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Thai Government Accuses Foreigners In Bangkok Arson


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We don't need British tourists. We have had enough of British pedophiles and vagabonds. And now add an illiterate who repeats what he does not understand.

800,000 Brits visited Thailand last year and I have no doubt that we have the same small percentage of idiots as every other western country. In my experience of Thailand. I have encountered lowlife scumbags from just about every country in the western world, but they are hugely outnumbered by their decent compatriots.

I have been in Thailand since 1992 and to be honest have met only one brit I would ever care to share time with. In my home country I had many british friends of good character and it hurts me to see thailand seemly only to get the scum of Brits

where do you live, Soi Cowboy? In 15 years I can honestly say that I could count on one hand the number of farangs that I would class as scum - or anything like it. Where there are yobs, and they are certainly not all Brits (and neither are football hooligans for that), you can almost guarantee they are tourists and that you are inb the seedy part of town!

Maybe if you didn't spend so much time under rocks you would find more people worth spending time with!

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This keenok could cause a lot of problems for other farangs if people turn their anger towards us. Minority ruining it for the majority. He needs to be punished purely for speaking out of turn, regardless of whether or not he was actively involved in the arson attack.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

I don't know why you find this so incredulous. The individual said that "we" are going to loot Central World and burn it down. He apparently has been at previous red shirt peaceful protests (down in Pattaya during the ASEAN conference) and it is not much of a stretch to claim that he had foreknowledge of the incident. I am sure his arrest will be an effort to get him to name those individuals that he may have overheard discuss this premeditated arson. Watch the video. Some are claiming drugs, but could just be someone hyped up by the environment and frenzy of the other protestors. He really did not sound any more hyped than some of the red leaders that appeared on stage.

I also believe that most foreign countries would detain him as well based on the video and his amazing foresight as to what would happen. The way that Central World went up, I really doubt that it was a spontaneous act but I will let our fire experts and red arsonists comment on that claim.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

I don't know why you find this so incredulous. The individual said that "we" are going to loot Central World and burn it down. He apparently has been at previous red shirt peaceful protests (down in Pattaya during the ASEAN conference) and it is not much of a stretch to claim that he had foreknowledge of the incident. I am sure his arrest will be an effort to get him to name those individuals that he may have overheard discuss this premeditated arson. Watch the video. Some are claiming drugs, but could just be someone hyped up by the environment and frenzy of the other protestors. He really did not sound any more hyped than some of the red leaders that appeared on stage.

I also believe that most foreign countries would detain him as well based on the video and his amazing foresight as to what would happen. The way that Central World went up, I really doubt that it was a spontaneous act but I will let our fire experts and red arsonists comment on that claim.

The Thai government should think twice about their economy before messing with a this guy. Think of how many Pattaya bargirls will lose their income over this!

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We don't need British tourists. We have had enough of British pedophiles and vagabonds. And now add an illiterate who repeats what he does not understand.

800,000 Brits visited Thailand last year and I have no doubt that we have the same small percentage of idiots as every other western country. In my experience of Thailand. I have encountered lowlife scumbags from just about every country in the western world, but they are hugely outnumbered by their decent compatriots.

I have been in Thailand since 1992 and to be honest have met only one brit I would ever care to share time with. In my home country I had many british friends of good character and it hurts me to see thailand seemly only to get the scum of Brits

Well stated my friend, i am English and proud, but like yourself, only have a couple of English friends here in Thailand, and i have lived here for 6 years now!

I do believe in innocent until proven guilty....but his actions & words don't reflect greatly on people like ourselves, who live and respect the good people of Thailand.

Lets get back to normal asap PLEASE !

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Great to see this topic incites farang into a racial slanging match about who the biggest dickheads are.

Although he's English, you can find this guy in any western country, you can't say you haven't seen them in your own country.

No matter where he is from he is class A tool, Karma will find it's way to him. He shouldn't have been there and he shoudn't of been saying that, he is an expat and should by now understand respect in the country you reside, <deleted>!


He belongs to the race of "anus footballus" they can be found in most European countries - usually on Saturdays and Sundays on football grounds fighting with the law. Sometimes they venture abroad and love to join local anuses who they consider their brothers in any riots available. Makes them feel at home ...... :)

he never made me think of a football hooligan ; he looks more like a black bloc to me, anti WTO demo -type, besides he seems so much in his usual element in the barricade, not his first I'd say.

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A Red classic -

Wow, this is a powerful video for those who understand Thai.

Defense lawyers will have quite a job defending against this evidence - even William Kuntzler in a New York court would find it difficult to come up with any defense :)

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I think the British guy heard someone else talk about setting fire and then repeated the words, as heard in the video. Now he's going to be used as a scapegoat. I've seen some video footage on Thai channels showing a Thai guy setting fire to CentralWorld, but haven't been able to find the video anywhere online. I'm sure others saw it as well. Not sure though if that's one of the fires they extinguished or if it's the one that then made the entire building go up in flames.

But yeah, good job. Blame the farangs for the problems. That will bring the tourists back.

They have a video of a farang shouting "We are gonna burn the F#cker down and steal it all" and you think its a "Get the farang" conspiracy :):D:D

No conspiracy theories, buddy. The reason I wrote the above is because (as I wrote), I've seen video on Thai television of a Thai (or at least SE Asian) man lighting a fire at CentralWorld. Most likely this farang guy heard someone else say it and then ran around yelling it out like he was going to do it. Stupid guy, in my opinion.

I also have some doubts about the Drug Suppression Unit building that was burnt down. What would be the red shirts motives to burn that one down? I think a lot of organized crime groups and individuals also came out during the riots and burnt down buildings for their own causes.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

Completely agree and if anyone thinks a farang could have instigated this you obviously have not lived here long. Thais would have never listen to this fool and have done anything he suggested. This was red shirt planned all the way and this big mouth was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and being a typical brit couldn't keep his big mouth shut. Just too bad someone didn't take the threat seriously and try to stop it. The govt is just looking for an easy scapegoat and what better than a foreigner...unbelievable but then again TIT...

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Great to see this topic incites farang into a racial slanging match about who the biggest dickheads are.

Although he's English, you can find this guy in any western country, you can't say you haven't seen them in your own country.

No matter where he is from he is class A tool, Karma will find it's way to him. He shouldn't have been there and he shoudn't of been saying that, he is an expat and should by now understand respect in the country you reside, <deleted>!


He belongs to the race of "anus footballus" they can be found in most European countries - usually on Saturdays and Sundays on football grounds fighting with the law. Sometimes they venture abroad and love to join local anuses who they consider their brothers in any riots available. Makes them feel at home ...... :)

Just picturing that, a whole bunch of anuses fighting, sometimes anus on anus i guess, or hundreds of anuses on anuses :D

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Is Thai Visa now a place to push one political agenda...

How long would a thread naming and shaming those in Pattaya go go's last? After all, prostitution is illegal. In fact, maybe we should report those posters who mention visiting such places, just in case they break the law? Or even those who claim to have frequented an illegal establishment. How about farang working illegally?, thats a good one, if we had a quota, we might get kickbacks!. Very slippery slope. Maybe we should look back at the PAD 'terrorism' and file reports of farang supporting the illegal coup, the hijacking of govt house, and the airport? Maybe we gather information of ALL the farang we meet, and post to a dossier thread on TVisa... after all many hands make light work, and at the last general election.. more or less 50% of Thailand voted for the 'reds'. No time to lose then. Dodgy dealers, that another one, unscrupulous farang businessmen, name and shame them. Even better, background check website! scan the ex con lists.

oops, just remembered, the international community think the 'reds' may well win in an election, does this mean our witchhunt findings might come back to haunt us?

:) It is not just Jeff Savage who is a twit apparently.

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For the Thai Government to come out with this statement shows how stupid they really are,what actual evidence have they got to come out with this stupid statement....Are they trying deliberatly to involve farangs and ruin the countrys tourism prospects...Panitan Wattanayagorn what a plonker.

I'd love to have your logic, it probably would safe me from some gray hair.

Because tourists are important to the country, foreigners can do whatever they want and nobody should mention it.

Because the poor of the country are poor, they don't need to respect any laws and orders and can just do whatever they want. Those not so poor who pay tax will pay for the damage.

By telling the truth you will always go farther than with lying and hiding. What impact would it have on Tourists who want to visit Thailand if a foreigner who made some shit gets caught?

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What I find funny is that people keep saying that the PAD were peaceful. A while ago I read a statement that said that they will burn down the airport if the army disperses them. And here even is a ThaiVisa news post that says "In the late aftrenoon, police said PAD protesters opened fire and shot on government supporters on Bangkok's Vibhavadee Road leading to the government's temporary headquarters."

So, clearly, both the PAD and the UDD have threatened to burn buildings. And both of them were armed and shot people.

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Is Thai Visa now a place to push one political agenda...

How long would a thread naming and shaming those in Pattaya go go's last? After all, prostitution is illegal. In fact, maybe we should report those posters who mention visiting such places, just in case they break the law? Or even those who claim to have frequented an illegal establishment. How about farang working illegally?, thats a good one, if we had a quota, we might get kickbacks!. Very slippery slope. Maybe we should look back at the PAD 'terrorism' and file reports of farang supporting the illegal coup, the hijacking of govt house, and the airport? Maybe we gather information of ALL the farang we meet, and post to a dossier thread on TVisa... after all many hands make light work, and at the last general election.. more or less 50% of Thailand voted for the 'reds'. No time to lose then. Dodgy dealers, that another one, unscrupulous farang businessmen, name and shame them. Even better, background check website! scan the ex con lists.

oops, just remembered, the international community think the 'reds' may well win in an election, does this mean our witchhunt findings might come back to haunt us?

You are right, but don't expect that the majority of the haters here are smart enough to be able follow your argument.

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Now now, General Grant. This guy is just one brit out of many here. No need to take pot shots at all brits.

I have nothing against Brits (other than looney Thai Visa stalkers). :)

Good 'cos you'd have a lot of dusty book and empty shops otherwise.

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Their mouth and action will come back to hunt these idiots and rightly so.

What a fool. Guess he came in on a one-week jolly, thought he could be a part of history, enjoy the adrenaline rush, then go back and brag to his mates back home about what a big noise he was. Not so simple.

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bye bye Jeff. I don't think he was acting or repeating anybody's words in my opinion.

Wow so you think it was actually his idea and him who burned it down and looted it ?

Even though this was announced on the main demo stage many times you think it was his idea ?

No actually I said "I don't think he was acting or repeating anybody's words in my opinion".

What part of that is confusing to you? Do I think it was his idea? I have no idea. Do I think it was him that burned it down? I have no idea. I do think he wasn't acting nor do I think he was on drugs.

Isn't he from that country where the fans start riots at football matches? I don't know, I'm just a foreigner and I get my news from the television, but I did hear from a Brit here in Bangkok one time say about the fighting at the matches "isn't that what it's all about?" Kind of reminded me of that. A whole lot of adrenalin going on there. What fun! :)

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So, clearly, both the PAD and the UDD have threatened to burn buildings. And both of them were armed and shot people.

If your point is that both groups were wrong, you are correct.

Yep. And I'm also correct in that Abhisit needs to do something about the apparent double standards in Thai society, otherwise he will just deepen and worsen the divide. There needs to be something done fast about the problems in Thailand, or we'll see much worse in the future, I'm afraid.

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Warning: Beware of naughty words :)

@54 seconds; We have also seen multiple snipers on top of Chula hospital and also on top of one of the banks up there. They are not even hiding, just training their guns.

This would explain why some Red Shirts saw the hospital and banks as legitimate targets. The authorities gave assurances that Chula Hospital would be a "neutral" zone. Although the Red Shirts did visit at one point, they left the hospital alone. I don't want to get into a senseless argument over whether or not any buildings should have been attacked because, the entire sequence of destructive events is plain stupid. All I'm saying is that the use of the premises made the premises targets. That's all.

As for Mr. Savage, he can and will be charged with incitement to riot and to cause a criminal act (looting and arson). Highly irresponsible statements that will not earn him any sympathy from the UK public, nor his embassy. I do not believe that he was under the influence of any drug sufficient to allow his statements. He certainly was capable of knowing right from wrong, so the defense of mental defect is not viable. This idiot, and that is what he is, had better flee if he has the chance because he will have the book thrown at him. There is a strong chance he will die in prison if incarcerated. Obviously, he didn't quite grasp that he wasn't in the UK where visitors can get away with statements of destruction and violence.

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When I saw this video a couple of days ago, I dismissed it thinking the guy is drunk and doesn't appear to have the intelligence to organize much more than a beer run. The authorities will shake him down to see if he can actually finger any suspects and then ship him out. By the summer, he will be sitting on a barstool back in the UK telling stories about leading the Thai Revolution

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This thread is quite bizarre. From the OP it seems to be degenerating into a mud slinging match with the under lying theme of foreigners disliking all other foreigners, which incidently supports the general Thai view that all farangs are pond life because we're saying it about ourselves.

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I think the British guy heard someone else talk about setting fire and then repeated the words, as heard in the video. Now he's going to be used as a scapegoat. I've seen some video footage on Thai channels showing a Thai guy setting fire to CentralWorld, but haven't been able to find the video anywhere online. I'm sure others saw it as well. Not sure though if that's one of the fires they extinguished or if it's the one that then made the entire building go up in flames.

But yeah, good job. Blame the farangs for the problems. That will bring the tourists back.

FYFAN ! Blems everyone who are terrorist and that farang is also quity to heat up people by his idiot Rhetoric. Thailand no need those farang coming to make more problem. DO that staffs at your home and you'll see how innocense others will think you are.

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