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Clashes Continue, Turning Central Bangkok In Virtual Warzone

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At this point I think it woud be much better if the United Nations took control as clearly both sides are hel_l bent on anarchy.

Farangs allowed to participate in Thai affairs?

UN take control?

when did that happen ?


the UN is more corrupt than Thailand

whatever next........?

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The red shirts have not declared war (show me the declaration) The matter has got out of hand and both the reds and yellows are to blame equally. It's like playing poker "I will see your 3 dead and raise you 20" Niether side will back down and both think they are right and both have valid points but to plundge the country into Kaos is wrong. It is almost time for the UN to send in independent peace keepers and thos from the region ie Singapore, Phillipines and Australia to provide some peace and stability. Disolve the government call fresh elections overseen by independents and bring Thailand back to the beautiful country it was.

In other words cave in to the demands of terrorists? that's great! And of course they HAVE declared war time and time again even issued their own uniforms yada yada don't know why Im wasting my time pointing out what's obvious to all but a few on here? There was a fair offer from Abhisit that moderate reds were willing to accept and prettymuch all of Thailand was willing to accept but that wasn't good enough for Thaksin so here we are and you need to blame someone now well? and it's chaos not kaos

Answer- THAKSIN. So who is responsible for this mess? THAKSIN.

I thought he was dead.


After this,

that state of grace may not last....


CRES announcement condemns UDD and declares the situation still under control.

The Centre for the Resolutions and Emergency Situation, in its latest, announcement, has condemned the UDD for using heavy arms and using human shield to fend off troops. The government also condemns the Pheu Thai Party for distorting facts that the government is the one instigating casualties and its move to issue the letter containing distorting facts to the United Nations. CRES maintains that the government still has the situation under control. CRES will be holding press conference and issuing announcements and clarifications to foreign press and foreign embassies in Bangkok throughout the day. Earlier, CRES clarified that troops are using only rifles, not grenades, RPG or M79.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-15


so any of u guys looking for a BigMac at Silom or a Movie at Central World can go out now... just get me a souvenier hand grenade frm Sala Dang.... Its all under control ...

If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

You would have to be retarded to expect differently. Anywhere in the world. I am sick of hearing liberal westerners stick up for the red shirt terrorist-insurgents. I would love to see a REAL people's power movement here that had moral authority, wasn't totally corrupt and run by Thaksin, and embraced non-violent tactics. The reds are the opposite.



Who shot 100 soldiers? Who blew up jet fuel depots? Who blew up power pylons, who fired 16 M79 grenades yesterday? Who shot the soldier out by Don Muang? Who shot the soldier in yesterday's video of the reds dragging unarmed soldiers out of a truck? Who has bombed roughly 80 locations in Thailand since March? Name 10 of the places.

Please write your answers clearly, partial credit will be given where applicable, you have 30 minutes.

As a bonus question worth 10 points, what Thai ex-leader was going to work with Seh Daeng to persue the fight to the finish against the govenment rather that compromise with Abhisit's 5 point reconciliation plan?


If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

Who shot 100 soldiers? Who blew up jet fuel depots? Who blew up power pylons, who fired 16 M79 grenades yesterday? Who shot the soldier out by Don Muang? Who shot the soldier in yesterday's video of the reds dragging unarmed soldiers out of a truck? Who has bombed roughly 80 locations in Thailand since March? Name 10 of the places.

Please write your answers clearly, partial credit will be given where applicable, you have 30 minutes.

As a bonus question worth 10 points, what Thai ex-leader was going to work with Seh Daeng to persue the fight to the finish against the govenment rather that compromise with Abhisit's 5 point reconciliation plan?

Why dont you wait for the enquiry result ?

As a bonus question .

Who accepted the PM "sincere" offer on the 5 points .

Answer : All the red leaders except Arisman and Sae Daeng .

Which reinforce my point , even Jatuporn or Dr Weng were not afraid of beeing arrested

not talking about Veera and others .

Finally this thread is about last two days not about 10th April . Nor about Thaksin

which Abhisit is trying very hard to emulate (tai Bak , war on drugs killings of innocent )

All this proves is the red shirts are getting smarter

and not showing that they carry weapons

we call this carrying concealed weapons

So lets get this right.

First of all you dont need to be wearing a red shirt to be shot.

Second you dont need to actually be carrying a weapon (because it is concealed - i.e. the guy who shoots you doesnt know) in order to be shot.

So basically in and around the area everyone is fair game. Just hope 7-11 closes.

guess you didn't get the memo: 7-11''s are safe zones. Reds, Yellows, camo's, blacks, etc., are free to purchase items withought fear of discrimination or bias.

If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

Tragedies happen in wars. Who started this war? Thaksin and the reds. Credit where credit is due.

I've just travelled from Phaya Thai to Klong Toey and return via Surasak, Suan Pluu, Sathorn, Convent, Silom, Suriwong, and Rama 4 etc. It's a ghost town feeling.

I witnessed the results of many acts of vandalism and fires and barracades etc.

When this is all over the clean-up and repair costs will be astronomical. They should sent the bill to Taksin.

It was however, pleasant to walk from Sathorn to Suriwong via Silom without the usual hustle and bustle and cars etc.

They dont have to send a bill because they robbed a big part of his money already... Should be more as enough to cover the costs. What a pathetic post

Oh yeah, you mean the money he took illegally. You, my "friend" have scribed utter foolish rubbish.

Chris - His money? Are you you serious? Do you have any idea what this man has done? Guess you're having us on but not funny in light of the the repercussions (excuse Spelling) of what he has instigated. Think of Thai people mate. Think of right and wrong. This is the dark side of grey. Just look with an open mind. Please.

animatic Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.

Idiots are the pro-yellow , pro-violence fanatics here , who support soldiers shooting randomly at

other thais , civilians .

Idiots are those that think that this is going to solve the problem in Thailand in a durable way .

And idiots are those who ignore the foreign reports , and more to the point support

those that are shooting journalists .

Never argue with a blinkered ideologue, then.

Sorry, but you have the idiotic argument here. There have been 17 civilians killed and 0 soldiers killed. In total over 100 civilians are injured and the army spokesman on TV just reported 1 injured soldier. Just look at the balance. It says it all about who's killing who.

More info needed. How may of those injured were active combatants in the red insurgency? They are fighting a war so they are war casualties. Of course in any war, there are always innocents killed. Why didn't the reds accept the road map? Answer- THAKSIN. So who is responsible for this mess? THAKSIN.

looking at the casualty fiqures so far,,,

its pretty obvious who is the main aggressor!! the army

I think their crossing the line by a mile of just defending themselves and their position..

Who shot 100 soldiers? Who blew up jet fuel depots? Who blew up power pylons, who fired 16 M79 grenades yesterday? Who shot the soldier out by Don Muang? Who shot the soldier in yesterday's video of the reds dragging unarmed soldiers out of a truck? Who has bombed roughly 80 locations in Thailand since March? Name 10 of the places.

Please write your answers clearly, partial credit will be given where applicable, you have 30 minutes.

As a bonus question worth 10 points, what Thai ex-leader was going to work with Seh Daeng to persue the fight to the finish against the govenment rather that compromise with Abhisit's 5 point reconciliation plan?

Why dont you wait for the enquiry result ?

As a bonus question .

Who accepted the PM "sincere" offer on the 5 points .

Answer : All the red leaders except Arisman and Sae Daeng .

Which reinforce my point , even Jatuporn or Dr Weng were not afraid of beeing arrested

not talking about Veera and others .

Finally this thread is about last two days not about 10th April . Nor about Thaksin

which Abhisit is trying very hard to emulate (tai Bak , war on drugs killings of innocent )

pornsasi, what I said in my earlier post. It's a hundered % for you too...

CRES announcement condemns UDD and declares the situation still under control.

The Centre for the Resolutions and Emergency Situation, in its latest, announcement, has condemned the UDD for using heavy arms and using human shield to fend off troops. The government also condemns the Pheu Thai Party for distorting facts that the government is the one instigating casualties and its move to issue the letter containing distorting facts to the United Nations. CRES maintains that the government still has the situation under control. CRES will be holding press conference and issuing announcements and clarifications to foreign press and foreign embassies in Bangkok throughout the day. Earlier, CRES clarified that troops are using only rifles, not grenades, RPG or M79.


-- Tan Network 2010-05-15


so any of u guys looking for a BigMac at Silom or a Movie at Central World can go out now... just get me a souvenier hand grenade frm Sala Dang.... Its all under control ...


The Thai news coverage of this has been nothing short of absolutely awful. But you probably can't blame them, since they're probably on orders from the government to keep it to an absolute minimum, in order to keep the general population stupid and clueless. Just like they're shooting on foreign reporters that are trying to show to the world what's really happening.

You have no evidence for you views.

Seh Daeng was shot during a live recorded interview with the foreign press. Talk about openness or what.

AN Network: Red-shirt leader Dr.Weng Tojirakarn admits the red camp is running out of supplies, told supporters to bring supplies through small routes.

Refreshing news indeed. I hope the government is able to close all routes to make sure their supply is not met.

It's the taking down of the phone networks which should be most effective, without their life support the women should be going insane with boredom within a few hours.

why don't the army snipers shoot the speakers?

a little peace and quiet would give the protagonists time to contemplate their own mortality......

Or morality?

If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

Tragedies happen in wars. Who started this war? Thaksin and the reds. Credit where credit is due.

Oh really? I thought it happened when the yellow shirts overthrew a democratically elected government. Sorry, I must have been wrong then.

I bet this Russell Hantz is from the hills of Kentucky (USA) so he has a lot in common with the rural people from the North and Isaan who believe everything the Red agitators have blasted on their loudspeakers in these small villages. Hey Khun Hantz, why don't you come down to Luphini Park and support your commrades? (plus receive 200 bath to buy seeds for your garden).


...and then he moved to Issan! :)

It's not the same git from Survivor is it?

it can't be, even though the original Russell Hantz was a primitive, sub human species, he was still brighter than this imposter

animatic Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.

Idiots are the pro-yellow , pro-violence fanatics here , who support soldiers shooting randomly at

other thais , civilians .

Idiots are those that think that this is going to solve the problem in Thailand in a durable way .

And idiots are those who ignore the foreign reports , and more to the point support

those that are shooting journalists .

If the reds go home today, I will be on the governments back (posting on TVF) to make sure they live up to their promises, as I would think many other anti-reds would be.

I would like to say that I would do the same for any red promises, but they usually only promise violence (and often live up to it), and haven't said anything about how they will actually improve the life of the average poor Thai.

The red shirts have not declared war (show me the declaration) The matter has got out of hand and both the reds and yellows are to blame equally. It's like playing poker "I will see your 3 dead and raise you 20" Niether side will back down and both think they are right and both have valid points but to plundge the country into Kaos is wrong. It is almost time for the UN to send in independent peace keepers and thos from the region ie Singapore, Phillipines and Australia to provide some peace and stability. Disolve the government call fresh elections overseen by independents and bring Thailand back to the beautiful country it was.

In other words cave in to the demands of terrorists? that's great! And of course they HAVE declared war time and time again even issued their own uniforms yada yada don't know why Im wasting my time pointing out what's obvious to all but a few on here? There was a fair offer from Abhisit that moderate reds were willing to accept and prettymuch all of Thailand was willing to accept but that wasn't good enough for Thaksin so here we are and you need to blame someone now well? and it's chaos not kaos

Various red leaders have said as much, but not being leaders of a soverign state,

were taken as territsts and insurgents, but a new state of Issan was declared and

war on the government was declared. Their message are so random chance these days,

they can't even stick to one platform

If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

Wow you really are something special sunshine! :) You don't have one fact straight lol

Boy was outside of the VAN he was on the street. Parents? A van full of knives, UDD supplies etc refused to stop for the military checkpoint and instead decided to floor it. Soldiers fired upon the van to stop it (as would anyone in this situation not knowing who or what was inside). The boy was not as you say in a car with his parents trying to get to safety lol! Incredible how you guys come up with this <deleted>!

To do that arresting you mention would have had the same effect as we see today.

I dont think so , not if the yellows would have faced a court as well .

The Thai news coverage of this has been nothing short of absolutely awful. But you probably can't blame them, since they're probably on orders from the government to keep it to an absolute minimum, in order to keep the general population stupid and clueless. Just like they're shooting on foreign reporters that are trying to show to the world what's really happening.

You have no evidence for you views.

Seh Daeng was shot during a live recorded interview with the foreign press. Talk about openness or what.

....hmmmm.... :) the old 'gun-in-the-camera trick'.....

To do that arresting you mention would have had the same effect as we see today.

I dont think so , not if the yellows would have faced a court as well .

You never read any posts that go against your opinion do you?

If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

Thats another one you have wrong RP, How many is that now, must be quite a high number.

The kid wasnt in the van he was on the street and had repeatedly been told by the troops to go home but would not.

Add to that that there was only the driver in the van and he smelled strongly of booze, he also had large knives and red propaganda in the van so where do you think he was trying to go?

Where were the kids parents that he was allowed to be in an obviously dangerous place.

I have every sympathy for the little kid but not for parents who would let him be there. They should be locked up.



If you fight with the army you are likely to get shot, and if you make the decision to fight an army you should not complain if you do get shot.

Dont see why thats so difficult for the reds to understand.

The 10-year old boy that got shot in the stomach was fighting the army? Give me a break. He was shot while his parents were driving in a speeding car, probably trying to get their family to safety as fast as possible. Instead, the soldiers opened fire on the car. There is no excuse. Stop looking for one.

:D The government and yellow shirts can do no wrong they have not made a singlr error of judgement throughout this whole ordeal. The ten year old was on the most wanted list in Thailand and had to be taken out.


I am guessing the Taksin clan will be person non grata in Thailand when this is all over. I wouldn't feel safe here if I was anyone one of them.

Sum num na

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