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My two bahts worth...Seh Daeng lived by the sword and may very well die by the sword. He who begets violence always, inevitably receives it back in return. This whacko nut case had it coming to him and I wouldn't at all be surprised if it turned out to be a moderate red shirt who had SD assassinated as he had gone way off the reservation.

There are certainly moderate types who want this to end peaceably and people like SD and other hotheaded 'leaders' are greatly lowering the prospects for a peaceful resolution. At his very core SD is a paid thug of the former PM. SD arose in the movement because he is a zealot and happens to wear the rank insignia of a former RTA general--greatly respected in Thai culture...he's nothing more. He has been paid to make sure the protests did not end without a free return ticket for the boss...as well as motivated to inject serious violence into the fray by employing the Ronin shooters to make absolutely sure this would not end as a simple protest, continuing to strand the grand paymaster in exile. Perhaps there were promises made of a lofty government position if the protest succeeds in returning the old regime to power. Democratic values never were a real UDD goal; it is all about power and money and they don't give a hoot for their impoverished fellow citizens...who unwittingly are being as lackeys and to hide behind to prevent the security forces from sweeping over their miserable encampment. As much as I cannot respect the current government's inability to secure Bangkok, I do admire the PM's resolve and restraint. A genuinely moral and kind man, he has been badly hamstrung by a lame duck army senior leadership, a politically divided and hapless national police force and poor choices in key cabinet positions.

As I said once before, Thailand needs its own Lochinvar now to ride in on his white steed and move the nation into a colorless society and heal the grievous wounds that have rent this country into two. Could this be Abhisit under a new and fairly-elected government? Negotiation has to be the instrument that brings about this change and the Reds must stand down to allow normality to be restored. Continuing on this same path of zealotry will only reduce Thailand to anarchy and civil war, and I cannot believe those outcomes are goals sought by the UDD and their hallowed benefactor.

This is the best and most accurate post I red so far, totally agree in everything,

It's sad to see how a minor group of thai people is doing they'r best to destroy this beautiful country..

To fore man : You wrote : I do admire the PM's resolve and restraint. A genuinly moral and kind man......

I take it you know him in person then? :)

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"US Govt job"; "US Navy Seal sniper"????????


Humor seems to out-of-place here, but it WAS a joke, right? Otherwise, I'm reminded of that scene in "A Bridge Too Far" where an asylum gets bombed or overrun and all the inmates run loose on the countryside.

Interesting how Seh Dang was being interviewed by International Herald Tribune when he was shot. If I'm not mistaken, this is the paper that had ties with Sondhi Limthongkul as distributor of his ThaiDay. A set-up with the cooperation of the yellow shirt leader? What a message to send to his nemesis, Thaksin.

Seh Dang? 'Say' no more.

Please check your facts. He was being interviewed by Thomas Fuller of The New York Times when he was shot. Mr. Fuller stayed behind after other reporters walked away so he could ask Seh Dang a few more questions.


"The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) has ordered officers to go to the rescue of a company of soldiers, trapped inside the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, by red-shirt protesters."

A company of soldiers has to be rescued, what's wrong with that statement? :)

only thing i question is why they waited so long to shoot him and pray they dont make a martyr out of him. The military should have taking him in months ago.

The reds , (i hope) realize it is their best interest to deal and end this before it escalates further.

Straight out murder..... I hope the prime minister is held accountatble

My theory is that Thaksin is behind the hit, just to make the anarchy and chaos continue, wouldn't suprise me if I'm right...

Disagree woth you because Thaksin is already dead. I have photo proof of Thaksin funeral (includeing an image of his ghost) taken from ThaiVisa.

Maybe his ex-wife give the order as his last wish? Quite possible.

i got photo of thaksin on the moon if u want look at that one ,its true i saw it.

"The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) has ordered officers to go to the rescue of a company of soldiers, trapped inside the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, by red-shirt protesters."

A company of soldiers has to be rescued, what's wrong with that statement? :)

Exactly my thoughts.


So in other words the reds are running loose all over Bangkok "on the open court" (Sorry to talk in Basketball language)

Interesting how Seh Dang was being interviewed by International Herald Tribune when he was shot. If I'm not mistaken, this is the paper that had ties with Sondhi Limthongkul as distributor of his ThaiDay. A set-up with the cooperation of the yellow shirt leader? What a message to send to his nemesis, Thaksin.

Seh Dang? 'Say' no more.

You misspelled 'New York Times'.

Good luck with the rest of the conspiracy theory.


Hey both of you "English as a Second Language" people:

CNN: "Tom Fuller of the International Herald Tribune told CNN he was among those interviewing the renegade general -- better known as Seh Daeng, or Red Commander -- when he was shot."

International Herald Tribune is the global edition of NYT. Not to be picky, but he was representing IHT at the time. Du-oh!

only thing i question is why they waited so long to shoot him and pray they dont make a martyr out of him. The military should have taking him in months ago.

The reds , (i hope) realize it is their best interest to deal and end this before it escalates further.

I'm not so sure if it actually was an army sniper that took him out. If it was, well done.

Army snipers are trained to aim at the chest. It's a larger target and a high velocity .308 round if hit in the chest is almost always deadly due to shock and other factors. Also, the head is more likely to be moved quickly causing the shot to miss. Those rounds are steel core and will penetrate a normal "bullet proof" vest without a problem. Only a vest with added ceramic plates would stop it.

In my opinion, looking at the way Thaksin and his red terrorists have acted so far, I would not be too surprised if the shot was aimed at the journalist but missed. The renegade General probably came up with the plan and literally "shot himself in the head". Another journalist shot, with him as a direct witness saying - "of course it was the government - would I put myself in danger ?" would have been a nightmare PR disaster for the government. This in itself is another argument against the government having been behind this "execution". The danger of hitting the journalist would have been way too great as Sae Deng found out in person, only in reverse.

Once the machines are turned off and an autopsy is done with forensic examinations of the angle of the wound etc.. we will know more, but my bet is on a scheme by the reds gone wrong

Nice story. But a US Navy Seal sniper was the shooter. They aim for eyes or temples. remember Campbells meeting ?

Actually, you have no idea. Refrain from posting guessing as fact. The last thing we need here is another argument based upon misinformation.

About time a mod came to stop this BS.Why oh why do people make up these stories,i think the poster reads too many books.


Political assassinations is not going to solve this.

only mean that everybody have to hide in government and army as well. to talk is better but suthep only want to kill because his head is next if have enquiry. why media cannot know this evil man suthep is mystery so must be control by PAD and CRES I think.

going to spread all over bangkok today. Rachprasong is very small area and too many military tied up and reds can run riot with rest of town and country. too many falangs hoping for suthep and newin to save abhisit. wow how big mistake can people make just because hate thaksin.

go mark before you have more blood on hands

Political assassinations is not going to solve this.

only mean that everybody have to hide in government and army as well. to talk is better but suthep only want to kill because his head is next if have enquiry. why media cannot know this evil man suthep is mystery so must be control by PAD and CRES I think.

going to spread all over bangkok today. Rachprasong is very small area and too many military tied up and reds can run riot with rest of town and country. too many falangs hoping for suthep and newin to save abhisit. wow how big mistake can people make just because hate thaksin.

go mark before you have more blood on hands

It wasn't a "political" assassination. He was a violent criminal, maybe even taken out by his own team.


Come on guyz... practically there can be UDD protesters anywhere on the loose in Bangkok by now. Ratchaprasong is not the only area that can be occupied...

Interesting how Seh Dang was being interviewed by International Herald Tribune when he was shot. If I'm not mistaken, this is the paper that had ties with Sondhi Limthongkul as distributor of his ThaiDay. A set-up with the cooperation of the yellow shirt leader? What a message to send to his nemesis, Thaksin.

Seh Dang? 'Say' no more.

Please check your facts. He was being interviewed by Thomas Fuller of The New York Times when he was shot. Mr. Fuller stayed behind after other reporters walked away so he could ask Seh Dang a few more questions.

Sure thing. Please read my post a few minutes ago. FYI, he was on assignment for IHT which is the global edition of the NYT. The CNN report and others stated Mr. Fuller was from IHT, which means he was covering the story under IHT which could, in fact, be published later in NYT. Again, not to be picky, but you guys should check your facts.

Which ever way it goes, the fact of the matter is the guy is in the hospital on the way to the morgue. Too bad.

Political assassinations is not going to solve this.

only mean that everybody have to hide in government and army as well. to talk is better but suthep only want to kill because his head is next if have enquiry. why media cannot know this evil man suthep is mystery so must be control by PAD and CRES I think.

going to spread all over bangkok today. Rachprasong is very small area and too many military tied up and reds can run riot with rest of town and country. too many falangs hoping for suthep and newin to save abhisit. wow how big mistake can people make just because hate thaksin.

go mark before you have more blood on hands

It wasn't a "political" assassination. He was a violent criminal, maybe even taken out by his own team.

be quiet u silly man,u dont even know him.

Come on guyz... practically there can be UDD protesters anywhere on the loose in Bangkok by now. Ratchaprasong is not the only area that can be occupied...

Except that there aren't enough red supporters in Bangkok to occupy a som tam cart. Not enough that want to get injured or killed for the cause anyway, especially without getting paid.

Political assassinations is not going to solve this.

only mean that everybody have to hide in government and army as well. to talk is better but suthep only want to kill because his head is next if have enquiry. why media cannot know this evil man suthep is mystery so must be control by PAD and CRES I think.

going to spread all over bangkok today. Rachprasong is very small area and too many military tied up and reds can run riot with rest of town and country. too many falangs hoping for suthep and newin to save abhisit. wow how big mistake can people make just because hate thaksin.

go mark before you have more blood on hands

It wasn't a "political" assassination. He was a violent criminal, maybe even taken out by his own team.

be quiet u silly man,u dont even know him.

Yes. I'm quite glad about that.

My two bahts worth...Seh Daeng lived by the sword and may very well die by the sword. He who begets violence always, inevitably receives it back in return. This whacko nut case had it coming to him and I wouldn't at all be surprised if it turned out to be a moderate red shirt who had SD assassinated as he had gone way off the reservation.

There are certainly moderate types who want this to end peaceably and people like SD and other hotheaded 'leaders' are greatly lowering the prospects for a peaceful resolution. At his very core SD is a paid thug of the former PM. SD arose in the movement because he is a zealot and happens to wear the rank insignia of a former RTA general--greatly respected in Thai culture...he's nothing more. He has been paid to make sure the protests did not end without a free return ticket for the boss...as well as motivated to inject serious violence into the fray by employing the Ronin shooters to make absolutely sure this would not end as a simple protest, continuing to strand the grand paymaster in exile. Perhaps there were promises made of a lofty government position if the protest succeeds in returning the old regime to power. Democratic values never were a real UDD goal; it is all about power and money and they don't give a hoot for their impoverished fellow citizens...who unwittingly are being as lackeys and to hide behind to prevent the security forces from sweeping over their miserable encampment. As much as I cannot respect the current government's inability to secure Bangkok, I do admire the PM's resolve and restraint. A genuinely moral and kind man, he has been badly hamstrung by a lame duck army senior leadership, a politically divided and hapless national police force and poor choices in key cabinet positions.

As I said once before, Thailand needs its own Lochinvar now to ride in on his white steed and move the nation into a colorless society and heal the grievous wounds that have rent this country into two. Could this be Abhisit under a new and fairly-elected government? Negotiation has to be the instrument that brings about this change and the Reds must stand down to allow normality to be restored. Continuing on this same path of zealotry will only reduce Thailand to anarchy and civil war, and I cannot believe those outcomes are goals sought by the UDD and their hallowed benefactor.

You are certainly right to have a opinion and some of them have a lot in them. I take it that you think THE PM is a good man and then you mentioned things why he is not a good leader poor judgment. However why would you post something like this without a shred of evidence to it and two months of on again off again negotiations to prove it wrong.

{ He has been paid to make sure the protests did not end without a free return ticket for the boss.]

Never has he been a part of the negotiations. Theories are good and maybe have some validity but when you make it so obvious your dislike for a man one tends to wonder about the rest of your statement.

"The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) has ordered officers to go to the rescue of a company of soldiers, trapped inside the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, by red-shirt protesters."

A company of soldiers has to be rescued, what's wrong with that statement? :D

Guess you never saw "Black Hawk Down" or "Hotel Rhwanda" :)

Political assassinations is not going to solve this.

only mean that everybody have to hide in government and army as well. to talk is better but suthep only want to kill because his head is next if have enquiry. why media cannot know this evil man suthep is mystery so must be control by PAD and CRES I think.

going to spread all over bangkok today. Rachprasong is very small area and too many military tied up and reds can run riot with rest of town and country. too many falangs hoping for suthep and newin to save abhisit. wow how big mistake can people make just because hate thaksin.

go mark before you have more blood on hands

It wasn't a "political" assassination. He was a violent criminal, maybe even taken out by his own team.

be quiet u silly man,u dont even know him.

Do you?


Straight out murder..... I hope the prime minister is held accountatble

My theory is that Thaksin is behind the hit, just to make the anarchy and chaos continue, wouldn't suprise me if I'm right...

Disagree woth you because Thaksin is already dead. I have photo proof of Thaksin funeral (includeing an image of his ghost) taken from ThaiVisa.

Maybe his ex-wife give the order as his last wish? Quite possible.

i got photo of thaksin on the moon if u want look at that one ,its true i saw it.

If you believe a half of these comments...do you want to see where the horse bit me?? :)


Straight out murder..... I hope the prime minister is held accountatble

just a small detail. how can it be murder the man is still alive

Political assassinations is not going to solve this.

only mean that everybody have to hide in government and army as well. to talk is better but suthep only want to kill because his head is next if have enquiry. why media cannot know this evil man suthep is mystery so must be control by PAD and CRES I think.

going to spread all over bangkok today. Rachprasong is very small area and too many military tied up and reds can run riot with rest of town and country. too many falangs hoping for suthep and newin to save abhisit. wow how big mistake can people make just because hate thaksin.

go mark before you have more blood on hands

It wasn't a "political" assassination. He was a violent criminal, maybe even taken out by his own team.

I will not say it was for sure the government who shot him, who knows, but political or not, if it was the government, do they have legal standing to shot someone like this? I do not know the answer, but I suspect the government does not. I also think the government has an obligation to follow the law even if others do not.

Disagree woth you because Thaksin is already dead. I have photo proof of Thaksin funeral (includeing an image of his ghost) taken from ThaiVisa.

Is that the photo knocking around of the ghost Thaksin at Neverland with Micheal Jackson doing a cover of MJ and McCartney's 'Ebony and Ivory' on a KTV machine?

Looked like they were having a whale of a time.

"The Center for the Resolution of Emergency Situation (CRES) has ordered officers to go to the rescue of a company of soldiers, trapped inside the Suan Lum Night Bazaar, by red-shirt protesters."

A company of soldiers has to be rescued, what's wrong with that statement? :D

Guess you never saw "Black Hawk Down" or "Hotel Rhwanda" :)

I have, and the relevance?

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