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Are You Prepared For The Abyss?


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My escape plan involves a tunnel. Can't say anymore that that at the moment never know who else might be reading this. But if you have a shovel, old gas lamp and some free time PM me.

My plan involves sex reassignment surgery, a Cher costume and wig.

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There have been times in history when western foreigners were the targets of violence in Asia, such as the Boxer Rebellion and the Indian revolt against the British. Also there have been times when the have-nots have murdered the haves, such as the holocaust in germany and murder of Chinese in malaysia and right here in Thailand. Right now even the poorest of farang are considered the haves by most Thai, and in a class war it is conceivable we can be included with the elites. I recently mistakenly wandered into red-shirt meeting where I definitely felt hostile reaction from the crowd.

I personally doubt that farangs will be targeted by red-shirts in civil war or class war. No matter what happens, I will not leave my wife here to fend for herself. I love Thailand and hope to never have to leave.

I believe as I said I do not expect violence towards farang will happen, but that is not say it is impossible. People who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

This is land of smiles but as most of us know here, just because a Thai person smiles at you does not neccessarily mean he does not want to kill you.

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Has anyone noticed that what is going on at the moment is not new. There have been countless coups and many protests. What has changed? Not alot. So if you dont go down to the protest area you would not know anything was happening. I live 10 minutes away and it is business as usual.

Stop with the doom and gloom. Thailand is used to it, the people are resiliant and life does go on.

For all its faults this is a great country to holiday in and, I think, a great place to live. My company is investing serious money here and I confidently expect to be here and trading 20 years from now.


Business as usual in BKK? I understand that you have investments but "business as usual" is certainly not accurate compared to what is happening on the streets of BKK.

I live close enough to hear the red shirt stage in CNX at night. I would mostly say it is "busuness as usual" here but there is an air of tension. In CNX we don't have armed troops on the streets OR armed terrorists controlling part of the city.

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I arrived in Thailand in November 1971 to take up employment with a British Company here.

My first day in the Office was 17 November, and being used to the somewhat staid atmosphere of a London Office I was surprised to see the Thai staff in lively but in no way anxious conversation. Once I got my bearings I asked a senior Thai staffer what was going on, is the Office always like this?

His answer – “no, we have just had a Coup in Thailand”. (This was Thanom Kittikachorns' "Coup against himself")

As a young Expat my first reaction was “how soon can I get out of here!?”

I have now been here for almost 40 unbroken years, and have seen several “Coups”, some were bloody, yes, some were farcical (Tanks from upcountry based Regiments told to come to Bangkok and take over the Defence Ministry – manned by upcountry Thais who had never been to Bangkok and had to ask Traffic Police the way to the Defence Ministry: The leader of one failed Coup being arrested because his “escape Jeep” was stuck in a Bangkok Traffic jam – seriously).

Today I have just returned from a pleasant family trip to Lotus Srinakarin, a good lunch at Fuji (OK, I know not everyone’s favourite Japanese eatery but the kids love it), signed my son up for a Course of basic Computer Programming, shopping and then back home.

All classes of Thai – and I guess Farang – there, everyone totally relaxed, no tension whatsoever, an absolutely different world to what is happening in a few isolated places elsewhere.

This is not to play down the undoubted problems being caused by Thaksins’ paid minions in parts of Thailand (nor the validity of some of their complaints), however anyone who thinks that a Civil War will suddenly break out, and Thai will be clawing at Thai throughout the Nation because of this situation, is way off the mark.

Keep out of known problem areas – if you can – and just wait for the Thais to sort it out in their own way, it’s not your conflict.


Now there's sensible reply. I arrived right after the May 1992 uprising, a movement that was about democracy, I remember calling the office of my new job a week before I flew while the demonstrations were being put down and asking if the company was still open , to which I was told "Of course why wouldn't we be?" All my friends thought I was flying off to my death, landing in Thailand... well it was business as usual other than the crowds around the stalls showing videos of the actual crack down.

Yesterday I was all around town , traffic, shopping and business as usual for the vast majority of Bangkok!

Edited by khunkwai
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Why would I abandon my wife and family? For better or for worse, we'll go through this together.

Because without you they are perfectly safe in Thailand.

Your white face will be the thing to draw harmful attention towards them, they will be much better without you!

( ......... as long as you keep paying the bills and sending money ........)

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Op, farangs are not considered 'elite'. In fact, we're not considered anything here and would not become a target even if there were a civil war, which there wouldn't be. Most Thais just want a peaceful life and haven't the energy to war with one another. Don't forget, all of this is happening because of a bunch of folks have been paid to show up on the street; a minority amid 60-odd million.

Mighty strange, when I pay 500 baht to get anything done around the house I don't nearly get the same level of selfless commitment, to the point of the guy dodging live bullets to fix my water pump, all for 500 baht a day.

I wonder what I am doing wrong. :)

Comparing apples and oranges :D

For 500 a day you get the commitment of the women, grannies and children sitting in the shade in Rachprasong. For other levels of commitment you MUST pay more.

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Escape plan? For what? A load of <deleted> from someone not here to see how life is.

I live here and am happy amongst Red / Yellow / Sky blue pink with red and yellow dots on. I get along with the great majority of Thai people I meet from the worker on the building site upwards. All it generally takes is a little effort to get along with people. Yes, some are never going to like us, no problem there.

And the British Embassy? What a load of tosspots they tend to be in a crisis. If I had to get out I would drive to the airport or the border, give the wife the keys to the car and tell her I'll be back when I can. Cannot see any reason for that to happen.


I live in so called "red land", right in the heart of Chiang Mai. I am continueing plans to expand my business ventures here and find my neighbors to be interesting and reasonable. Perhaps the people like the OP that don't live in Thailand and people that live in Ex-Pat enclaves might be extremely nervous but I am not. I know people from all walks of life here and don't feel like the risks have gotten much worse.

Should things happen to get significantly worse I would revise my business plans but not my living situation.

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I live in so called "red land", right in the heart of Chiang Mai. I am continueing plans to expand my business ventures here and find my neighbors to be interesting and reasonable. Perhaps the people like the OP that don't live in Thailand and people that live in Ex-Pat enclaves might be extremely nervous but I am not. I know people from all walks of life here and don't feel like the risks have gotten much worse.

Should things happen to get significantly worse I would revise my business plans but not my living situation.

So things are business as usual in Chiang Mai while Bangkok is a War Zone. Quite informative. Please don't stop posting.

Edited by Chunky1
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I arrived in Thailand in November 1971 to take up employment with a British Company here.

My first day in the Office was 17 November, and being used to the somewhat staid atmosphere of a London Office I was surprised to see the Thai staff in lively but in no way anxious conversation. Once I got my bearings I asked a senior Thai staffer what was going on, is the Office always like this?

His answer – “no, we have just had a Coup in Thailand”. (This was Thanom Kittikachorns' "Coup against himself")

As a young Expat my first reaction was “how soon can I get out of here!?”

I have now been here for almost 40 unbroken years, and have seen several “Coups”, some were bloody, yes, some were farcical (Tanks from upcountry based Regiments told to come to Bangkok and take over the Defence Ministry – manned by upcountry Thais who had never been to Bangkok and had to ask Traffic Police the way to the Defence Ministry: The leader of one failed Coup being arrested because his “escape Jeep” was stuck in a Bangkok Traffic jam – seriously).

Today I have just returned from a pleasant family trip to Lotus Srinakarin, a good lunch at Fuji (OK, I know not everyone’s favourite Japanese eatery but the kids love it), signed my son up for a Course of basic Computer Programming, shopping and then back home.

All classes of Thai – and I guess Farang – there, everyone totally relaxed, no tension whatsoever, an absolutely different world to what is happening in a few isolated places elsewhere.

This is not to play down the undoubted problems being caused by Thaksins’ paid minions in parts of Thailand (nor the validity of some of their complaints), however anyone who thinks that a Civil War will suddenly break out, and Thai will be clawing at Thai throughout the Nation because of this situation, is way off the mark.

Keep out of known problem areas – if you can – and just wait for the Thais to sort it out in their own way, it’s not your conflict.


A voice of sanity. Couldn't have put it better myself.

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To Patrick

Thanks for posting a more interesting and insightful post. I do agree with you that the Thai's will have to sort out their own mess.

From what I know of thailand's past it has had more than 15 military coups in the last 30 years, some really violent, some not so violent but in reality thailand doesn't seem to ever be known for long term stability. I think I'm like most of you just watching the situation. I want things to get better to but will have to see the situation go day by day

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British expats should be buried where they fall to save unecessary expense.... :D

Lots of digging then around Nana, Soi Cowboy, Patpong, Walking Street, and sois 6, 7, 8 in PTY.

But let's make it English rather than British. Northern Irish, Welsh, and Scots do deserve better. :)

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A voice of sanity. Couldn't have put it better myself.

Pity the Red shirts and Goverment couldn't start bringing some sanity to the party..

Whose definition of insanity was " Repeating the same actions over and over and expecting a different outcome"

So based on Patrick's insight......the whole lot of them are insane based on the above definition

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No F'ing way. I would never abandon my wife and Family. My wife said if these terrorist red shirt peasants win, she wants to leave Thailand. And if that's the case I would go back to the States, with her and the rest of her family. But if they want to stay I'm right there too with them.

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I think your post said it all <you are sitting in your home in europe watching TV but your not here but we are> i think most of us are rational people and can make our own assesments. I dont see a civil war more like domestic disturbances in the future but i feel safe being one of the poor elite farangs. However we are watching but mostly i assume we feel safe or we wouldnt be here

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There are some 'elite' farangs around, but just like the local elite they are in the minority. If you push your own shopping cart around/have to do visa runs/are posting on TV/etc., chances are you're not in the club.


I like your style Heng. :D

Hard hitting truths without being abusive.

Good work.

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British expats should be buried where they fall to save unecessary expense.... :D

Lots of digging then around Nana, Soi Cowboy, Patpong, Walking Street, and sois 6, 7, 8 in PTY.

But let's make it English rather than British. Northern Irish, Welsh, and Scots do deserve better. :)

I've never known a scotsman take on any unecessary expense :D

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There are some 'elite' farangs around, but just like the local elite they are in the minority. If you push your own shopping cart around/have to do visa runs/are posting on TV/etc., chances are you're not in the club.


I like your style Heng. :D

Hard hitting truths without being abusive.

Good work.

No worries. Press kit and t-shirt on the way.


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The wife and I were going to drive to Bangkok for a few days. After seeing the local news, we decided against it. Who would have thought that the benign color of a car would cause us such problems?post-57363-1273992806_thumb.jpg

You might want to try one of those full-length dust covers, and cut a small hole just outside the windshield (windscreen) to look through. Problem solved! :)

(Make sure your stretchy-cords at the bottom stay tight.)

Edited by toptuan
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geesh I get emails all the time from Euro/NA rellies with the same bloody questions ....

It's not WW2 and it's not Singapore but to give a political answer to your question.."we are monitoring the situation" ( nah .....not really)

....waiting until the bows go under and the water is up to my waist...then I will look for a life jacket maybe..

It would be interesting to see/hear what answers you get from questions to the media bimbos your watching .... especially CNN

- Do you know where Bangkok is?

- Can you point to it on a map?

- can yoooooo say Thai.....land?

have a nice day in.......errr wherever you are hiding.... :)

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geesh I get emails all the time from Euro/NA rellies with the same bloody questions ....

It's not WW2 and it's not Singapore but to give a political answer to your question.."we are monitoring the situation" ( nah .....not really)

....waiting until the bows go under and the water is up to my waist...then I will look for a life jacket maybe..

It would be interesting to see/hear what answers you get from questions to the media bimbos your watching .... especially CNN

- Do you know where Bangkok is?

- Can you point to it on a map?

- can yoooooo say Thai.....land?

have a nice day in.......errr wherever you are hiding.... :)

You're right about the media bimbos- though some are male.

Al Jazeera- had the wrong local time.

?BBC- remarked there had been ?dozens of coups in the last 10 years.

?BBC- referred to Klong Toey by some name I'd never heard of.

Sorry if I can't remember definitely which service it was, as been flicking back and forth between BBC, Al Jazeera and Asia News trying to get some images not recycled to the nth time.

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Why would I abandon my wife and family? For better or for worse, we'll go through this together.

Because without you they are perfectly safe in Thailand.

Your white face will be the thing to draw harmful attention towards them, they will be much better without you!

( ......... as long as you keep paying the bills and sending money ........)

Do you wake up and feel insecure because you are a farang? I pity you.

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I'm not particularly happy about the situation in Thailand, my escape route was always the Thai border. It now looks like I'll have to head for Bangladesh and that's a bugger to get to. :D

I'm laughing at the comments about the Embassy, they're a complete waste of time when the proverbial hits the fan. :)

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So to all those who said they feel safe and are not considered Elite - do you still feel safe now after reports that Luxury buildings have been set ablaze? Do not compare what is happening now to Thailands history. This is a new, dramatic abyss for the country.

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I am staying at my friends apt. here in BKK just on a long long holiday, he is in Pattaya. He has been here 13 years and is fluent and in with many Thais. He told he to lay very low here as he fears they ( the thugs ) will start shooting at any farang they see at this point.

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Living in such fear and trepidation must be terrible. I feel sorry for all expats who are caught up in this or who genuinely fear for their safety.

It will be interesting after the dust settles to know how many expats were intentionally injured by the mob. Doubt the number will hit double digits.

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The safest area of Thailand seems to be central-south, from south of Bangkok down to north of Yala/Pattani. I'm in Krabi and life goes on as normal.

The only effects I'm seeing are hideously slow internet access all day. I cannot connect to my servers in the USA for work, so have spent the day chatting to friends in Russia and Japan on my shortwave amateur radio rig.

But just in case, I have also started digging a tunnel, have had sex-reassignment surgery, and now answer to the name of George :)


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