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Something In The Water Stuck/stung Me


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Visited Boracay Island 2 years ago and a fellow staying at our hotel was bitten or stung by something and the staff took him to Dr. right away. We left the next day and never got a follow up.

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Probably a sea anemone.

They're a black spiky thing and the spines contain a type of poison but not dangerous to humans.

You'll get over it in a while.

Shurely u is meaning an " Sea Urchin" officer hic!!!

Already agreed it was an urchin if you read the whole thread


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As the thread was started 2 months ago, perhaps the OP would like to let us know whether he's still alive, or his foot dropped off, whatever.

The op stated in an other thread that he still had problems that is why i got curious about it.

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i posted on another thread about swimming that i thought it was a ray

but after further thought i think it was a chord or rope that had something growing on it

the thing was very very long and near an old jetty

so it might have been a rope or chord attached to the jetty and stuck to the sea floor

how long could a ray's tail be?

the only thing that doesn't fit this theory is that it felt kind of electric when i came in contact with the string/rope/thing

i was completely submerged when it happened

i am still unsure by what but have since ruled out jellyfish

my foot is still numb in some places over 2 months later

sometimes a bit worse sometimes a bit better

so i can still hope for a full recovery

i am now certain the waters here are dangerous and am much more careful now

could be one in a million

so don't let my experience deter you

i never imagined something like this could happen

but there are plenty of other things on the ocean floor worth avoiding that i have already encountered

i just didn't write about them because of no long term adverse side effects like this

must be some kind of neuro-toxin as i was stung in the shin and numbing took place 2-3 days later in the foot, below the sting

i need an expert to determine what stung me

small jab that hurt for an hour or two

with numbing sitting in 2-3 days later below the wound

which became like an itchy bug or ant bite for a few days then vanished

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