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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


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No, Thai Tv are right now saying he's still in critical in ICU, hasnt' woken up yet but not dead.

His family have told the doctors if he is going to remain in a coma let him go.

At the same time, the Red leaders are on stage telling their loyal followers that Seh Daeng is safe. Apparently, the Red core leaders think these people will believe anything.

Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

May have been a general but my wife(thai) informed me he had been kicked out of the army..

Not kicked out suspended

Yes you are probely right.Suspended on full pay..jobs for life only in Thailand.......

Question is will Mr Abhisit have the balls to admit he ordered killing?

I doubt it bloody yellow skirt! yellow belly.

Probably try and fob it off on someone else.

Now you know as well as I do that there are all kinds of groups who could benefit from this, Thaksin included. This one is even harder to figure out than April 10 IMO. I hope some irrefutable facts emerge but I'm not hopeful.

No, Thai Tv are right now saying he's still in critical in ICU, hasnt' woken up yet but not dead.

His family have told the doctors if he is going to remain in a coma let him go.

At the same time, the Red leaders are on stage telling their loyal followers that Seh Daeng is safe. Apparently, the Red core leaders think these people will believe anything.

stupid country yokels usually do

It may have also saved some of the red leaders asses as well. Sae-Daeng had earlier today threatened to kill any red leader who opted to leave the movement. Nice guy that Sae-Daeng is/was. Compassion at its finest.

which is strangely coincindental that he got shot himself don't you think? Money on more '2nd gen' reds being 'given up' to CRES very soon, or more '1st gen' reds disappearing of the stage.

Yes, indeed. Been thinking along those lines as well. The likes of Arisman and Khwanchai being given up first. While the excitement from these arrests begin to unfold, first generation exits to an undisclosed country somewhere near Europe. As far as the protesters, they will be left holding the bag of damages.

Question is will Mr Abhisit have the balls to admit he ordered killing?

I doubt it bloody yellow skirt! yellow belly.

Probably try and fob it off on someone else.

So I assume with your vitriol and accusations that you have evidence of any sort whatsoever that Abhisit ordered the killing of Seh Daeng.

TAN Network: Daugher of Seh Daeng revealed he's in a coma, waiting for surgery.

TAN Network: Seh Daeng's daughter reportedly told doctors if her father's condition is beyond help, they should let him go

TAN Network: Deputy BKK Governor Dr. Malinee: Seh Daeng shot twice, once in the head from right temple, but other shot not known where it hit

Disgusting some of the posts on here claiming how "good it is" for someone to be shot.

Depends on who it is..... in the case of this nutcase, this action hopefully saves many other lives.

Good riddance, I say.


Once again the fake pm shows his true colors. His puppet masters say 'take him out' and he replies 'yessah massah' and orders the hit. If the fight to establish democracy requires central bkk to be shut down for 10 years, I hope and pray those good people have the strength to see it through. They are heros, every one.

This PM will go down in history as a TRAITOR to the Thai people.

I think you mean hero!!!

From what I've heard he is now know as the "Bangkok Butcher"

That's such great news! No condolences to the traitor's family when he bites it. Too bad it wasn't a head shot as the title suggests.

traitor to whom ... not the red shirts,now a hero i would say,,,anyway thats very big of you with this arsehol_e of a comment,dont like to see

anyone hurt and would never rejoice in something like this,,it can only get worse now and this fuels the hardliners...

my condolences go to everyone who has been hurt and will be soon...sad

Let me get this straight ...Thaksin's extrajudicial killings of drug dealers were fiercely condemned by the Democrats. Now the army has shot a General in the head while he was giving an interview to an international media reporter.

I assume he was given a fair trial before he was shot?

How do we know he was shot by the miitary ? Who has the motive to shoot him ? The reds have been distancing themselves from him of late. Who's to say this wasn't an inside job ? If there was any connection between the M79 type attacks and the reds he had to be the key. Has he been silenced ? Speculating here with apologies, but there has to be a cause and effect here...unless we want to believe he was hit by a stray bullet !

Wasn't Seh Daeng supposed to be the leader of the "militant arm" of the red shirts? So he ordered himself shot?

Not surprised, they also asked Suthep to turn himself in to the police; just follow similar "Red" logic


I'm not happy nor sad about this.

Fact is he was an instigator second to none.

I could be well over and cleared by tomorrow noon time. Maximum 3 - 4 days.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


Indeed. Some fine examples of disgusting human behaviour.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


With you on that Simon.

Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

Wonder how many of them actually live here.

Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.


If ,as is reported, the bullet pierced his left temple and exited through his right, this would have effectivly mirrored a surgical procedure known as a " frontal lobotomy" which was a procedure that used to be used (as a last resort) on patients with severe personality disorder. In short, if he survives, he will be a nicer person! the revenge of chula perhaps!


Who ever shoot him did a great service to the Thai People, which will be more deeply understood in a few years to come. My highest respect to the Way the Prime Minister has handled it, even being shunted by his democratic sponsor.

The TRT = Thaksins Red Terrorists - should get the message and go home if you can and the Leaders should brought to court. What ever grievances you where having, you have gambled them away through your behavior and lyings all along since you have started the mess.

You have tried to force on all Thais your low way of living and behavior, and I am happy you will not suceed with your low life conditions.

You ask for free rides that why your false Hero could buy you so he could steal and do what he wanted, and when the intelligence of the Thais could not longer stand it have trown him out.

Thaksin you and your red terrorists are responsible for the loos of Lifes and nobody else. You ignited it.

People with sense and brain will always find a way out, but with idiots there is no way to come to an consens all they know is violence and stupidity. And you reds have proven what you are really after.

You are a disgrace for all Thais, so now go home and reflect on your evil done. And maybe you may learn some things from it, that if you want change you must change! To reflect your garbage to the whole Country will not work out anymore.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


Couldn't agree more, Simon. Absolutely disgusting comments.

I think the mods have given up on this site.


Pull the plug on this mutt and for chrissakes and put him out of Thailand's misery,start using REAL bullets!This has gone on way too long and if the leaders stopped giving each mutt 500b per day,they'ed all return home to their hovels.

Once again the fake pm shows his true colors. His puppet masters say 'take him out' and he replies 'yessah massah' and orders the hit. If the fight to establish democracy requires central bkk to be shut down for 10 years, I hope and pray those good people have the strength to see it through. They are heros, every one.

ignorance is bliss, as they say

Low Caibre bullets to the head/chest. Could be an outside force. Perhaps Japanese...

Gun went off accidently.

Bullet could have been meant for the japanese reporter, as happened on April 10th.

His absence can only be a plus for Thailand.

I just do not see this point at all.

1) If it was Abhisit's responsibility it makes him look stupid.

2) If it was the Reds it was a desperate but effective away of regaining legitimacy

3) And if it was all for the idea of creating a coup it was a pretty smart move.

I do not see what good will come of it.

Abhisit ordered the army to clear out the encampment and restore normalcy.

There is no chance Abhisit personally ordered this. But the army knows their tactics,

and Sae Daeng MUST also know this was a probable tactic. He is a renegade army general.

And thus to the army a traitor and subject to their disipline if he attacks them.

He was also visibly the director of the group most likely to cause harm to the security forces

as they clear out the encampment, and has just been removed from the field of battle.

Since most army would feel he was the mastermind behind their leaders death

on April 10th, this would be using his tactics against him.

He was the least of legitimate Red Shirts, folk hero or not.

You can try and look at it like civilians, but this it is not.

This is two sides in a military battle, regardless if they were once on the same side.

Will the other Red Leaders take the hint or go full David Koresh / Branch Davidiens

and take their followers to hel_l, remains to be seen. To a rational mind this SHOULD be,

a good indication of a lost cause and end game... but not all seem rational at present.

I think Veera saw this coming, but no one listened or not enough would listen.

You can kick a dog sometimes and it does nothing, but one time too many and it bites back.

Question is will Mr Abhisit have the balls to admit he ordered killing?

I doubt it bloody yellow skirt! yellow belly.

Probably try and fob it off on someone else.

Now you know as well as I do that there are all kinds of groups who could benefit from this, Thaksin included. This one is even harder to figure out than April 10 IMO. I hope some irrefutable facts emerge but I'm not hopeful.

The only source I trust is the Nation, fantastic government cheerleeding job. No reason for them to stop now.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


With you on that Simon.

Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

Wonder how many of them actually live here.

Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.

This "guest" has paid more taxes than an ex-PM who pocketed billions. No longer a guest here.

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