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Seh Daeng Dead


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Live by the sword...die by the sword.

It would be a great time for those who claim to follow Buddhism to start living the 5 percepts, disband and go home, and get ready to vote in the next election.

If you want democracy -- stop promoting anarchy and violence.



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Please be mindful that there is nothing to be gained by saying negative stuff towards a dead man. You are better to say nothing at all than something spiteful.

Condolences to his family. Condolences to all those who have died so unnecessarily & for reasons that could of been sorted out by other means.

Sad times for Thailand.

Sad but succinct ND - let us hope that there will be no more tragedies and that Peace will break out.

Brewsta :)

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He admitted that he did it all for Thaksin not for any (BS) democracy while the other redhead keep lying about democratic motivated activities.

The caward who can cut the part of his motherland

Seh Daeng put his mouth where his money was.

Correction here. Thailand is NOT Thaksin's motherland. Literally, his motherland is China.

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He admitted that he did it all for Thaksin not for any (BS) democracy while the other redhead keep lying about democratic motivated activities.

The caward who can cut the part of his motherland

Seh Daeng put his mouth where his money was.

Correction here. Thailand is NOT Thaksin's motherland. Literally, his motherland is China.

Wouldn't that make Abhisit's motherland, England??

Are you saying this is all about foreign interference?

Where is Imelda Marcos when you need her...

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he was in a better position than anyone on this forum to know exactly what was going on, he chose his side and he put himself in the firing line and for that many people should thank him for highlighting many things.

Brave? well considering he knows full well that he could not rely on the law to save him, or indeed ethics, then yes he was a brave man, he must have knwon that at some point the bullet was coming but he was still out there every day.

Whatever some on here may think of him he had more balls than the majority of posters on here put together. R.I.P


I am sad. Seh Daeng was murdered.

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Please be mindful that there is nothing to be gained by saying negative stuff towards a dead man. You are better to say nothing at all than something spiteful.

Condolences to his family. Condolences to all those who have died so unnecessarily & for reasons that could of been sorted out by other means.

Sad times for Thailand.

Exactly my words. For we know not him in private life. For whatever he was, he had followers. Now that he is dead, may his soul rest in peace. No need to sling more dirt at a dead man. Respect the death. My condolences to his family. I may not agree to his stunts and stand however, he died for wrong reason. Peace :)

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What goes around comes around. One menacing thug less to deal with.

He was a Major General in the Royal Thai Army. Thug indeed

I guess this was an easy (or corrupt) obtained rank in Thailand. Depends anyway on your political camp.

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What goes around comes around. One menacing thug less to deal with.

So this shooting is going to help peace in Thailand is it? The two sides need to talk about the deep rooted issues. UN and America are saying precisely that


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he was in a better position than anyone on this forum to know exactly what was going on, he chose his side and he put himself in the firing line and for that many people should thank him for highlighting many things.

Brave? well considering he knows full well that he could not rely on the law to save him, or indeed ethics, then yes he was a brave man, he must have knwon that at some point the bullet was coming but he was still out there every day.

Whatever some on here may think of him he had more balls than the majority of posters on here put together. R.I.P


I am sad. Seh Daeng was murdered.

he would make a great james bond enemyu heard it here first.

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Whatever peoples opinions of this guy it's another loss of a human being which I fear will be the catalyst for further loss of life.

My personal opinion is that he was taken out in revenge for the deaths of other soldiers and whilst I clearly have no proof, it remains my opinion.

There is no place for "summary justice" in a civilised society.

I agree with your opinion that it was a revenge killing but Thailand is not a civilized society.

I also agree that the violence and deaths will escalate as a direct result of this. I really wouldn't

like to be one of the people suspected of having something to do with his death, expect some

payback. Remember, there is a whole regiment of unemployed ex soldiers that he trained.

Thailand most definitely has a "civilization" it has a variation on 'the social contract'

that is particular to here. That is, it's more a decendant of ancient Kow Tow culture

and Asian in derivation is obvious, and that it shows a completely different balance

of priorities and expectations, than some others more known to you.

Thailand is a civilized country, but it is hardly at all a WESTERN CIVILIZATION;

Apples and pomegranites. Though the confluence of international media and connectivity

is making this comparison more stark and contrasted for many.

This is not the civilazation of your childhood.

Through the waffle and odd language you seem to be saying that Thailand is basically a feudal country. Hence the issues that are being raised. Kow Tow culture?? Civilisation??

"Though the confluence of international media and connectivity

is making this comparison more stark and contrasted for many.

This is not the civilazation of your childhood." Does anyone understand this? Animatic may have a point which we can debate but he is not clear.


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"De mortuis nihil nisi bonum." Ergo nihil. Requiescas in pace, Dux Rufe!

If it was the govt or army acting independently, the killing hasn't served any purpose except show their weakness in being unable to arrest him and create an unnecessary martyr. If it was the reds.......

You need to brush up your Latin

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General George Custer was also demonised after the battle of the Little Big Horn (few years ago in america) but times thoughts and the world change....

RIP ....Both generals...

Actually Custer was a Lt Col at the time of his death :)

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Its a sad fact that most "civilised" democracies have had guys like him as agents of change, to allow them to become democracies.

I dont suppose Oliver Cromwell made everyone happy either.

You do not get a "civilised" democracy, untill their are enough people who are swinging voters, this keeps all political shades from excess.

Clearly having swinging voters means having more middle class people.

You wont get that until the majority of peoples living standards improve.

Anyway whatever you think of him & his methods, he is now part of Thailands history.

As an earlier poster made the point, history is written by the winners.

If a proper democracy comes from this, you may see his statue in a prominent place some day.

Good unbiased post from a newbie ( 4 Posts). You are putting some of the regulars to shame by actually analysing the facts.


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It will be interesting to see how the gov handles his status...Does he die a general with full family benefits or dies a traitor stripped of his title and all his benefits?

Does the royal family cover any of his costs?


Word has it he was briefly conscious before he died, during which time government

sources said he was able to provide a 50 page confession

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Can anybody supply me with some of his famous quotes, such as "I have prepared one dance. It's called the 'Throwing a Hand Grenade' dance." That's the only one I've found so far.

Friends back home, per CNN's description of him being an "opposition leader" aren't getting the real picture. CNN has been frustrating the sh!t out of me lately for their inaccurate, incomplete and misleading "reporting" :)

I think you don't get the really picture too, no matter how high or low the number is you put behind Lopburi, it is not your home.

When one editor asked if the red-shirted movement was powerful enough to neutralise the military. He said "Of course", because "most of the red shirts are women".


I will miss Seh Daeng. He was smarter than many else in this political theater.

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Can anybody supply me with some of his famous quotes, such as "I have prepared one dance. It's called the 'Throwing a Hand Grenade' dance." That's the only one I've found so far.

Friends back home, per CNN's description of him being an "opposition leader" aren't getting the real picture. CNN has been frustrating the sh!t out of me lately for their inaccurate, incomplete and misleading "reporting" :)

I think you don't get the really picture too, no matter how high or low the number is you put behind Lopburi, it is not your home.

When one editor asked if the red-shirted movement was powerful enough to neutralise the military. He said "Of course", because "most of the red shirts are women".


I will miss Seh Daeng. He was smarter than many else in this political theater.

Smartest guy in the graveyard.

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He admitted that he did it all for Thaksin not for any (BS) democracy while the other redhead keep lying about democratic motivated activities.

The caward who can cut the part of his motherland

Seh Daeng put his mouth where his money was.

Correction here. Thailand is NOT Thaksin's motherland. Literally, his motherland is China.

Wouldn't that make Abhisit's motherland, England??

Are you saying this is all about foreign interference?

Where is Imelda Marcos when you need her...

Abhisit and Thaksin trace family origins to Hakka from Guangdong area. If Abhisit is English , H.M. is American.

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Amazingly, Se Daeng changed from a gun toting bodyguard, a spent political pawn & now an enshrined class martyr.

Re. his name.. "Seh Daeng" ---

My wife explained the "Seh" refers to having rank or position in the reds, not the "Se" for colour as maybe mis-spelt in the quote.

Just a bit of trivia and maybe history now, or is it?

Overall, what a tragic situation in Thailand now.

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He admitted that he did it all for Thaksin not for any (BS) democracy while the other redhead keep lying about democratic motivated activities.

The caward who can cut the part of his motherland

Seh Daeng put his mouth where his money was.

Correction here. Thailand is NOT Thaksin's motherland. Literally, his motherland is China.

Wouldn't that make Abhisit's motherland, England??

Are you saying this is all about foreign interference?

Where is Imelda Marcos when you need her...

Abhisit and Thaksin trace family origins to Hakka from Guangdong area. If Abhisit is English , H.M. is American.

Thailand is a real melting pot of different Asian nationalities....just do a little historical reading about the place ...mind you that could be real hard work for some of the posters here

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he was in a better position than anyone on this forum to know exactly what was going on, he chose his side and he put himself in the firing line and for that many people should thank him for highlighting many things.

Brave? well considering he knows full well that he could not rely on the law to save him, or indeed ethics, then yes he was a brave man, he must have knwon that at some point the bullet was coming but he was still out there every day.

Whatever some on here may think of him he had more balls than the majority of posters on here put together. R.I.P

I agree, he had a lot of balls... and some would argue that he had too much.

When you get right down to it I would much prefer a leader who had and used more brains and decency than all of the posters on here rather than balls. My sympathy to his family for his death but even before his death I would give my sympathy to his family for the negative effect he has had on the country while alive.

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foreigners here in Thailand are only here to leech off the elitist system that these people are suffering under.

Dont you know it's the way to make Thailand as expat heaven.

Cheap labor, low wage maid, buy-able wife etc.

These real reasons are covered by nice guy wanna be answering machine -> Thai food/smile/beatiful beach.

What a joke. They lie to themself.

Let's see how long they can hide their sneaky tail.

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