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Bangkok: Central World Shopping Mall Destroyed By Fire

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next thing you know is AOT will announce a backdrop of tourists and they do not know why....

LOL in stead of LOS

Don't worry, they will do a 100 million Baht study in order to find out why the tourist numbers have dropped.

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16 posts deleted for name calling and advocating violence. After this it's suspensions without warning.

This is a time when people need real information for the safety of themselves and their families, and some ar having trouble accessing the site due to it being busy. If all you are here for is to take shots at each other and name call, then you will be removed so someone who needs information can get it.

That is the last warning on the matter.


Lets just hope that all the staff were out of the building and that no lose of life has occurred.

Does anyone have any updates on all people safe from this fire?

I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

How can anyone trust him?

I would get violent too

Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

It is not the time for elections

Campaigns will be overrun by violence

Voters will be bought/paid for/intimidated

IMO elections are a year away

Come on - you didn't need to be a phophet to know what was going to happen. It could have been avoided if the government had moved at the very beginning - they DIDN'T - it would have been avoided if the Police and army acted earlier and decisively - THEY DIDN'T. I wonder why - maybe they feel a bit guilty about how they came to power (banning a polititian for apearing on a cooking programme, removing Members of Parliament because of a Court ruling which was rather one sided) - maybe they couldn't act quickly because they had totally failed to do anything about the Yellow folk occupying the airports and doing damage equivalent, in economic terms, to 10 Central Worlds. The Government and the cabinest and the officials have handled this badly - they should resign and call fresh elections - OOPPs maybe that is what they should have done at the beginning to make them legitimate - maybe having the guy who ran the Yellow protest movement in charge of Security wasn't a very good idea. Maybe assasinating a rebel general with a sniper shot in the head was something that made folk just a little p'ed off.

If the current Government stays on after this it will have no authority - if the current military planners and commanders stay on after this they will have no respect - If there is not a major change in how Thailand is run after this - the country it will have no regional respect and if these required changes aren't public and universally acceptable to all the population - Thailand ain't going to recover from the damage this has done to the country's image. 24 - 7 on BBC and CNN. People are asking why is there so much anger in the Land of Smiles. Ask yourself

You are spewing the same hate and lies that blasted from the stage the last two months..inticing the crowds to violence...generating all the damage and death to Thais of all parties, all walks of life. This is hatred and lies; has nothing to do with Democracy.

Abhisit is the duly elected Prime Minister of Thailand by vote of the people in 2007 who elected the parlianmentarians whose majority elected him as PM. Abhisit showed tremendous poise, intelligence and moderation in every step he took...under tremendous pressure from all sides.... And now Abhisit has a chance to bring this country together...unlike Thaksin, who you are supporting...who divided this country, abused its laws for personal gain, satisfied his craving for power and money, and abused human rights...Tak Bai....2500 extrajudicial killings.

No. Kevin... you are wrong.. Thailand will now be able to build out of this horror show put on by the Red shirts....and realize that all "people power" is not the same....when gatherings become violent...they are just mobs...mindless..harmful mobs. And we all watched the Red Shirts as they lost whatever trace of legitimacy they had...watched it fade in the flames they wrought on, not just Bangkok, but all of Thailand. Thaksin is now over. He may have some death throws politically....but he is over. The 36% he garnered in 2007, has plummeted. And he will become a pathetic figure, begging for foregiveness from the Thai Authorities, in the near future.

I don't think what ever side people support they would want to see Bangkok burn. However, if you look back through different threads on this forum, what is happening now is exactly what people were afraid was going to happen if the government dispersed the protesters using force. I think things are going to get worse, a lot worse. The people who are burning Bkk should be held accountable to the full extent of the law and also the government (Abhasit and co) should be held responsible for gross mismanagement of the whole situation from start to where it is now. A very sad time for Thailand

I completely agree with that. I remember when the protests was at the bridge, not yet at Rajprasong. The government wanted the bridge cleared and ordered the protesters to move elsewhere. Then they moved to Rajprasong. When they got tired of that, instead of negotiating and keeping it at Rajprasong, they started pushing them out of Rajprasong and they ended up spreading all over the city. I believe a UN official compared it to squeezing a water balloon.

Something must have happened last night, though. The Democrat Senators that were negotiating with the red shirts seemed to come in kind of an agreement and there was even answer from Abhisit that they would hold tri-party (government, senators, red shirts) talks on Wednesday. Then however, on Wednesday morning, the government started with the crackdown.

I'm sure that nearly every stage of what has happened has been mishandled. And especially last night, when a breakthrough seemed so near and negotiations almost resuming ...the crackdown was launched. And now the city is burning. This didn't need to happen. I would have liked to see all sides give peace another chance.

Au contraire.

The reds had this as their objective all along.

Arisman said so.

You remember him, don't you?


Please Khun Abisith restore democracy in the country, resign and organize elections. If not the Maoists (well, they don't yet know they are Maoists, they are just a mob of frustrated people) will take the power by anyway and we'll be obliged to flee.


We farang may not have a vote but we have a choice not to spend 1 satang on any red related business moving forward, from somtam seller to beverage company.


Central World building may collapse after arson attack

A TV presenter for CRES special programme Wednesday warned people around the Rajprasong area to avoid getting close to the Central World building, which was about to collapse.

Some red shirts reportedly set the building on fire in the afternoon.


-- The Nation 2010-05-19


Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election. That would be a clear signal.

50+ people were killed by the Thai govt and you're worried about a shopping complex!!! something wrong here!

monkeybkk: What a load of BS! Stay out of this. You don't know what you're talking about!.

I hope that the owners of this Mall sue the finacial backers of the Red Shirts for every penny they have!

would be great if the red rioters build it back with backbreaking labor through blood, sweat and tears (unpaid) as community service.

Who do you think built it in the first place?!? For a couple baht a day.


No doubt Burmese and Khmer labourers, who have no opinion on this political situation.

Please Khun Abisith restore democracy in the country, resign and organize elections. If not the Maoists (well, they don't yet they are Maoists, they are just a mob of frustrated people) will take the power by anyway and we'll be obliged to flee.

The Maoists that are not yet Maoists.

If that isn't the statement of the day. Cut back on whatever you're taking, please.

Shortly after the red leaders surrendered or went on the run it went up in flames, they did say previously that Bangkok would burn and burn it is in parts, IMO this was preplanned..

Now the debate will rage on like the fires in Bangkok and some people will say it had nothing to do with the reds, whoever it was it's a sad time for Thailand at the moment.

considering the prevalence of petrol bombs... it would be hard for the Red Shirt leaders to abdicate responsibility for the fire bombs... 

promised to burn Bangkok and make Abisit(?) disappear from the earth if 1 redshirt died in the protests.  This was recorded (presumably) before the start of the protests
Come on - you didn't need to be a phophet to know what was going to happen. It could have been avoided if the government had moved at the very beginning - they DIDN'T - it would have been avoided if the Police and army acted earlier and decisively - THEY DIDN'T. I wonder why - maybe they feel a bit guilty about how they came to power (banning a polititian for apearing on a cooking programme, removing Members of Parliament because of a Court ruling which was rather one sided) - maybe they couldn't act quickly because they had totally failed to do anything about the Yellow folk occupying the airports and doing damage equivalent, in economic terms, to 10 Central Worlds. The Government and the cabinest and the officials have handled this badly - they should resign and call fresh elections - OOPPs maybe that is what they should have done at the beginning to make them legitimate - maybe having the guy who ran the Yellow protest movement in charge of Security wasn't a very good idea. Maybe assasinating a rebel general with a sniper shot in the head was something that made folk just a little p'ed off.

If the current Government stays on after this it will have no authority - if the current military planners and commanders stay on after this they will have no respect - If there is not a major change in how Thailand is run after this - the country it will have no regional respect and if these required changes aren't public and universally acceptable to all the population - Thailand ain't going to recover from the damage this has done to the country's image. 24 - 7 on BBC and CNN. People are asking why is there so much anger in the Land of Smiles. Ask yourself

You are spewing the same hate and lies that blasted from the stage the last two months..inticing the crowds to violence...generating all the damage and death to Thais of all parties, all walks of life. This is hatred and lies; has nothing to do with Democracy.

Abhisit is the duly elected Prime Minister of Thailand by vote of the people in 2007 who elected the parlianmentarians whose majority elected him as PM. Abhisit showed tremendous poise, intelligence and moderation in every step he took...under tremendous pressure from all sides.... And now Abhisit has a chance to bring this country together...unlike Thaksin, who you are supporting...who divided this country, abused its laws for personal gain, satisfied his craving for power and money, and abused human rights...Tak Bai....2500 extrajudicial killings.

No. Kevin... you are wrong.. Thailand will now be able to build out of this horror show put on by the Red shirts....and realize that all "people power" is not the same....when gatherings become violent...they are just mobs...mindless..harmful mobs. And we all watched the Red Shirts as they lost whatever trace of legitimacy they had...watched it fade in the flames they wrought on, not just Bangkok, but all of Thailand. Thaksin is now over. He may have some death throws politically....but he is over. The 36% he garnered in 2007, has plummeted. And he will become a pathetic figure, begging for foregiveness from the Thai Authorities, in the near future.

Whatever happens and whatever they do.

The red demands remain exactly the same.

They say a stopped clock is at least right twice a day.

This lot not even that.

I will think twice before hiring anyone from Issan, especially the ones support the Red Shirts[/size][/font]

Oh really ?

Who are you gonna employ then, expats for 200 baht a day ? :)

You gonna put a sign up saying " No people from Isaan need apply ' ?

Give it a rest for christs sake.

Please Khun Abisith restore democracy in the country, resign and organize elections. If not the Maoists (well, they don't yet they are Maoists, they are just a mob of frustrated people) will take the power by anyway and we'll be obliged to flee.

The Maoists that are not yet Maoists.

If that isn't the statement of the day. Cut back on whatever you're taking, please.

Solly solly teacher I forgot a word. I know that we are in Thailand where death penalty is common. Do you think I deserve it?

What a load of BS. All these people are, are terrorists. That word is over used these days, but anyone who would kill, bomb, burn the residents and businesses of a city are clearly a threat.

After its all said and done it seems that the reds will lose the respect they had earned, and the bargaining chips they had are gone.

Nope, they are freedom fighters going to extraordinary lengths to achieve the outcome most of us take for granted.

Is the French Revolution regarded as acts of terrorism? Did anyone call the Greece rioters terrorists? And you haven't seen the last of Europe in flames either, guaranteed.

And it really is none of our f**king business...

If they are freedom fighters are they fighting for the freedom to demand elections every time their favourite party is guilty of electoral fraud? The freedom to burn down buildings and shoot at firemen? The freedom to dictate what the media report and if they don't like it attack them?


The reds showing their true colors, yet again. Not fake reds. REAL reds. For any remaining red terror sympathizers, what will it take to make you see the light? This movement is PURE EVIL.

The red shirts in Bangkok. The absolute WORST house guests in the history of the world! We said you could crash on the sofa, not burn down the city!


Thailand in trouble? No way - why is the Baht as high as ever and why are Bangkok hotels charging as much as ever - search the sites yourself - very strange

I think the reds are basically peacefull

Sorry dude, but all the TV reports, pictures and basically everyone who isn't a red shirt support says otherwise. Please tell me you're just being sarcastic. There are buildings burning throughout the city and you're saying these people are "basically peaceful". Get a clue.

Hey, dont you all unable to recognize a thick troll?

The best dealing with the troll is ignorance.

PS: may all those red bastards rot in red hel_l!! :)

Lets just hope that all the staff were out of the building and that no lose of life has occurred.

Does anyone have any updates on all people safe from this fire?

I'm quite sure the red mob didn't check if the buildings were empty (Central World or any other) before torching them. I also hope nobody dies in the fires.

If Central World collapses it will probably take a chunk of the Skytrain system with it. It may take months for life to go back to normal.

Shortly after the red leaders surrendered or went on the run it went up in flames, they did say previously that Bangkok would burn and burn it is in parts, IMO this was preplanned..

Now the debate will rage on like the fires in Bangkok and some people will say it had nothing to do with the reds, whoever it was it's a sad time for Thailand at the moment.

considering the prevalence of petrol bombs... it would be hard for the Red Shirt leaders to abdicate responsibility for the fire bombs...

promised to burn Bangkok and make Abisit(?) disappear from the earth if 1 redshirt died in the protests. This was recorded (presumably) before the start of the protests

Well, Bangkok is burning. Does anyone know when the 2nd part of the prophecy will happen?

Please Khun Abisith restore democracy in the country, resign and organize elections. If not the Maoists (well, they don't yet they are Maoists, they are just a mob of frustrated people) will take the power by anyway and we'll be obliged to flee.

The Maoists that are not yet Maoists.

If that isn't the statement of the day. Cut back on whatever you're taking, please.

Solly solly teacher I forgot a word. I know that we are in Thailand where death penalty is common. Do you think I deserve it?

I will let you out on bail. :)

The reds showing their true colors, yet again. Not fake reds. REAL reds. For any remaining red terror sympathizers, what will it take to make you see the light? This movement is PURE EVIL.

The red shirts in Bangkok. The absolute WORST house guests in the history of the world! We said you could crash on the sofa, not burn down the city!

Probably 90% of reds are ashamed what is happening. Do not forget that moderate reds wanted to accept the road. Reds basically had legitimate requests and the best it could happen in the future is that politicians LISTEN and HEAR what 90% of Thai people (reds) have to say. All reds are not violent.

It would be really unfair to condmen all the reds. All the leaders that were arrested today, yes for sure.

What a load of BS. All these people are, are terrorists. That word is over used these days, but anyone who would kill, bomb, burn the residents and businesses of a city are clearly a threat.

After its all said and done it seems that the reds will lose the respect they had earned, and the bargaining chips they had are gone.

Nope, they are freedom fighters going to extraordinary lengths to achieve the outcome most of us take for granted.

Is the French Revolution regarded as acts of terrorism? Did anyone call the Greece rioters terrorists? And you haven't seen the last of Europe in flames either, guaranteed.

And it really is none of our f**king business...

Yes, that's why June 1793 to July 1794 is referred to as The Reign of Terror.


I would think that if an election was called for June 1st, the red shirst would be consigned to the scrap heap. Thais have short political memories, especially when they are paid to vote. Prevent Thaksin from ingesting his billions into Thailand and we will see precicely where the true loyalties and political leanings of the general population lie. I hope the cowardly political exile Thaksin is happy with the results of his army's actions in Bangkok today.

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