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Armoured Vehicles, Army Live Bullets Will Be Used To Surround Red-Shirts From 6pm

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The reds will make their usual stupid move tonight like a sniper attack on a senior personnel or they will start throwing their petrol bombs and then we will see a huge inferno from the barriers loaded with gas cannnisters.

It wont be pretty I just hope that Cres , ARMY AND POLICE have all bases covered for all situations with these reds because they are a crazy bunch of thugs ,unfortunately lives will lost.

They had there chance to leave over and over again. I feel sorry for any women and children and innocent people still there getting paid a few hundred baht to be a human shield for these gutless bastards.

But they are being controlled by Thaksin and his black shirt mafia thugs who want nothing else than to overthrow the government and Thaksin to get his money back which he earnt through corruption.

its been frustrating sure but why does it sound like people want the army /government to hurry up and kill people? Isn't calling for the crackdown, getting the reds out etc calling for people's deaths (probably on both sides)?

Where did someone post that they wanted people to die?

What do you propose? Maybe you would like the government to get the contractors in and build some proper housing for the protesters.

Of course they've got to go in using force if the protesters are not willing to leave voluntarily.

Lethal weapons would not be appropriate but the use of non-lethal force in inevitable. Or.... they could change the political system in Thailand from democracy to anarchy.

Thais are Thais....... always playing cat and mouse game. They really never grow up and become mature. Always childish. Mai pen arai and chai yen yen ---- hip! hip! HURRAY!!!!

Well... the ignorant is always ignorant

Way to generalize and look down on Thai people. Should be ashamed of yourself.

100% agree...

Thais are Thais....... always playing cat and mouse game. They really never grow up and become mature. Always childish. Mai pen arai and chai yen yen ---- hip! hip! HURRAY!!!!

Well... the ignorant is always ignorant

Way to generalize and look down on Thai people. Should be ashamed of yourself.

100% agree...


who believes in reincarnation? I had this discussed with a monk many years ago.

I asked him: "When you believe in reincarnation, then why there are so many rats and cockroaches in this country?" Kinda buffled him.


Why mention 6.00PM???

Is this to let the Issaanites finish their fermented fish and entrails early? Surely this can't be the government attempting psy-ops because the reds obviously don't believe a word of it. You don't suppose someone has thought outside the box and decided to go for 5.00PM instead?

Lets see;

1) an illegal coup (revolution, treason) overthrew a legally elected goverment. (and were granted amnesty for their treason i believe)

2) a new guy was voted in by parliment

3) the yellow shirt "terrorists" did not like him and seized the international airport

4) the court threw out all of the elected members of the overthrow prime ministers party.

5) the remaining "parliment" then voted in a new guy.

6) Now the red "terrorists" want him out and want to vote on a new goverment


1) Which legally elected government was overthrown? There was only an appointed care-taker government, which had over-stayed it's constitutional welcome, when the coup occurred.

4) The court banned the executive of the PPP. Most of the PPP MPs moved to other parties. By-elections were held for all other vacant electorates.

5) The "remaining parliament" consisted of elected MPs for ALL of Thailand, except about 5 banned PPP party list MP positions. The majority of ALL MPs elected Abhisit as PM.

6) Now the red terrorists want throw out a legitimately elected PM.

Some red supporters need to stop listening to the red propaganda and do some research.

Thais are Thais....... always playing cat and mouse game. They really never grow up and become mature. Always childish. Mai pen arai and chai yen yen ---- hip! hip! HURRAY!!!!

Well... the ignorant is always ignorant

Way to generalize and look down on Thai people. Should be ashamed of yourself.

100% agree...

Ignorance, according to many strict Buddhist followers, is one of the highest virtues one can achieve. It does have some good, but there's another side also.


(YAWN) .... Well, if the army does take action, I hope they have taken advantage of all these days doing nothing and have created a well thought out plan that won't fall apart or become too violent. Tear Gas does wonders.

Did I hear someone cry 'wolf' ?

One thing for sure , all THAI are the same SAY I DO and DO Nothing , same in Business , same in Government , that way no one can be accountable !! Its the Thai Way

Are you typical of all Canadians?

I say and do many things, man that blows your theory out of the water ;_)

Anyhow, I hope that somehow it doesn't turn into the blood bath that some of the red shirt leaders hope for.

Talking to the rellies upcountry, families have been told payment of 200,000b if the person dies or is injured to attend the rallies, plus daily payment.

One family has already received cash for someone already seriously injured before - so basically for some this is enough to go and attend the rally. 200,000b in savings in parts of Buriram is more than a family makes in 5 years.

It's just another dangerous job that the downtrodden end up doing, while the leaders, even Arisaman, are staying in fancy hotels eating decent food and getting WAY more than 200k.

No differences between the claims by the Red or the governments. Their barks are louder than their bits.

Don’t have to be a Canadian

But I am certain if the army comes, most of the Red will run out, just few stupid will stay and if they do , then what the hel_l . This has gone long enough anyways

Ignorance, according to many strict Buddhist followers, is one of the highest virtues one can achieve. It does have some good, but there's another side also.

Is blissful ignorance akin to "don't think too mut"?

Well let's see. The government has been more than patient in my humble opinion. They can't let this drag on. Had this been China and may other places the Reds would have been forced out long ago. I hope that no one is killed,but if they are so stupid to think they can over throw the government which has the support of the police and army, they are mad.

If the Government really had the support of the Police and Army, well this would have been over long ago. You forget that most of the Police and Army come from, and have families in the East and North, these people primarily come from poor rural families.....so their loyalties lie with whom do you think ?????? :)

Their loyalties lie with money! In this case Thakin's money... Although their loyalty should lie with the Kingdom of Thailand, as they are the Royal Thai Armed Forces and The Royal Thai Police!

Why mention 6.00PM???

Is this to let the Issaanites finish their fermented fish and entrails early? Surely this can't be the government attempting psy-ops because the reds obviously don't believe a word of it. You don't suppose someone has thought outside the box and decided to go for 5.00PM instead?

Traffic and available daylight. A lot of business will close early to allow workers to get the train drive out early. I imagine it's going to be a mess tonight.

Is this a joke. This whole affair is turning into a complete farce.

It WAS, IS and WILL be a joke since the very beginning.

Enjoy the free show, and dont hold your breath - everything goes as it planned to be going... :)

Get rid of this scum NOW!!

The scum supported by a large proportion of the country, including Bangkok residents? Oh, THAT scum. Right.

It's a recipe for disaster.

Support from a large scale or proportion of the people! So where are your documentation for that claim coming from?

Just after the 10th of April, many cars in the suburbs of Bangkok got a red ribbon at there tail, now you barely see any. Even the motocycle guys in my street are no longer in favor of the Red Shirts...Why? No one use any money on a MC trip as they have to save money and the Churlalongkorn Hospital incident. That way the Reds lost big time. They still have some backing in some parts of the country, but not a LARGE PROPORTION like you claim.

(YAWN) .... Well, if the army does take action, I hope they have taken advantage of all these days doing nothing and have created a well thought out plan that won't fall apart or become too violent. Tear Gas does wonders.

Not if you haven't checked the direction of the breeze or if it is thrown back at you... :)

Why mention 6.00PM???

Is this to let the Issaanites finish their fermented fish and entrails early? Surely this can't be the government attempting psy-ops because the reds obviously don't believe a word of it. You don't suppose someone has thought outside the box and decided to go for 5.00PM instead?

Traffic and available daylight. A lot of business will close early to allow workers to get the train or leave early. I imagine it's going to be a mess tonight.

nah, it's just to bother the residents, employers and employees and is not against the mob. How dare they attempt? :)


I don't think the army will try to move in right away, probably they'll cordon off the area for the night, and maybe for a day or two after, and then they might move in.

Probably the reds have stockpiled food so any siege shorter than a week won't inconvenience them too much, but simple preventing fresh protesters from entering the rally site should put a dent in their numbers and morale.

Well... the ignorant is always ignorant

Way to generalize and look down on Thai people. Should be ashamed of yourself.

the ignorant ARE always ignorant. Lets not be ignorant out there in our pursuit of NORMALCY :)


The red apologists always get upset when they sense that the initiative is slipping away from them.

Then they get nasty when the bully-boy tactics start to fade.

There are two things that are happening now:

First, that the reds have definitively shown that they are not negotiating and that they have no intention of leaving their Bangkok bunker while Thaksin is paying their salaries.

The red leadership is embarrassed but Thaksin has reversed the agreement.

This is not surprising since the agreement does not satisfy his key objective.

Secondly, the Govt now has a fix on who are the blackshirts who have a separate line to Thaksin.

While the thugs are being paid they will not leave. the 'occupation' is their job now.

Jataporn originally said the reds should burn down Bangkok.

Thaksin's message is consistent:

If you don't give it to me I will destroy it.

That is the story.

The whole story.

(YAWN) .... Well, if the army does take action, I hope they have taken advantage of all these days doing nothing and have created a well thought out plan that won't fall apart or become too violent. Tear Gas does wonders.

Not if you haven't checked the direction of the breeze or if it is thrown back at you... :)

This goes for the reds also , they carry bags of chilli powder to throw at the police and army , it is quite possible that was what happened before and it blew back on them .

Well let's see. The government has been more than patient in my humble opinion. They can't let this drag on. Had this been China and may other places the Reds would have been forced out long ago. I hope that no one is killed,but if they are so stupid to think they can over throw the government which has the support of the police and army, they are mad.

You hit the nail on its head !!!

They are stupid / uneducated people from up country, and I bet some of them can't even explain why they are there, apart from getting some money!!!

Their 'leaders' taking advantage of this to their personal gains in the end.

You ask around the majority of people....they hate what these 'REDS' are doing, because they have no idea what they are doing to the country...and in the end to themsleves and god help us if the 'Taksin' friendlies come back to power......... :)

I'd suggest that your inability to compose a proper sentence would put you into the same category as the people you bash.

Let me guess. You are an English teacher in Bangkok?

...and the REDS are still idiots......

Did I hear someone cry 'wolf' ?

One thing for sure , all THAI are the same SAY I DO and DO Nothing , same in Business , same in Government , that way no one can be accountable !! Its the Thai Way

Is there something we can say about "all" Canadians? All Thais are this way? You got to be kidding? Is this based on their culture, or is it a race thing, how can you make such a statement? The one thing you do have going for you is newbie, and in most cases that means uniformed.

All Canadians can shovel snow and eat poutine. (Maybe that's only Quebec) There I said it. I'm a racist.

J/K of course :)

That's it!!!!!!!!!!! Where do you live, i am going to gather all Quebeckers in Bangkok, we will wear green (frog) and rally at your place for this insult. You should not insult the Poutine. i demand that you turn yourself to the SQ (Securite du Quebec) to be charge and see if you get Bail. Until you do that, we will rally at your place and fight you with our bare hand (and our spoons). Please let the Joe Louis and the Poutine in the rally site as we won't survive without it.

Vivre le Quebec Libre


Get rid of this scum NOW!!

The scum supported by a large proportion of the country, including Bangkok residents? Oh, THAT scum. Right.

It's a recipe for disaster.

Shining Path in Peru had a lot of supporters too, mate. Some things just can't be tolerated if you want a civil society.

Im latin american and I'm well aware of all the leftist revolutions which started in the name of democracy and helping the poor which ended up as dictatorships where the poor remaine poor or have been giving jobs they have no clue how to conduct and have helped destroy thier economies.

histories lesson is what makes me nervous here in bangkok.


spelling isn't my thing.

quote name='OzMick' date='2010-05-13 13:42:46' post='3591581'

Why can't we have a free and fair election with the red leaders in jail? [/quote


The Reds, like all other major groupings, must perceive the next election as free and fair. That is the only way to get them, and all other groups, to regard the outcome as legitimate and thus voluntarily accept the outcome.

Many posters here are talking about a coercive outcoming: military rule, Singapore style governance, and then of course there are the bitter loons who cant wait for (thai) blood to spill.

What i'm arguing for is a non coercive outcome: where groups of people voluntarily set aside differences to reach an acceptable of social harmony. That cannot in my judgement by achieved if those who symbolize the hopes and aspirations of one important group are incarcerated. What is important here is not what you or i think of the Red leaders or the Reds themselves. What is important is to bring the Reds back into the political process.

To do that, you have to consider how they think, and what they value. You wont lure the Reds back into the political process--including accepting an unfavorable election outcome as legitimate--if you insult them by incarcerating their leaders. You wont get them to accept an unfavorable result if they think that their chances were held back by goverment coercion.

It may well be that the choice is either between an amnesty, or--sooner or later--wide spread violence. I think Abhisit and the generals are wise men and fundamentally understand this. They have to negotiate the political narrows between extremely opposed groups who both feel that their interests area being trampled upon, with potentially horifying consequence if the govnerment get it wrong. Abhisit et al are wise to understand that time, and gentle pressure are their greatest assets.

If, in fact, this matter does end with elections widely perceived in Thailand as legitimate, Abhisit will deserve and get the Nobel Peace prize. He, and the Thai people, will have done for this country what Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and the Russian people did for theirs.

But we arent there yet. And if the armored vehicles now being discussed move on Ratchaprasong, I fear we never will.

Mah friend, mah friend, mah friend!

You are such a sweet and gentle person, I'll bet that you've seen "Bambi" 20 or 30 times and cried every time?

Time for the real world! The red shirt leaders are in no mood for a compromise either physically or politically! Their paymaster is in this to the knife...if he fails (if they fail) then he has lost "face" big time...the government will go after him with an axe, they'll take everything off him as he will be seen as a loser...he MUST be seen to WIN!

This is not a game for "pussy's", these guys are tough, very tough and they don't care how much "other people's " blood they spill. The government is well aware of the price of failure!

Keep reading "Gandhi" and watching the tele. Muse on the inhumanity of some people and how their eternal souls are doomed! :)

Did I hear someone cry 'wolf' ?

One thing for sure , all THAI are the same SAY I DO and DO Nothing , same in Business , same in Government , that way no one can be accountable !! Its the Thai Way

So they are saying that anyone that would like to participate in the upcoming melee should get himself in before 17.58 hrs?

I'm sure 6.30-7pm will be ok, they're bound to be a bit late

Abhisit has certainly shown restraint. However, he has also made empty warnings of action and has not followed through. When action has been taken by his subordinates he has called for an investigation into their actions (protecting Don Mueng airport). My question in another portion of this forum dealt with the administartions inability to use or ignorance in the use of nonlethal crowd dispersal techniques such as loud noise. The shutting off of electricity and water will only harm the hotels and other businesses in the area which are already harmed enough by the terrorist activities of the redshirts. The refusal to accept Abhisits generous offer tells me the redshirts only want the overthrow of the government for Taksin who has already named successors for the present leaders if they are jailed. The present threat of armoured vehicles will be a nice toy for the redshirts to ride on as did the yellow shirts a year ago. Outside help in crowd control is certaily needed as the country has slipped, through the governments inaction, into anarchy.

Good synopsis, kirk.

The whole so-called 'dispersal' comedy (like a never-ending sketch dreamt up by Monty Python and the Three Stooges!) thus far by the clown army and the corrupt, cowardly, keystone cops, has been beyond mind-boggling!

Expect another surreal farce this evening. Well. that is if what is now promised/threatened by Abhasit - only a few months too late - does actually happen! :)

As to Abhasit announcing planned events in advance, the reality is the terrorist leaders - and their paymaster - will have known of Govt. plans within minutes of certain senior army / coppers (aka Red lap dogs) finding out!! The notification is meant for normal folk who are unfortunate enough to be living close to the terrorist's 'open-toilet' areas.

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