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Thai Court Approves Arrest Warrant Against Thaksin On Terrorism Charge

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Tell me.. a dog will do whatever to fight back when it is going to die.. Tell yourself.. who is the SMARTEST idiots bring the protest idea to those so call "low-educated" people and dominated the airport??? This is the first shame of thailand after being so nice for so long..

Please try to write more clearly and concisely so that others can understand you. The above English is incomprehensible to me.

From what little sense I can make of it, you are suggesting that the yellow shirts gave the 'low-educated' (?) red shirts the idea to protest by occupying the airport. Are you suggesting that as some kind of justification of the red's occupation of the city centre? Or what was the point you were trying to make?

I'm not actually sure why I would expect you to have anything sensible, insightful or on-topic to say anyway, having seen some of your other posts.

haha.. no need to understand.. i wish good luck to you..

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tulsathit: RT @kadeU: and I demand his (thaksin's) return to Thailand immediately if not sooner !

Wed May 19 2010 23:56:13 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

coz, Thaksin demanded his passport back :)

Wow, I love this one...! :D


power to the poor people who are under paid and over worked why is it us farangs who have businesses have to pay the minimum, wage regardless and so many other businesses pay what they want to some less than 50% of the minimum wage. Should not the minimum wage be the same for all businesses province to province why is it a business that operates outside of the labour departments office hours seem to be exempt from the minimum wage or are they just too lazy to enforce it or too lazy to pay overtime to the labour departments employees.

All his and his family's funds should be seized to help rebuild the country he has tried so hard to tear apart.

They ought to add some more charges to that as I have been very close to being killed by two bomb explosions in Khon Kaen city, I was sheltering at the side of a bank from a mass of vehicles carrying red shirt protestors. They were armed with all kinds of weapons. They blew the front door of this bank and the ATM to pieces. I was then sat inside the city's Police Station when they came to bomb that. I had to rush out and exit by the side entrance as fast as I possibly could.

In all of my 25 years in my previous profession I can honestly say that I have never seen anything, or anything that closely resembles what I witnessed this afternoon, and I never want to either.

I never expected you will link the word "dog" with any human being

FYI, comparing ppl to the dog is very, VERY, VERY offencive, rouge and to-be-striked-back for Muslims. Much more offencive than comparing to even a pig or saying "<removed> you!" or whatever "common" like this.

Watch your tongue, kiddo. Get some education and once again - watch your tongue triple after that... :D

i am not the one that comparing ppl to a dog..

Of course - you're just a little and provocative troll. One of army of'em here. :D

but someone is so directly pointed other as cockroach.. bravo.. :)

Hmmmmm.... yeah, you're right. X'cuse moi. I may insult cockroaches - they yet not burned out any mall nor shoot any BTS station by m79.....

But those thugs who DID - they lost all their faces and I am to call'em the offenciest words I'll found.

PS: and of course no any replies, again. My replies to you will be halted unless those answered, troll. Thanks.

Here an insight about "democratic elections": Local election for mayor, family voted for number 2, collects 200 baht per vote, number 1 wins because he paid 500 baht per vote, family says : NOT FAIR! Vote buying, and being paid for participating in a demonstration is the norm here.

This is happening in Indonesia.. Malaysia and Philippines .. tell you what.. it is not the worst scenario that is happening in Thailand for the bribe.. if you have well knowledge about any ASIAN country around you.. you will find the worst..

anyway.. i am here just to criticize the military action that is taken by the government which kill a lot of people include foreigner. As I have mentioned many times.. life is much more important than anything in the world.. we shouldnt kill anyone.. a smart government should take a better way to solve the issue.. I do not wish to see a good city like Bangkok is flooded by blood.

Now you can see.. the consequence of riot is raised after the military action.. anyway.. good night to everyone


haha, there you go, last post you were talking about "democratically elected" PMs and other politicians being kicked out by shady courts, and now you talk like there is no real democracy anywhere in Asia, and that vote buying is normal. You really are a troll.


The government and soldiers deserve nothing but praise. They gave the protestors every opportunity to walk away peacefully, but they declined, and stayed to whip up the crowd with their vitriolic rhetoric to the degree that the crowd was uncontrollable. The protestors (should we be calling looters and arsonists protesters??) came looking for a fight and got one. No sympathy for any of them.

The city and country bleeds because of their pig headed stubbornness to enter into dialogue. Interesting to read many Thai 'twitters' who are now refusing to donate blood as it will be used to treat injured 'protesters'. As Nattuwat said last week "Victory is inevitable" A fine victory indeed.

The problem with this is where in Thailand is a leader who can unify the people??

Axx ho

You are really one of the biggest axx hole I have ever seen to encourage for the attack.. What will you feel if you family or anyone die for just protest? You should be ashamed for your entire life who posting this comment..

And you need to read what i wrote.. How can i encourage something that has already happened? I support the action taken by the government. They didn't just die for protest. They died confronting soldiers; They died looting, burning, stealing and intimidating ordinary citizens, They hijacked a major business center, blocked roads, set up illegal check points and searched cars; They cost many people their jobs and livelihood; They ignored a state of emergency. If you think that is protesting well i will do a quick bit of cut and paste and say....

You are really one of the biggest axx hole

So yes the government and soldiers deserve praise for taking the hard decision to restore the rule of law.

Axx hole.. read back the old newspaper and go for internet if you do not know who bring the "hijack" idea to the red-shirt protester.. I NEVER say that the red-shirt protesters were doing the right thing.. those red-shirt protester started for those extream action after the first round killing by the government.. besides, a smart and reliable government should take better action rather than killing people just to recover the so call temporary peace.. Trust me.. if you believe those hard decision can bring peace to the country.. i lose 10 meals to you.. remember my name..

Agree with you! What the.. has it got to do with the Army! Exactly Nothing PO. The govt started it. If you really think they will get Thaksin with heresay and no hard evidence of Terrorism or jacked up evidence back into this country you have got to be joking. Watch the Television if you are right and feel confident you have done the right thing, you would have no fear to answer reporters questions, not tell people this is fact without the facts. Anyone with a bit of intellegience knows when you don't allow anyone to ask questions you have something to hide. So what are they hiding. Smart and reliable govts dont get there army to kill their own citizens(not Terrorists). They do what any western govt do. If they are protesting peacefully they allow it just like in the USA currently and the protest that went for over 2 years that wasn't always peaceful in Australia. If they protest like Greece they send in the riot police with teargas, water cannons, riot shields and batons Oh yes the Greece riot police had molotov cocktails thrown at them as well. Those protesters started it because the police didn't have guns or tanks or Ha Ha anti- aircraft guns.

My guess is we will never know the truth because the people yes more than one silly, whoever they are that are masterminding this do not care about life, and life is worth more than money and face.

Thaksin's arrest warrant delayed

The Criminal Court has taken back the arrest warrant for convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges on Wednesday night, Department of Special Investigation (DSI) director-general Tharit Pengdit said.

Mr Tharit said the court had issued arrest warrants for Thaksin and nine other anti-government core members on terrorism charges earlier today but it had decided to recall Thaksin's arrest warrant.

"Further investigation will take place on May 24 at 9.30am," the DSI chief said.

The attorneys had already approved the 10 arrest warrants but the DSI would have to wait for the court's deliberation on Thaksin's case again, he added.

needs a little more than "we say he is a terrorist" in order to obtain an international arrest warrant...

thai goverment+courts credibility is at his bottom nowadays, "blame" it on stupid foreign media

CNN, BBC, Reuters etc (+Nato+Amnesty International)..... go out thailand, you're not welcome anymore :):D

who are under paid and over worked

Don't know even one such of person (I am an employer).

MOSTLY they are much MUCH relaxed at work, always pay a HUGE attention to their off-duties - and, of course, snacks-aftersnacks-gossips-sanookdotcom-online games-snacks-skin whitenings/blackberries-iphones blahblahblah.

Following by very irresponcible even on their direct duties. Should I call this all "overworked"? Or should I pay for that?

It took me more than 8 yrs to find just a COUPLE partially-responsible persons to be the project's leaders....

why is it us farangs who have businesses have to pay the minimum, wage regardless and so many other businesses pay what they want to some less than 50% of the minimum wage.

The answer is simple: because you'll fail to name me even ONE world-level THAI businessman. Even the beloved Thaksin has chin/sin roots.....

Most of mosts of Thais are NOT suitable for this task. Nothing offencive - just a soft and relaxed mentality by their born.

That's why.

lazy to pay overtime to the labour departments employees.

It is not the overtime to be paid, but over-production. :)

Noone is going to pay you if you sit overtime and doing completely nothing (i.e. same as you do in your in-duty time too).

Or may you think that Thaksin will pay this? 55555 he (as a businessman in his roots) is the 1st to count his money. Dont be naive.

- We have seen people call for Seh Daeng to be arrested or shot and claim that violence will stop when it happens.

- He got shot and it got much worse.

- We have seen people call for red shirt leaders to be arrested or shot and claim that everything will end.

- They were arrested and it got much worse.

- Now we're seeing people calling for Thaksin to be shot or extradited.

It won't end simply because Seh Daeng, the red shirt leaders or Thaksin are gone. This has moved beyond them. Everyone that was angry at the government or at those that support them has found their way to voice that anger, and some of them have even put it into violent actions, unfortunately.

Thailand needs a change in government, even if it means giving power to one of the smaller parties. The wounds are too deep. They won't heal with the current government in power. It will just get much worse.

I agree with your points above. However, I don't personally think that it is continueing, escallating and spreading because people want to voice their anger (anymore) - I think it has turned into mob rule. Looting, violence and chaotic lawlessness of the mob mentality is now in free run. Blanket curfews gives a way of separating the now headless roving mob from bystanders and a chance to stop it cold - hope it works - stopping a boulder rolling doesn't necessitate the destruction of the boulder (I hope) but unfortunatly there will be some chips and scaring.

I believe i will make a camp in Thailand airport first..

When confronted with rational arguments, follow the red cheerleader's mantra: "The yellows took over the airport, so anything we do is ok" :)

Sad but true.

Herr Goebbels would be pleased by reading this. :D

as would Herr Thugs


My lord this site is becoming hard to read! It seems many Thais are joining these days (as in the last month) and are apt to argue with eahother in unreadable gibberish (or is it Tinglish) - surely if they want to argue amongst themselves they sould seek out a Thai language politial forum where they can.


My lord this site is becoming hard to read! It seems many Thais are joining these days (as in the last month) and are apt to argue with eahother in unreadable gibberish (or is it Tinglish) - surely if they want to argue amongst themselves they should seek out a Thai language politial forum where they can.


My lord this site is becoming hard to read! It seems many Thais are joining these days (as in the last month) and are apt to argue with each other in unreadable gibberish (or is it Tinglish) - surely if they want to argue amongst themselves they should seek out a Thai language political forum where they can.

I agree with your points above. However, I don't personally think that it is continueing, escallating and spreading because people want to voice their anger (anymore) - I think it has turned into mob rule. Looting, violence and chaotic lawlessness of the mob mentality is now in free run. Blanket curfews gives a way of separating the now headless roving mob from bystanders and a chance to stop it cold - hope it works - stopping a boulder rolling doesn't necessitate the destruction of the boulder (I hope) but unfortunatly there will be some chips and scaring.

Yes agreed I think every gang in Bangkok whether red, yellow or no colour will seize the opportunity to join in and damage and loot as much as they can while they can. The atm machines seem like jackpot machines for every gang at the moment.

Thaksin will be definitely be on interpol most wanted list. Only Uganda and alike as save haven for him. I guess not more than 3 weeks and he will be caught.

Hope hes new home will be a one bedrom hut with dirtfloor and no running hot and cold water, deep in the bush! :)

From the beginning, the red-shirt gangs is only looking for Election but not a War. Any smart politician should know how to solve the problem UNLESS they worry their power are being stolen after election..

Really? Could've fooled me. Looks to me, from the weapons that the red guards have been carrying *since the beginning* and the bottles of petrol requested by the leaders *at the beginning*, that they were planning for some kind of urban guerrilla war. Calling it a peaceful protest was just cover to get into place, secure their position, and create the battle field that was to be.

I'm also keen to know what 'any smart politician' would have done to solve the solution that you think was so easily solvable?!

Would you appreciate a democratically elected Prime Minister being deposed by a military coup in your home country ? ( This is the first joke )

Yes. I would have supported sending the tanks in to Downing Street while Gordon Brown was away as 'special guest' on some private yacht somewhere. I would have supported that based on Labour's clear incompetence at handling the economy, hence the current situation in the UK. There were even more compelling reasons for the Thaksin administration to be removed, which were outlined by the military during the coup. I agree with those reasons. If a western government were guilty of the same charges, I would want them removed by any legal (or military) means necessary too, as quickly as possible.

Would you appreciate the main airports of your home country being seized for weeks by terrorists ?

What terrorists? The yellow shirts protest at the airport was peaceful - disruptive, but peaceful. They made their point and left without setting light to anything. Terrorism implies violence and or weaponry. Yet another word you appear to use freely without understanding the meaning of.

Would you appreciate democratically elected Members of Parliament being unseated by some shady judges in your home country ?

Yes. Whether democratically elected or not, if they've been proven to have deliberately broken the law they aren't fit to stand as representatives of the people, whether I voted for them knowing that or not. Those are the rules of the game, I'm afraid. Maybe, just maybe, the judges actually had irrefutable evidence to find the shady politicians guilty without doubt. Your doubts about the impartiality of the Thai judicial system are noted, however :)

Either way, you seem to have fallen for the red propaganda hook, line and sinker. Brainwashed by sob-stories of those poor, down-trodden rural Thais, so neglected for so long by an unelected, elitist government, fighting for their democratic rights against an oppressive regime. BS.

If you don't have a balanced view, please just don't have one.

anyone has clear idea what stupid things these guy did ?

Thaksin Shinawatra

Adisorn Piengket

Veera Musigapong

Weng Tojirakarn

Jatuporn Prompan - turned in

Nutthawut Saikua - turned in

Kwanchai Praiphana - turned in

Arisman Thongruangrong - arrested

Wiphuthalaeng Phattanaphumthai

Phayup Punket - search Chulalongkorn

Jeng Dokjik

Wichian Khaokham

you forgot Seh Daeng- Assasinated

Aree Krainara

Suksek Poltua

Surachai Thewarat

Rachata Wongyod

Korkeaw Pikuntong


Nisit Sinthuprai


The court at first approved the request but later withheld the arrest warrant for Thaksin, asking for more time for consideration, Tharit said.

They wont go thru with it..

Its a bit like that other conspiracy thing they were banding about a few weeks ago that they dropped like a hot potatoe!!

No basis!

no evidence!

just propaganda!!!!

The court at first approved the request but later withheld the arrest warrant for Thaksin, asking for more time for consideration, Tharit said.

They wont go thru with it..

Its a bit like that other conspiracy thing they were banding about a few weeks ago that they dropped like a hot potatoe!!

No basis!

no evidence!

just propaganda!!!!

They know that to get other countries to recognize a warrant, it has to be air tight. So no doubt they are giving themselves time to go over every detail. Nothing wrong with that. We'll see- its up to other countries to decide. Have you seem the evidence? I'm guessing no, so your no basis, no evidence is just wishful thinking on your part. Remember, you red cheerleaders have been wrong with every prediction so far - Abihist is still PM. parliament is still seated, there has been no coup, the soldiers didn't change sides, the reds leaders have surrendered, and Thaksin has not returned. You need a new crystal ball; too bad the reds burned down Central World.

Bangkok Bang Kwang maximum-security prison 25 may 2012


That is truly horrible. Thaksin incognito in Pattaya?

In a katoybar? :)

How will the curfew in Pattaya affect him?

RT @LAGuyinBKK: US Consulate Email 2nite Reports indicate that troops have authority2 shoot on sight in response 2acts of inciting unrest.
TR @wannasiri_tv: Siam Square Soi 4-5 have been gutted. Gunshots still heard, obstructing firefighters' work (@js100radio at 0.50 am)

Should he be convicted on terrorism charges, i think government will have much easier time to extradite him. Interpol for starters will have to act, not to mention extradition from pretty much any country besides few like North Korea or Iran.

So unless he is planning to spend the rest of his life living in Iran or N Korea, i think its time for him to make the statement to end the violence and the burning down of the country in return for some lesser charges.

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

Dear Sir, it is not about being stupid or not, people have their own observations and are entitled to express their opinions. That is all, we are not able to do anything and the government really does not care what a group of foreigners thinks about recent and not so recent developments. So please do not get angry and we welcome your opinion too, just do not call those who do not think the same way stupid as this is not very kind and may upset others.

We all want peace and prosperity for this great country and many of us by paying taxes and reinvesting the profits contribute to the growth of the economy.

Have a nice evening.

Out of curiosity, please list the reasons why this is a great country. Thank you

tulsathit: Manager reports sum students/teachers stranded at Chula. They r worried Siam Sq fire cud affect nearby Pharmaceutical/Dental faculties. 1am

Thu May 20 2010 01:39:48 GMT+0700 (SE Asia Standard Time)

This is where they also carry out dental jobs.
All his and his family's funds should be seized to help rebuild the country he has tried so hard to tear apart.

They ought to add some more charges to that as I have been very close to being killed by two bomb explosions in Khon Kaen city, I was sheltering at the side of a bank from a mass of vehicles carrying red shirt protestors. They were armed with all kinds of weapons. They blew the front door of this bank and the ATM to pieces. I was then sat inside the city's Police Station when they came to bomb that. I had to rush out and exit by the side entrance as fast as I possibly could.

In all of my 25 years in my previous profession I can honestly say that I have never seen anything, or anything that closely resembles what I witnessed this afternoon, and I never want to either.

Bombed the police station, some might construe that as a step in the right direction.

How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

Dear Sir, it is not about being stupid or not, people have their own observations and are entitled to express their opinions. That is all, we are not able to do anything and the government really does not care what a group of foreigners thinks about recent and not so recent developments. So please do not get angry and we welcome your opinion too, just do not call those who do not think the same way stupid as this is not very kind and may upset others.

We all want peace and prosperity for this great country and many of us by paying taxes and reinvesting the profits contribute to the growth of the economy.

Have a nice evening.

Nice post,thanks :)

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