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Seh Daeng Dead


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Im going to ask everyone to remain civil

it has been said numerous times - nobody is obliged to post on every thread on the forum. this is not about suppressing your political opinions, but we ask that you can air that on more appropriate threads.

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Can anybody supply me with some of his famous quotes, such as "I have prepared one dance. It's called the 'Throwing a Hand Grenade' dance." That's the only one I've found so far.

Friends back home, per CNN's description of him being an "opposition leader" aren't getting the real picture. CNN has been frustrating the sh!t out of me lately for their inaccurate, incomplete and misleading "reporting" :)

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Please be mindful that there is nothing to be gained by saying negative stuff towards a dead man. You are better to say nothing at all than something spiteful.

Condolences to his family. Condolences to all those who have died so unnecessarily & for reasons that could of been sorted out by other means.

Sad times for Thailand.

I agree ND

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General George Custer was also demonised after the battle of the Little Big Horn (few years ago in america) but times thoughts and the world change....

RIP ....Both generals...

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Can anybody supply me with some of his famous quotes, such as "I have prepared one dance. It's called the 'Throwing a Hand Grenade' dance." That's the only one I've found so far.

"I have now prepared another dance. It's called the 'Dancing On My Grave' dance."

Friends back home, per CNN's description of him being an "opposition leader" aren't getting the real picture. CNN has been frustrating the sh!t out of me lately for their inaccurate, incomplete and misleading "reporting" :)

Ditto the BBC IMHO.

Edited by OJAS
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Can anybody supply me with some of his famous quotes, such as "I have prepared one dance. It's called the 'Throwing a Hand Grenade' dance." That's the only one I've found so far.

Friends back home, per CNN's description of him being an "opposition leader" aren't getting the real picture. CNN has been frustrating the sh!t out of me lately for their inaccurate, incomplete and misleading "reporting" :)

They just showed him on tv and he was speaking for about 5 min about different things, I am sure they will show or post it on web

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Can anybody supply me with some of his famous quotes, such as "I have prepared one dance. It's called the 'Throwing a Hand Grenade' dance." That's the only one I've found so far.

"I have now prepared another dance. It's called the 'Dancing On My Grave' dance."

Friends back home, per CNN's description of him being an "opposition leader" aren't getting the real picture. CNN has been frustrating the sh!t out of me lately for their inaccurate, incomplete and misleading "reporting" :)

Ditto the BBC IMHO.

Then you can better read the Nation,very accurate.....mmmmm

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He may have been a thug, but he was a brave thug. You have to give him that.


Is he still under arrest? After all the brave BIB arrested him whilest he was at hospital on a life support machine probably the only way that they would have had the balls to arrest him.

No but the CRES has frozen his bank account.

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The red shirt movement is definitely better off without Seh Daeng, but killing him made things much much worse.

We don't even know who killed him. I don't think this makes any difference in whatever the end result is going to be.

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Another death which in the long run will be meaningless just like the 65 before him. This will probably only cause more deaths in a useless "struggle"or whatever you may call it. All these deaths will come to nothing, since we know that in Thailand in the long run nothing will change. Allthough I do hope for all people things will change, but what in 10-20 years we will probably see again a simular situation.

I know I am sitting here comfatable at my computer in the airconditioning in Pattaya and yes I have no real opinion regarding red or yellow, it is not my business and I am really only here to live my life as one more farang.

I can only hope that both (or all - more then 2 sides) will wake up and stop this useless killing. Yes talks led to nothing, so now try again people. GO HOME all of you Land of Smile people, pick up your lives and wait for a new election (without corruption, vote buying and so >>> BECAUSE THAT IS REAL DEMOCRACY)

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I know of some people who want to come home but are not being allowed to. One girl was crying because they won't return her Thai ID.

Seh Daeng was but one of the leaders. Might this come to an end much quicker if were no leaders remaining?

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Salute to a brave soldier. May his family recover and find peace. :)

George has asked for people on this thread to be civil, can we also ask for people to take a reality check. This man was a murderous thug. He was going nowhere so decided that pay as a mercenary, with a chance of assisting to run the country was a better option. He was not a brave soldier. He ordered the killing of many Thais by his henchmen, including fellow soldiers, little surprise they wanted him as a trophy. It is offensive to be uncivil, however, I am also finding it offensive that some people on here seem to think of him as a modern day Robin Hood. He was not, he was in it for himself. he clearly had no thoughts for his daughters future when he decided to fight for an organization that ultimately wants the whole country. His daughter will be shunned for life because of his actions. Bad dad, Bad Soldier.

No, his daughter will not be shunned based upon Sae Daeng's behavior. When he was ordering the grenade attacks on the PAD, she JOINED the PAD rally.

His daughter is brave. Sae Daeng wasn't.

My condolences to his daughter on the loss of her father.

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An individual who had been repeatedly calling for violence has been shot dead.

Probably by one of the many enemies he created himself.

In a perfect world, it shouldn't have happened.

But contributing to this perfect world was not exactly his priority.

No feeling toward this man.

Condolences to his family, yes.

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Salute to a brave soldier. May his family recover and find peace. :)

He was a paid mercenary... working for the highest bidder only... no question about it

if you know the amount he was very well paid by the day and promised in the future...... you would never mention that what you wrote!

lower than low is what I call this form of ______________

shame on any farang supporting this group of thugs!

this is the lowest form of people in Thailand

and if you know, wouldn't now be the time to tell us instead of just inferring you possess knowledge we don't?

In the end seh daeng's death suits all sides. all sides could easily be responsible. who actually is we may never know.

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Very sad another thai dead, now its brother will kill brother. I am now witnessing splits with in my own family red v yellow. one saying kill them all and the other saying no to a english goverment, when will this it end. I am on no side I will just sit back and watch the insults fly.

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Seriously? How is it patriotic to instigate violence? While every death should be avoided and mourned, there is no need to rewrite history. He was what he was, a dangerous man who was an integral instigator of Thailand's woes.

Che t-shirts are always big sellers.

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Seriously? How is it patriotic to instigate violence? While every death should be avoided and mourned, there is no need to rewrite history. He was what he was, a dangerous man who was an integral instigator of Thailand's woes.

I think he believed he was going to forge the future. In my opinion, he was a very dangerous, almost psychotic man.

However, the victors right the story, so whoever prevails in this battle will decide my grand children are taught about this man in the future. And let us not believe that the power of indoctrination cannot paint this man as a saint in the future.

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You can not deny that Seh deng was brave and spoke his mind. He had no two faces like other red leaders. He was not WENG.

He admitted that he did it all for Thaksin not for any (BS) democracy while the other redhead keep lying about democratic motivated activities.

He spoke the truth that the military are so weak and can not perform any duty.

unfortunately he served the wrong person, the person who does not give a <deleted> for Thailand and its people. the person who is coward cruel and selfish only think of his own arse and money! The caward who can cut the part of his motherland to trade with the neihbor oil/gas license.

For Seh Deng,Instead of dying in duty as a hero, poor man he got shot as a dog that the owner did not care about him.

I do not mean anything bad toward the dead man please do not take me wrong.

My condolescence to Nong Dear the poor lady who lost her beloved father.

RIP Seh Deng.

In another subject concerning the day he got shot:

On the day he got shot, Payap Punget,the coward red shirt who invaded Chula Hospital said seh deng told people to take him any hospital but not chula.

I might be wrong, but as seh deng got shot in his head, his brain got swollen and comptess the brain stem,he stop breathing right away. How the hec his mouth was still working why his brain shut down? It is again show the mentality of Reds to use evey which way to blame their enimy is wrong.

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Live by the sword...die by the sword.

It would be a great time for those who claim to follow Buddhism to start living the 5 percepts, disband and go home, and get ready to vote in the next election.

If you want democracy -- stop promoting anarchy and violence.


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