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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

red shirts involved in the illegal occupation and insurgency cannot be counted as civilians since they have declared war upon the government issued their own ID cards etc etc. have they not given up their status as civilians in forming their own army?

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I answered partially in my other post but let me make one more time things more clear. And PLEASE try to read my posts not as a supporter of reds or yellows but as a "third person".

You may read my posts as a red supporter who believes they are being led as lambs to slaughter by a violent megalomaniacal madman.

The fundamental purpose of a government is the maintenance of basic security and public order. Agree. When a government faces such a big political crisis that has seriously threaten public order it has one option. To restore order with all possible legal means and to put people that are breaking the law in jail. Agree. In fact this is the first government to even attempt that. If the government can not do this it means more or less that is is not capable to manage a country I disagree. The PM inherited a government with wholly incompetent, corrupt and disloyal parties. This crisis is flushing them out and he is making adjustments as necessary in about as stressful an environment as can be imagined. It may not appear like it but he has made progress. and it should seek re-assurance from the public. And that was IMHO the reason behind the PM's proposal for election on November. The people have trusted you to do a job if you can not do the job you have to ask again your people if they trust you or if they want to try something else. It sounds very simplistic but it is the essence of democratic governance. I think your first sentence is the essence of democratic government. Without it, elections don't mean very much.

Another point I'd like to make. Earlier tonight there were rumors circulating that the Deputy PM had been shot in the head by the Army. No corroboration so it probably didn't happen, but there isn't anyone reading this that doesn't believe that it is possible something like that could happen right now. That is not a climate for elections. Especially elections not due.

PS: I have to go to sleep now so I am sorry but I'll not be able to post more tonight. I promise that I'll come back :) Good night to everybody. Good Night.

Of course I can not convince you because you are so poisoned with the fight between specific persons (Abhisit, Thaksin etc.) that you can not see that everyone is doing mistakes in this story. As you can see in my posts I believe that the right is somewhere in the middle (which is the usual situation in political crisis) but you obviously have your agenda with Abhisit, Thaksin or whoever else.

You've only been here a couple of tears so I guess it is possible you don't know, but Abhisit's government IS the middle.

All Abhisit has to do to stop this is to call an election, how many more people must die before he does what he inevitably will

have to end up doing?

he did that, but the reds wanted to quibble which police station Suthep went to?

how insignificant and small minded

especially as Suthep will be put out to grass and replaced by Korn before there's another election so it was just pissing in the wind for the sake of getting wet anyway.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

But the red leaders told them, the army would never dare shoot

Are out leaders telling us lies

Was just about to go take a shower to the outside toilet, when I noticed a lot of sharp pieces on the floor. Well, looking around it wasn't hard to spot the culprit.

This shot came from the southern side, through the concrete wall and tiling and still cracked the tiles on the other side's wall.

The height comparison of the holes is near identical, and being on 5th floor that would mean that it was shot from a fair distance, not just under the house.

FYI: the red stage is south, soldiers are under the house and towards the north, so there's really not much secret as to which side of the conflict this came from.

EDIT: Order of photos: from inside, wall that was hit; opposite wall; from outside; bullet

Put a long straw through the hole.... see where it points on the outside... that will give you an approx. location of the shooter.

Glad your safe.

Better yet... get a friend to shine a laser pointer through the hole while you observe from the outside.

Good idea, place the laser on the inside wall impact point and shine it through the hole.

Er, maybe not at night, you might instatly have about 10 more holes or so.

Nice piece of reporting, might help people find safe places in their homes.

This is a photo of a ten year old boy shot last night, a sober reminder to all those praying for a crackdown what it eventually leads to.


This is a article on the shooting unfortunately in Thai


The government killing inocent children this has gone to far and the yellows have to take a step back

No ... the Reds need to stop sacrificing their young to Thaksin!

One side has no problem bringing kids there and other side doesn't have a issue with shooting at them.... :)

Ummmm One side has no problem sacrificing their children for the money that is being offered. The other side has not been said to have targetted any children. They fired on a vehicle that was speeding at a checkpoint.

It sucks! Kids shouldn't be put at risk.


Weng was just on Al Jazeera, they probably got tired of Sean Boona-bozo. He was saying he wants to end the confrontation. The newsreader asked good questions, he provided the usual lousy answers. The clincher: she asked him why, if they wanted to end it, were they calling for reinforcements? He just prattled on, left her speechless, a few seconds of silence on her part, then said 'thanks' and moved on. It was the kind of silence that says "a_sshole!" I saw Larry King do it to Sarah Palin once.

Al Jaz has a reputation for getting under the skin gov'ts, but from the coverage I've seen you surly can't say they are pro red. Actually, I'm impressed with how knowledgeable the readers are of the nuances of the situation.

What a disgrace. Shooting at 70% women and children now :)

Indeed it is .

Which it would be if it were actually true.

And the only reason that ANY women and children are

in the red encampment is the Reds themselves. There were

great numbers of warnings thart it was time to evacuate women and children.

They were uniformly ignored by Red Leaders.

Do they need to create scenes of untold horror to embarrass with?

It seems not tactic is too low to meet their aims of regaining

full control of Thailand's purse strings.


What about you Pornsasi? Anything? What is different between then and now?

I dont see on that old video any red shirt shooting . That was at a time when reds

10th April were all in red .

Come on.

Who is it then? Tell me.

On the 10th April ?

Could be anyone , police , soldiers , black shirt protecting the red shirts coz army shooting at em ,

or simply a few terrorists without any allegiances

My point is that those are not reds . Reds were dancing and shaking hands with soldiers when the

gun fire erupted . I saw the videos

Was just about to go take a shower to the outside toilet, when I noticed a lot of sharp pieces on the floor. Well, looking around it wasn't hard to spot the culprit.

This shot came from the southern side, through the concrete wall and tiling and still cracked the tiles on the other side's wall.

The height comparison of the holes is near identical, and being on 5th floor that would mean that it was shot from a fair distance, not just under the house.

FYI: the red stage is south, soldiers are under the house and towards the north, so there's really not much secret as to which side of the conflict this came from.

EDIT: Order of photos: from inside, wall that was hit; opposite wall; from outside; bullet

So to be overly clear, you are saying that someone most likely residing in the red shirt camp fired this bullet?

So there are absolutely NO misunderstandings - this is a photo taken through the hole in the wall towards where it came from.

The second photo is compass next to the hole, showing which direction it came from.

Building is on Rajaprarop Road, which is facing the southern enclave directly to the south ~ 500 m.

That's nice work Tomaz but you can't put clear evidence right in front of these people and expect them to see it for what it is. To them black is white always or something like"fake reds" must be behind it and so on........

That's a little too close mate be careful!

tomaz, make a shoot video explaining what happenned and send it to cnn i-report

or bbc


About tourism:

Most of Europeans were sulking the Spain of Franco (Dictator issued from Civil war) in spite huge attempts to develop the tourism and cheap prices. Once, Franco has disapeared, tourism has been booming.

If there is a massacre in Bangkok, most of European will choose other destinations....


You seem to be struggling with a grasp on the english language. In the PM, I simply referred to you as a D... H... (NEWSFLASH: Its not a sexually motivated thing) :) .

Anyway Rusty, you're constant braindead half truths and propaganda messages are very boring. Do you understand that? What other language would you like me to post it in? How does any man get this message through to you?

Not with sleazy PMs mate. And if your so sure that your PM wasn't sleazy, feel free to post it - title and all - for all to see :D

cum on, Russell stop being a pr*ck teaser

lets see it and we will be the judge

it must be shocking, no one would ever describe you as sensitive.............

One side has no problem bringing kids there and other side doesn't have a issue with shooting at them.... :)

Probably best sums things up from all the posts.

Bottom line, these days are a tragedy for Thailand and noone will be proud of what they have achieved or not. It is all a disaster in the end.

It was a distastor the minute Thai started to take the law into their own hands

Taskin does not suffer from insanity. he enjoys every minute of it.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

well other than the 18+ M79 grenade attacks....


The Thai news coverage of this has been nothing short of absolutely awful. But you probably can't blame them, since they're probably on orders from the government to keep it to an absolute minimum, in order to keep the general population stupid and clueless. Just like they're shooting on foreign reporters that are trying to show to the world what's really happening.

Quesion: Anyone know whats happening with the Police at the moment, are they still involved in the conflicts? sided with the reds? or have they gotten out?

First there would need to be some proof they switched sides before there can be proof they got out.

I live on the edge of the area. I've been out twice today. Once to Sathorn/Silom area and the second time (about 1 hr ago) to Pratunam near Indra Regent/Makkasan Railway etc and the police are out hanging around in their groups here and there, but they are on the sidelines. The army has the dominant presence strategically located in many places.

P.S. In the last 15 minutes, I've heard gun fire from Makkasan/Ratchaprarop area.(I live 150 m from there).

So there are absolutely NO misunderstandings - this is a photo taken through the hole in the wall towards where it came from.

The second photo is compass next to the hole, showing which direction it came from.

Building is on Rajaprarop Road, which is facing the southern enclave directly to the south ~ 500 m.

Great photo.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

All this proves is the red shirts are getting smarter

and not showing that they carry weapons

we call this carrying concealed weapons


For the reds an olive branch.

To demonstrate how much you truly care about the civilian/mob and their safety, the army will pull back in every direction 300 meters and will guarantee that no shots will be fired.

In turn, the red leaders will instruct all of their combatants to cease immediately while all protestors who wish to leave the rajaprasong area, can do so.

Somehow I don't see jutaporn agreeing to such a plan even though he is deeply concerned about the loss of life and injuries.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

All that proves is the reds have killed these 17 people stealthy because you don't even have one video or picture of a soldier killing anybody.

Idiotic arguments and asking to prove a negative can only be met with more idiocy.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

All this proves is the red shirts are getting smarter

and not showing that they carry weapons

we call this carrying concealed weapons

I personally would rather be shot than have one of their petrol bombs engulf me in gas and fire.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

All that proves is the reds have killed these 17 people stealthy because you don't even have one video or picture of a soldier killing anybody.

Idiotic arguments and asking to prove a negative can only be met with more idiocy.

Sorry, but you have the idiotic argument here. There have been 17 civilians killed and 0 soldiers killed. In total over 100 civilians are injured and the army spokesman on TV just reported 1 injured soldier. Just look at the balance. It says it all about who's killing who.

Very generous saying 'half truths' Well done. Don't mean to be seen as pis---sing in your pocket. Strongly disagree with your posts on other topics... Tell you at a more appropriate time! Spade's a spade.

Thats okay Andrew, many people disagree with my posts, I understand that OTHER people need to be wrong sometimes, its hard being me :):D

Only need to be correct 51 percent of the the time and you win. Pick up 2 percent and you're there old mate.


What about you Pornsasi? Anything? What is different between then and now?

I dont see on that old video any red shirt shooting . That was at a time when reds

10th April were all in red .

Come on.

Who is it then? Tell me.

On the 10th April ?

Could be anyone , police , soldiers , black shirt protecting the red shirts coz army shooting at em ,

or simply a few terrorists without any allegiances

My point is that those are not reds . Reds were dancing and shaking hands with soldiers when the

gun fire erupted . I saw the videos

I saw some videos of sasquatch once :)

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

well other than the 18+ M79 grenade attacks....

animatic Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.

Any recent film or pictures of red carying firearms ?

If none , no need to reply .


Any recent pictures showing soldiers killing anyone? See people falling but haven't seen the shooters. So, army must not be killing anyone.

Many videos of soldiers shooting , none of red shooting .

Have a pick here and check reports from hospital .

17 deads civilians so far .

Great show Abhisit ...

well other than the 18+ M79 grenade attacks....

animatic Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.

On the 10th April ?

Could be anyone , police , soldiers , black shirt protecting the red shirts coz army shooting at em ,

or simply a few terrorists without any allegiances

My point is that those are not reds . Reds were dancing and shaking hands with soldiers when the

gun fire erupted . I saw the videos

Well, it can't have been the soldiers then could it. As you said the reds were "shaking hands with soldiers when the gun fire erupted".

It's funny how you quote the videos of the reds dancing, but ignore other videos of reds shooting at the army.


What about you Pornsasi? Anything? What is different between then and now?

I dont see on that old video any red shirt shooting . That was at a time when reds

10th April were all in red .

Come on.

Who is it then? Tell me.

On the 10th April ?

Could be anyone , police , soldiers , black shirt protecting the red shirts coz army shooting at em ,

or simply a few terrorists without any allegiances

My point is that those are not reds . Reds were dancing and shaking hands with soldiers when the

gun fire erupted . I saw the videos

Anyone? Really.

Because if you look at it... they are next to a large group of reds. And more importantly they have their backs to them.

And black shirts are not part of the red movement now? They are not mutually supporting each other? Really? So because they wear a different color shirt you're saying that the two groups are not jointly cooperating?

Dancing when the gun fire erupted? Sure. Ok. But this isn't when the gunfire erupted. This is during. So nobody was going to be doing any dancing here then. This is after any dancing. So that isn't a valid point either.

I am not convinced. You haven't given any real answers other than skirting around it by saying "oh waaay back in April... could be anyone BUT the reds."


You seem to be struggling with a grasp on the english language. In the PM, I simply referred to you as a D... H... (NEWSFLASH: Its not a sexually motivated thing) :) .

Anyway Rusty, you're constant braindead half truths and propaganda messages are very boring. Do you understand that? What other language would you like me to post it in? How does any man get this message through to you?

Not with sleazy PMs mate. And if your so sure that your PM wasn't sleazy, feel free to post it - title and all - for all to see :D

cum on, Russell stop being a pr*ck teaser

lets see it and we will be the judge

it must be shocking, no one would ever describe you as sensitive.............

It implies he is thinking with the little head more than the big one.

Which it would be if it were actually true.

And the only reason that ANY women and children are

in the red encampment is the Reds themselves. There were

great numbers of warnings thart it was time to evacuate women and children.

They were uniformly ignored by Red Leaders.

Do they need to create scenes of untold horror to embarrass with?

It seems not tactic is too low to meet their aims of regaining

full control of Thailand's purse strings.

The madman Arisman warned the governement that he will burn Bangkok .

He did not do it , did he ?

Perhaps the red women did not think the governement would shoot other thais

Dont you think ?

Anyway the reds protest for what they believe is right . Warning them that the

army will shoot them is not making the shooting right .

Finally had Abhisit done his job of arresting Arisman and Sae Daeng rather

then shooting at unarmed civilians , we would not be here now , as all the

other red leaders had accepted his roadmap (which he negated few days later).

edit typo

All this proves is the red shirts are getting smarter

and not showing that they carry weapons

we call this carrying concealed weapons

So lets get this right.

First of all you dont need to be wearing a red shirt to be shot.

Second you dont need to actually be carrying a weapon (because it is concealed - i.e. the guy who shoots you doesnt know) in order to be shot.

So basically in and around the area everyone is fair game. Just hope 7-11 closes.

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