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Thai Food Festival Sun 24th July 2005


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what about just swapping mobile numbers or is that a little too personal??

That works for me. We could also do a photo exchange via PMs.

Here's a link to a park map:


We could agree to meet at a certain point on the map at a certain time, such as the bandstand or one of the gates. If we make it we make, if we don't we don't.

I actually liked the flower idea. I'll have my backpack with me. Others may have a pack or camera bag. Pinning a red or white flower on to the bag would be an easy way to ID. Or perhaps make a color print of the TV logo and pin it to the bag.

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SPEE - are you collecting mobile numbers? Rather than posting them on here - if we all send to you, then you can send the list back to each of us. (Carefully crafted art of nominating some else with all resposability :o )

If I remember I'll do the logo thing too.

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Just wandering weather to stay up tehre at night or maybe travel up on teh day?

Think it starts at 9am officially - I have never turned up before 10:30. It goes on until everning.

If you drive up, then get there early or you'll need a taxi to get from your car to the park. There are parking spaces in the park, but very few. Most of the roads around have the parking restricted and spaces are hard to find.

PS: You can always park the other side of the river and walk over the bridge; but you'll ave to stumble back later!

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If everyone who has emailed me about coming actually turns up then we could probabally fill the place. :D

Anyway I believe opening time will be around 11-00/12-00 noon and shutting up (last year)was after 7-00pm.

Easiest way to get there is via train from Victoria Station and by jumping off at battersea park station.

There are a couple of little grocer shops/off licenses just across the road if you dont want to pay festival Singha prices (again last year about £ 2 quid a throw)

Cost was from memory £1 admission but that was to pay for the cleaners who did a great job keeping the rubbish at bay.

Lots of porta loos but you might want to bring some bum paper unless you have gone completely native.

If the weather holds up like this week then it should be a great day out. :o

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So whos going to keep a list of whose coming and where to meet etc etc??

Just PM'd you. Added my contact info. Suggested that you add your contact info to the list and send it on to another member responding in this thread. Once it is passed all the way around, we should have a full list that can be e-mailed out to everyone.

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Anyway I believe opening time will be around 11-00/12-00 noon and shutting up (last year)was after 7-00pm.
OK, my memory must be getting worse - don't remember actually leaving last year though :D Only remember wifey storming off in a huff 'cos I was a little confused (must have been sun stroke :o )

I came a little early last year (and got in free) 'cos Mrs was playing in the classical concert - and I knew the monks who were going in at the same time.

Easiest way to get there is via train from Victoria Station and by jumping off at battersea park station.

I always drive, but I get there early enough to park in the park.

There are a couple of little grocer shops/off licenses just across the road if you dont want to pay festival Singha prices (again last year about £ 2 quid a throw)

Cost was from memory £1 admission but that was to pay for the cleaners who did a great job keeping the rubbish at bay.

I took a bottle of Mekong with me last year before hitting the Singha tent - er must have been what made me suseptable to sun stroke :D
Lots of porta loos but you might want to bring some bum paper unless you have gone completely native.

Smell is authentic too - reminds me of Thai service station loos :D

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Hi there1

Having been to Battersea and Secretts there is no comparison: sat on concrete in B'sea or enjoying the countryside in Sussex with a lake for a Loy Krathong ceremony...

Amazing Thailand Festival

Secretts Farm, Chapel Lane, Milford, Surrey.

Bank Holiday Weekend Saturday 27th – Monday 29th August 2005

The UK’s most popular Thai event, the biannual festival in Surrey, is fast approaching and this year’s extravaganza promises to be better than ever with over 50,000 visitors expected. The event is organised by Mudita Trust, a UK registered Charity supporting the secondary education of girls from some of the poorest villages in Thailand helping prevent them from entering into prostitution and instead using education as a tool in helping them make a better future.

The 5th Amazing Thailand Festival is being held at Secretts, Milford, Surrey with the theme of ‘Northern Thailand’ which includes the hill tribes and Isaan. This year’s delicious annual 3-day event will provide an exciting opportunity for everyone to learn more about Thailand’s culture. The festival will be blessed by Buddhist monks in the traditional Thai opening ceremony, and then officially opened at midday. Approximately 30 food stalls will then be showcasing traditional Thai dishes, prepared on the spot by chefs from the several Thai restaurants in London and beyond. Visitors will have the chance to taste a vast range of delectable Thai dishes including Tom-Yum, curries, aromatic salads and the famous stir-fried noodle dish, Pad-Thai and many more. For the sweeter palate, tempting delicate desserts, exotic fruit juices and herbal drinks will also be available with on site restaurants and supermarket stalls supplying all the ingredients for a Thai feast at home. For those who may have a thirst for something a little stronger a variety of Thai beers and Thai wines will be available in a beer tent and other specific locations around the site.

Over 50 craft stalls, panniers and even a floating market will be joining us this year displaying Thai silks, cottons, handicrafts and fresh orchids, scattered all over the site. Visitors to the authentic Thai market will be greeted by shoulder masseurs, pannier sellers and fortunetellers. Travel agents and Thai property developers will also join us to make the fifth Amazing Thailand an event for all. Moreover, glittering performances of Thai national dances and martial arts displays will be staged each afternoon culminating in the enchanting Loy Krathong (festival of light) ceremony on Monday evening. Renowned Thai sculptor, Professor Nonthi of Silpakorn University, will spend two weeks at the site prior to the festival to recreate an enchanted corner of North and North Eastern Thailand in the Surrey countryside.

In addition, Thai cooking, handicraft and fruit carving demonstrations will astonish and impress, whilst raffles with spectacular prizes and a wishing tree with guaranteed rewards for all will create a fun and festive atmosphere.

Without a doubt, a visit to Amazing Thailand Festival is the most entertaining way for families and friends to spend their August Bank Holiday Weekend.

Amazing Thailand Festival, Saturday 27th – Monday 29th August, From Noon – 7pm daily

Entrance: £5.00 adult, £2.50 children, free for babies and toddlers. Adult entrance includes entry into a prize draw with a top prize of 2 return flights to Thailand courtesy of Thai Airways.

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Me and the wife will be up for the food festival and the other festival on Aug bank holiday, will be great to meet up with everyone in the uk, whats with pm passing info let me know :o Also got a friend who has a thai wife and i am sure they will be up for it, also a Thai family i know over here will probably be up for it :D

Bring it on

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chris- this may help, also try the thaiuk forum.


Also, if anyone is attending, PLS pm as I'd like to run a few photos etc in ThailandConnect mag. thx :o

Edit: Anyone who may think Thailand is getting a bit pricey-

check out this menu for comparison: http://www.yumyum.co.uk/delivery.htm

Edited by bahtandsold
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Also, if anyone is attending, PLS pm as I'd like to run a few photos etc in ThailandConnect mag. thx :o

Several of us have exchanged PMs, mobile #'s, etc., and are planning to attend. I still am and will have my digi-cam with me. It would be pretty easy to send some pix to you. Just shoot me an e-mail for where to send. To you have some sort of shots specifically in mind, or just something generic?

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-Spee, you're a gent, thx. email enroute. Just generic shots, you choose. Maybe try to capture a banner shot in there for sure (ThaiFest logo etc) plus ppl, beers, food and activities beyond the beer/food/ppl :o . A few thoughts on the fest would be great as well :D

-Scamp, chin up, you'll be making the big bucks in HK(!?) Try to stay rid of the tobacco habit when you're flush again and all the best! :D

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