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Are You Prepared For The Abyss?


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I sit here sipping on my coffee from the safety of my sofa in Europe, switching between news channels trying to understand Thailand's next move. My wife's tearful eyes watch the dramatic scenes on TV. The fighting just in front of the doors of her old office block. We had plans to return to Thailand for good in February 2011. We constantly worry about our friends and family there. Which brings me to my question. How prepared are you?

Most political experts agree - Thailand is on the brink of a very real Civil War. The first to suffer the brunt will be the elite - You as a Farang are considered Elite no matter what T-Shirt color you are inclined to support. Have you made any plans to evacuate yourself from the country (note I say country not Bangkok)? Have you got your funds securely out somehow? Do you have a contingency plan? Finally, how long will you wait and see what happens before you start preparing? Too many tragedies happen because people just wait and see - don't do that, make some plans now. The best that can happen is that you don't need to follow those plans at all - in which case you can celebrate.

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I have to disagree a little sorry. I am a foreigner but donot consider myself an elite. I have no plan to leave this great country of my own free will. The community I live in is very supportive of me. I have no fear of locals running me out.I fear some may even protect me. I honestly believe foreigners are relatively safe. But of course like anywhere things can happen. This may even make it safer for foreigners, who knows.

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I for one do not need to make any plans apart from book a plane ticket, pack my bags and regrettably kiss the g/f goodbye, however I hope to God it doesn't come to this. Yes I have brought a car and have a business here, but if my life depended upon it, these would be the last things that kept me here. I know it is not the same with everyone, however I did not burn all of my bridges when moving to Thailand and still have investments back in the UK and Europe, (for what they're worth now). I am one of the expats who really does not think it will come to this though, surely the Thai population will not allow a civil war, granted they are not as progressed as the Western world regards a democratic society but neither are they as regressed a culture as some African states i.e Somhalia. This is of course only an opinion and I am more than aware it will have no bearing on any outcome whatsoever...

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Lets see where it goes from here.Another coup probably.As of now I have no fear , untill now falangs are NOT an issue , in fact its probably the safest thing to be.

I would however be concerned if a Thaksin / red led government comes to power.If they could do what they wanted , it could be scary.They never had the power last time because of the so called `elite´ but next time things could be different.

This is not a struggle of poor v elite as the ignorant BBC is reporting.This is the defence of law and order and if the army does´t get things under control , the terrorists will create a state of anarchy.I fear there are plenty more fatalities coming because there are no negotiations left.If the reds could not except the proposed road map then they are void of reason.That is the worrying part.

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It will never ever happen that thais turn on farangs.

But if it did,we would have to rely on the Embassy to get us out quick or book a flight to anywhere.Would be horrible to leave my gf,but if i had too i would.The only sensible thing i can come up with is make certain your name/address is at the British Embassy unless you have something to hide

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I am making no exit plans. Worse case for me is walking away from everything I have in Thailand, which relative to my personal wealth, is a lot. Hoping it doesn't come to that for both my own interests and Thailand, but really out of our control.

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I dare the Red Shirts to come after me. I will take on the entire mob myself, with these two guns I call biceps.

Then the world can sleep well tonight, call back the UN, it's OK we have Chunky on hand here, problem solved. Send your CV to Abhisit, he sure could use you now my friend!

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It will never ever happen that thais turn on farangs.

But if it did,we would have to rely on the Embassy to get us out quick or book a flight to anywhere.Would be horrible to leave my gf,but if i had too i would.The only sensible thing i can come up with is make certain your name/address is at the British Embassy unless you have something to hide

Somtampet, are you drunk already.....

1. It will never happen that Thais turn on farangs....really..... :) .....what do we base this on ??

2. British Embassy in Bangkok helping its Citizens/subjects..... :D .....

if the poo poo really hit the fan...Quinton Quayle and his band of merry civil servants will be sitting at Raffles in Singapore sipping champagne cocktails watching proceedings on the BBC....point being they dont give a sh*t about the British plebs who might be in trouble in Thailand...and would be out of Thailand like there ar*e's where on fire.... if it really kicked off here

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But if it did,we would have to rely on the Embassy to get us out quick or book a flight to anywhere.

Or you could contact an airline or travel agent, I find they are much more effective at arranging flights. To give you an idea of the service you can expect from an embassy just look what the US and British Embassy did yesterday. They closed. That sums it up really.

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Rich v Poor, the North v the Bangkok elite

if it was that simple:

offer them a new "Nation of Isaan" (and other adjacent provinces who vote are paid to join)

Main industries: sticky rice, durian, lao khao, and choice exotic partners for the expat.

And as Thaksin loves these people so much, offer him the presidency - I doubt he would accept it though!

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It will never ever happen that thais turn on farangs.

But if it did,we would have to rely on the Embassy to get us out quick or book a flight to anywhere.Would be horrible to leave my gf,but if i had too i would.The only sensible thing i can come up with is make certain your name/address is at the British Embassy unless you have something to hide

Somtampet, are you drunk already.....

1. It will never happen that Thais turn on farangs....really..... :) .....what do we base this on ??

2. British Embassy in Bangkok helping its Citizens/subjects..... :D .....

if the poo poo really hit the fan...Quinton Quayle and his band of merry civil servants will be sitting at Raffles in Singapore sipping champagne cocktails watching proceedings on the BBC....point being they dont give a sh*t about the British plebs who might be in trouble in Thailand...and would be out of Thailand like there ar*e's where on fire.... if it really kicked off here

You post your crap and i will post my crap.Not worth arguing about.

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Rich v Poor, the North v the Bangkok elite

if it was that simple:

offer them a new "Nation of Isaan" (and other adjacent provinces who vote are paid to join)

Main industries: sticky rice, durian, lao khao, and choice exotic partners for the expat.

And as Thaksin loves these people so much, offer him the presidency - I doubt he would accept it though!


Except for durian, the best are coming from Nonthaburi. :)

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Has anyone noticed that what is going on at the moment is not new. There have been countless coups and many protests. What has changed? Not alot. So if you dont go down to the protest area you would not know anything was happening. I live 10 minutes away and it is business as usual.

Stop with the doom and gloom. Thailand is used to it, the people are resiliant and life does go on.

For all its faults this is a great country to holiday in and, I think, a great place to live. My company is investing serious money here and I confidently expect to be here and trading 20 years from now.

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Rich v Poor, the North v the Bangkok elite

if it was that simple:

offer them a new "Nation of Isaan" (and other adjacent provinces who vote are paid to join)

Main industries: sticky rice, durian, lao khao, and choice exotic partners for the expat.

And as Thaksin loves these people so much, offer him the presidency - I doubt he would accept it though!


Except for durian, the best are coming from Nonthaburi. :D

ok might give you that.

but do the best ones also stink the most?


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Nothing like a little civil unrest for some Thais to get even with those bothersome farangs who have behaved boorishly whilst openly showing disregard and disrespect to the ways of the locals, who have treated Thais with contempt and who basically scowl at every Thai who can't speak anything but Thai. For most of us who are perhaps a little more diplomatic, respectful, culturally sensitve or god forbid, friendly with the locals, I doubt we would be of any interest to any red or yellow shirts.

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The OP is another Farang who has been brainwashed by the hyped up reports of the Western media and looking in from the outside over the garden wall.

It`s really not as bad as all that, and believe this or not, we are still managing to live normal lives trouble free from any violence.

Anyway, no problem for me, as I have a Thai wife. I`ll send her out first to deal with the attackers, while I finish my beer.

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I arrived in Thailand in November 1971 to take up employment with a British Company here.

My first day in the Office was 17 November, and being used to the somewhat staid atmosphere of a London Office I was surprised to see the Thai staff in lively but in no way anxious conversation. Once I got my bearings I asked a senior Thai staffer what was going on, is the Office always like this?

His answer – “no, we have just had a Coup in Thailand”. (This was Thanom Kittikachorns' "Coup against himself")

As a young Expat my first reaction was “how soon can I get out of here!?”

I have now been here for almost 40 unbroken years, and have seen several “Coups”, some were bloody, yes, some were farcical (Tanks from upcountry based Regiments told to come to Bangkok and take over the Defence Ministry – manned by upcountry Thais who had never been to Bangkok and had to ask Traffic Police the way to the Defence Ministry: The leader of one failed Coup being arrested because his “escape Jeep” was stuck in a Bangkok Traffic jam – seriously).

Today I have just returned from a pleasant family trip to Lotus Srinakarin, a good lunch at Fuji (OK, I know not everyone’s favourite Japanese eatery but the kids love it), signed my son up for a Course of basic Computer Programming, shopping and then back home.

All classes of Thai – and I guess Farang – there, everyone totally relaxed, no tension whatsoever, an absolutely different world to what is happening in a few isolated places elsewhere.

This is not to play down the undoubted problems being caused by Thaksins’ paid minions in parts of Thailand (nor the validity of some of their complaints), however anyone who thinks that a Civil War will suddenly break out, and Thai will be clawing at Thai throughout the Nation because of this situation, is way off the mark.

Keep out of known problem areas – if you can – and just wait for the Thais to sort it out in their own way, it’s not your conflict.


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Xenophobia has been increasing in Thailand, especially over the past ten years (most people have blinders on and don't have a clue).

The country has been in decline, again, especially over the past ten years.

A wide divide has materialized between the rural-poor and urban-middle class/rich.

There are way..........way too many young males in Thailand who are not educated...........who have no real future ahead of them.

They are being used by a dictator, currently living outside of Thailand, who is funding the revolution.

Civil war could erupt if the military does not take decisive and rapid action to stop the Reds.

Many of the Reds HATE FARANGS.

Life could get very difficult for expats.

Yes, I have an exit plan.

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The OP is another Farang who has been brainwashed by the hyped up reports of the Western media and looking in from the outside over the garden wall.

It`s really not as bad as all that, and believe this or not, we are still managing to live normal lives trouble free from any violence.

Anyway, no problem for me, as I have a Thai wife. I`ll send her out first to deal with the attackers, while I finish my beer.

In important parts of Bangkok, it IS as bad as all that.

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Escape plan? For what? A load of <deleted> from someone not here to see how life is.

I live here and am happy amongst Red / Yellow / Sky blue pink with red and yellow dots on. I get along with the great majority of Thai people I meet from the worker on the building site upwards. All it generally takes is a little effort to get along with people. Yes, some are never going to like us, no problem there.

And the British Embassy? What a load of tosspots they tend to be in a crisis. If I had to get out I would drive to the airport or the border, give the wife the keys to the car and tell her I'll be back when I can. Cannot see any reason for that to happen.

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We can get Chunky1 to distract the red puppets with his "guns" (this reminds me of a Will Farrel movie), whilst p_brownnosestone conducts peace talks with the red puppet masters. :)

< sigh >

Did you actually read my Post?

If so – did you understand it?


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