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Red-Shirts Leader Seh Daeng Shot In The Head - Fighting For His Life In ICU - Video

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It looks like Thailand's rural poor are once again left with nothing out of this conflict. Seh Daeng has been shot, and with that, several key red shirt leaders are reportedly leaving the movement, disbanding the protests. Funny, how the government has only this morning said that the November 14th deadline was off the table. Now it looks like they'll be stuck again with no elections, not having their voices heard and their will respected.

Amazing Thailand indeed.

I think Abhisit should keep his words and go ahead with the 14 November election, unless he only promised it to terrorists and not the people, which will bring him to the same level as they are.

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Low Caibre bullets to the head/chest. Could be an outside force. Perhaps Japanese...

Lol, Japan is the only country in the world that doesn't have a formal army. They wouldn't know which end of a sniper rifle to hold.

No, this is a good old thai job. Probably the army guys had enough of being used for target practice by Khattiya's guys in black. Also a very direct payback from someone high up, after snipers deliberately targetted certain high ranking officers on April 10.

Well, saying good riddance would be crass, but he certainly was one of the most controversial elements among the red shirt leaders.

Still here, plodding along though the 13 pages....

I don't think "Good riddance" is that crass, if you stop to think about April 10th.

It looks like Thailand's rural poor are once again left with nothing out of this conflict. Seh Daeng has been shot, and with that, several key red shirt leaders are reportedly leaving the movement, disbanding the protests. Funny, how the government has only this morning said that the November 14th deadline was off the table. Now it looks like they'll be stuck again with no elections, not having their voices heard and their will respected.

Amazing Thailand indeed.

should have took the deal when offered, hardly anyone to blame but the red leaders for this.

It looks like Thailand's rural poor are once again left with nothing out of this conflict. Seh Daeng has been shot, and with that, several key red shirt leaders are reportedly leaving the movement, disbanding the protests. Funny, how the government has only this morning said that the November 14th deadline was off the table. Now it looks like they'll be stuck again with no elections, not having their voices heard and their will respected.

Amazing Thailand indeed.

what are you babbling about? the red shirts were never fighting for the poor people , they just used them to get their master felon back in Thailand.

and there will be elections, but in due time at the end of this government term in 2011 ....

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


With you on that Simon.

Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

Wonder how many of them actually live here.

Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.

No, we are not guests. Guests get free room and board. Tourists are customers, invited to come here by the government and one of its embezzlement arms, the TAT. Many residents, like me for example, are investors in the country, providing jobs for Thai people. In fact without foreign investment, our "Hosts" would still be getting around in rickshaws on dirt roads. I also support my Thai wife and members of her family and have paid more in company tax than most average citizens pay in the lifetime. So if I want to complain occasionally, I feel I have paid for the right to do so, financially, emotionally, spiritually and educationally - the latter meaning I have actually done a lot of reading on the history of this country and its society and have a pretty good idea of how it works and reasonable notions of what sort of direction the country needs to take. Yes, there are those who whinge and moan without having a clue, but this is by no means all foreigners.


To think some people are happy, that this man has been shot is really very sad.No matter what he ha said or if he wears a red shirt.Someone getting shot and there life nearly taken away is not somthing to be happy about in my books .

One could argue that he was kinda brain-dead all along. Good riddance!

This is inflammatory talk...totally stupid for farangs in this dangerous time to get enmeshed-albeit verbally- in SOMEONE ELSE'S WAR!!!!

In the era of twitter and various forms of instant communication imagine if it leaks out that farang kii nok are rubbishing the reds...

Moderator...are you at the controls???

In this case, a case where a renegade evil ex general plays cowboys and indians with the government of a parliamentary elected prime minister, I think foreigners are indeed entitled to comment and opinion. If (God help us if) people like this ever come to power, you have a situation like the Khmer Rouge, Rwanda, Nazi Germany, or North Korea on your hands, and it is all the world's interest to make sure that does not happen.

I call this learning from history, and except for inflammatory and drunkardly comments, the discussion on this topic are legitimate.


I have to say some of the comments on here are embarrassing, here is a man that nailed his colours to the mast, he based his decision from being involved, from knowing what has gone on behind the scenes rather than what his mate down the pub told him or because he read some <deleted> from a farang on a forum that bought into the government propaganda. He had the courage to do what he thought was right for the THAI people, some of you need to understand that, I doubt that some of you would even have the courage to fight back if attacked in thailand reading some of the spineless comments and laughing at the probable death of a military man and father that saw injustice for a large group of Thai people.

If anyone disagrees with this they are more than welcome to, but how about acting in a civil manner, I feel this is the start of even darker times as I doubt his followers will take this laying down, and I feel abhisit and suthep will now spend the rest of their probably shortened lives looking over their shoulders dsuch is the magnitude of this. I expect them to deny they ordered it, I expect they will deflect blame elsewhere as they have done in the past, neither of them have the balls to stand up and say "I am responsible". at the end of the day they just shot an unarmed man that posed no IMMEDIATE threat to anyone, if he had committed the crimes he is accused of then put him before the courts, or did he have to be silenced?


I'm a farang, and I live in Chiang Mai with my wonderful Thai wife, who is as Red as they come. As are all the members of her family, and everyone else she knows. Throughout this entire sad chapter of Thai history that is unfolding even as we are busy posting our views here, and other places, I have tried to maintain a position of "neutrality", looking at not just "both" sides of this issue, but "all" sides, as there are more players than just the government and the Red shirts in this serious and deadly game.

While Seh Daeng was a "loose cannon", the government (police & military) have had ample opportunities to arrest him and take him into custody, but failed to do so. While some may see his demise as "just", they need to stop and consider the consequences of this action.

Despite his rhetoric, or perhaps because of it, the man was immensely popular with a large segment of the Reds, as well as many other people. And he has loyal supporters in the Rangers, most of whom he trained, not to mention others within the ranks of the military itself.

There have been major mistakes made by both the Reds and the Government, which had brought things to this point. Are the reds being too demanding with what they want? Perhaps. Is the government being too demanding in what they want? Perhaps.

Anyone with common sense, and without political prejudices, could see that it was inevitable that violence would escalate, as neither side would seriously consider "backing down", as that would be a loss of face, and "face" in Thailand is more important than human life.

For those who think the shooting of Seh Daeng is a good thing, you may wish to rethink that. There are those who will seek revenge and retaliation for this, and it will only serve to escalate the violence. It doesn't matter who shot him, that shooting could very well be the match to the powder keg that is now BKK. And if that powder keg explodes, there are a lot more throughout Thailand that will soon follow.

All of us, Farang and Thai alike, should pray that does not happen, and that this country can, somehow, find it's way back to peace again. Unfortunately, my personal feeling is that peace is not something that will be seen here for many years to come.

NYT link http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/world/asia/14thai.html?hp

eyewitness report by NYT reporter

well reading this eyewitness report it certainly was NOT a sniper unless he fired just when a firecracker went off. sounds more like a handgun was used.

I have heard from a non media source that he was hit by an m79 grenade, or shrapnel there of. That would fit with the NY Times description of an explosive sound. It would also change the picture a lot.


Very happy he was shot. Think of the lifes that will be saved. Well done PM a very well executed tactical and psychological event that will save the lifes of many and bring Thailand closer to peace.


Absolutely best news about Daeng being shot. The triade of terrorists (Thaksin, Daeng, Arisman) should be taken out to remove the extreme elements hijacking a perfectly good cause (rights for the poor etc etc).

My inlaws, themselves from a disadvantaged upcountry background were literally dancing in the living room about this news.

Great strategy, not sure if the government can keep up the pressure or if it's going to turn into a complete mess again.

Too bad that the reforms being made (agricultural aide, loan packages, education reforms) aren't making headlines.

WOW, what kind of a fuc_king asshol_e you are man???

I am the kind of asshol_e who likes to see that innocent people who are taking advantage of by evil leadership are not hurt any further. I am not sure what in my comment offended you, but if it was the fact that I am not mourning the loss of a rogue terrorist armed guerilla leader, then, well...so be it.

They should get to choose their own fate, unless you see the poor as unfit to vote and too easily taken advantage of, the cornerstone of Italian Fascism.

Wouldn't be surprising in a country where Democrats condemn early elections but rejoice at Military coups and assassinations...

Yes people should choose their own fate, however being paid to vote and/or to protest in the name of democracy is a perversion.

If he was shot in the head with a high velocity round (from some distance) then he would not have much of a head left. Looks more like low velocity from close distance.

And the reporter who was talking with him heard a LOUD bang according to CNN interview....

What lengths won't the reds go to to provoke violence?

What lengths will the elite of this country go to to provoke a reaction to give the army an excuse to go in. Well in a nutshell it back fired and nobody in the camp is firing back. Trouble now is Abhisit and his merry men have enrolled some more of Seh Daengs colleagues to the red cause. Once one army unit turns it is all over and then who do you think will have a bullseye in the middle of his head. Run now run fast.

Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Why didn't they send him to Chula Hospital so they could refuse him treatment due to closure by the red shits - sorry shirts....! :) At any rate dead is dead, thousands of hurrahs have been heard from the yellow camps in Naratiwat, Nawamin and most of Bangkok. RIP a**hole....

To think some people are happy, that this man has been shot is really very sad.No matter what he ha said or if he wears a red shirt.Someone getting shot and there life nearly taken away is not something to be happy about in my books .

Read up on this A**hole... his departure from this world would be a blessing for most of the people in it. He has openly boasted about how many people he has knocked off in the course of his military career. "Getting killed doesn't hurt, I've killed lots of people, so I should know." So he got what he has asked for his whole adult life.

I can't believe all the people claiming it was the Military that shot the Terrorist. Surely nobody on this Forums was there and could not have seen anything. In short, there is only proof he was shot, but nothing to prove who did it. Some reports say the shot came from a building occupied by the Terrorists, so who really knows?

Blaming the Government or the Military is just irresponsible, and surely does not help to quiet the tensions.

Why not the current Administration constantly make accusations without evidence.

Hmm, is anyone modding this thread? There are several posters who should be banned for their comments


With you on that Simon.

Love it how farangs always think they know whats best for Thailand.

Wonder how many of them actually live here.

Perhaps they should bear in mind we are nothing more than guests here.

Hopefully immigration will tighten up the visa extension rules in the near future.

No, we are not guests. Guests get free room and board. Tourists are customers, invited to come here by the government and one of its embezzlement arms, the TAT. Many residents, like me for example, are investors in the country, providing jobs for Thai people. In fact without foreign investment, our "Hosts" would still be getting around in rickshaws on dirt roads. I also support my Thai wife and members of her family and have paid more in company tax than most average citizens pay in the lifetime. So if I want to complain occasionally, I feel I have paid for the right to do so, financially, emotionally, spiritually and educationally - the latter meaning I have actually done a lot of reading on the history of this country and its society and have a pretty good idea of how it works and reasonable notions of what sort of direction the country needs to take. Yes, there are those who whinge and moan without having a clue, but this is by no means all foreigners.

That maybe so but unless youre a Thai citizen youre a guest.

I'm a farang, and I live in Chiang Mai with my wonderful Thai wife, who is as Red as they come. As are all the members of her family, and everyone else she knows. Throughout this entire sad chapter of Thai history that is unfolding even as we are busy posting our views here, and other places, I have tried to maintain a position of "neutrality", looking at not just "both" sides of this issue, but "all" sides, as there are more players than just the government and the Red shirts in this serious and deadly game.

While Seh Daeng was a "loose cannon", the government (police & military) have had ample opportunities to arrest him and take him into custody, but failed to do so. While some may see his demise as "just", they need to stop and consider the consequences of this action.

Despite his rhetoric, or perhaps because of it, the man was immensely popular with a large segment of the Reds, as well as many other people. And he has loyal supporters in the Rangers, most of whom he trained, not to mention others within the ranks of the military itself.

There have been major mistakes made by both the Reds and the Government, which had brought things to this point. Are the reds being too demanding with what they want? Perhaps. Is the government being too demanding in what they want? Perhaps.

Anyone with common sense, and without political prejudices, could see that it was inevitable that violence would escalate, as neither side would seriously consider "backing down", as that would be a loss of face, and "face" in Thailand is more important than human life.

For those who think the shooting of Seh Daeng is a good thing, you may wish to rethink that. There are those who will seek revenge and retaliation for this, and it will only serve to escalate the violence. It doesn't matter who shot him, that shooting could very well be the match to the powder keg that is now BKK. And if that powder keg explodes, there are a lot more throughout Thailand that will soon follow.

All of us, Farang and Thai alike, should pray that does not happen, and that this country can, somehow, find it's way back to peace again. Unfortunately, my personal feeling is that peace is not something that will be seen here for many years to come.

I dont think peace was his priority

One could argue that he was kinda brain-dead all along. Good riddance!

This is inflammatory talk...totally stupid for farangs in this dangerous time to get enmeshed-albeit verbally- in SOMEONE ELSE'S WAR!!!!

In the era of twitter and various forms of instant communication imagine if it leaks out that farang kii nok are rubbishing the reds...

Moderator...are you at the controls???

They are, but topics like this move way too fast to do anything about. It'd be nice if someone went through it quietly in the morning and handed out holidays, but that's unlikely. The usual suspects who seem to have made a career out of spreading hatred will be back in force and at it again tomorrow. :)


The reporter heard a "loud bang like a fire cracker". If from a rooftop, would it be that loud?

Also enter from the temple and exit teh other side. From the roof top wouldnt it be a higher entry exit wound angle?

And like the guy on Khao san, shouldnt his brains be all over the road?


One thing is now for sure..

We don't don't know what happened tonight...

But reading the posts in this thread we can stop pretending the yellows are the moderate, educated and pro-democracy crowd ::2 cents::

RT @PatJit: Dr.Malinee said Seh Daeng's brain, lungs R dead, only his heart still beating w/ respirator.Waiting 4 BP 2 go up enuf 4 surgery.
To think some people are happy, that this man has been shot is really very sad.No matter what he ha said or if he wears a red shirt.Someone getting shot and there life nearly taken away is not somthing to be happy about in my books .

Fiction books eh?

This is real life and that scum was inciting death and violence in return for a very large pay cheque. Arseman next please!

One could argue that he was kinda brain-dead all along. Good riddance!

This is inflammatory talk...totally stupid for farangs in this dangerous time to get enmeshed-albeit verbally- in SOMEONE ELSE'S WAR!!!!

In the era of twitter and various forms of instant communication imagine if it leaks out that farang kii nok are rubbishing the reds...

Moderator...are you at the controls???

They are, but topics like this move way too fast to do anything about. It'd be nice if someone went through it quietly in the morning and handed out holidays, but that's unlikely. The usual suspects who seem to have made a career out of spreading hatred will be back in force and at it again tomorrow. :)

Funny you seem to be always around???

Video is on the way, but we are experiencing technical difficulties.

Update: At least 20 security officers injured when confronted by red-shirt protesters at Huachiew Hospital; officers agree to retreat from hospital

Why didn't they send him to Chula Hospital so they could refuse him treatment due to closure by the red shits - sorry shirts....! :) At any rate dead is dead, thousands of hurrahs have been heard from the yellow camps in Naratiwat, Nawamin and most of Bangkok. RIP a**hole....

What a miserable example of humanity!

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