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Thai Red Shirts Welcomed Home From Deadly Rallies


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Welcome home to the terrorists and arsonists. They claimed they wanted early elections. They won them, then threw it away. Then they burned Bangkok. Good job reds!

Well said. I have yet to have a red shirt explain how burning down your own town hall furthers the cause of justice.

Or how looting and burning a store furthers the cause of justice.

They have a noble cause, anyone can see that . .but they did it all the wrong way! If they had stuck to "peaceful" they might actually have won . .but they chose violence and that was it. Stupid move.

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For those of you who have wife/girlfriend who was part of the protesters, I would be interested to know what you would be saying when they get back.

Say nothing - don't want to provoke them?

Cheer them up?

Console them?

Stubborn as they can be, I probably would say "I told you so, but you said shut up, farang don't understand this"

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"100 strong crowd"

Wow ... fantastic support.

How big was the crowd chanting and waving flags for Prime minister Abhisit ? :D

NEWSFLASH - Jatuporn from his cell in Hua Hin claims 1 million turned up to welcome home the reds and blamed the media for lying (again) :):D

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When PM dissolved the house before, this never happened !

Blaim him for all the unnecessary killings.

I fully agree, He should have stepped down.

Yes, and the next guy should step down the next time a violent mob "demand" that he does, 30 seconds after being elected.

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"100 strong crowd"

Wow ... fantastic support.

As a person they have lost their face and as a Thai they have lost their citizenship

Man you have absolutely no Idea for what they were fighting. I for one feel sorry for them and I am sure this is not the last time we have heard from them.

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"100 strong crowd"

Wow ... fantastic support.

As a person they have lost their face and as a Thai they have lost their citizenship

Man you have absolutely no Idea for what they were fighting. I for one feel sorry for them and I am sure this is not the last time we have heard from them.

Many things to do. The government has a need to be on their best behaviour. Now is the time to start talks, discussions on the road-map. When we've agreed on constitution, how to do elections, how to ensure safety for candidates, what type of observers and what mandate, then we can have elections. Shouldn't take more than a few.. eh, eh ...

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For those of you who have wife/girlfriend who was part of the protesters, I would be interested to know what you would be saying when they get back.

Say nothing - don't want to provoke them?

Cheer them up?

Console them?

Kiss and hug them, they deserve every bit of it, love them for what they did, make them feel welcome, they have done a glorious job.

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I like this sentence:
"I am sad that the government can order the shooting of civilians. But at the same time, the people and the world now know what kind of cruel government is in power in Thailand," said 35-year-old Noi Jupp.

With all the info you could read or watch it must be clear that the troops behaved with remarkable restrain. Of course there are deaths (on both sides), but far less than any really 'cruel' government would manage to rake up. The myth of 'bare-handed, innocent, lovable protesters' will not die in Isan for a long time. Propaganda of UDD leaders on PTV have done their damage.

From a taxpayer who generously payed bus-tickets to get these misguided people safely home.

The minute they defied the order to disperse (IE: broke the law) they stopped being civilians an became criminals. I am not even going to start in about when they burned, blew up and otherwise terrorized the city and country (although the majority of that happened after the crackdown, but still.

It must be remembered that Arisman's rant (which has been widely posted on here) in Khon Kaen, where he urged people to go ready with petrol bombs and burn Bangkok (including ALL mosques, a hospital and many of the locations which actually were burned), happened BEFORE they set off for Bangkok. This group were intent of violence and crime before they even started.

Absolutely spot on.

The whole campaign was organised around burning down Bangkok until Thaksin got his way.

Give me what I want or I will destroy you.

The reds had no intention of leaving.

They won't get back in a hurry.

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hopefully the red shirt "protesters" will tell their stories and quite possibly the truth will come out. The people don't have a clue as to what really happened, they don't seem to remember the soldiers just pushing back and using unbelievable restraint. The army did not just attack the people, and the people found shot in the temple were probably dragged there to safety. I find it very hard to believe that any soldier would shoot into a temple. Drag someone into a temple for safety sounds more feasible. Let the truth be told, flood the tv stations with the truth, start with education, and start with the truth. I've been reading the tweets @taksinlive, and they are not very supportive of him at all. Most are calling him a white shark and for his death. And the beat goes on...

where? what? who? when? can you please explain what you are trying to say, what truth are you talking about, and what is it about the white-shark tweeter?

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As someone now who watches the situation from abroad,why are there so many people on this site that can't remember that the people voted for Thai rak Thai party and it was so called stable for many years, what would have happened if the Military had null and voided the election in America or Britain?As I have pointed out on this site before, some people win the election and some people lose,That is what is called democracy,I voted conservative in the elections when Labour were in,but I accepted that that was the people's choice.Most people would agree that that is the way of the world now?? Why doesn't Thailand?When the next one comes is it all going to be the same again?. :)

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Until now the Military have not been able captured any of these black clad terrorists.

I also haven't seen any pictures of dead protesters with guns.

We don't know that the military has not captured black clad terrorists. There are over 100 people in custody at the moment.

Would you expect to see pictures of dead protesters with guns? Any guns carried by injured or killed protesters would have been picked up immediately by other protesters.

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Welcome home to the terrorists and arsonists. They claimed they wanted early elections. They won them, then threw it away. Then they burned Bangkok. Good job reds!

Nothing like tarring them all with the same brush for the actions of a sad misguided few who hopefully will pay for their dreadful actions.

Nevertheless,looks like they are going to get those elections in the not too distant future.

Give it up Reds! You have ruined your country for the sake of one man. Where was he when you all demanded democracy? Shopping in Paris? I thought he said he would return when first shots fired! He asked for U.N intervention. Wasn't he who said "U.N. was not my father"? LIES, LIES, Greed. You are all foolish idiots!
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Until now the Military have not been able captured any of these black clad terrorists.

I also haven't seen any pictures of dead protesters with guns.

So you didnt see the black shirt dead in lumpini park early in the operation or the black shirt with taharn prahn insignia with a stomach wound a week or so ago on a stretcher. Because the unit is a rogue military one the military may be more interested in brininging them back on board than driving them further away from the majority of the military. Settling things down behind closed doors is going to take precedence over anything else whether you or I like it or not and the military wont care what the government think either

Who knows who they caught. They wont be telling the likes of you or I. Plenty of weapons and discarded black clothing have been found and 113 people have been denied bail in court today. Who knows what they are accused of or who they are. It may or may not come out with time but for now mopping up is still going on so dont expect too much

There are also arrests going on around the country for local arson attacks as it seems red groups and fired up teenagers werent so carful about hiding identity and those caught quickly named others

People will believe what they want to but few will believe that the reds werent violent

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Until now the Military have not been able captured any of these black clad terrorists.

I also haven't seen any pictures of dead protesters with guns.

So you didnt see the black shirt dead in lumpini park early in the operation or the black shirt with taharn prahn insignia with a stomach wound a week or so ago on a stretcher. Because the unit is a rogue military one the military may be more interested in brininging them back on board than driving them further away from the majority of the military. Settling things down behind closed doors is going to take precedence over anything else whether you or I like it or not and the military wont care what the government think either

Who knows who they caught. They wont be telling the likes of you or I. Plenty of weapons and discarded black clothing have been found and 113 people have been denied bail in court today. Who knows what they are accused of or who they are. It may or may not come out with time but for now mopping up is still going on so dont expect too much

There are also arrests going on around the country for local arson attacks as it seems red groups and fired up teenagers werent so carful about hiding identity and those caught quickly named others

People will believe what they want to but few will believe that the reds werent violent

Only an idiot who had spent the last few months cut off from the outside world, who had not watched nor read any independent source of media, or who had been brainwashed would believe that the reds were not violent.

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The yellows seize the airport which is a state property and by law, is a terrorism act. Most countries call them militants. Only Thailand seemed proud to declare them terrorist when most countries will not.

Let weighs the damages bring done between yellows and reds.

Yellows - The costs of closing down the airport that create inconvenience for foreign guests.

Reds - The costs of burning down dozens of building and looting ATM machine, not to mentions shutting down pattaya Asean meeting last year and sending foreign VIP fleeing.

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For those of you who have wife/girlfriend who was part of the protesters, I would be interested to know what you would be saying when they get back.

Say nothing - don't want to provoke them?

Cheer them up?

Console them?

How about dump them?

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When PM dissolved the house before, this never happened !

Blaim him for all the unnecessary killings.

So, what you are saying is, if 1,000; 10,000; 50,000; even 100,000 Red, Yellow, Blue, Green no matter what color do not agree with the Government then should always step down and have new elections. Why even have elections, just have a revolving Prime Minister, just change him ever year. What a wonderful Democracy, nothing will ever be done to move forward.

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hopefully the red shirt "protesters" will tell their stories and quite possibly the truth will come out. The people don't have a clue as to what really happened, they don't seem to remember the soldiers just pushing back and using unbelievable restraint. The army did not just attack the people, and the people found shot in the temple were probably dragged there to safety. I find it very hard to believe that any soldier would shoot into a temple. Drag someone into a temple for safety sounds more feasible. Let the truth be told, flood the tv stations with the truth, start with education, and start with the truth. I've been reading the tweets @taksinlive, and they are not very supportive of him at all. Most are calling him a white shark and for his death. And the beat goes on...

You should read witness testimony from the nurse who got a colleague nurse shot next to her when the shooting occurred, still unclear whether this were sniper shootings (whatever fraction) or army shootings. No dragging to the temple according witnesses :)

Mrs Porntip, director of forensics came to evaluate the deaths, waiting for her report.

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As someone now who watches the situation from abroad,why are there so many people on this site that can't remember that the people voted for Thai rak Thai party and it was so called stable for many years, what would have happened if the Military had null and voided the election in America or Britain?As I have pointed out on this site before, some people win the election and some people lose,That is what is called democracy,I voted conservative in the elections when Labour were in,but I accepted that that was the people's choice.Most people would agree that that is the way of the world now?? Why doesn't Thailand?When the next one comes is it all going to be the same again?. :)

You don't watch enough.

The people did vote for TRT, but Thaksin decided to call a new election only 12 months after the 2005 win.

There was no result because there were too many electorates where TRT didn't get enough votes against NO opposition.

So there was no "null and voiding" any election by the military.

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