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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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aaaaaaaaaaaand here it is, the expected denial from the government

THE NATION: Panitan: Govt had nothing to do with Seh Daeng attack.


Do you know for sure? No, you don't. It is generally accepted that key anti-Thaksin military people were killed by black shirted assassins on April 10. Things aren't always what they seem here, so it is way too early to assume Abhisit ordered this hit. If you were honest, you would admit that.

to repeat the well chanted mantra on this forum from the yellows, 'if it looks like a dog and barks like a dog.............'

I knew I would be able to use that pathetic pointless comment one day.

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Title: Shot in the head

Article: Shot in the chest

= The best of Thai media consistency

Just look at the pic. Looks like a headshot to me

aaaaaaaaaaaand here it is, the expected denial from the government

THE NATION: Panitan: Govt had nothing to do with Seh Daeng attack.


Ever thought about that the reds were trying to shoot another journalist to frame up the government for it and he missed and hit his leader instead ???

They did it before .. why not again to try and discredit the government

What is strange, a sniper would normally go for a much safer body shot - chest (except in the movies) the damage a high velocity round does when passing through the body usually guaranties death. The head is much more difficult to hit due to being smaller and sudden movements - especially in bad light conditions. If the sniper was aiming at a taller journalist and missed him, he could have easily hit his boss in the head

This PM will go down in history as a TRAITOR to the Thai people.

I think you mean hero!!!

From what I've heard he is now know as the "Bangkok Butcher"

I don't know why Im even replying to this but

because a few poster on this site call him that, Abhist is not called the butcher of Bangkok. Show me one independent link to show than if you can.

I'm with several Thais tonight from Rural red areas and all they can say is Som nam na

If he was shot in the head with a high velocity round (from some distance) then he would not have much of a head left. Looks more like low velocity from close distance.

Exactly ....high velocity bullet would have made his head explode.....so who did pull the trigger ??

Look at the pic the back of his head isnt looking too clever.

Reports said some UDD core members remained inside a container behind the stage surrounded by many guards.

can someone pick the whole container please? Forklifting will do ... :)

It's a bit like the wizard of Oz this, booming voices pumped to the stage - "Pay no attention to the man in the container. :D

aaaaaaaaaaaand here it is, the expected denial from the government

THE NATION: Panitan: Govt had nothing to do with Seh Daeng attack.


The Nation: Another Yellow shirt bigot: The Government was fairly elected and the Red shirts have got it all wrong .


diesel oil doesn't evaporate in seconds

"fuel-soaked tyres" how is this possible? in this heat any fuel would evaporate in seconds . . .. .

The optics are bad. Shots of the general being rushed to the hospital in critical condition are playing over 'n over on BBC, CNN etc. Thailand's reputation as a friendly land fun for a visit/safe for investing is taking a beating. "Amazing Thailand" should really want to turn this around or it will only attract the worst type of farang... Those who are not visiting for the pretty beaches, scuba, snorkelling etc. or for investment purposes.

A shame b/c sex tourists will come anyway but to lose the wholesome friendly farang visitors & investors will be a hit the economy can ill afford. Posters on this forum seem more caught up in the particular event than on its L-T effects.

It's one thing to use the military to disperse the demonstrators... It's quite another matter to use snipers to assassinate the leaders of the opposition when they are providing an interview to international press... Bunch of monkeys with guns and no sense...

Actually a good thing, no different then taking out bin laden when he is giving an international interview-but I guess he is a bit smarter. Take out the leaders and it will save the innocent/ignorant followers, i am sure some in the red camp are happy and want to go home ,but dont want to loose face. A large majority of the country want the reds to shut up and go home-enough they say. Terrorists only understand violence, they can not be reasoned with. I am left leaning, but try to look at things realistically. By taking out the crazy ,it will stop the party, and show the followers the reality of the repercussions of their actions.

Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

With such disgusting attitudes as this, all i can say that Thailand has to be on the brink of civil war........what a pityful attitude. A man protesting for what he believes in and is coldly gunned down and some grub thinks it is ok., well i hope he gets his too.

"TAN Network: TAN_Network red-shirt stage asking those with AB type blood to go to Huachiew to donate blood for Seh Daeng"

Now that's good forward thinking military planning for you. :)

Why didn't someone think of saving a few pints of blood instead of throwing it away at that Voodoo ceremony? Duuhhhh!

Or better yet give SD some of those amulets to protect him... It's a bit late now though...


How about some pigs blood ..?

Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

With such disgusting attitudes as this, all i can say that Thailand has to be on the brink of civil war........what a pityful attitude. A man protesting for what he believes in and is coldly gunned down and some grub thinks it is ok., well i hope he gets his too.

A violent insurgency and illegal occupation is not a protest.
Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

With such disgusting attitudes as this, all i can say that Thailand has to be on the brink of civil war........what a pityful attitude. A man protesting for what he believes in and is coldly gunned down and some grub thinks it is ok., well i hope he gets his too.

A violent insurgency and illegal occupation is not a protest.

unless they wear yellow shirts

Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

Sorry, however, why the rush to judgment. This man had many enemies.

yes he did, i am thinking the army major that was killed by a grenade last week had some friends, what goes around comes around.

Local reports claim Seh Daeng had been in a heated argument with other Red leaders not long before he was shot.

well, if that were true, that could make for an m.night shamalan twist!

If he survives he'll be a Veggie.

No change then :)

except he is harmless now. Lets hope he can still attend to the garden.

Local reports claim Seh Daeng had been in a heated argument with other Red leaders not long before he was shot.

well, if that were true, that could make for an m.night shamalan twist!

I think planning an assassination takes a little more time.

Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

He is a self-declared armed anti-government rebel leader. He is not just any innocent (non)-suspect riding a bicycle. Taking him out will save many many lives, if not the country from civil war. Well done. Congratulations, finally to the army and government for a properly executed strategy.

His followers do as they are told. I think the leaders rectums are like a bunnys nose just about now


The situation is not over, but one of the catalysts of violence is no longer there.

Many of the other Red leaders wanted to talk and sort things out...... but not him. b Al he wanted to do was fight and kill.

Look at the videos of him talking to reporters.


Firstly, who knows what and who took him out. As someone pointed out, the friends of the Colonel that was assassinated on Apr 10; maybe some redshirt guards loyal to the moderate elements, or whoever. But secondly, cutting off the head of the military wing certainly is a strategy that could be employed to subdue the violent elements now present on site. As for future, again, nobody knows.

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