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URGENT NOTICE: Embassy Remains Temporarily Closed

Dear Canadian Citizen,

Due to the continuing security concerns in the immediate area of the Embassy of Canada, we regret to advise you that the Embassy of Canada remains temporarily closed to the public until further notice. The security situation, particularly in the neighbourhood of the Embassy, has deteriorated dramatically and continues to remain volatile with violent clashes, involving gunfire and explosives, currently ongoing.

As noted in our last message to Canadians, all consular emergency situations are being addressed. Should you have an emergency, please call 001-800-156-220-0142 or 02-636-0540, or contact [email protected] for assistance. Please note that all routine enquiries will be addressed upon re-opening and resumption of full consular services.

Our Travel Report is revised daily and we encourage Canadians to review it regularly at: http://www.voyage.gc.ca/countries_pays/rep...g.asp?id=290000 or www.thailand.gc.ca. As you will see in the Travel Report, Canadians are advised to avoid non-essential travel to and within Bangkok due to the ongoing demonstrations, which have been marked by violence, death, and injury. Canadians currently in Bangkok should avoid all non-essential movement, exercise extreme caution, follow the advice of local authorities, closely monitor local media, and, if violence erupts, remain indoors. You may also wish to consider subscribing to the Department's RSS feeds at: http://www.voyage.gc.ca/rss/subscribe_rss_abonnement-eng.asp to be advised when travel Report updates occur.

The Embassy will resume normal operations as soon as the situation permits. We regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.


Consular Section

Embassy of Canada

AVIS URGENT: l'Ambassade du Canada continue à être temporairement fermée

Cher citoyen Canadien/Chère citoyenne canadienne,

Nous regrettons de vous informer que l'Ambassade du Canada est temporairement fermée au public pour des raisons de sécurité dans les environs de celle-ci. La situation en matière de sécurité est très instable en raison des risques importants de troubles civils, des affrontements violents et des attaques qui pourraient survenir.

Cependant, toutes les situations d'urgence consulaire seront traitées. En cas d'urgence, prière de composer le 001-800-156-220-0142 ou 02 636 0540, ou contacter [email protected] pour obtenir de l'aide. Veuillez noter que toutes les demandes de renseignements seront traitées dès la réouverture des services consulaires.

Le site des Conseils Aux Voyageurs est mis à jour régulièrement, nous vous encourageons donc de le visiter au : http://www.voyage.gc.ca/countries_pays/rep...a.asp?id=290000 ou www.thailand.gc.ca. Selon les Conseils Aux Voyageurs, il est conseillé d'éviter tout voyage non-essentiel à Bangkok en raison des importantes manifestations politiques qui ont entraîné des affrontements violents. Les Canadiens qui se trouvent à Bangkok doivent éviter tout déplacement non essentiel, faire preuve d'une grande prudence, suivre les conseils des autorités locales, surveiller attentivement les bulletins de nouvelles locaux, et de demeurer à l'intérieur advenant une montée de violence. Pour être avisé des changements sur ce site, nous vous recommandons de vous inscrire au RSS du Ministère à http://www.voyage.gc.ca/rss/subscribe_rss_abonnement-fra.asp.

L'Ambassade reprendra ses activités aussitôt que la situation le permettra. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour tout inconvénient que cette situation pourrait vous causer et nous apprécions votre compréhension.


La Section consulaire

Ambassade du Canada


Canada's Warning should be more extreme, in my opinion and include everywhere South, up to Nakhon Si Thammarat.

There is major factor that is being ignored by this this advisory and most other 'observers', but it has logically grown bigger in all of this.

Does anybody think the Southern Separatists have dried up in all of this?

Put yourself in their heads for 3 seconds. They are licking their chops and planning their strike from the South! What is happening in Thailand now is the calm before the storm.

They are bad, yes, but stupid, no. They are just wondering how much they will be able to take over and when to do it.

Chaam, Huahin, Suratthani are the only places I would feel 'moderately' comfortable.

Canada's Warning should be more extreme, in my opinion and include everywhere South, up to Nakhon Si Thammarat.

There is major factor that is being ignored by this this advisory and most other 'observers', but it has logically grown bigger in all of this.

Does anybody think the Southern Separatists have dried up in all of this?

Put yourself in their heads for 3 seconds. They are licking their chops and planning their strike from the South! What is happening in Thailand now is the calm before the storm.

They are bad, yes, but stupid, no. They are just wondering how much they will be able to take over and when to do it.

Chaam, Huahin, Suratthani are the only places I would feel 'moderately' comfortable.

Hardly - with this much army around it is not likely edgy troops will allow anything to happen and the numbers far outweigh any insurgents. Army at Nakhon Si and other southern provinces are well and truly on the alert. You are forgetting the stupidity factor is not present with the Thai army either and right now their level of tolerance has evaporated. :)


Sorry I'm a bit late with this:


Tuesday, May 25, 2010, The Embassy of Canada has re-opened , and resumed full operations from the 15th Floor, Abdulrahim Place, 990 Rama IV Road .



Le mardi 25 mai 2010 ; l’Ambassade du Canada a ré-ouvert ses portes et a reprit ses opérations complètes, au 15ème étage, Place Abdulrahim, 990, rue Rama IV.

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