Any thoughts on what it means exactly? Personally, i see two options: 1 - Can't get off at station Chit Lom and/or Siam 2 - Entire line is stopped

What do you all think?


Does anyone know how close the Reds are to the American Embassy. My wife & I have business to take care of there but do not want to take a chance of getting hit by one of those rocket grenades that the Reds fired at the sky train. We have had to put off visiting Bkk b/c of these terrorists that the government will not clear out. I have heard from my wife's friends in Bangkok that many, many people - not elites as Thaksin's army calls them - have been greatly incovenienced not just us. We are in Phuket but have to get to the American Embassy. We can ask some of my wife's friends if need be but thought somebody on TV could fill us in. Thanks


The American Embassy is not in the protest site and the road outside it is open. Just go along Sukhumvit to Ploen Chit turn left onto wireless Road and continue along for a few minutes then you will see the American Embassy. I've been walking there from the BTS for the last 2 months its safe don't believe everything you read! :)

Thanks a million. We really need to go to the American Embassy. But, my wife is Thai and is much more cautious than I am. It will be her decision when we go. She has really been cursing - calling the Red Shirts every name she can think of in Thai AND English.

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

You will find a number of embassies closed tomorrow. The foreign envoys were called for a meeting today at the foreign ministry - hopefully this will be IT the final end to this terrorist mob and Bangkok will be free again

I don't think this will be the end

THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

What a joke.....

We cut

we don't cut

we maybe decide tomorrow

we postpone to maybe tomorrow.

tomorrow we decide if we maybe decide to postpone or not......

Found this v. recent photo of 3 Reds leaders in a huddle. Add your caption. Here's mine:

Oh brother, too much MSG in that coagulated pig's blood soup this morning - need a few Red Bulls to get my caffeine quotient up to normal. Hey, who's turn is it to buy rice whiskey for tonight's pow wow?

man, they look rough..awful. Rural folks actually admire these neanderthals?

Holy moly. I have lost all sympathy for reds. Even the poor pawn peasents. Go home! Otherwise you are guilty by assosiation.

I simply cannot accept that reds threaten to burn and pillage the shopping malls, and they they say they are peaceful. There is no "3rd hand" there is 1 hand, and it is connected to a coward who cannot face his own justice.

My angry side says: "Shoot 'em all". My intellectual side says Cut power, Cut water, and use all sorts of non-lethal force. Tear gas, water cannons, noise polution, whatever is available. Barracades? Ready to alight.?... soak em in that figher fighters foam stuff and bring in cranes and pull them apart.

Many complain that Abitsit is ball-less. But in reality he is clever. He has given the reds enough rope (time) to hang themselves. Public sentiment has shifted. Global sentiment cannot ignore the truth. Clever, really.

Try to enforce the law 3 weeks ago as opposed to today.... think about it. What is the perception in the local populus and the global community. The world is much more ready to accept a use of force (non-lethal?) than 3 weeks ago.

I am also happy to let reds stay forevery (non-violently) and die of old age in their "red city" stay there until you turn to dust for all I care. But I understand that the area they occupy is not thiers to occupy and that they are hurting other thai citizens in they occupation.

I hope that the gov can find a way to force them out without loss of life.

I think largely by the Reds own stupidity Abhisit's ineffectiveness has come out looking like cool-hand luke. If it hadn't been for

i. the Vibhavadhi incident

ii. the Chula incident

iii. the Reds making ever-new demands after old ones are met

Abhisit would have crumbled by now. The first two were a stroke of luck for him - stupid of the reds to decide on a 30km journey from base against troops that were not 'red' or 'northern', and even stupider to invade the hospital.

I think if Abhisit had had the power, he would have cracked down on the reds a long time ago, with all the negative consequences that would have entailed. Lucky for him, as its turned out, that he couldn't find anyone with spine to do it. He may not still come out of this on top - a lot of people are pissed at him for doing nothing, and there's only so many 'deadlines' he can ignore before the public turn against him, just as there was only so many 'new demands' the reds could make before people realise they were talking BS.

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area....

Listen up, here's how electricity works: It's generated. It runs through two insulated wires (in more civilized countries, there's a 3rd 'ground' wire). If the government wanted to cut electric, all they'd need is someone with some testicular fortitude, a pair or leather gloves and a stout wire cutter. If the Reds get threatening (which they do about everything that isn't flattering to their lost cause), then post a few armed men to cover for the wire cutter.


I guess one missing word in front of the 'UP' ? any suggestion :-)

just kidding :-)

Found this v. recent photo of 3 Reds leaders in a huddle. Add your caption. Here's mine:

Oh brother, too much MSG in that coagulated pig's blood soup this morning - need a few Red Bulls to get my caffeine quotient up to normal. Hey, who's turn is it to buy rice whiskey for tonight's pow wow?

Attached thumbnail(s) img-resized.png Reduced 64%post-10297-1273674410_thumb.jpg 548 x 411 (21.1K)//

img-resized.png Reduced 64%post-10297-1273674410_thumb.jpg 548 x 411 (21.1K)//

"Hey I know it looks bigger than yours, but everyone knows size isnt important" :)


Both sides are in a situation where they can't really win, they can only do their best to avoid losing! The Govt cannot round up the protesters and arrest them - the police and army are reluctant to do so and, even if they did, the political fallout would tend to favor the Red side.

On the other hand, the Reds can't really bring the government down directly, so they have to either provoke the army or police into an attack (as they did on April 10) or just get everyone so fed up with the current impasse that the army or the coalition partners kick out the PM and the current cabinet, either with a coup or though a parliamentary realignment.

So, both sides are playing a waiting game. Despite the announcements from both sides, it's unlikely that either side will really make a move. They have more to lose by acting then they have by waiting. The Reds and the Government are each staring at each other and waiting for the other to blink. :)


"One of leading mobile companies refused to cut off its signal around Rajprasong area as asked by govt.

The company is concerned ab consumer protection law. Signal jamming could be done only for security propose like in the deep south"

source: The Nation

why is everyone so concerned about breaking minor laws in order to remove these people who are breaking other laws daily?


THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

This can't be fuc_king happening what the hel_l is going on here ????????

If that means no action again tomorrow I think its over for this government

I hope you're right but I think that unfortunately, if someone pulls the first trigger, all hel_l could break loose. Seh Daeng is reported to be more the just a little mentally unstable and he ain't going to go down without a fight. IF he has a stockpile of weapons hidden in the park and IF he has close to 500 blackshirt Ronin borderpatrol ninja warriors or whatever they are who are willing to die for him, then we could be in for a drawn out and very bloody urban battle. Think of where they can hide - all those side streets and buildings. Who's to stop the terrorists shooting at a defenceless guard in a luxury condo and taking over any building they want in the red zone. If I was a resident, I'd be wanting to get out of there. Don't forget, there are some very nasty b**tards down there with nothing to lose and they'll be looking forward to the fight.

This is myth of the super-rambo-ninja-borderpatrol-CIA-trained-invincible-fighters with no fear of death and anywhere to hide...hel_l, not even the Green Berets blow their own horn that much.

Its a cleverly-played fiction on Seh Daeng's part to instill fear into the conscripted 19-year olds with shotguns.

If the Army move in with force, discipline and resolve the 'fearless ninja's (what a ridiculous misdescription) will do what all loud mouth bravado's do when faced with overwhelming force - disappear as fast as possible.

The key to that is to use a single regiment of proven troops, not some disastrous mish-mash of riot police, soldiers, traffic cops and meter maids all with their own radios and different agendas...otherwise you will get exactly what Seh Deang says - a bloodbath and a victory for the lunatics.

They didn't disappear when faced with force on April 10th - they showed what they are capable of and how dangerous they are. Professional and ruthless in taking out key army figures. Put a pscycho like Sae Deang in charge giving orders and you've got trouble

That was a very different incident. First, they had more numbers than they do now. Second, they had more room for manoeuvre than they have now. Third, the militarly operation was poorly planned without any idea of what they were going to face. Fourth, a lot of the red 'cannon fodder' thought they had the moral high-ground (motivation to fight being a key factor) and that victory for the Red agenda was achievable.

I doubt few think that now. Most of those left will be more keen to avoid capture and death. There is no victory left to win. They'v already had the 'dissolution of parliament' issue settled. What are they fighting for now? (Red apologists: the last point is a rhetorical question, no need to answer, thanks.)


I don't think this will be the end

THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

What a joke.....

We cut

we don't cut

we maybe decide tomorrow

we postpone to maybe tomorrow.

tomorrow we decide if we maybe decide to postpone or not......

sounds really Thai ! this is how they manage the whole incident !

then, the waterman and the electric guys start another grounds of 'may be' !

then, the police and the army hesitate additional 'may be' !

learn a lot about Thai culture !

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

You're right. A media call to the electricity company confirmed there are no orders to cut the power. And now some government officials are saying the same. Another bluff. :)

"One of leading mobile companies refused to cut off its signal around Rajprasong area as asked by govt.

The company is concerned ab consumer protection law. Signal jamming could be done only for security propose like in the deep south"

source: The Nation

why is everyone so concerned about breaking minor laws in order to remove these people who are breaking other laws daily?

I think you'll find that 'leading mobile phone company' is more than likely the formerly Thaksin-owned AIS.

I also suggest that if the gov't are buying that line they are doing so deliberately. Under the SoE they can tell them to do what they want without concern for consumer protection law.

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

You're right. A media call to the electricity company confirmed there are no orders to cut the power. And now some government officials are saying the same. Another bluff. :)

<deleted>....... Muppets .. the lot of them

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

Embassies --- self contained

Hospitals--- self contained

Nothing even close to a human rights violation in denying illegal protesters food and water in an area that they are illegally occupying during a state of emergency. They can walk out and get all the food and water they want :)

I do think than the US and British Embassies are in order, but for the Hospitals it is another question...Are the emergency Generators in order? Have they enough fuel to run during at least one day? And about water

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

You will find a number of embassies closed tomorrow. The foreign envoys were called for a meeting today at the foreign ministry - hopefully this will be IT the final end to this terrorist mob and Bangkok will be free again

I don't think this will be the end

THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

6a.m. Tomorrow CRES anounces that all employees must go to the Beer Chang brewery for a Piss up starting at 8pm tomorrow night. 6pm tomorrow CRES cancels the piss up in the chang brewery as it was beyond their organisational abilities to arrange but nevermind at 6am on Friday they will decide again what to do. :):D:D


I don't think this will be the end

THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

What a joke.....

We cut

we don't cut

we maybe decide tomorrow

we postpone to maybe tomorrow.

tomorrow we decide if we maybe decide to postpone or not......

sounds really Thai ! this is how they manage the whole incident !

This is how they manage everything from digging a hole to running the country...welcome to Thailand :)

Found this v. recent photo of 3 Reds leaders in a huddle. Add your caption. Here's mine:

Oh brother, too much MSG in that coagulated pig's blood soup this morning - need a few Red Bulls to get my caffeine quotient up to normal. Hey, who's turn is it to buy rice whiskey for tonight's pow wow?


Arisiman (crying): Am I really that small?

Jatuporn (laughing): Yeah! You be really small there!

Third Red (sympathetic): It's okay baby, it's not the size that matters and I still love you! Come on back to the hotel baby, you're still my little Arisiman.

But, my wife is Thai and is much more cautious than I am. It will be her decision when we go. She has really been cursing - calling the Red Shirts every name she can think of in Thai AND English.

I vote to deputize your wife, give her the rank of Major General, and put her in charge of the troops needed to clean out the Red infection of downtown Bkk. We need someone like her - sounds like she's got guts - a heck of lot more resolve than the wet dish towels like Anapong who are dress up each morning like top brass, but are acting like blanched asparagus.

THE NATION: CRES postpones the power & electricity cut at the rally site for the time being. To decide again at 6am tomorrow.

This can't be fuc_king happening what the hel_l is going on here ????????

If that means no action again tomorrow I think its over for this government

are we still under the 'state of emergency' ? that was some weeks already, after the useless 'internal security act' ! what new 'title' they come up for contrlling the supplies ?

I don't want to say - I give up if this is an effective measure !

Wow...isn't that great....after 2 months they have decided to cut off electric, water, etc. Should have been done 6 weeks ago.

cannot cut.... Embassies, hospital,... in the area and NGOs will shout at the Human Right Violation....

Error....Error....Error....just a bluff

You're right. A media call to the electricity company confirmed there are no orders to cut the power. And now some government officials are saying the same. Another bluff. :)

<deleted>....... Muppets .. the lot of them

Better a muppet than a puppet. :D

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