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CRES Imposes Curfew In Bangkok, many provinces


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anyone from Chiang Mai? I'm watching reports from Chiang Mai Mail on the Facebook The reds blocked Nawarot Bridge, burning tires, buildings on fire, banks are being robbed... Lots of helicopters in the air - that's all i can see.. (sorry for off topic, someone should create a topic for the news from the provinces - i can see that there is a lot of this suff happening)

I heard the helicopters now I want to go out and see whats up Ill let you know later...

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What are the surrounding cities and provinces?

How about Chonburi / Pattaya?

I can't find any details. Not that I want to go out today, but maybe still do some shopping.


I also would like to know details of the exact area covered by the Curfew.

The curfew cover only Bangkok.

That mean if you are living out of Bangkok, even if it's as close as Pathum Thani, the curfew don't apply to you.

You still cannot travel to or through Bangkok.

Technically, the only active people allowed in the street in Bangkok is the army.

Edited by deejay01
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it's pointless to do curfew in the whole bangkok - most of the areas are peaceful.

this city lives 24/7, a lot of fresh food trading and deliveries are done throughout the night from the night markets and from the agricultural provinces.

tomorrow morning there might be not much left on the street markets

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Maybe I have a strange view on things but I am watching some guy on tv telling us how successful their operation was in clearing out the reds, if this is so why are there so many fires burning in Bkk and why is there a need to impose a curfew. I don't think that it was as successful as they would like to have us believe. It seems to me that what many TV members predicted would happen is now happening.

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it's pointless to do curfew in the whole bangkok - most of the areas are peaceful.

Sorry Mate, that was yesterday - today it is spreading - fast ....

Was quiet this morning before somebody try restore order.

must be this is most disaster resoration of peace ever in history is it.

A curfew can also be used to try and curb juvenile delinquency... :D

Never worked in my home town. We used to go out and get chased for fun. Keystone cops. :)

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Any one think the UK embassy in Bkk will be open tommorrow.

Don't think so. The Thai government declared a one week holiday. The US has moved its services to a hotel on Sukhumvit; if it's not afire.

Edited by thaigold
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There are quite a few miscreant red protestors running amok around my soi and near Sukhumvit/Asok too. :D

They hide their faces, motion angrily at anyone tryin' to take their pic, and are nothing but punk kids tryin to stir up trouble and burn the city down.

I think it's good to have a curfew tonight so the government can try to get these radical thugz under control. :)

Did anyone other than myself wonder at the great age disparity between the "peaceful protestors" at Rachaprasong the last 7+weeks and the young turks who are all over the news running amok now? I just watched a group whizz by on their moto's and there couldn't have been a single guy over 20 y/s.

I vote for a "shoot on sight" curfew!! :D (Or a one warning shot then shoot on sight) :D

There's no business for anyone (foreign or thai) to be out tonite rubber-necking at what's going on.

Edited by tod-daniels
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What are the surrounding cities and provinces?

How about Chonburi / Pattaya?

I can't find any details. Not that I want to go out today, but maybe still do some shopping.


I also would like to know details of the exact area covered by the Curfew.

The curfew cover only Bangkok.

No it doesn't.

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

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Prudent security measure. Those outside after that time should be immediately restrained and detained.

In some ways, this might be a danger time for farangs, the reds are now a deranged mob, and there could be random violence or attacks anywhere.

More than likely. The reds aren't gonna go away any time soon. Bombs,car bombs, arson and random shootings will be the order of the day from now on. Baghdad on Chao Phaya.

Thaksin alluded to this when interviewed. Guerilla tactics he mentioned. Whether it was a call by him or just an observation , who knows?

I think they should send someone to pay a "respectful" visit to mr. Takhsin, wherever that coward is hiding.

I just saw a post that he was in France that is a good place to blend if you are a coward I guess. I agree, drop in and give the Kingdoms respect!

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CRES Imposes Curfew In Bangkok, many provinces

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

People in areas under curfew are not allowed to leave their homes from 8pm to 6am, with immediate effect.

State authorities are allowed to perform their duties in the restricted areas to restore peace and order.

The curfew order was signed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva late this afternoon.

-- Source: Bangkok Post 2010-05-19

any more details on the curfew, where and what cannot ( other than in the street ) ?

I don't understand much about the Thai curfew, same as the western one ?

Let me make it real clear since you're rather slow to catch on to things here....It means: Stay the <deleted> OFF THE STREETS!

Hehehe :)

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CRES Imposes Curfew In Bangkok, many provinces

The Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation (CRES) has announced curfew in Bangkok and nearby cities and provinces in the North and Northeast earlier placed under emergency law.

People in areas under curfew are not allowed to leave their homes from 8pm to 6am, with immediate effect.

State authorities are allowed to perform their duties in the restricted areas to restore peace and order.

The curfew order was signed by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva late this afternoon.

-- Source: Bangkok Post 2010-05-19

any more details on the curfew, where and what cannot ( other than in the street ) ?

I don't understand much about the Thai curfew, same as the western one ?

Let me make it real clear since you're rather slow to catch on to things here....It means: Stay the <deleted> OFF THE STREETS!

'off the street' is understood by default !

does the curfew grant the security the 'right to shoot' if anyone on the street ? or just arrest and detent anyone on the street ?

p.s. family member arrives Suvarnabhumi by late evening :-(

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I also would like to know details of the exact area covered by the Curfew

Are you familiar with the phrase This Is Thailand? Do not expect details, and if you get any do not be surprised if they turn out to be incorrect.

If you do go out it's probably no more dangerous than drinking half a bottle of Mekong and then riding a motorbike doring Songkran. Hope this helps

Edited by SiamRose
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What is not clear is how many of those animals are devastating Bangkok, are not all those sensitive sites been guarded by army (I don't mention police as they worth nothing)?

Due to what they are doing, and as I already said, they deserve to be shot at sight otherwise this mess will go on for a looong time.

Shoot a few more you say! worked well this far.

seems all over now... all over bangkok and thailand that is with gov in panic mode promising reconcilliation, red leaders to be involved, democratic reform..... if only they do that after they steal power from thaksin.

Abhisit next to go because this is just start and army not have enough reliable soldiers. if they shoot more, they going to get shot by red soldiers. count on it friends because some they arest today are soldiers who went to fight with reds.

Thaksin lawyer say on news going to sue mark and start look for thai assests from elite in england and seize!!! be nice money for thaksin to spend when pm again.

Are you sure those Viking hat horns aren't pointed inwards? Have another beer!

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My Flight arrives at BKK at 18:10, obviously I will not head into Bangkok. What are chances of making it to Pattaya, do they have curfew as well?

You should be able to make it. Just find a good looking taxi car and tell the guy you'll pay him nicely to get you safely to Pattaya and no problem to take the long way. Make sure he takes a route outside all the trouble but he won't do it if you don't pay. I'd tell the guy I'll give him 2000 baht to get me "safely" to Pattaya.

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What happens to the weary traveller wh arrives on a plane after 8pm and wants to go to his/her hotel. got to stay at the airport till 6 am I guess.

Can do.

Take ticket, passport, with you.

Was on TV.

Well there certainly won't be any dazzling nightlife to enjoy.

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Does anyone know if the public buses are still running tonight?

My brother in law needs to get back home to Surin for a family emergency. We already bought a ticket this morning for a bus leaving Pathumthani at 9 pm. Bus leaves from Mor Chit at 8.

Does the curfew mean that all travel is suspended?

unfortunately YES.curfew means no one can get out on the streets during curfew hours.so can anyone drive a bus without getting on street??? sorry we need to adjust living like this. PEACE.

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People needing to travel during curfew hours should ensure they carry identity papers, such as a passport, and have their ID and tickets ready to show to officers at curfew checkpoints.

Authorities would then facilitate their travel. All foreigners would be assisted.

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Good citizen: Curfew = make more babies.

RED citizen: Curfew = looting at night. 7-11, ATM, Gas station, tec.

Good citizen: Wakes up at home in morning with smile on face. :D

Bad Red citizen: Doesn't go to bed. Goes on rampage looting and burning. Gets shot. Doesn't wake up. :)

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Maybe I have a strange view on things but I am watching some guy on tv telling us how successful their operation was in clearing out the reds, if this is so why are there so many fires burning in Bkk and why is there a need to impose a curfew. I don't think that it was as successful as they would like to have us believe. It seems to me that what many TV members predicted would happen is now happening.

The success was in seperating the peaceful protesters from the militants. the peaceful are either going home, or shedding their sheep's clothing and turning militant.

Now there is no need to go softly, softly - anyone on the street tonight gets the message the hard way.

Nice that the red supporters up Isaan are getting a look at their heroes in action. Want to bet they don't react the same way as BKK did?

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Prudent security measure. Those outside after that time should be immediately restrained and detained.

In some ways, this might be a danger time for farangs, the reds are now a deranged mob, and there could be random violence or attacks anywhere.

Well that was certainly true when the Yellow shirts went berserk last year but I not so sure about these red shirts, they seem to be more intelligent and show a greater degree of restraint that what I saw from the yellows. :)

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