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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire


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My sympathies to those who lost their lives today, regardless of 'colour', and to those struggling entrepreneurs and employees who have lost businesses and jobs.

It seems to some on here though some downtown shopping centre is more important than people who've died because of this.

Yet it is only ONE People who has died because of this. That soldier, I meant. And I feel really sorry for him as HE WAS FIGHTING FOR RESTORING THE PEASE, FOR ALL OF US. All of poor/rich Thais, all of stinky farangs sit on bars, all cheap prostitutes or whoever else - He was NOT LETTING those red thugs dictate their way to US. All my prays for him!!!

The rest on the counter? Well...

1. A civilians who was not smart enough to stay far of this all (while SOE was announced rounds and rounds)? I feel nothing for them - it was their fate, and we cant change that here and now.

2. A press who tried to pull their noses to the shooting ranges a bit far that was really need for their own safety - and they was shot? It was their fate also, raging for a rewards for a "!really HOT news!". They knew what they're doing, and they was decided to risk it.

3. A red TERRORISTS lying down now as a dirty dusty dogs, and smelling asfalt burned by them? ROT IN hel_l, as you was informed to go home THOUSAND of times!! :)

4. A children? They are mostly innocent (but see the story of 12-yr boy burned a bldg), and all the blamings should comne to their parents who brought them to the barricades (and now back to the step 3).

Im sorry if someone feels so sensitive about my words, but it is what I am thinking now. Guess I am not alone.

Me myself is to set a temple's "tamboon" for all the soldiers have died\wounded, when all of this is ended. To the only soldiers, not the rest said above. The rest is not deserved, IMO.

Edited by alex_aka_P
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Actions like this make one consider the term sub-race which in this case would hit the nail on the head -

Nice one. And thank you, because it demonstrates the issues behind the struggle very well. :)

Winnie, I'm not pro-red by any means, but I think your riposte is spot-on. The term "sub-race" really makes me shudder.

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Please don't tell me about constitutional democracy and that Apbisit is there constitutionally. The point is the yellow camp don't want an election as that will mean red power. Quite simple really.

Explain *how* its undemocratic or unconstitutional. Come on lets hear it! Give us some facts to support your argument. You don't actually understand the structure of the Thai government or parliamentary process, do you?

My Thai wifes uni girlfriend teaches Thai politics at University so I have a pretty good idea

and I can tell you now stop eating that Som Tam it will fry your brain completely

Your Thai wifes uni girlfriend is your source of information? Oh, I get it now, it's a joke right?

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My sympathies to those who lost their lives today, regardless of 'colour', and to those struggling entrepreneurs and employees who have lost businesses and jobs.

It seems to some on here though some downtown shopping centre is more important than people who've died because of this.

Yet it is only ONE People who has died because of this. That soldier, I meant. And I feel really sorry for him as HE WAS FIGHTING FOR RESTORING THE PEASE, ALL OF US. All of poor/rich Thais, all of stinky farangs sit on bars, for all cheap prostitutes or whoever else - He was NOT LETTING those red thugs dictate their way to US. All my prays for him!!!

The rest on the counter? Well...

1. A civilians who was not smart enough to stay far of this all (while SOE was announced rounds and rounds)? I feel nothing for them - it was their fate, and we cant change that here and now.

2. A press who tried to pull their noses to the shooting ranges a bit far that was really need for their own safety - and they was shot? It was their fate also, raging for a rewards for a "!really HOT news!". They knew what they're doing, and they was decided to risk it.

3. A red TERRORISTS lying down now as a dirty dusty dogs, and smelling asfalt burned by them? ROT IN hel_l, as you was informed to go home THOUSAND of times!! :D

4. A children? They are mostly innocent (but see the story of 12-yr boy burned a bldg), and all the blamings should comne to their parents who brought them to the barricades (and now back to the step 3).

Im sorry if someone feels so sensitive about my words, but it is what I am thinking now. Guess I am not alone.

Me myself is to set a temple's "tamboon" for all the soldiers have died\wounded, when all of this is ended. To the only soldiers, not the rest said above. The rest is not deserved, IMO.

You forget the killed journalists. Please re-assign some of your hatred to make some space to pray for them at least. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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What a totally incompetent job by the government.

The whole nation could be thrown into chaos for years now all because the fat rich boys did not want to make a deal with the winners of all the elections.

Now we could see revenge killings in mass and the start up of armed forces, militia, all over the nation on all sides.

We cannot believe a thing we hear from the government.

More will burn down each day--the people will run from the city.

It did not need to end this way.

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Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election. That would be a clear signal.

Farangs won't be voting for the anybody at all, they have no vote.

the only way out of this mess is proper elections, Abhisit was put in place by the army. after all of this i doubt if Tahksin will get back in, this mess has back fired on him. ufortunately in a society were corruption is commonplace and accepted there can be no real democracy. So I dont see the problems going away in our lifetime, unless someone realy wants to change things. The real sad point is the country we all love is imploding, once the troubles stop will the tourists come back? if not what happens to the hard working law abiding people of Thailand who will be the ones most hurt by this madness.

I don't think what ever side people support they would want to see Bangkok burn. However, if you look back through different threads on this forum, what is happening now is exactly what people were afraid was going to happen if the government dispersed the protesters using force. I think things are going to get worse, a lot worse. The people who are burning Bkk should be held accountable to the full extent of the law and also the government (Abhasit and co) should be held responsible for gross mismanagement of the whole situation from start to where it is now. A very sad time for Thailand

...(Abhasit and co) should be held responsible for gross mismanagement of the whole situation from start to where it is now...

Interesting. So many people who say he did not the right thing. But nobody ever says what he should have done. I love the foreign countries who "condemn" violence. But none of them ever came up with some constructive suggestions on how to resolve the problem. For me Abhisit did the right thing; wait as long as you can, until it is clear that the red's motive is not what they say and their means are not peaceful. Then use force. And now use force to the end of the battle. There is nothing else anymore. You can't let people set fire on buildings in which innocent people still are residing. The army should pave the way to such a building for fire fighters and emergency people. Better have those who burn the building dead on the ground in front of the building than risking to have innocent people dead on the sixth or eighth floor.

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Update: ATM machines to shut down nationwide during curfew period.

A few hours ago, bank officials said that ATM machines would remain up and running. Telling people not to panic.

Freaking liars. :)

It's not like you need money anyway while at home. :D Interesting though: Nation wide, does this also include the Southern provinces that by and large aren't under martial law & curfew?

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Are you guys SERIOUSLY still staying faithful to the line that all this happens merely because people got paid a couple baht? Surely it's time to open your eyes to the wider issues in the country?

(Don't let me stop you though if you're happy in your bubble, enjoy it while it lasts. )

No... It simply happen because some people were successfully indoctrinated by the stream of propaganda the red-shirt leaders have been filling them with. It can happen in Thailand, Afganistan, Pakistan, USA or Germany under Hitler's World War 2. It is always the most stupid or emotionally vulnerable people that are the best useful idiots that will believe everything they're told. I even see them here among the posters.


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The largest insurance scam to beat all scams in Thailand. :) But seriously this event highlights a whole myriad of issues.:

  1. Where was security when they began to torch the building? Sleeping?
  2. Why did the automatic fire fighting sprinkler system fail?
  3. Why did the fire spread so quickly? Poor design, poor construction?
  4. Where were the Fire Wardens, Evacuation personnel etc.? There have been fatal fires before in BKK, this is not new.
  5. Where was a coordinated effort from above and below to contain the blaze, surely 9/11 taught the world about large scale building fires and how they work.
  6. Which parties/groups/landlords/disgruntled employees etc. stood to gain from this event?
  7. The entire episode from the start has been mishandled, what other country would tolerate insurgents of any kind disrupting essential services, roads, etc. and the subsequent mayhem that led to an out of control situation and that has ultimately led to fatalities. "Give'em an inch and they'll take a mile!"

I've said my piece. I think it's pretty obvious what will happen if something overarching, covering multiple issues simultaneously and radical is not done soon. More and more people will get involved, directly and indirectly, and unfortunately there will be more unnecessary deaths. Over to the forum for some constructive ideas. :D

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Why Bangkok Bank appearing on the list more than say, Siam Commercial Bank?

Bangkok Bank is yellow, silly!

SCB is kind of ambiguous. It's shareholding structure leans more towards the yellow, but some executives have allegedly been funneling money to the reds.

Go see the owners in www.set.or.th and you will know why.

I cannot say more.

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it's 9pm now and i'm in nana, and I can STILL see a red glow and smoke from the central world fire .. at least they got some picures of the pieces of shit that were starting the fire.. death penalty to those fuc_kers i hope they catch the arsonists

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Why Bangkok Bank appearing on the list more than say, Siam Commercial Bank?

Bangkok Bank is yellow, silly!

SCB is kind of ambiguous. It's shareholding structure leans more towards the yellow, but some executives have allegedly been funneling money to the reds.

Bangkok Bank was targeted by the reds for its supposed link with Prem the president of the Privy Council, which advises the Thai king, and also serves as an adviser to the Bangkok Bank

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Yepp, sad indeed.

This was the first mall I visited when I came to Thailand the first time. At that time it was named "Zen Central".

I'm going to miss that mall too. And Isetan was the go-to place for my wife an the rest of the Japanese community.

What's with that stupid head in the foreground? If it's still there when I come back I swear I'm drawing a mustache on it.

I wouldn't recommend the mustache drawing bit. The head is supposed to be the head of Buddha.

Well, I've seen better ones though...

Edited by xenomorph
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This is nothing new in Thailand compared to other countires. Peoeple are people the world over. When law and order breaks down, a segment of that population acts out their behavioral instincts..

As Philospher Thomas Hobbs sums it up best..We have laws and rules in place to keep people from acting out their evil desires and intent. Bottom line..man is evil w/o law and order (and the buy into that) and nature always bats last..


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going to say good bye to my friends who intend to visit Thailand :D

going to say good bye to Central World :D:D:)

same here. i'm actually gonna get the hel_l out of this hel_l soon myself. can't wait.

Edited by vasavoir
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We farang may not have a vote but we have a choice not to spend 1 satang on any red related business moving forward, from somtam seller to beverage company.

Seems like many on the board are new, don't you know how Thais act? Watch them in a street fight, 5-20 against one if they can get it. They do NOT share Western ideas of property or value of life. Maybe they are not wrong, but they sure are different. I have a few friends who are Thai and they feel shame over some of the things that are happening. But Central World burning will often get the response, so what I don't shop there.

The important thing is for us expats to realize that these are our hosts. These are the people that run this country from the bug vendor to the PM. I exclude the King as he seems to be the only demonstrably great guy around. I weep for this country when he passes.

My wife and I have been talking about how one can feel safe in this country? I am not sure. I have had 3 unsuccessful pickpocket attempts on me. one successful, a rip off by maid, several tools and shiny things pocketed by "workers" I was unable to watch constantly and an attempted grab for my Baht chain while on a baht bus. My wife had her wallet stolen out of her purse in Carrefour. Idiots have blocked roads, airports, and burned their city. It is true that pick pockets abound in other parts of the world and political riots often get out of hand. So what is different? I can not read these folks.

There is another man from my neck of the woods that has a business here in Pataya and often took the same driver I used on multiple trips to Bangkok. This guy was charming. My friend had put him up in his house when it was too late for a return trip to Bangkok. One day our trusted driver called us and maybe others with the need for 2,000 baht to get his wife out of the hospital. We were already set up with this information a week or so before and we both deposited money in his account. I got took for $2000 my friend for $3,000. The point is that we as westerners do not have the chops to judge these folks. My thiefdar don't work here, neither does my terroristdar.

I have never been pick pocketed in any other country and I am not the kind of man who is usually targeted. I am over 6'4" tall and a too hefty 232 lbs. In my old home country people often are killed in drug deals, answer stay away from that area. Here the people seem to bring it to where I want to be. I need to go to Bumrungrad and most staff and my doc are staying away and there is a warning on the website. When people asked why would you move to Thailand one of the answers was always the people. When I can finally leave this place I will be sad for what it once was and when people ask me why I left Thailand my answer will be the same as why I came here, the people.


You clearly haven't got a f**ing clue about the troubles in Thailand and what the REAL cause of the problems are. Unfortunately I can't tell you because I'll get banned. But one of the paragraphs in your statement is so far from the truth it ain't even funny.

Been here on and off for 22 years, living here for 5 and I am not stupid. I probably don't have a f**ing clue about the troubles here in Thailand and their real cause or what makes you tick. Don't really care. Just want me and mine to be safe and happy and find ways to avoid people like you. Did the political thing, didn't change anything, maybe now is your time to try. Hope you have better luck, or at lest more fun.

Hard to agree or argue a point you can't speak because you'll get banned, but I am sure that someone without a clue will have a paragraph you find so far from the truth it isn't even funny. Not feeling funny, just sad.

Hope you get what you want or need, I will.


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Hope they catch them all and string them up.

This curfew thing is not really working, cars on the expressway, motorcycles in the street, delivery trucks around, people eating in cafes, okay am in Nonthaburi but seems they cannot control that either.

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Hey, look at the bright side!

Thailand was known for sex and golf.

Now it's known for terrorism.

Now people back home won't think you're a perv for staying here, they'll think your very BRAVE indeed (that or very crazy).

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I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

How can anyone trust him?

I would get violent too

Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

You're a piece of Thai red garbage!!!

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Yesterday I wasn't sure but now I know that the reds (and Thaksin) are finished. My daughter came back from school and she told me that the teenagers have enough of the red shits. These children are the future and I think we can have hope.

Keep in mind that every segment of society is divided among class lines. While the kids from your (and mine) school are coming back thinking badly about the reds, there are children all over Thailand coming back with a very different view of events. Little boys playing, wanting to be their hero Seh Daeng, etc. This is the massive challenge that the government (ANY) government faces, trying to make everyone get along again. Tough one.

I also see more and more yellow flags in my mubaan. Not a elite mubaan and more and more people I know are changing there mind. I was surprised with my daughters reaction because she has friends from all segments of society. Even daughters of "red" police officers.

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What a totally incompetent job by the government.

The whole nation could be thrown into chaos for years now all because the fat rich boys did not want to make a deal with the winners of all the elections.

Now we could see revenge killings in mass and the start up of armed forces, militia, all over the nation on all sides.

We cannot believe a thing we hear from the government.

More will burn down each day--the people will run from the city.

It did not need to end this way.

So glad you could join as Robert or should I call you Mr Amsterdam ? :)

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What about that shrine/spirit house on the right side of Central World, the sub-humans have destroyed it too?

Hope that they have not desecrated the Erawan shrine on the opposite corner.

I cannot see that happening, it is very sacred to the Thai people.

When a mental retard smashed it a few years ago he was beaten to death by local food sellers.

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What a load of BS. All these people are, are terrorists. That word is over used these days, but anyone who would kill, bomb, burn the residents and businesses of a city are clearly a threat.

After its all said and done it seems that the reds will lose the respect they had earned, and the bargaining chips they had are gone.

Nope, they are freedom fighters going to extraordinary lengths to achieve the outcome most of us take for granted.

Is the French Revolution regarded as acts of terrorism? Did anyone call the Greece rioters terrorists? And you haven't seen the last of Europe in flames either, guaranteed.

And it really is none of our f**king business...

Well for some of us it is "our f**king business". By burning down CentralWorld they have also burned down over 1 million baht worth of my stuff in it. That does make it "my business".

what is ur biz if u wanna share?

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Isn't this the 4th Thai government in 4 years? In such a divided nation, why would ANYONE believe that a "new" government will solve the problems? It's nearly impossible to establish a government that's fair to everyone, because all parties would have to make sacrifices. But, everyone's outcry is that they've already made their sacrifices. Now they want to reap the benefits!

Folks, many of those benefits are burning to the ground, even as I'm writing this note. I can only imagine how many legitimate jobs - from big retailers and small businesses alike - have gone down the tubes with these cruel fires. I've spent many days and many baht in the one shopping center alone. No arsonist has any moral values whatsoever. Put them in jail and throw away the keys, please...

The Thai people do have a basic democracy in place. But, if they continue to elect corrupt politicians to office, there is no future. Unforunately, all of the politicians are corrupt. I can't even blame it just on the the politicians, because the Thai people in general accept corruption as a way of life. It's a proven fact. So, then what?

Unlike some on this and other forums, I don't have the answer, and I certainly don't see ANY simple, painless answer. There can be a solution, and I certainly hope for one, but only if the good-hearted people come forward and change their ways. If everyone, and I do mean everyone, was willing to start by offering a small sacrifice, it could work. Seriously, is there any other way that it could work? The financial cost of the disaster will be astounding. That money is gone, for good, just as literally as if it had been set on fire itself.

Normally, I would have already planned a November trip for Loy Kratong. I would not personally be afraid, because it's a big country and at least for now I would not be afraid of Phuket. But even that could change by November. If you multiply my $5,000 by millions of other similar tourists, my conclusion is that these protesters have shot themselves and their fellow countrymen, and not just in the feet.

As for the red shirt leaders, I hope the courts throw their keys away, too. As for those who say to get rid of Abhisit Vejjajiva, do you at least have a better alternative? Someone other than a convicted criminal? Someone other than any previously failed Prime Minister?

Good luck, seriously, because I love the country and the people. Yes, I do!

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Thaksin's Red Terrorists

What else can they be called!? The truth is the truth and with that the Thai Government can take action, as T has a few passports so Thailand can take away his Thai Citizen Ship, then take all the business he and family owns away and pay the damage down through him and his cronies where the accounts now blocked and investigated, The Damager Pays very simple, so that would leave a message of understanding.

Some here still believe that Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot are saints! or how can you name the Red peaceful, I guess one or more of your Bio processor are freaked out.

Here and today the Reds and their master have shown their clear intention. Look at those faces full of stupidity and hatred, cowards who are not want to show their face because they know they do evil things.

After this is over, Thailand will stay before each and every single one Thai and maybe for the first time they will look at each other and understand that it is time now to grow up and be accountable by honesty and ehtics, and it would be a great idea to leave Thailand behind it with all the evil done within its name, andd become Siam once again. The New Siam it will be a painful and challenge birth, with an freedom based on equal and countable laws. You Thais must find a way out of it, and realize that you are nothing special, you are just another race on this planet. To cheat, to copy, to honor corruption is nothing to be proud of.

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Yepp, sad indeed.

This was the first mall I visited when I came to Thailand the first time. At that time it was named "Zen Central".

I'm going to miss that mall too. And Isetan was the go-to place for my wife an the rest of the Japanese community.

What's with that stupid head in the foreground? If it's still there when I come back I swear I'm drawing a mustache on it.

That is supposed to be the head of Buddha...

Well, I've seen better ones though.

Nope. It was set up a few months ago to celebrate an Indian cultural event. Nothing to do with Buddhism.

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