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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire

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This is the consequence of the STUPID government who is taking the cruelest steps to kill their people.. by accusing the Poor,Knowledge-less Red-Shirt Protester as a "Terrorist" and starting to kill them.. the idiot government is going the worst silly action in a "Democracy" Country.. The government shouldn't call themselves as "Buddhist" in the future by blooding the country.. <deleted>

The government didn't just 'kill them' all of a sudden, the protesters have been there for weeks, people of Bangkok were getting frustrated at the government for not doing anything and of course this is disrupting the Bangkok residents when it comes to their daily life and work. The government finally decided to move in, they have told them, warned them to leave. Those who didn't leave ended up either arrested or shot. This sort of protests would never have happen in a Western country, to disrupt the city like this and leave the protesters to stay and block traffic for weeks. Thai people are very patience and peaceful, but some don't listen and instead resort to violence by attacking buildings.

I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

How can anyone trust him?

I would get violent too

Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

Have you only just been born?

The Red are basically peacefull!! Where have you been hiding for the last two months? Give your head a real good shake.



This division still exists and these divisions are deep.

It's is not over.

When acts and protests and shut-downs will happen again, I do not know.

But they will happen again in the future, IMO.

For the record, although this is an internal Thai issue for and about Thais, I do sympathize with the reds.

This guy has been talking about "The Jospeh Solution" for about 8 weeks. I have no clue <deleted> he is talking about. Does anyone else?

Not sure, it seems to me that this is a guy called 'pastor Joseph' (Thai) who stole millions from the congregation a couple of years ago. This particular church has been disconnected from their brothers and sisters in all other countries. I got this info via Australia, since they tried hard to cover this up here. He stole the money and poured it into politics.

I'd be interested to know more about this...

Picture from Central World just now. :)


I can't believe it's still burning... 6 hours now?

Thanks for the pictures.. keep them coming.

Picture from Central World just now. :)


I can't believe it's still burning... 6 hours now?

Thanks for the pictures.. keep them coming.

This is the consequence of the STUPID government who is taking the cruelest steps to kill their people.. by accusing the Poor,Knowledge-less Red-Shirt Protester as a "Terrorist" and starting to kill them.. the idiot government is going the worst silly action in a "Democracy" Country.. The government shouldn't call themselves as "Buddhist" in the future by blooding the country.. <deleted>

The government didn't just 'kill them' all of a sudden, the protesters have been there for weeks, people of Bangkok were getting frustrated at the government for not doing anything and of course this is disrupting the Bangkok residents when it comes to their daily life and work. The government finally decided to move in, they have told them, warned them to leave. Those who didn't leave ended up either arrested or shot. This sort of protests would never have happen in a Western country, to disrupt the city like this and leave the protesters to stay and block traffic for weeks. Thai people are very patience and peaceful, but some don't listen and instead resort to violence by attacking buildings.

Yes.. whatever you said.. the whole world is looking and observing.. tell me.. what is so hard to go for election and convince those "low-educated" or poor farmer? A smart government and politician should know how to solve this kind of problem. Why this is never happen in those western country? This is because those government really care for their people and try to avoid any hurting for their lovely people.. Do you think that killing those people can really make bangkok become peace forever and get the compliment from the international? Tell you.. majority of the world is pity for the red-shirt protester rather than the government and very angry for the action there is taken by the government to act on their people.. So.. what is the different between Thailand and Myanmar?/ trust me.. violence will never bring peace to the world .. only care and love can convince the people like the moral of Buddha.

This guy has been talking about "The Jospeh Solution" for about 8 weeks. I have no clue <deleted> he is talking about. Does anyone else?

Not sure, it seems to me that this is a guy called 'pastor Joseph' (Thai) who stole millions from the congregation a couple of years ago. This particular church has been disconnected from their brothers and sisters in all other countries. I got this info via Australia, since they tried hard to cover this up here. He stole the money and poured it into politics.

I'd be interested to know more about this...

And how much money do the rich Chinese Thai have here in Bangkok?

If they say they have 30 billion dollars, they likely have 100 billion dollars.

The other rich Chinese Thai families have huge money off shore as well.

Just look at the Thai Baht at 32 for the US dollar.

How on earth is that possible unless huge money from these same rich families is supporting it with huge buying of the baht.

Imagine the foreign currency in any nation after this event. They would all be in free fall. But here in the land of Chinese Thai money, the baht is still strong.

Bangkok is closed down and the baht is still strong.

But this too could end soon.

The Chinese Thai business man are ready to run from Thailand now. if they should start to leave in mass, the Thai meltdown will accelerate and the baht could see 100 or more for the us dollar.

The Thai wreck is was so so predictable and preventable.

Of course when you treat people like 2nd class citizens and kill them without a trial, you have become a rogue nation, as Miss Sarah says.

I fear for my family and you should fear for yours.

This is the start up of a revolution and not the end of a small movement.

More rubbish

and now your quoting Sarah Palin :D:D:D

I agree, pure rubbish. Contains so much crap that I was experiencing non-symptomatic GI cramps. :)


som num naa thailand som num naa

its called KARMA (if their own superficial beliefs are anything to go by)

this country and the thinking of its people are so ridicoulously retarded that its a wonder how it reached the relatively advanced level it was on in the first place.

In the good times investors were willing to buy into property or businesses for a few mia nois here and there but instead of investing these funds into substance and education it was wasted on "face" stuff. Now that the money does not flow that easily anymore, that competitors are catching up and potential investors become more demanding the Thais will have a terribly rough time to get anywhere near the levels of the past 2 decades.

The "Central World Plaza" that in now on fire, used to be called "World Trade Center", until 2003 during or before a visit by Geo W Bush it changed it's name so as not to offend President Bush. If I remember rightly Bush was staying in the hotel opposite "Central World Plaza" near the Erawan monument.

They changed the name when they redid the place a few years back.

Yesterday I wasn't sure but now I know that the reds (and Thaksin) are finished. My daughter came back from school and she told me that the teenagers have enough of the red shits. These children are the future and I think we can have hope.

Keep in mind that every segment of society is divided among class lines. While the kids from your (and mine) school are coming back thinking badly about the reds, there are children all over Thailand coming back with a very different view of events. Little boys playing, wanting to be their hero Seh Daeng, etc. This is the massive challenge that the government (ANY) government faces, trying to make everyone get along again. Tough one.

Given that everywhere you go in this country you find some TV that is on for almost 24 hours a day, TV stations should become more responsible with their programs. Most they do is pooring their brain dead and naive soap operas and nonsense shows or agressivity loaded Thai action movies. The first two really don't help to increase the viewers IQ, the latter is a bad example that people with a not very high education are likely to immitate. Nobody will immitate a James Bond or Iron Man, but in the Thai action soaps you have motorcycle drivers and similar doing the dirty jobs. Now look who is in the streets these days burning tires etc. Thai TV really has to wake up and realize that they have more than just the duty to entertain people.

I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

How can anyone trust him?

I would get violent too

Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

Have you only just been born?

yesterday by the sounds of it.....

This is the consequence of the STUPID government who is taking the cruelest steps to kill their people.. by accusing the Poor,Knowledge-less Red-Shirt Protester as a "Terrorist" and starting to kill them.. the idiot government is going the worst silly action in a "Democracy" Country.. The government shouldn't call themselves as "Buddhist" in the future by blooding the country.. <deleted>

The government didn't just 'kill them' all of a sudden, the protesters have been there for weeks, people of Bangkok were getting frustrated at the government for not doing anything and of course this is disrupting the Bangkok residents when it comes to their daily life and work. The government finally decided to move in, they have told them, warned them to leave. Those who didn't leave ended up either arrested or shot. This sort of protests would never have happen in a Western country, to disrupt the city like this and leave the protesters to stay and block traffic for weeks. Thai people are very patience and peaceful, but some don't listen and instead resort to violence by attacking buildings.

Yes.. whatever you said.. the whole world is looking and observing.. tell me.. what is so hard to go for election and convince those "low-educated" or poor farmer? A smart government and politician should know how to solve this kind of problem. Why this is never happen in those western country? This is because those government really care for their people and try to avoid any hurting for their lovely people.. Do you think that killing those people can really make bangkok become peace forever and get the compliment from the international? Tell you.. majority of the world is pity for the red-shirt protester rather than the government and very angry for the action there is taken by the government to act on their people.. So.. what is the different between Thailand and Myanmar?/ trust me.. violence will never bring peace to the world .. only care and love can convince the people like the moral of Buddha.

I wish CRES would announce a ban on new thai visa members :)

This is the consequence of the STUPID government who is taking the cruelest steps to kill their people.. by accusing the Poor,Knowledge-less Red-Shirt Protester as a "Terrorist" and starting to kill them.. the idiot government is going the worst silly action in a "Democracy" Country.. The government shouldn't call themselves as "Buddhist" in the future by blooding the country.. <deleted>

post as many times as you can, before you get banned again.

If the RED are not "Terrorist", who are burning Bangkok right now?

It's fake fire.

set the fire to try and cover up the looting?

i hope there was a way to lock them all up with the fire inside! :)

could've at least used some LA riot veterans to show them how its done. rodney king was no more a martyr than Thaksin

I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

How can anyone trust him?

I would get violent too

Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

Have you only just been born?

yesterday by the sounds of it.....

Listen.. ALL.. ask yourself.. who bring this kind of "Protest" idea to the majority of the Thailand people?? You think they are too free and nothing to do just come out to die...??? Majority of them even afraid of die like you and me... Let's hope the "Smartest" government to rule the country forever and i believe the country will fall in another 10 years...

This is the consequence of the STUPID government who is taking the cruelest steps to kill their people.. by accusing the Poor,Knowledge-less Red-Shirt Protester as a "Terrorist" and starting to kill them.. the idiot government is going the worst silly action in a "Democracy" Country.. The government shouldn't call themselves as "Buddhist" in the future by blooding the country.. <deleted>

The government didn't just 'kill them' all of a sudden, the protesters have been there for weeks, people of Bangkok were getting frustrated at the government for not doing anything and of course this is disrupting the Bangkok residents when it comes to their daily life and work. The government finally decided to move in, they have told them, warned them to leave. Those who didn't leave ended up either arrested or shot. This sort of protests would never have happen in a Western country, to disrupt the city like this and leave the protesters to stay and block traffic for weeks. Thai people are very patience and peaceful, but some don't listen and instead resort to violence by attacking buildings.

Yes.. whatever you said.. the whole world is looking and observing.. tell me.. what is so hard to go for election and convince those "low-educated" or poor farmer? A smart government and politician should know how to solve this kind of problem. Why this is never happen in those western country? This is because those government really care for their people and try to avoid any hurting for their lovely people.. Do you think that killing those people can really make bangkok become peace forever and get the compliment from the international? Tell you.. majority of the world is pity for the red-shirt protester rather than the government and very angry for the action there is taken by the government to act on their people.. So.. what is the different between Thailand and Myanmar?/ trust me.. violence will never bring peace to the world .. only care and love can convince the people like the moral of Buddha.

Lemon123, this is a totally inappropriate time for such stupid jokes. If you can't post seriously about this topic at a time like this you shouldn't post at all. Silly wind-ups like this are disrespectful right now. You really should be ashamed.

There must be a point when the Army will say enough is enough and stop this with a brutal and aggressive assult.

this assault could still take place against cres and Abhisit and his Gov in hiding!

believe me, this is why they hiding and NONE will ever walk carefree in the park for rest of their lives again now.

relatives of 70 dead must total more than 1000 knowing size of extended familiies in isaan. somebody depressed still in ten years and it's chechya black widows time for Democrats.

I think the reds are basically peacefull

I think you are basically simple.

Hmmm I am going to have to vote for the OP being considered totally completely and professionally simple....

The good people of Thailand do not deserve the viciousness of Thaksin's red horde. May they all rot.

I know CenterWorld well, and I can understand why it was burned.

The people of Thailand who suffer and then take action are not terrorists.

The violence, the injuries, and the deaths are terrible for the Thai people. But the red shirts are not terrorists. They are citizens who are being marginalized.

The government had many opportunities to diffuse the situation and it took the wrong action every time. The government is killing the Thai people. Now the red shirts are to blame??? I don't think so.

The Capitalists who built CenterWorld will not be suffering because CenterWorld has burned. They will build a new monument to consumerism and continue to benefit from their exploitation ...


Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election. That would be a clear signal.

Foreigners voting? That'll be the day.


This will cement in Thailand's memory just what the Reds are about. Thais wont be intimidated by it, just disgusted - I figure.

Time for the western media to drop the false flag that "the reds are poor disenfranchised people struggling against elites".

The ELITES are the Thaksin gang. I wonder -are other money interests are still with boxhead?

The "capitalists" are the Thaksin gang - the 14th richest man on earth due to his looting of Thailand and exploiting his power.

He tossed crumbs from his feat table to Isaan people, that's all.

This is the consequence of the STUPID government who is taking the cruelest steps to kill their people.. by accusing the Poor,Knowledge-less Red-Shirt Protester as a "Terrorist" and starting to kill them.. the idiot government is going the worst silly action in a "Democracy" Country.. The government shouldn't call themselves as "Buddhist" in the future by blooding the country.. <deleted>

The government didn't just 'kill them' all of a sudden, the protesters have been there for weeks, people of Bangkok were getting frustrated at the government for not doing anything and of course this is disrupting the Bangkok residents when it comes to their daily life and work. The government finally decided to move in, they have told them, warned them to leave. Those who didn't leave ended up either arrested or shot. This sort of protests would never have happen in a Western country, to disrupt the city like this and leave the protesters to stay and block traffic for weeks. Thai people are very patience and peaceful, but some don't listen and instead resort to violence by attacking buildings.

Yes.. whatever you said.. the whole world is looking and observing.. tell me.. what is so hard to go for election and convince those "low-educated" or poor farmer? A smart government and politician should know how to solve this kind of problem. Why this is never happen in those western country? This is because those government really care for their people and try to avoid any hurting for their lovely people.. Do you think that killing those people can really make bangkok become peace forever and get the compliment from the international? Tell you.. majority of the world is pity for the red-shirt protester rather than the government and very angry for the action there is taken by the government to act on their people.. So.. what is the different between Thailand and Myanmar?/ trust me.. violence will never bring peace to the world .. only care and love can convince the people like the moral of Buddha.

I was nearly shot and hurt by bombs today, and you're talking about buddha? like that group follows buddha. the robe is just to hide weapons under. they're not real buddhists. maybe some are here, not in the red camp though, where they are bought and sold like cattle.

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