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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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i am sorry Russel but i suspect you have:

Red Head Syndrome

this syndrome manifests itself by aggressively, demeaning anyone who dares to speak badly of a red shirt supporter

it can be cured by a short posting holiday from Thai Visa to give you some time to practice courtesy to other posters

i am sure you have probably had one period of enforced rehab before, but multiple doses are often required for serious sufferers

sadly for some, red head syndrome can be a terminal disease

its predicted by experts in the country where it was first detected that there will be many deaths before it completely eradicated

its rumored a reclusive, megalomaniac, billionaire has isolated the cure for this serious psychosis but refuses to administer it for free for the benefit of the sufferers.

he expects to come to the country of its origin and make more billions from exploiting this red syndrome phenomenon

although the authorities would like access to a swift and painless cure for the sufferer's, they are reluctant to accept this billionaires extreme terms and conditions for the release of the cure to the infected masses

consequently they continue to work tirelessly to try stop this virus spreading any further and to try to contain it to one single area of contamination in the centre of Bangkok

government agencies currently have this area surrounded and is monitoring the inhabitants activities

its become apparent that one major symptom of the syndrome is the fear of being in enclosed spaces

some badly infected individuals have been trying to break out of this isolation area and have reacted violently towards their guards

its feared that some of the inhabitants of this isolation area will succumb to the violent effects that this syndrome can create within the host

for these sad individuals there can be no cure.

Copyright 2010 Timekeeperpedia @ curesforredheadsyndrome (dot) com

No, I think he is a postgraduate from Chulalongkorn University and collects statements and reactions from the forum for his PhD thesis:

"How long can I manipulate posters until they suss that they are my guinea pigs?"

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I bet this Russell Hantz is from the hills of Kentucky (USA) so he has a lot in common with the rural people from the North and Isaan who believe everything the Red agitators have blasted on their loudspeakers in these small villages. Hey Khun Hantz, why don't you come down to Luphini Park and support your commrades? (plus receive 200 bath to buy seeds for your garden).


...and then he moved to Issan! :)

Explains why I didn't recognize his picture. I'd rather watch a cat cough up a hairball than survivor.

I've just travelled from Phaya Thai to Klong Toey and return via Surasak, Suan Pluu, Sathorn, Convent, Silom, Suriwong, and Rama 4 etc. It's a ghost town feeling.

I witnessed the results of many acts of vandalism and fires and barracades etc.

When this is all over the clean-up and repair costs will be astronomical. They should sent the bill to Taksin.

It was however, pleasant to walk from Sathorn to Suriwong via Silom without the usual hustle and bustle and cars etc.

They dont have to send a bill because they robbed a big part of his money already... Should be more as enough to cover the costs. What a pathetic post

Oh yeah, you mean the money he took illegally. You, my "friend" have scribed utter foolish rubbish.

One thing we can agree with independantly of the side we are labeled is that some women do what they want and you cannot stop them, even maybe they will pull you by your nose ....

I do know that a majority of French women are difficult or impossible to handle and I have met some thai women also quite decided to do only what they want.

Not with my child in toe. :)

Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

Source of your info please. Clutching straws comes to mind

Can't help you with the defects of your mind but for links to this ... simply check out the earlier news posts on ThaiVisa.

Need to stop replying and encouraging you and your ilk.


In all my time at Thai Visa I have only ever placed one person on IGNORE. I now have two people on the list. I would strongly encourage everyone to place this person on IGNORE, eventually he will realise nobody is interested in his half truths, propaganda & forum nonesense (THEN hopefully he will go and play in the traffic lights).

Excellent idea !!!

OK. Let's choose a colour and protest for RH outtahere!

MCOT: Erawan Emergency Medical Centre: 17 dead, including 3 foreigners; 157 injured including 7 in ICU in clashes between Army, Red Shirts since Thursday

3 foreigners killed now.

& u have a special point to make about that? 14 Thais dead!

Not dead, its the same 3 injured from before, call it typical journalism

Indeed James, I actually posted 30 seconds before you with a quote about that.

Was just about to go take a shower to the outside toilet, when I noticed a lot of sharp pieces on the floor. Well, looking around it wasn't hard to spot the culprit.

This shot came from the southern side, through the concrete wall and tiling and still cracked the tiles on the other side's wall.

The height comparison of the holes is near identical, and being on 5th floor that would mean that it was shot from a fair distance, not just under the house.

FYI: the red stage is south, soldiers are under the house and towards the north, so there's really not much secret as to which side of the conflict this came from.

EDIT: Order of photos: from inside, wall that was hit; opposite wall; from outside; bullet

So to be overly clear, you are saying that someone most likely residing in the red shirt camp fired this bullet?

Most of this is true. However, Ian Tomlinson was NOT "beaten to death" - he was pushed from behind by a police officer, he lost his balance and cracked his head on the pavement.

Thanks Seahorse. Can you link to the results of the 3rd autopsy that show this? Wikipedia says they were not released and googling does not bring anything up. I know its off-topic, but a lot of people I know would be interested. A PM would be great.


London - A third post-mortem examination is to be carried out on the body of a man who died during protests at this month's G20 summit in London, an official said on Tuesday.

Ian Tomlinson, 47, was filmed being hit with a baton by a police officer as he walked through the protest zone in London's financial district on April 1, minutes before collapsing.

A London police officer has been questioned on suspicion of manslaughter over the death, and the new tests, which will take place on Wednesday, are apparently being carried out at the request of his lawyers.

A first post-mortem examination found he had a heart attack, but a second gave the cause of death as internal bleeding.


Video footage here of Nelson Rand being shot, make of it what you will but for me this is the most damming video to come out in the last two months.


and before that was the video of the soldier being killed by how own troops that turned out to be untrue. One has to wonder about this one too since we don;t see who shot him.

Only a warped mind would believe soldiers purposely opened fire on him as it would serve no purpose whatsoever.

What is most likely is he was hit with ricochet or by reds or less likely he was mistaken for a black shirt terrorist.

But damaging regardless of the reason .. no.

Only a few red sympathizers here on TV making a big deal of this ... not even his own employers.

He was were he should not have been, he ignored warnings not to be there, he ignored warning to clearly identify himself as a member of the media, he wore no protective gear as you will see being worn by any responsible journalist during an armed battle.

No matter how you slice this, he put himself in harms way and deserves some of the responsibility for his shooting ... even if he was targeted as a journalist.

Let's at least be fair and admit that there's staunch supporters for both sides here who have made extremist remarks.

I agree with your post though, but it's worded weirdly, maybe this is what you were implying last night? To me there's a big difference to outright deserve being shot and to deserve some responsibility for the outcome by intentionally placing yourself in a danger zone. One being a moral issue and the other being a logical issue. If I think he deserved to get shot I would be happy that he did and I am assuming that everyone who says so feels, in some way, glad about his fate. I do feel he knew the risks and he is probably realistic and smart enough to accept the outcome himself without making a big scene about it afterward.


A very old and wise friend once said to me that the only reason the poor exist, is to support the rich. This is nowhere more evident than in the LOS.

Virtually every piece of reporting, every editorial from outside of Thailand in 'Farangland', they never fail to include a brief summary of why all this chaos is happening on the streets of Bangkok. it is a battle between the 'rural poor' from the Nth and Nth East and the Thai Elite who populate trendy downtown areas in bangkok. Down in my native country, Australia, the failed PM, Kevin Rudd, has been using this socialist rhetoric since he first campaigned for the job. 'Australian Working Families'.

It's all BS.

When Taksin was PM did I see all the Isaan Girls abandon the selling of their bodies in the Bars of Pattaya and stream home en masse to their poor villages, secure in the knowlege of a better and brighter future? Did I see the 1000's of Taxis, driven by battling Isaan fathers desert the streets of Bangkok and follow them?

Former PM taksin believes that out of chaos will come order, his order, he will return as the Messiah and save the country from Civil War and economic ruin. Distribute the wealth and turn Isaan into paradise. And that would be fine if it were true. But it is not.

This is just another struggle and battle for power, money, influence and control. The Poor. or more aptly the Pawns, are just the expendable players in a game of political chess. A game that has been underway since Siam became Thailand.

What can be said that hasn't already been said.

Diogenes would have been quite at home in the LOS.

Quit your crying Farang.

You do not like the fight, Thailand does not care what you think.

Is that why you're BEGGING the foreign press to come back?

and the UN and the EU commissioner and the Human Rights office......

farangs invited to participate in Thai affairs?

it must be a misprint or a fake red made the request

its simply too outrageous to contemplate........

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


The government killing inocent children this has gone to far and the yellows have to take a step back

Some gruesome pictures but still no photographs of Reds firing any weapons outside the barricades yesterday or today.. Why when the world has press camped with both sides

Last reports I heard is that the press is not in the red encampment and has no wish to go in there even when red leaders assured their safety.

My guess is none of them trust the reds and none want to be another hostage marched on their stage.

Source of your info please. Clutching straws comes to mind

Can't help you with the defects of your mind but for links to this ... simply check out the earlier news posts on ThaiVisa.

You know and I know there is no video links to reds firing weapons outside the barricades on this or any other thread. Admittedly they have them but inside the encampment. I see concrete,cheap fireworks, molotov etc but nothing that rubber bullets wont correct.


I don't know where you guys come from, but where I come from, the one that shoots and kills is the one responsible. The army is shooting around wild and blind without even having a clear target. That's not what the army should be doing, I'm sorry. Either they have a clear target or they stop shooting.

Red parrot - I think you pretty much throw all of that out the window when a van is coming down on you and you don't know who or what is inside but Im sure you would be so calm in that situation. get real the kids "parents" are the only ones to blame here. I don't know where YOU are from but where I am from when it's past midnight in a war zone we make sure our kids are safe and sound in BED, INSIDE our home NOT out in the streets hanging out between soldiers trying to do a job and terrorists. that's pretty much common sense though eh? or would YOU allow your child to be there-once again at 12:30 am in a WAR ZONE??

:D I wonder what way Condo Security guards will swing if it gets to civil war....lots of farangs living in expensive condos rely on these guys to protect them, will they?

You already know the answer to your question. It was quite rhetorical.

The answer is NO !!!!!!!

What you can in fact rely on is that when the reds come knockin' your friendly guard in will give you away. 100% bankable, guilt edged, guaranteed!

Chai khap. me farang yer khap. Farang yoo hong 123, 345, 678, 789, gor, 909 duay khap. khaa mort loei.

:) Rhetoric is my forte Bark/ing Mad......Its cold in Melbourne, but there is no mayhem, I have a few dear friends in Bangkok and it is their safety that is my concern, so many farangs believe they are invincible, some may like to reconsider this in the light of what I am reading from arm chairs in Bangers and Television Reports.....the word 'amok' comes to mind, albeit an Indonesian derivative but we have seen what they are capable of in terms of mob behaviour...stay safe.

Why get rude and offensive for no reason. It's out of order? My comment was partly based on my firm belief and partly tongue-in-cheek.

Was just about to go take a shower to the outside toilet, when I noticed a lot of sharp pieces on the floor. Well, looking around it wasn't hard to spot the culprit.

This shot came from the southern side, through the concrete wall and tiling and still cracked the tiles on the other side's wall.

The height comparison of the holes is near identical, and being on 5th floor that would mean that it was shot from a fair distance, not just under the house.

FYI: the red stage is south, soldiers are under the house and towards the north, so there's really not much secret as to which side of the conflict this came from.

EDIT: Order of photos: from inside, wall that was hit; opposite wall; from outside; bullet

Put a long straw through the hole.... see where it points on the outside... that will give you an approx. location of the shooter.

Glad your safe.

Better yet... get a friend to shine a laser pointer through the hole while you observe from the outside.

Ummm.......NO! If your laser is pointing at someone with a gun that can penetrate your walls, you may be down a friend, or at least up for a hospital visit.

AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

It's the taking down of the phone networks which should be most effective, without their life support the women should be going insane with boredom within a few hours.

why don't the army snipers shoot the speakers?

a little peace and quiet would give the protagonists time to contemplate their own mortality......


In a modern country a parent or guardian who puts a child in jeopardy (like, for instance, refuses to evacuate the child from a 'live fire' area) is liable to criminal charges. The red leadership failing to encourage the parents/guardians to get the kids out of there can also face criminal charges.

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


The government killing inocent children this has gone to far and the yellows have to take a step back

No ... the Reds need to stop sacrificing their young to Thaksin!


No, I think he is a postgraduate from Chulalongkorn University and collects statements and reactions from the forum for his PhD thesis:

"How long can I manipulate posters until they suss that they are my guinea pigs?"

Since when has Chulalonkorn had a kindergarten for him to graduate from?

A very old and wise friend once said to me that the only reason the poor exist, is to support the rich. This is nowhere more evident than in the LOS.

Virtually every piece of reporting, every editorial from outside of Thailand in 'Farangland', they never fail to include a brief summary of why all this chaos is happening on the streets of Bangkok. it is a battle between the 'rural poor' from the Nth and Nth East and the Thai Elite who populate trendy downtown areas in bangkok. Down in my native country, Australia, the failed PM, Kevin Rudd, has been using this socialist rhetoric since he first campaigned for the job. 'Australian Working Families'.

It's all BS.

When Taksin was PM did I see all the Isaan Girls abandon the selling of their bodies in the Bars of Pattaya and stream home en masse to their poor villages, secure in the knowlege of a better and brighter future? Did I see the 1000's of Taxis, driven by battling Isaan fathers desert the streets of Bangkok and follow them?

Former PM taksin believes that out of chaos will come order, his order, he will return as the Messiah and save the country from Civil War and economic ruin. And that would be fine if it were true. But it is not.

This is just another struggle and battle for power, money, influence and control. The Poor. or more aptly the Pawns, are just the expendable players in a game of political chess. A game that has been underway since Siam became Thailand.

What can be said that hasn't already been said.

Diogenes would have been quite at home in the LOS.

Check your history and see who was responsible for changing Siams name its very interesting. He was from the so called elite


That's not nice!!!

Just to understand it right,

you mean the shot came from the red shirts, right?

I am not the brightest.

Of course thats what he meant . Do you think he would post it otherwise ?.

I was arrested with my gf , she was rapped by army officers , do you believe me ?

Well you should not ...

Problem with his creation is that so far i did not see any red with firearms in any video of yesterday/today

(anybody has a link ?)

Must be soldiers shooting in the air and missing :)

Here we go again !!!

It would be fair to ask all posters to stop saying that the reds are firing M16s and M79 grenades until a video link is available. If you keep posting it is maybe a sign of your vunerability to not think for yourself and just listen to propaganda. Photos and video of soldiers shooting thais but no photos or video of the reds shooting anybody. Let see a pro government response to that

btw -- I saw plenty of footage of armed reds yesterday on TV here in Thailand. The assertion that something MUST have video is assinine. Feel free to take a look at the local press for more information.

(The bullets came from the place where the reds were and the police were not .... but hey ... if you are Red you'll blame the police anyways!

Of course thats what he meant . Do you think he would post it otherwise ?.

I was arrested with my gf , she was rapped by army officers , do you believe me ?

Well you should not ...

Problem with his creation is that so far i did not see any red with firearms in any video of yesterday/today

(anybody has a link ?)

Must be soldiers shooting in the air and missing :)

Pornsasi - you're welcome to stay at my place tonight. I'll put you right into the red firing line.

Anytime ....

I might suggest that you cut the bs sir. I noticed you left the children out but Im sure your next post will describe them as willing protestors wel informed of why they are there and what they are protesting for - Im not sure ANY of the reds know why they are REALLY there. Also how many have had their IDs taken from them and are there under threat and intimidation? You had it right mate they are real terrorists and when a ten year old boy gets shot directly from the actions of one of your terrorists trying to run a road block you can stand back and say look how evil the govt is.

In US or Europe i saw many protests having mothers with children . I concurr its a mistake .

They should not do that , just that they are not the only one mvt doing that .

Terrorist are ppl putting bombs in public places to kill tens of innocent civilians , or shooting

at those civilians . I really wonder who are the terrorists here on that account ?

Protesting against perceived injustice is not terrorism.

If the reds were terrorists the foreign press would have said so . None of them did .

They don't understand the whole picture. These people are not "protesters". Protesters don't wear uniforms and carry weapons. They are an invading army of insurgents. The Issan Rouge.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .



this was today

what do you think they are doing with those weapons now? not to mention all the ones they took before

What are you smoking ?

International accepted protocols ? What BS is that

Reds are not firing live bullets at the army are they ?

If you scroll down on the Nation State page you will the picture below with the following note:

Note: This shot was taken while trapped in the middle of a raging gunfight between the military on the BTS pedestrian bridge on Silom road and unseen, but certainly active, red shirt guards shooting M-16 (which i saw but could not photograph the night before right after Seh Deang was shot inside the red barricades) or other war rifles. There were countless thunderous explosions which reverberated and shook the buildings and might have been M79 grenades.

Source: http://nationsstate.blogspot.com/2010/05/c...in-bangkok.html



Red shirts firing weapons...

Ok? Is that good enough?

Footage from the 10th of April. Come on, get real. :)

And what are you suggesting has changed over the couple of weeks in between then and now?

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