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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe

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finally tracked down that BBC footage... (its on the BBC website, so may not play in every country)


and here are stills of him taken from the BBC video/interview..


Well Mr Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent.. you can run, but you can't hide...

How much of your time did you actually put into this?

Word has it that Mr Savage turned himself in at Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya a few hours ago. They told him he had done nothing wrong, it is time to move forward, and let him go on his way.

Where will you direct your anger now?

Why shouldnt you be angry? Because we all accept that among the 6 billion people on this planet there are bound to be a few oddballs. They occasionally come out of the woodwork (like the man who swam to Aung San Su Kyi's house last year). We all know they exist and that their actions will occasionally appear in the media.

No one is going to point at you in the street and think to themself "look at that white man, I bet he wants to burn down our shopping malls" and if they do then thats their propblem for be ing xenephobic or ignorant. Getting angry over this is pointless unless you lead a pointless negative life.

At the same time you seem to be getting wound up by sticking up for him; you moan at anyone who has had a go at him. Why would people being irritated by some jerk, mean that they have a 'pointless negative life'? That makes no sense. You even commented that it must be 'teaching English' that stresses out the people who thought this guy was an idiot. I can assure you the majority of expats and farang back home share the same belief and they all don;t teach English.

I think if some farang is acting like an idiot, people are allowed to think, 'what a prat we don't need that kind of farang here'. I agree some comments have been OTT, and I have sympathised with a couple of your comments, but how can anyone with an ounce of morality or intelligence stick up for this guy? He has deserved to get stick on here; honestly, be truthful, did you really expect people to stick up for him or ignore it?

Farang sometimes get a bad rep here and so does Pattaya, so people like to put the record straight and rid this country of people like him.

Anyone who sticks up for him must have the same traits as this guy.

I'm not sticking up for him. I think he's an idiot. But I'm not letting the stupid misguided actions of one person make me angry on this fine day. I have absolutely no connection with him and as far as I know he hasn't physically harmed another human being. What he has done is absolutely no reflection on me and if some person wants to make a connection based purely on the colour of my skin or the writing in my passport then they are just as bad as he is.

Therefore there is no reason why me or anyone else on this forum who has no connection withthis man other than the two I have mentioned to get so angry either. I've seen some overractions in my time but this is up there with the worst of them.


It's up to the Thai authorities how to deal with him. However, it seems clear that he was indeed participating in an illegal occupation as defined by the state of emergency and foreigners certainly have no legal right to do so here. So if they let him off with nothing, he is a very lucky thug indeed! I am not talking about the speech, which was outrageous, I am talking about the clear evidence of PARTICIPATION.

Anyone who sticks up for him must have the same traits as this guy.

Or believe in little things called freedom of speech and innocent until proven guilty.

Nah... LETS KILL HIM!!!!

Why shouldnt you be angry? Because we all accept that among the 6 billion people on this planet there are bound to be a few oddballs. They occasionally come out of the woodwork (like the man who swam to Aung San Su Kyi's house last year). We all know they exist and that their actions will occasionally appear in the media.

No one is going to point at you in the street and think to themself "look at that white man, I bet he wants to burn down our shopping malls" and if they do then thats their propblem for be ing xenephobic or ignorant. Getting angry over this is pointless unless you lead a pointless negative life.

At the same time you seem to be getting wound up by sticking up for him; you moan at anyone who has had a go at him. Why would people being irritated by some jerk, mean that they have a 'pointless negative life'? That makes no sense. You even commented that it must be 'teaching English' that stresses out the people who thought this guy was an idiot. I can assure you the majority of expats and farang back home share the same belief and they all don;t teach English.

I think if some farang is acting like an idiot, people are allowed to think, 'what a prat we don't need that kind of farang here'. I agree some comments have been OTT, and I have sympathised with a couple of your comments, but how can anyone with an ounce of morality or intelligence stick up for this guy? He has deserved to get stick on here; honestly, be truthful, did you really expect people to stick up for him or ignore it?

Farang sometimes get a bad rep here and so does Pattaya, so people like to put the record straight and rid this country of people like him.

Anyone who sticks up for him must have the same traits as this guy.

may I take this opportunity to say that I do not teach English. I have never taught English, nor am I suitably qualified to teach english. Here or anywhere else on the planet.

I was however, at one time, an Instructor, a 'Gunnery Instructor' to be precise, but that was in another life and another time. I am a pacifist now.


I sometimes despair of my countrymen and this one is a classic.

Personally I hope the Thai authorities detain this individual and deport him.

As a guest in another country active participation in domestic political activities is simply not acceptable.

I know what the reaction would be if foreign nationals did the same in farang land, the rule of non-interference cuts both ways.


Some guys on this forum spew more hatred of, and wish more violence to their fellow man than the Red Shirt leaders ever did.


:) No she is not a hooker nor comes from Pattaya - why do you think that? She comes from a well to do family - her great grandfather was the King of Laos.

a King in these parts has how many offspring? I seem to recall that the emperor in Hue had 300 wives or concubines, so King of Laos would be in that league.

that would make what, around 500-800 offspring?

not suggesting your wife isn't related to the mia luang, of course....

Some guys on this forum spew more hatred of, and wish more violence to their fellow man than the Red Shirt leaders ever did.


Thats an unfortunate side effect of living a boring pointless life.

I'm not sticking up for him. I think he's an idiot. But I'm not letting the stupid misguided actions of one person make me angry on this fine day. I have absolutely no connection with him and as far as I know he hasn't physically harmed another human being. What he has done is absolutely no reflection on me and if some person wants to make a connection based purely on the colour of my skin or the writing in my passport then they are just as bad as he is.

Therefore there is no reason why me or anyone else on this forum who has no connection withthis man other than the two I have mentioned to get so angry either. I've seen some overractions in my time but this is up there with the worst of them.

Whilst I was walking past a friends house I witnessed an arson attack upon his property.

However as I didn't know the person who was making the attack I saw no reason to call the fire brigade, prevent the attack as I was not the injured party or indeed assist my friend in saving whatever could be saved as it was none of my business.

The good Samaritan lives ?

Word has it that Mr Savage turned himself in at Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya a few hours ago. They told him he had done nothing wrong, it is time to move forward, and let him go on his way.

How disappointing. We're nearly at five hundred posts and no one has blamed Barack Obama nor suggested a trip to the Crocodile Farm.

Did word have it which way he went?

finally tracked down that BBC footage... (its on the BBC website, so may not play in every country)


and here are stills of him taken from the BBC video/interview..


Well Mr Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent.. you can run, but you can't hide...

How much of your time did you actually put into this?

Word has it that Mr Savage turned himself in at Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya a few hours ago. They told him he had done nothing wrong, it is time to move forward, and let him go on his way.

Where will you direct your anger now?

We could put some tyres around the Police Station and occupy it, also the next Shopping Center is just across the Road. That would come in handy if they dont agree to our demands. Looks like that is accepted by the Police. So we risk nothing and would have some fun. Drugs would be delivered by the various Dealers along Beach Rd. :)

finally tracked down that BBC footage... (its on the BBC website, so may not play in every country)


and here are stills of him taken from the BBC video/interview..

Well Mr Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent.. you can run, but you can't hide...

How much of your time did you actually put into this?

Word has it that Mr Savage turned himself in at Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya a few hours ago. They told him he had done nothing wrong, it is time to move forward, and let him go on his way.

Where will you direct your anger now?

are you his brother or something ?

this scum deserves as much exposure as is possible to get the moronic tw@t booted out of Thailand for good..

another nail in his coffin :

"Jeff Savage, an British expatriate supporter of the Reds, said he was originally paid expenses by the movement to transport food and drink daily from his home town of Pattaya, southeast of Bangkok.

"I'm paying my own petrol money now so something's gone wrong somewhere," said the 48-year-old, whose wife is from Thailand's northeast. But he doubted that Reds' passions were likely to dwindle, even if their funding did.

"All my wife wants is equal opportunity for her daughter, an equal playing field. She doesn't want war or anarchy but it's got a bit out of control since people got killed," he said. "Since the deaths, it's got personal".

doesn't war or anarchy ? how she gonna feel now after you have incited precisely that ?

Quote is from this .news source.

Anyone who sticks up for him must have the same traits as this guy.

Or believe in little things called freedom of speech and innocent until proven guilty.

Nah... LETS KILL HIM!!!!

If you believe in freedom of speech that much try getting a flight to the U.S, when its up in the air shout "ive got a bomb a and im going to blow the plane up. and let us know how you get on.

Hey, I met a Lao girl in Pattaya who told me her great grandfather was the King of Laos too! She was in one of those bars on Soi 6.

Please keep my wife and her ancestors out of this. I met her in Italy. :)


Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya? Doing nothing? I am shocked.

I reckon some other Thai Departments may show some keen interest in him though, once the dust and ash settles.

They will know when and where to find him.

Amazing! The amount of people who still do not understand what is Free Speech and what is a Criminal or Illegal Act. If your speech is likely to result in 'imminent lawless action' then it isn't protected, nor does it come under the umbrella of 'free speech'. Threatening to embark upon burning, pillaging, looting and stealing IS NOT Free Speech <deleted>.

There is absolutely no chance that anything this guy said resulted in Central World being burned down so what you are saying doesn't apply as the only results to his speech so far are a bunch of people bickering on a forum.

I'm not sticking up for him. I think he's an idiot. But I'm not letting the stupid misguided actions of one person make me angry on this fine day. I have absolutely no connection with him and as far as I know he hasn't physically harmed another human being. What he has done is absolutely no reflection on me and if some person wants to make a connection based purely on the colour of my skin or the writing in my passport then they are just as bad as he is.

Therefore there is no reason why me or anyone else on this forum who has no connection withthis man other than the two I have mentioned to get so angry either. I've seen some overractions in my time but this is up there with the worst of them.

Whilst I was walking past a friends house I witnessed an arson attack upon his property.

However as I didn't know the person who was making the attack I saw no reason to call the fire brigade, prevent the attack as I was not the injured party or indeed assist my friend in saving whatever could be saved as it was none of my business.

The good Samaritan lives ?

I dont know about the good samaritan, but with you the incorrect analagy certainly does live on.

I ate 5 kg of durian today and 4 large Singha beers and feel a bit flush - is it true about people dying after eating a alot?

How much can/do you eat?

This I think shows us all clearly what the intellectual level of the Australian married to Lao Royalty poster actually is.

What has this got to do with intellectual level you bloody idiot. I'm rather proud that my wife and kids have royal blood - please don't make a joke of it.


Hey, I met a Lao girl in Pattaya who told me her great grandfather was the King of Laos too! She was in one of those bars on Soi 6.

Please keep my wife and her ancestors out of this. I met her in Italy.



You only have yourself to blame for the posts your class conscience post started all of the comments.

Engage brain prior to writing a post or making oral comments.

I'm rather proud that my wife and kids have royal blood - please don't make a joke of it.

You don't learn do you. I presume you are hoping that the royal blood will negate the convict blood of your ancestors ? :)

finally tracked down that BBC footage... (its on the BBC website, so may not play in every country)


and here are stills of him taken from the BBC video/interview..


Well Mr Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent.. you can run, but you can't hide...

How much of your time did you actually put into this?

Word has it that Mr Savage turned himself in at Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya a few hours ago. They told him he had done nothing wrong, it is time to move forward, and let him go on his way.

Where will you direct your anger now?

and your source for that word is??

Anyone who sticks up for him must have the same traits as this guy.

Or believe in little things called freedom of speech and innocent until proven guilty.

Nah... LETS KILL HIM!!!!

If you believe in freedom of speech that much try getting a flight to the U.S, when its up in the air shout "ive got a bomb a and im going to blow the plane up. and let us know how you get on.

Any chance your logic circuitry has gone all mushy?  :)

I'm not sticking up for him. I think he's an idiot. But I'm not letting the stupid misguided actions of one person make me angry on this fine day. I have absolutely no connection with him and as far as I know he hasn't physically harmed another human being. What he has done is absolutely no reflection on me and if some person wants to make a connection based purely on the colour of my skin or the writing in my passport then they are just as bad as he is.

Therefore there is no reason why me or anyone else on this forum who has no connection withthis man other than the two I have mentioned to get so angry either. I've seen some overractions in my time but this is up there with the worst of them.

Whilst I was walking past a friends house I witnessed an arson attack upon his property.

However as I didn't know the person who was making the attack I saw no reason to call the fire brigade, prevent the attack as I was not the injured party or indeed assist my friend in saving whatever could be saved as it was none of my business.

The good Samaritan lives ?

That's a terrible analogy. No offence, but it doesn't even make sense when applied to the quoted post or the topic. I can't even see where viewing a video of someone mouthing off to a camera on youtube applies to watching someone burn down a house of a friend and not reacting.

Unless... the guy in the video is the arsonist in the analogy. And the house of the friend is... Thailand? And the words are... fire? And watching a video on the internet is the same as being on a street...? :)



This guy SHOULD be locked up...hopefully for several years. He is not representative of British people who work hard and live good decent lives. Really, dressing in black, branding a stick and being a plastic red shirt is madness. Brits have no room to get tied up in politics. We are guests and not red or yellow shirts. Bang him up and throw him out. Regards John.

Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya? Doing nothing? I am shocked.

I reckon some other Thai Departments may show some keen interest in him though, once the dust and ash settles.

They will know when and where to find him.

you are shocked at unsubstantiated rumors circulated by a forum member to support his untenable position?

man you have not been here long enough......

Jeff Savage, you can run, but you can't hide.

It will be good to see him on the news in handcuffs and leg irons.

That's the spirit. Lets hunt this international criminal down with dogs and skin him alive.

Put him in jail here.

I like your style. Lets put him away for 20 years for running his mouth. This is even worse than lese majeste!

where were the snipers when they were really needed!

Exactly. We must wish suffering or death upon those who say stupid things.

this scum deserves as much exposure as is possible to get the moronic tw@t booted out of Thailand for good..

Can we kill him before we get him deported?

I've now joined the TV Militia. Since the police have let him go and said he did nothing wrong, it is now up to us to make him pay for what he said. After all, when us falang, who are all pillars of society, are not shagging their women, it is our responsibility to police other falang and MAKE THEM PAY for what they SAY.

Lets all gather at Royal Garden Mall in Pattaya, at 7pm, and start the hunt. We'll go door to door and kick them open if need be. We must find this hooligan and make him pay.

Who's in?

Since the police have let him go and said he did nothing wrong

wheres the source of this?

its against forum rules to spread unsubstantiated rumor

so put up or shut up!

finally tracked down that BBC footage... (its on the BBC website, so may not play in every country)


and here are stills of him taken from the BBC video/interview..


Well Mr Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent.. you can run, but you can't hide...

How much of your time did you actually put into this?

Word has it that Mr Savage turned himself in at Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya a few hours ago. They told him he had done nothing wrong, it is time to move forward, and let him go on his way.

Where will you direct your anger now?

I believe it's a good sign that a community take measures against their own, in case they doesn't behave or do really bad things. Especially when staying in a country as a guest.

Wouldn't you find it positive if, for example, moderate muslims that have immigrated to your own home country, took measures against those of their own kind who where extremists and planned or even set off explosive charges in a subway or shopping center? I think you would look at those moderate ones as a model of good behavior among immigrants.

But in this case... You're bashing everyone that find it making sense to take measures of a derailed fellow expat and maybe countryman. What is the difference? Why should anyone that feels offended by his wrongdoings against the hospitality we all enjoys from this country, just ignore it -shrug- and "let him go"? How can we expect or even demand that some groups should take responsibility for their doings and actions, when we ourselves at the same time just don't care when it comes from our own groups?

How does your schematics look exactly?

I think it is a good sign that we take a look on ourselves, before we complain about the Thais, their culture, their society or their government. Or are we westerners so perfect that we don't need to criticize any doings from our own groups? Just let the wrongdoers be!?

how about throwing rocks at police in black songkran 2009??

is that ok?

1) That is not up to me or you to decide. However, being it's a year later and the police did nothing about it, I assume the locals say it is OK. Why wasn't he arrested then or later?

2) That blur of an image you see of a guy who you think looks like him, may not even be him. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't.

But enough of logic *Unnecessary language edited out.*

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